《ONESHOTS (Beyoncé, NickiMinaj, Normani, Megan Thee Stallion)》Lifegaurd (MegNika)
"Finally I can relax!" Lauren sighed out laying back in the sun lounger. Her and Cassie dragged me out the house today to go to our community pool since it's 101 degrees out. I really didn't want to go because I just got my hair straightened so I don't want it to get it wet of course, I can't swim, and I'm absolutely terrified of large bodies of water, but they made me come. Lauren only wanted to come so she could "relax" and Cassie wanted to come to see some new lifeguards they've been swooning over, I hadn't been here since last summer so I was curious to see what the hype was all about.
"Girl bye, we are at a community pool, please." Cassie said making me cackle.
"What? I can't relax at the CP?" Lauren asked turning to Cass with a scowl on her face.
"I'm just saying this isn't my ideal place for relaxing." Cassie replies. Lauren scoffed turning back towards the pool.
"Well I'm not you." She sassed. Making me laugh and shake my head at the two.
"Clearly." Cassie shot back and Lauren scoffed again.
"Whatever, have y'all seen the new lifeguard anywhere?" Lauren said looking around the pool.
"Nope. I think I'd notice if somebody that fine were here." Cass answered. I turned my attention looking at all the lifeguard post not seeing any unfamiliar faces.
"I guess, we'll find out when thirsty bitches start throwing themselves into the pool and start fake drowning." Lauren said making all three of us shake with laughter.
"There's no way these bitches are doing something that pathetic." I spoke up through my laughs.
"You'd be surprised." Cassie chuckled shaking her head. I shook my head, I'd never be that desperate to throw myself into a pool for a lifegaurd no matter how fine. Plus that lifeguard can't be THAT fine.
We were laying in our chairs with our sunglasses on watching the kids do cannonballs into the pool when Lauren gasped sharply and sat up. Me and Cassie both looked down her way confused.
"What?" I asked. She pointed her finger stumbling over her words.
"There she is!" She exclaimed happily and began fixing herself up.
Me and Cass turned our attention to the direction she was pointing in. I noticing very quickly what she and everybody else was getting all excited about.
"Lifegaurd?" I asked my attention staying on the unfamiliar woman.
"The NEW lifegaurd." Lauren and Cassie mumbled simultaneously in a daze.
I nodded watching the mysterious woman walk through the crowd of drooling men and women. I did notice she was definitely attractive. Her bright red bikini showed off her smooth deep caramel skin, her long wavy tresses flowed as she walked, my eyes traveled lower noticing the bottom of her bouncing breast peeking out of her slightly undersized bikini top, I bit my lip as I brought my gaze down to her toned abs her belly ring glistening in the sun, and she had the thickest thighs. I suddenly understood why girls were risking it all and diving into the water.
I watched as she made her way to her station sucking on a red blow pop. She made it to her station and began climbing up the ladder to her chair when the fattest ass attached to her back side caught my attention.
"Daaanm" I mumbled watching it jiggle as she climbed up the ladder. I bit my lip harder as naughty thoughts came to mind.
"The things I'd let her do to me!" Cassie said as all three of us watched her get comfy in the seat and pull her shades up.
"y'all she's so fine I think I'd let her dip her tongue in my booty hole and y'all know I'm not about that booty hole business, but for her I think I can make an exception" Lauren whispered down to us. We turned our attention to her with a look of disgust on our face.
"Mhm, I would!" She said nodding unashamed. I cackled.
"TMI bitch" Cassie scoffed.
"Whatever, boujee boots don't act like you wouldn't do the same!" Lauren said.
"I mean, I would but I wouldn't tell y'all that." Cassie replied and Lauren smacked her lips turning her attention back to the unnamed lifegaurd.
"Look at her just sitting up there looking all delicious." Lauren said running her tongue over her lips. I chuckled we had been sitting here staring at the lifegaurd for quite some time now. They didn't lie when they said bitches were throwing themselves into the pool to get saved, the funny thing is the guard would just sit and watch them fake drown until they got tired then they would stand up and storm out of the pool. Pretty pathetic and understandable at the same time.
