《ONESHOTS (Beyoncé, NickiMinaj, Normani, Megan Thee Stallion)》Red Lingerie 2
I huffed annoyed from waiting on Normani. It was now 10:25pm, Onika's party started two whole hours ago and she still hasn't showed up. I knew she was mad at me.
"Megan, where's Normani? I thought she was coming." Onika asked me making everybody nod in agreement. We were sitting in the living room everyone in here doing a little bit of everything, talking, games, smoking, you name it. Onika invited everybody she knew and she knew half the danm city.
"Um, I don't know I called and sent her a text, she hasn't replied or answered." I sighed. I opened my phone again checking to see if she replied to my text messages.
8:45pm read
8:55pm read
9:05pm read
9:15pm read
9:25pm read
9:40pm read
10:00pm read
10:10pm read
10:15pm read
10:27pm read
"Fuck is her problem?" I mumbled to myself after seeing her read the text I just sent her.
"Who's problem?" Kelsey asked sitting next to me, rubbing on my arm. She looked down at my phone reading my messages. I noticed her roll her eyes.
"Don't worry about her, let's go get a drink." She said turning my phone off. I nodded and she grabbed my hand pulling me towards the kitchen where the refreshments were.
I checked the time it was almost eleven o'clock and still no sign of her. I was in the kitchen with Kelsey. She was asking me why she doesn't have a "special nickname" like Mani does. I simply told her because she's not Normani. She didn't seem to be satisfied with that answer, she went on to tell me that me and her are just as close as Mani and I and that we've been friends for a while like me and Mani. I just shrugged in response as she continued going on and on.
I tuned her out thinking about what Normani could possibly be ignoring me for. Eventually, coming to no explanation.
"I deserve to have a special nickname, Meg." I heard Kelsey say. I gave her an annoyed look. Kelsey a cool friend to have, she can just get annoying at times.
"Don't I call you Kels? Is that not a nickname?" I asked her giving a pointed look. She frowned.
"Those aren't special!" She looked frustrated. I sighed.
"Okay, Ill come up with one Kels, geez!" I caved. She smiled at me wrapping her arms around me. I awkwardly patted her head while she caressed my side.
"Normani! You made iiittttt!" I heard Onika's loud voice boom over the loud music. An instant smile grew on my face.
"Excuse me, Kels" I said pulling out of her hold making my way to the front of Onika's house.
"Wait for me Megan!" Kelsey called behind me following me.
I made it to the front ready to lay my eyes on her. My jaw dropped at the sight her. She looked edible, her oiled up smooth chocolate skin was exposed and all her curves were on display....for everybody? I didn't know how to feel about that. One part of me wanted to grab a blanket and cover her up and the other part wanted her to strip naked. She looked incredibly sexy.
My eyes raked up her body taking all of her in, eventually, making it up to her face to find her eyes already on me. She was admiring me as well which made me smile, we made eye contact and my smile widened.
"Normani." I heard the she-devil herself utter my CupCakes name loudly. My eyes trailed left finally noticing that bitch Jorja. My smile instantly dropped at the sight of the yella-bitch. Her and Mani obviously came here together, that somewhat explains a lot, but it also pissed me off.
Jorja was trying to talk to Mani, but Mani was busy gawking at me. I watched Jorja's eyes follow what had Mani's attention. Her eyes landing on me. I danm near growled at that bitch. She scoffed and mugged me. I mugged her ass back too. She whispered something to CupCake causing Cup to look to the left of me. I turned around and noticed Kelsey beside me, holding my hand which wasn't a good look. I looked back to Mani and I knew she was pissed.
"Mani let's go get a drink." Jorja suggested loudly. Petty bitch.
"Yeah let's go." Mani answered giving me one last dirty look before taking Jorja's hand and walking off with her.
Onika turned around and looked at me.
