《Book boy [DNF]》[33] "Fire and sand and rain"
"I got in! I got in, I got in."
Much like many other days, Wilbur burst through his room and to the living room where much like many other days before, Tommy laid down on his back (sometimes leaning against Gogs) fidgeting with his switch next to where George usually sat, texting Dream was a lingering smile on his face.
"Get in what?" George asked and Tommy eyed him for a moment, before he suddenly remembered. "Oh, the band thing."
"Let's go mate, how'd it go?" Tommy abandoned his switch on the couch and stood up to face Will, lifting a hand for him to catch. To which he had, gripping onto his palm. "Great, Tech lend me a hand. When you two chickened out, he came along with me."
"What do you mean you chickened out, I thought they couldn't go with you!?" George tipped an eyebrow, a little pissed off at the fact before Tommy turned around, hand clasping the back of his head and the other pointing towards him.
"Get destroyed, bitch."
"You little-!" George stood from his position and before Tommy could run away, he had grabbed him and made it impossible for him to run away. "This gremlin ruined my day yesterday."
Wilbur threw his head back laughing as Tommy tried to explain himself. They ended up ranting about eachother and how Tommy made it 100% better than what they were gonna do. "Plus an abandoned house is boring."
"You literally stole a man's diary."
"What now?" Wilbur pushed his glasses back up. Tommy collapsed onto the sofa as George explained everything. In the end, Will was the one giving Tommy a weird stare. "The fuck is wrong with you?"
"You stole someone's diary."
"They left it there."
"You went into their house."
"It was George's idea."
"Hey! It was abandoned."
Wilbur stared at them both for a good long while. "You two are weirdos."
"Shut up, Will, just go on about your stupid band thingy." Tommy rolled his eyes, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
"It's not a stupid band thingy, it's art. It's music. It's beautiful- Who're you texting anyways?"
"Gogs, he's gone Shakespearean again." Wilbur tried to peak at his phone but Tommy pulled it back, not letting him see anything. "Quackity, hey? Why've you been texting him a lot anyways?"
"What's it to you?"
Wilbur furrowed his brows. "'Cause I'm your older brother and I have to make sure you aren't texting some scumbag."
"A few stans died in the distance, how do you feel Will, you killed an entire army of people."
Wilbur stared down at his little brother and Tommy stared back up at him, sticking out his tongue. His phone buzzed and he looked down to see Quackity telling him something, but before he could comprehend what he was saying, Wilbur had snatched his phone out of his hand.
Tommy shot up and immediately began trying to grab the phone from his brother. "What the fuck's wrong with you, Will? Give me my phone back."
"Who do you keep texting? Quackity? What's he got to do with you?"
"We're friends, how the fuck do you not know this? We have been talking for like- months."
"You sure he's not a fake?"
"I literally stream with him."
Wilbur squinted his eyes at the frame as Tommy tried to snatch his phone back, reaching his hand higher into the air only for Wilbur to pull it farther.
"Wilbur, give his phone back to him." George stared up at him with a gaze that pierced through his soul, and with a single sigh, Wilbur handed it back, and Tommy snatched it off of him. Tommy rubbed the screen on his T-shirt and shot a glare at Will.
"The fuck's gotten into you? Just 'cause you got into that stinking band doesn't mean your fucking better than everyone else."
Meaningless arguments. Huh, what brothers. George hummed to himself and turned to glance at Tommy. "You know him, he's a little off the rails."
"Sod off, George." Will swore while Tommy shot him a glare. "Doesn't mean he has to be a dick about everything."
Tommy glanced at his phone once more and typed something onto it. George turned to look at Will and Will glanced at him, an apology stirring like a hurricane within the pools of his eyes. He doesn't mean it. George tried to remind himself. He's scared.
"Gotta go, see you all later." Tommy shoved his phone into his jeans pocket and walked up to the coatrack, throwing on his blazer and picking up his shoes, shoving them onto his feet. He had one done when he was hopping his way out, trying to get the other one on.
"Where are you going?" Wilbur called and Tommy didn't turn around to look at him. "Quackity invited me to his."
"Do you even know where he lives?"
Tommy pressed his hand on the doorframe. "Yeah. Near Niki's bakery, just about."
"And how are you gonna get there?"
"Do you have any money on you?"
"Oh, fucking hell- I'm leaving, bye." Tommy left without another word and Wilbur stepped forward, towards the coatrack. He reached up and gripped onto his jacket when George had called out his name.
"Wilbur." George pressed onto his words when Will had already put his jacket on. "Where are you going?"
"I'm not gonna let him go alone, he's being reckless and stubborn."
"You're being reckless and stubborn." George stepped forward, making his way towards the taller. "Let the kid live."
"But what if-"
"What did Eret use to say? Oh yeah, don't dwell on what if's. They don't get you anywhere."
"Yeah, and you know what happened to Eret, he outed you to the entire school." Wilbur pushed past George and placed his feet within his shoes, a sower expression plaguing his face.
And suddenly, George had realised. "You think Quackity's going to replace you or something?" He laughed. "Will, he loves you to death."
"I don't think- George, what are you on? I'm not jealous, I'm not scared, I'm fine. More so the sooner I catch up to Tom." Wilbur's face was grave, as if it was carved in stone years and years prior. His shoulders were tended and he looked on edge, like he would collapse any moment now.
And George placed his hand on his shoulder, finally understanding everything that was going on with Will, and he gripped onto his coat and he whispered, "You're scared."
Will let out a breath, "Oh, this again? George, Tommy's gonna be all the way in Brighton by the time you let go."
"Why are you so worried about the kid, he's fine, he's the boldest person I've ever met."
"That's precisely the issue."
