《I See You》chapter 8: natural order


The weekend comes and goes so quickly, that by the time Monday morning hits I'm left feeling like I've aged a million years. My mind is still swarming from the party Saturday night and my conversation with Felix. Butterflies still fluttering around my stomach, making me wonder if maybe I like him more than I want to.

I am overthinking everything and when my parents got brought up, I made a fool of myself and probably ruined any chance I could possibly have with him. Not that I want one.

I don't.

I didn't.

God, maybe I do. I want to know what it's like to see the kind of smile he'd only give me, or share things he'll only ever tell me. A relationship with him seems like a myth, but it can't happen.

It's not possible.

He's Felix Montgomery and I'm insignificant.

I have to be if I want to keep these curious feelings from running wild in my chest, while at the same time I can't help but pause to think about the way he looked at me on the roof. The way the words fell so effortlessly from his mouth. And the way he said it with so much heart, like maybe he meant the words he said.

But that isn't possible, not if I want to keep my heart protected from more hurting. My parents sudden divorce leaving me ill and I still haven't talked to my dad. I want him to have to sit and think about what he did. Why I'm as mad as I am. Why what he said hurt.

Why him breaking his promise to me was wrong, and it is wrong. It's the worst thing he has ever done to me and I have a right to be upset with him over it. A right to yell at him. A right to want to wait to see him, or talk to him. A right to cool off.

Thankfully, the long day is nearly done and lunch arrives in the nick of time. My morning classes were straining, more so than usual and I need the hour off to catch my breath. The room my last class is in before lunch happens to be right across from my locker, allowing me to grab my stuff and make my way to the courtyard where I find my usual seat at one of the stone picnic tables.

Picking my phone out of my pocket, I unlock it to mindlessly look through my social medias while waiting for Isla, Robyn and Miles. I pick my paper bag lunch out of my backpack with my metal water bottle, setting it down in front of me as I scrolled over my newsfeed. A small smile creeping up on my lips at the comments of support on my newest post, running my thumb towards the heart I hit it just as someone sits down at the table in front of me.


When I lift my head, I expect to find Isla or Robyn like usual but instead find a mop of brunette hair. My stomach curling up when I meet his dark eyes and the stupid smirk I haven't stopped thinking about since I ran into him on Friday.

"Felix," I say as I reach for the lock button on the side of my phone, turning the screen black.

"Hey," he grins, making my heart skip as he leans forward resting his hands together. "How are you?"

"Fine," I say, pulling my hand away from my mouth to rub my thumb over the ring on my index finger. "What do you want?"

"I can't just come say hi?" He asks and I have to bit my tongue to keep from giggling. From the giddiness taking place in my chest and the utter ridiculousness of the question.

"Okay, well, you said hi," I tell him, trying my hardest to keep my cool as I unscrew the lid off my bottle. "Anything else?" I ask before taking a sip of water, holding the water in my mouth as I set the bottle back down on the stone table top.

"Go out with me," he says, unfazed and before I can stop myself the water in my mouth sprays out in surprise and I immediately bring my hand up to my mouth, my eyes wide in horror when I see his face dripping wet.

"Oh my god," I squeak in embarrassment and the look on his face. His lips and eyes held together tightly and my stomach knots, afraid of what he'll say. I'm sure he'll be wanting to take asking me out back now. "Felix, I am so sorry," I mumble as I reach into my paper bag and pull out some white napkins.

I'm not thinking straight as I reach forward, wiping my thumbs under his eyes to get the mixture of water and my spit out of his eyes. I bringing the napkin up to dab his skin when he brings his hands up, resting them on his wrists and when he opens my eyes I find myself holding my breath.


"I'm sorry," I frown.

"That wasn't exactly the way I thought we'd be sharing salvia but..." he teases and my heart settles at the joke. "Give me that," he lets go of my wrists and takes the napkin from my fingers, wiping the remainder of his face off. "Now, you've got to go out with me."

"I don't have to do anything," I cross my arms over the edge of the table.

"Awe, c'mon, Nicks! Go out with me," he smiles and it takes everything in me not to say yes.


"Why not?"

"I don't want to," I groan.


"That's a terrible reason."

I narrow my eyes at him. "I don't care if you think it's a terrible reason. It's the only one you're getting."