"What's up with you two?" She mouthed to me. I shrugged. I grabbed Kelseys hand dragging her back to the livingroom. Since Mani obviously wanted to play that game.
Onika suggested we play some games she discovered online.
"If you want to play games come in here!" Onika yelled over the loud music. Robyn, Lauren, Solána, Ciara, Cassie, Ryan, Justine, Kelly, Michelle, LaLa, and Beyoncé all came in sitting down on the couch.
"Alright, we about to play a game that I found online, it's called Drink If, which is why I brought the cooler in here, so grab a drink if you need one." She paused giving those of us who needed a drink a chance to grab one then continued. "Now this game is simple, I ask a question and if the question applies then you drink. Now the questions will start off innocent then become dirty as the game goes on. Everybody got that?" She asked. We all nodded.
"Okay let's st-
"Ooou, we wanna plaaay!!!" I heard Mani's voice interrupted Onika.
"Really Mani...you're on one today." Onika told her.
"Sorry nika!" Mani apologized giving Onika a kiss on her cheek. Nika flexed her dimples and huffed.
"Okay! Once again...cause Mani decided to be late...again!" Mani giggled and pulled Jorja to the one spot left on the couch which was across from me on the other couch.
I watched the most despicable, disrespectful, and disgusting action take place. Right in front of me, This bitch Jorja sits then pulls MY CupCake in her lap and cupcake decides to get comfortable. That's absolutely unacceptable. My jaw clenched and I gave that bitch a death glare. I wanted to beat both of their asses.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I mumbled to myself. Kelsey wrapped her arms around my waist. She looked up at me her face inches away from mine.
"What's the matter?" She murmured to me. I faced her and shook my head.
"Nothing for you to worry about." I spoke quietly dismissing her from my business with a tap to her nose. She smiled up at me.
"Ahem!" Onika cleared her throat. "I am trying to talk if you two don't mind..." she said. I looked up finding all eyes on us.
"My bad" I said pulling back from Kelsey. I felt eyes burning holes into my head, I knew they were Mani's. I glanced her way and right I was, she was heated. It was almost funny, I almost chuckled until Jorja wrapped her arms around cupcakes waist pulling her against her more. Cupcake looks back at her and smirks. She's trying me tonight I see.
"Okay, so like I said before I ask questions and if you've done that then you drink, if not then don't. Simple. Any questions? No, okay let's start." Onika clapped her hands. Picking up her phone.
"Okay, Drink if you're wearing heels"
All of us took a sip.
"Drink if you have a dog" half of us sipped.
Onika asked a few more innocent questions like that easing into the dirty ones. We all pretty much drank for every innocent question.
"Drink if you sleep naked." We all giggled at those taking a sip.
"Drink if you've masturbated in the last three days." Onika asked making everybody laugh again. All of us drinking, ashamed. I couldn't help, but wonder who Normani thought about when she masturbated.
"Drink if you carry your dildo around when you go out." Onika cackled. Michelle, Kelly, Cassie, and Jorja drank surprising everybody.
"What?? Wait wait wait, I need explanations for this! Whyyy?" Onika yelled. She's always so loud.
"You never know when you need to y'know!" Kelly said holding her hands up making us all erupt with laughter.
"Yeah, some people get you all aroused! You never know!" Michelle added Cassie nodded with her.
"So do y'all have them on you now???" Beyoncé asked.
"Yeah, at all times!" Cassie hollered, everyone still laughing.
"Yeah, I might use mines tonight for somebody ." Jorja said biting her lip looking at Mani. I almost hopped across this living room and strangled this hoe! Who does she think she is? Disgusting.
"Ew, you gone use the one YOU of all people use on somebody else." Onika spoke with a disgusted look on her face. Jorja just shrugged. Nasty bitch!
"Chileee...who you might use it on???" Nika asked.
Jorja tosses her head in Mani's direction causing me to sit up. She's really testing my patience. She thinks she's about to use her filthy dildo on my Cup, on my watch???
