《MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry》Breathe


Breathe! for there is just one life to live, jolly or wally.

Breathe! before the air is perished, smogged and choky.

Breathe! your positive vibe, for all negative it may nullify.

Breathe! the quality you are, supreme and exemplary.

Breathe! and pause a little, for you can run, only that far.

Breathe! oh so slowly, for it's cacophonous outside, drowning in the noise, of every voice.

Breathe! as much of there is, crisp, light and free.

Breathe! through the material world, an air of compassion, altruistic and real.

Breathe! and breathe more, for you still can, and you can't forever.








Breathe deeply, shouldn't we?

Comment and shed light on your precious thoughts.

Take care. Stay safe.

Love and peace✌

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