I heard my stomach grumble letting me know that I was hungry.
"Y'all hungry?" I asked my two distracted friends.
"Nah I'm not." Lauren said dismissively continuing to stare at the lifegaurd on duty.
"I could go for some food." Cass said. "But not from here...maybe after we leave." She said pulling her shades down over her eyes.
"Well, I'm going to go see what they have over at the concession stand." I said standing up they both subconsciously said yeah.
I grabbed my wallet and began walking toward the concession stand.
"Hey!" I heard a little voice call. I looked around and didn't see anyone so I kept walking.
"Hey you! Down here!" I heard, I looked down seeing a little girl in the pool, she had her arms on the concrete above.
"Yes?" I asked. She pointed down by my feet.
"Can you hand me my goggles, please?" She asked politely. I smiled kindly to her nodding before bending down to grab the plastic goggles.
Everything that happened next happened so quick. I bent down and grabbed the goggles and on my way to hand them to her, I seen two little boys running fast, right at me! I tried to stop them from running into me by moving to stand up, but one of them ran smack dab into me sending my ass straight into the pool. Coincidentally, this was the deep end of the pool and I can't swim, so I was panicking and my ass went straight down under the water.
"Aaaah! Helppfpfdjdh!" I heard screaming. I chuckled thinking it was one of my many admirers trying once again to get my attention. I could always tell when someone was faking or not which is why sometimes I didn't pay them any mind.
"AHHH!" I heard a death scream and frantic splashing of water.
"Help! She's drowning!" I heard a local call. My head snapped in the direction of the voice, seeing someone fighting for their life in that water. I blew my whistle notifying people to move out of the way. I dove flawlessly into the pool. My skin stung as I smacked against the liquid. I swam over to the commotion in the water. The person was splashing so much I couldn't see due the water flying into my eyes.
"Calm down! Don't panic!" I loudly advised. The person who I realized was a woman listened and stopped panicking and immediately sunk. I instantly went under water and wrapped my arms around the woman's tiny waist and swam up. I pulled her up and guided through the water to the edge of the pool. I picked her up and pushed up and out of the water. By now a crowd had formed. I raised myself out to the water. While the woman laid there lifeless like on her back. I dropped down and began to perform CPR on the little woman.
I placed my hands on the woman's shoulders and began to violently shake her and shout.
"MA'AM! MA'AM! CAN YOU HEAR ME!" I shouted at her getting no response.
"Oh shit Nika! Is she dead?" I heard concerned voice. I looked seeing a pretty light skinned woman.
"She's not dead." I answered focusing on getting her to spit up the water she swallowed.
I placed my hands over each other and pushed on the woman's chest five times and then leaned down to see if she was breathing and repeated it 2 more times and it didn't work.
I tilted her head with my right hand and placed my left on her forehead and pinched her nose with my index finger and thumb.
I squeezed her jaw opening her mouth, I inhaled and connected our lips ignoring the crowd of bystanders grumbling bitterly. I blew the air into her mouth and her chest rose. I reconnected our lips and blew back in her mouth as her chest rose and repeated the processes.
I was on my fourth time giving mouth to mouth when she finally gasped and coughed the water up. She opened her eyes I noticed they were glossy. I moved back a little and let her sit up. She sat up and looked around confused and she was breathing irregularly. I watched her closely as her eyes finally connected with mine. She held the same lost face.
"Onika you're good! Calm down!" I heard the same woman say.
"Girl nah, she's going to blackout." I heard another say and with that she slammed back against the pavement. I looked at the two women who knew her questioningly. One was giving me the eye and the other had a surprised face. I rose an eyebrow at them.
"She's fine. She does this a lot." The woman from earlier said. I instantly picked 'Onika' up bridal style taking her into the community center building. The unconscious woman's body laid limp in my body, but the good thing was that she was breathing.
"Onika, If you can hear me! Bitch Play dead!" I heard her friend call. I chuckled shaking my head.