The bitch then began kissing Normani's neck. Normani moves her head giving her more access to her neck, but never taking her eyes off mine. I rolled my eyes at her ass...shes purposely trying to piss me off by being affectionate with Jorja and that shit is most definitely working.
"Ew no, leave Mani alone." Onika mumbled taking a sip of her drink with a stank face.
"What?" Mani asked acting oblivious. Jorja ceasing her attack on the older girls neck.
"Ya girl there wants to use her used dildo on you" Kelsey chimed in. Mani looked Kelsey up and down never replying. She just acted like she didn't hear her.
"What you got to say about that? You gone let her?" I asked her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. All eyes flipped from me to her. I'm sure they could all sense the thick tension in the room. "That's nasty as fuck." I added. Cause it is. We all know Jorja's a hoe and probably has had every curable sexually transmitted disease there is which is why I'm confused as to why she's allowing her to even put her lips on her.
"Shut the fuck up Megan & Leave her alone!" Mani spat at me. I looked at her like she was crazy. She done lost her fucking mind if she thought she was gone talk to me that way mad or not.
"Oh you done lost yo danm mind." I chuckled bitterly. Her lil attitude was about to get her fucked up right along with miss Jorja.
"Tell your bitch not to talk to me." Mani spat again grilling Kelsey down. I nodded not even bothering to say anything back before I said something I would regret. She's being real bold tonight. I'm two seconds away from snatching her lil ass up.
"Who are you calling a bi-
"Okay! Let's all calm down and just keep playing the game!" Onika interrupted Kelsey. Everybody agreed.
"here are some good ones about friends!" Nika said. "Alright, drink if you've ever had a crush on a friend." Me, Kelsey, Jorja, Mani, Beyoncé, Onika, Robyn, and Lauren drank while the others shook their heads no.
"Drink if you've ever had a wet dream about a friend." The same people drank again.
"Drink if you've ever fucked a friends boyfriend or girlfriend." None of us drank except for Jorja. Fucking slut!
"Whaaat?? Girl you so wrong!" Onika laughed then continued.
"Drink if you've ever made out with your friend." Onika said. Me, Onika, Robyn, Jorja, Kelsey, Bey, and Lo drank.
"What??? I wanna hear these stories! Who'd y'all kiss????" Cassie blurted sitting up.
"Well! Me and Megan made out before!" Kelsey's loud annoying ass spoke up. I side eyed her dumbass. I felt Mani staring directly at me. I was scared to meet her gaze.
"Y'all did?" Onika instigated looking at me then Mani then me again.
"Yeah, actually a few times." Kelsey added. I was just frozen in place like shes airing all my business out, it wasn't nothing but three drunk make out sessions.
"Multiple times???" Onika further instigated again her gaze bouncing from me to mani and back.
I finally looked Mani's way her expression was like a mixture of anger and pain. I wanted to kiss her little pout away. I guiltily averted my eyes from hers.
"Isn't that right, Meggie" Kelsey spoke using Mani's nickname for me adding to fuel. My head snapped to Kelsey's direction. I shook my head at her.
"Don't do that." I deadpanned. Mani's the only person that can call me that ugly shit cause it's only cute when she says it.
"What? Don't be shy, tell them." Kelsey encouraged.
"It's true or not?" Onika's messy ass spoke up. I debated on wether or not I should admit to it, Mani's already mad at me. I'm sure she wants to knock Kelsey's head off and mine too.
"We.....did." I answered quietly, ashamed. I heard a very loud scoff. I looked up watching Mani shoot up.
"We're bored of this stupid game." She spat angrily glaring at me the whole time. "Let's go dance or something, Jorja." She snatched Jorja's hand yanking her out of the livingroom giving me one last glance before storming off.
Eyes flickered from her to me in question.