"Stevie, will you please let me take you on a date?" He asks.

"Why?" I question. "Why do you want to take me on a date?"

"I like you," he eyes me.

"But why?"

"Because I do," he laughs. "I think, you're cute and you're hilarious. And you're insanely smart and sweet, even when you're trying to stick it to me."

"Well...I don't want to."

"Awe, come on! You don't think I'm cute?" He asks.


"Yes or no?"

"Obviously you're cute, but that's not a good enough reason to go out with someone! Aside from that, you're popular and you could have anyone you want."

"I want you," he narrows his eye. "One date."

A sigh falls from my lips as I spot Isla, Robyn and Miles all heading my way. "Can I think about it?"

He nods, a small smile of triumph on his lips. "Let me give you my number."

I unlock my phone and open my contact book, offering him the device as Robyn scoots onto the bench next me. Isla and Miles sitting on the empty space next to Felix.

"What's going on?" Isla mouths to me and I wave her off as Robyn pipes up, fully ready to interrogate him.

"Hey Felix! What are you doing with our dear, Vee?"

"Just chatting," he smiles and offers my phone back to me. "Let me know, Nicks."

I hum in response and with that, Felix gets up and heads for the table he usually sits at with other members of the football team and their cheerleader girlfriends. Football players and cheerleaders. It's the natural order of things which is why I'm having such a hard time believing he has any interest in me.

"Let him know what?" Isla scoots over so she's directly in front of me, and Miles is in front of Robyn.

"It's nothing," I shake my head and stare at my phone screen where Felix's number now resides. He's probably expecting me to text him so he has my number too, but I'm not going to do that. Not yet, at least.

"It's obviously not nothing," Robyn smiles, reaching out to poke my cheek. "You're blushing."

A sigh falls from my lips as I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, slipping my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. "He asked me out."

"No way!" Isla squeals in excitement and I hide my eyes from the attention she's probably getting for her volume. "When are you going? Where's he taking you?"

"Calm down," I frown. "I didn't give him an answer."

"Why not?" Miles asks.

I shrug, "I told him I'd think about it."

"What is there to think about? It's Felix Montgomery, Vee!" Robyn exhales excitedly, turning to me. "I need to live vicariously through you."

"We both do," Isla smiles and I have to hold my laughter at the look on Miles face as he sends daggers her way.

"Really, babe?" He asks.

"You know I love you," she waves his reaction off before looking at me, grinning brightly.

"I think you'll live," I roll my eyes. "And if you like him so much, Robby, you should ask him out."

"He's clearly into you," she shakes her head. "I really think you should do it."

"Yeah!" Isla agrees. "What do you have to lose?"

I swallow and try to ignore the dry feeling in my throat. "It's against the natural order of things. Felix is the football captain! He should be dating the head cheerleader or something. I'm just...not his type."

"He seems to think you are," Miles smirks and turns his head, urging me to follow his gaze only to find Felix looking at our table with an adorable smile on his face.

"You should tell him yes," Robyn encourages.

"No," I shake my head.

"Give us one good reason," Isla demands and I have to keep a straight face to keep from laughing at the stern look on her face. She isn't exactly the tough, hard hitting person she thinks she is. When she makes a serious face it looks more cute, like a teddy bear than boss worthy.

"We just won't work."

"Why not?"

"Because...he's Felix Montgomery and I'm someone's shadow. I don't need to add Felix's girlfriend to the list of things that people label me as," I sigh, my heart sinking.

That is exactly what would happen too. If I started dating Felix, I'd be shaded by his shadow of popularity and would just be someone's girlfriend along with being someone's sister and daughter.

"Boo," Robyn frowns and rests her hand on my arm. "He's a really nice guy. I really think you should give him a chance to prove you wrong."

And a big part of me wants to give him a chance. The butterflies forming in my stomach anytime he's around, telling me that I should give him one but I know we aren't going to work because he's Felix Montgomery.

Golden boy.

And I'm nothing but someone's sister and someone's daughter.

Completely insignificant.

Things will be better this way and I know if I keep telling myself that, one day I may actually believe it.


I saw Captain Marvel last night. Nearly cried when I saw Stan Lee's cameo and the sweet tribute to him at the beginning which I seriously hope they keep for the remaining MCU movies.

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