《Trickster’s Song [A LitRPG Portal Fantasy]》28 November 2022 - Update
There will not be an update today as work has intensified and I cannot keep up with the extra hours I have to put in and also get a chapter up today. I apologise, and hope that over the December holidays I can increase my backlog once more. Thanks for reading!
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Maecenas consequat semper consectetur. Phasellus at turpis eget turpis tristique finibus a eu turpis. Cras lacus ex, luctus quis lacus vitae, malesuada semper erat. Proin facilisis, velit id pretium vestibulum, magna augue vestibulum nibh, dictum blandit elit nunc eget elit. Duis et dolor mi. Donec tristique, nisl eget aliquet convallis, odio augue auctor velit, fermentum efficitur nulla dolor ut erat. Sed maximus nulla mi. Mauris eleifend posuere mi, sit amet ultricies turpis cursus quis. Cras sodales posuere euismod. Nulla hendrerit nunc eget justo pellentesque porttitor et sed massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque placerat tellus id libero placerat, at commodo felis ultricies. Vivamus ut lectus id tellus congue imperdiet in et magna.
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Quisque vel ante erat. Vestibulum finibus nibh molestie felis interdum dapibus. Nulla tempus viverra ex eu facilisis. Mauris id velit quis urna dignissim venenatis ut eu neque. Duis ac dapibus ligula, ac lacinia dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla nibh neque, dapibus et laoreet at, facilisis eget massa. Duis nec risus et mi cursus accumsan. Pellentesque tristique porta est, in molestie nisl dignissim vitae. Cras vestibulum neque a nulla facilisis, sit amet tincidunt lectus finibus. Etiam pharetra maximus ante lobortis pharetra. Sed vitae odio rutrum, iaculis felis in, consequat sem.
Cursed World (LitRPG Fantasy Adventure)
A new virual reality game. Where the playing is virtual... and the dying is real.POSTING SCHEDULENew 2000+ word chapters will be posted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
8 238Over Sea Under Star
The Sasha Erdos Institute of Dimensional Research is a wonderful place to work, if you enjoy damp, half-drowned caves, the smell of mildew, cold drafts, crocodiles, and the occasional hole in reality. There is a slight chance you will vanish from past, present, and future in one fell swoop, but that's terribly unlikely. Please sign all the waivers. The Institute hires Isaac Skinner when his doppelganger robs their museum, murders one of their employees, and escapes into thin air. They offer Isaac something he’s wanted for seven years: a chance to go sailing across the fabric of reality. In exchange, they expect him to catch his elusive doppelganger. As he descends into the caverns, Isaac blunders into a web of secrets and must choose between his job as a wizard, his search for the truth, and the alien ocean on the other side of the universe. Alongside an arrogant weaver and a soft-spoken pirate, he strives to escape SEIDR's labyrinth.
8 127Obscurity
Set amidst the wild palms of 1790s Louisiana, the widow St. Vincent appears in the wake of her husband's death the most wealthy plantation owner in the South. But strange occurrences ensue in her wake and the town becomes obsessed with their superstitions about her. As they attempt to unravel the widow's secrets, we find she knows something of their secrets as well and the philosophical underpinnings of their pasts all surface to haunt them all. This book is already complete with all 42 chapters queued up in my backlog. I will publish one chapter every Friday without breaks until it finishes serializing in July of 2022. Or you can follow the novel live at ellegriffin.substack.com.
8 162Flame of the Immortals
The Dark Elves have lived in the caves since before humanity walked the lands. The fire that kindles their long lives has been cursed, and soon they will know death. A human child apprenticed to these Fae has the ability and opportunity to stop this calamity. To purge the flame of immortals of its curse if he can survive long enough not to get eaten by the creature who cursed it. However, the struggle to live like the quest for immortality demands cruel payments. An original dark fantasy short story. Character centred and introspective.
8 68Small Pond
In a world without systems, levels, or any standard power levels, Faust is a naturally skeptical person who always asks questions first and accepts after he gets confirmation. A lot of it. With some information unknown to the reader, represented as [?], Faust is left to discover who kidnapped him, where he is, if magic exists, and what to do while the reader silently observes him. And as for the YOU dear reader, I'll need your help choosing some things... Small Pond isn't meant to be a high-paced action light novel, but instead, there's a greater focus on world and character building in order to create a greater narrative. Expect the unexpected in this story ;) The release schedule will be paused, for now, I'm going to try and spend some time rethinking the intro and work on school. Credit for Cover Photo:Giovanni Ussihttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Small_Lake_of_Monticolo_-_Photo_by_Giovanni_Ussi_93.jpg
8 121Larry Stylison oneshots
A book full of one shots of larry stylinson i might add other ships if i feel like it if you want to request weather it's fluff, angst, or smut I'll do it! (i really don't know how to describe this book just read it if you want to)
8 194