"Megan you shouldn't drink so much" I heard Kelsey nag beside me. I rolled my eyes throwing the shot back anyway. I was pissed and I didn't want to hear shit she had to say after she just blurted my private drunk business out like that. I stood against the wall in the hallway watching Normani grind all over Jorja on the dance floor. I glared with envy at Jorja's hands rubbing and gripping up and down on Mani's body. Normani's my bestfriend, but she's also my baby so no I don't enjoy watching somebody other than me groping her like that.
"Go get me another drink." I growled at Kelsey my eyes never leaving the dancing women.
"Megan you don't nee-
"Go get me another fucking drink!" I snapped at her annoying ass. She sighed but still did as told walking away from me.
I continued gazing at the two girls. Mani bent over twerking on Jorja to 'Back That Ass Up'. My jaw clenched and I chuckled bitterly shaking my head. I wondered where the fuck Kelsey was with my danm drink. I watched Jorja struggle to keep up with Mani while she was twerking on her. Jorja's ass couldn't handle all that ass like I could.
Just then Mani turned to face Jorja bringing her arms around Jorja's neck swaying to the the music while Jorja pulled Mani closer to her by her waist.
"Here." Kelsey came up beside me handing me my drink, I snatched it from her spilling some then threw it back.
"Took you long enough...get me another one." I told her, she scoffed but scurried off. She was honestly annoying me, she has been the whole night, running that big fucking mouth of hers. I brought my attention back to Mani to find that bitch dragging Mani down another hallway. I quickly followed behind leaving some distance between us.
They turned a corner into a quiet and dimly lit hallway. I stayed hidden peeping around the corner. If they thought some shit was going to go down on my watch they were beyond wrong. Jorja pushed my CupCake against the wall and gripped her hips. I heard Normani lightly giggle.
"What are you doing, J?" she asked softly. Jorja moves her face closer to her.
"What do you mean, baby?" Jorja asked smoothly.
"You know what I mean...why'd you bring me back here in this secluded area?"
"You know I been feeling you for a while now...and I feel like tonight you finally gave me a sign that you're feeling me back." Jorja explained invading even more of CupCake's space. I almost laughed to myself. This bitch really thinks Mani would ever like her ass. Normani didn't respond she just looked at her with a shocked expression, probably thinking about all the times I told her that this bitch liked her which she denied and claimed that I was tripping.
"I appreciate you not letting Megan's dislike for me influence how you feel about me." She added. I frowned. 'Now why am I in it? See how I get thrown in stuff I aint even did nothing' I thought to myself. Normani still hadn't said anything.
"Mani, I think you look so sexy tonight...and I know you like me back...I really really like you too." She continued pushing her whole mainly bare body on Manis trapping her against the wall.
"I-I don't even know what to say..." Normani spoke breathlessly. I scoffed loudly...she's unbelievable, I know she is not entertaining this hoe.
"You don't have to say anything just.." Jorja cooed and trailed off. I watched her lean in going for a kiss and placed her hand on her face...encouraging her!?
"Oh hell nah!" I spat, my anger finally bubbling over. I marched over to them quickly before their lips touched. I pushed Jorja's ass hard making her fly against the wall across from them.
"Megan what the fuck!" Jorja yelled. I ignored her even though I should beat her ass. I snatched Mani's hand yanking her down the hall with not one protest from her. She was doing this shit on purpose.
I dragged her up the stairs of Onika's big house opening the first door I saw. I pulled Mani in the guest bedroom and slammed the door shut. I shoved her against the door glaring down at her angrily making her squirm under my gaze.
"Why you playing with me tonight?" Megan growled lowly while Normani stared up at her with her big brown eyes. "Hm?" the tall woman asked.
Normani rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest pushing her breast up deciding not to answer the woman towering over her. Megan's jaw clenched while she nodded bitterly. Megan slammed her fist against the door causing a loud bang startling the smaller girl.
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Decription: MMtrans-8. Villainess Wants To Turn Over A New LeafPaid- Complete.
8 117