When I got in I took her to the back office and laid her on the desk. As soon as I let her go she shot upward in a sitting position breathing heavily. She startled me a bit.
"Uh....are you okay?" I asked worried, this is all kind of bizarre. She turned and looked at me.
"Yeah. I'm fine." She answered breathy. "W-What hap- *gasps* My hairs wet!" She gasped feeling her dripping hair. My eyebrows furrowed. She looked at me.
"Did you wet my hair?" She asked me. I shook my head.
"No you fell into the pool and wet your own hair." I said leaning against the desk, crossing my arms. Her jaw dropped and she looked at me with a shocked expression.
"How did I get in here?!" She asked.
"I carried you in here after you passed out." I answered. She huffed and her expression changed to an embarrassed one.
"Again?" She mumbled to herself.
"All this happened just a few minutes ago, you don't remember?" I asked her. She shook her head no.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what happened. One moment I was handing the little girl in the pool her goggles next thing I know I'm flying into the water." She explained resting her hand on her forehead. I nodded understanding what happened.
"No need to apologize. Accidents happen. The good thing is that you're alright." I reassured her. She nodded. "I started to get worried when you didn't wake up while I was doing chest compressions." I added with a chuckle.
"Really?" She asked me. I nodded.
"Yeah, I had to result to giving you mouth to mouth." I said casually. Her eyes widened and shot to me.
"Y-you did?!" She squealed out surprised.
"Mhm, I had to get you to breathe." I answered.
"I'm sorry, I forced you to do that." She apologized genuinely, her little lips turning into a pout.
"No it's okay, it's my job...plus I'm not complaining." I said my eyes raked her body. She had a black pink polka dotted bikini showed off her perfect body, she had the tiny waist, full breast, and was sitting on a fat ass. She was gorgeous, her makeup face was glowing. Naturally pretty like me.
"Oh okay." She spoke shakily looking down playing with her fingers.
"I-uh, thank you for saving me." She looked up at me sincerely. "I don't know if I could ever repay you, but my purse is outside I cou-
"I don't want your money." I cut her off. She shook her head.
"No, I have to pay you back somehow for all that you've done." She said trying get down from the desk, but I stopped her.
"I'm not taking money from you." I spoke lowly standing inbetween her legs, my hands finding her hips.
"You can repay me in a different way..." she looked up and my eyes gazed into hers. Her eyebrows furrowed and she bit those pretty little lips of hers turning me on.
"What are you suggesting?" She inquired leaning her body back her hands on the desk holding her up. I watched her breast jiggled as she got settled. I smirked, thinking about exactly what I was going to do with her.
I pulled her closer to me making our bodies touch, she gasp at the contact. Our cold damp skin grazed and our breast smashed together. I intensely stared into her almond shaped dark brown eyes.
"You know I seen you staring at me out there." I rasped. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open slightly.
"I was staring at you too." I spoke up before she could reply. She blushed dropped her head to hide it from me.
I grabbed her jaw lifting her head. I brought her soft lips against mine for the fifth time today, but this time savoring the moment.
"Mmm" she moaned loudly into the kiss then broke the kiss.
"I-I don't even know your name." She whispered with furrowed eyebrows.
"Megan" I said quickly then heading back in for a kiss.
I took the chance and shoved my tongue in her mouth as she tried to say my name. I was instantly addicted to the taste of her sweet mouth. How can someone's saliva be so delicious?
She wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer. She pushed her tongue against mine and kissed me harder as our tongues fought for dominance, she was a good fighter, but I won in the end. She moaned in defeat.
I laid her body back on the desk grinding into her. I moaned at the pressure against my pussy. I broke the kiss off and rose up staring down hungrily at the sexy ass woman in front of me. Lust filled in her eyes. She pouted at me confused at my sudden draw back.
"What?" I asked teasingly. I placed my fingers on her clothed pussy. I moved them up and down playing with her erect clit.
"Mmm" she hummed quietly.
"Is this what you want?" I asked, my thumb caressing the rest of her center.
"Y-yes" she spoke quietly. I nodded pleased with her verbal answer.
"What else do you want?" I questioned placing my other hand on her left boob.
"I-I want you to f-fuck me." she whimpered quietly. I smirked proudly, a lot of people want to fuck me.
"Really? What a coincidence, I want to fuck you too!" I said excitedly. She chuckled and rolled her eyes.
"Hurry up then!" She groaned.
"Don't rush me!" I said pinching her nipple. She let out a sharp gasp. I pulled her bikini bottoms off and dropped down so that I was eye to eye with her pretty pussy. It was the 2nd prettiest pussy I'd had ever seen, mine being the first of course. Her fat juicy pink cunt was dripping like a sink faucet, I licked my lips hungrily.
"Mmm, so wet and pretty babygirl." I praised. I flattened my whole tongue on her honey pot and took a long lick up to her clit.
"F-fuck!" She moaned loudly. Her pussy gushed out more of her juices for me. I went in for a second lick savoring her addicting taste.
"Mmm. pineapples." I moaned against her the vibrations making her let out another sexy moan. I started devouring her like it was my last meal. I swirled my tongue around in her hole going as deep as I could.
"M-Megan Moorrrree!" She whined out noisily.
I shoved two fingers into her hole moving in and out fast. I removed my tongue from her hole and attached my mouth to her clit sucking hard.
"MEGANNNAAHH!" Her voiced filled the room. I hummed against her.
"Fuck babbby!" She hissed grabbing my hair and pushing my head into her more grinding against my face. I stretched her tight cunt by adding a third finger.
"I— cummming." She murmured releasing. I quickly moved my mouth to suck up her sweet residue. I stuck my tongue out and let her ride out her orgasm. She rubbed her pussy up and down my tongue. I thought that was sexy, it made my pussy throbbed even more for her.
I rose up as she caught her breathe. I got rid of my ruined bottoms and tiny bikini top letting my big boobs spring free. I climbed on top of her, my wet juices mixing in with hers as I connected our cunts making both of us moan at the feeling.
"Shiiit you feel hmgoood as hell" I hummed at the pleasure. I rocked my hips against her and our pussies slid against each other.
"Fucckkkhmmmm" she moaned out, she grabbed my face and brought it to hers and kissed me hardly. She began to grind hard against me while we kissed sloppily.
She was grinding so hard and fast I couldn't even keep up with the kiss due to the pleasure I was feeling. I was whimpering like crazy. I leaned back my arms holding me up as I tried to match her pace. But she had a determine look on her face. I frowned confused as she thrusted harder and faster, I was so close.
"O-Onika w-what are you doiiing?" I whined throwing my head back.
"Paying you back." She answered, I felt her mouth wrap around my erect nipple. She swirled her tongue around while she pinched the other increasing my build up.
"Mmmm, nikaaaa!" I moaned as she toyed with my clit. My mouth fell agape at all the intense pleasure I was feeling in different places all at once. I felt that familiar feeling in my stomach.
"Nikaaa baby, I'm sooo closeeee!" I groaned, I looked over at her noticing her eyes closed. She was focusing hard on not cumming. Not on my watch!
I pulled her bikini top off and ran my tongue over her nipple.
"Mm no, st-stop you're g-going to m-make me cum faster!" She whimpered out. I sucked harder looking up at her. She smirked at me then began the rubbed harder on my clit.
"Hmmmm" I whined. I bit her nipple and pulled away letting her go with a pop as I felt my orgasm close to coming. I leaned back and began to hump her back.
"F-fuckkk meggg, I-
"IM CUMMING!" I hollered cutting her off, she took this as an opportunity to hump fast and harder.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I screamed grinding deeply against her riding out my orgasm while my juices leaked out.
"Onika cum now!" I spoke soberly. She followed directions and did just that...rather loudly.
After we cleaned each other up because Onika was whining about not being able to taste me.
"Thank you." Onika finally spoke after a depressing awkward silence took over us as soon as we were done. I looked over at her seeing her tie her bikini straps.
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