"Look- You need to calm down. You can't always be there to protect him, your going to prevent him from living." George watched as Wilbur became stiff, his muscles loosening and his face remaining the same, set in time and stone. George's hand remained on his shoulder, unmoving.
At last, he had let out a sigh and took off his shoes and put his coat back. "I'm scared for him, I really am." He slumped and let out a sigh. George extended his arms and Wilbur took it as a hug, wrapping his lanky arms around George's skinny body.
"He's okay. Learn to put a little more trust in people, will you?"
"I had the most trust in dad and he sucked."
George sucked in a breath as he remembered the man for who he was, a skank. "He doesn't matter anymore. He's gone, we're never gonna see him again."
"We ran away that night, what if he finds us again, George? What if he comes and-and he sees Tommy or something and he makes a scene and I'm not there to protect him-" George shushed him and let Wilbur dwell on his shoulders, gripping onto him tighter after the matter.
"That won't happen. Stop babying Tommy, he's a grown ass kid, he can do it all on his own."
"I know, but- Whenever I look at him, I see that small little kid screaming for his mum to come back." Wilbur let out a sob on his shoulder. "And I see that kid with a broken tooth and a blade near his eye that looked like he never had enough to eat- I'm worried for him, G, I am."
George didn't reply at first, letting Wilbur to calm himself down on his shoulders as he thought of something to say. "We're not little kids anymore. Tommy's grown, I'm grown, so are you. And it's not that you should just stop caring for him, just- take a step back. Breathe, get into your music, Will. You're so talented."
They stood like that for a while until Wilbur had made up his mind and they had picked up a pile of blankets and microwaved some popcorn to watch the High-school musical trilogy.
"This is so stupid." Wilbur sniffled, gripping onto his bowl of popcorn.
"Oh, shut up."
"Where the fuck are you?" Quackity swore into his phone as he stood outside their apartment, hoodie over his head.
Tommy swore under his breath, "Where are you?"
"Dude, I sent you my location, how the hell aren't you here already?"
"When I see you I'll come kick your ass."
"I sent you the fucking location!"
"It doesn't work!"
"What do you mean it doesn't work, what are you on?"
"I don't know where to go."
Quackity let out a sigh, "Tommy, send me a picture of your surroundings."
"Can't do that on call, dumbass."
"Fine, describe them."
"Just got past Niki's bakery, and I'm crossing the street right now."
"Do you see the Tesco just down the corner?"
"Take a left when you reach it."
"Alright." When he had taken a left, he kept walking and announced his progress to Big Q. Though he didn't need to, because as everything had it, Quackity was leaning infront of a door, talking to Tommy.
Grinning, the child ran up to Big Q with all the speed he could prosper and almost made Quackity drop his phone. "Ey, Tommy!"
"Ey, big Q! Me gusta, mm."
Quackity dove in for the hug, to which Tommy returned it, quickly pocketing his phone. When they pulled apart, they finally realised their strange height difference and laughed at the stupidity of it all.
"You're so little!" Tommy laughed when Quackity told him to 'shut the fuck up.' They quickly began their way to the studio, to which once they arrived, Tommy's eardrums burst at the sound of laughter and- mario?
Quackity rolled his eyes, "Heh. Classic."
Tommy shrugged. Not anything he wasn't used to, he stepped in the building before Q and walked down a hallway. They stopped at the last door and Quackity pushed it open, revealing a couple of people.
Big Q threw his hands in the air when all eyes turned to him for a moment, and Tommy almost knew everyone- Sapnap, he thought, wasn't paying any attention. Too busy fumbling on his consol.
Tommy tried to see what he was playing (he heard mario before- maybe the classic? But the consol didn't look so old- maybe his ears were trying to trick him?) however Bad (maybe it was Skeppy) started to speak.
"Hey, Q. Who's that?" Quackity moved away from the door and slumped next to Karl (some guy with fluffy brown hair that curled towards the ends.) Tommy suddenly felt on the spot, his hands became clammy and his gaze zipped through the room at all the eyes staring at him.
But all he could think was- Fuck. George really liked these guys? Like, he wouldn't call them bad just not his sort of music. And Wilbur- He wanted to be like them one day. He wanted what they had, probably. Huh.
"Hey, your that kid, right? The annoying one?" Sapnap, Atleast that's what he thought his name was, suddenly became his sworn enemy.
"ANNOYING?! I'll show you mister, 'band man that plays the clarinet!' Sod off, twat." Karl flat out laughed at Tommy as he walked over to big Q- Bad yelled a language and skeppy just shrugged, leaning into Bad's shoulder. "Quackity, where do you keep finding these kids?"
"Oh look, I'm being attacked by a child. Oi, oi! Can you stop bein' an arse mate, thanks?" Sapnap grinned at him with a horribly wicked grin and Tommy wanted to bash his head with a golfing club- nah, that's illegal, a voice spoke in his head sounding an awful lot like Tubbo.
Tommy looked over to Bad, ignoring Sapnap, pointed at him and looked down at Quackity. "Is he always like that?"
"Yeah. Say anything you want to him, he doesn't swear."
"Really?" Tommy looked over at him. "George said that 'bout you once. Don't believe it, not in a million years."
"Bet as much as you won't, he won't swear." Karl informed him, dropping his head on the head of the couch to look over at Bad behind him. Tommy crinkled his nose. "Why not?"
"I don't like swearing." Bad reasoned and Tommy burst, singing out a long hardy laughed (a knee slapper, if you will.)
Bad furrowed his brows and looked over at Quackity. "Where'd you find him, Q?"
"C'mon, say one bad word. One." Tommy begged but Bad wouldn't budge- His efforts were in vein, because Bad was as stubborn as Wilbur would usually call Tommy, and if that was the case, they would both be tied in stupidity and silliness.
"C'mon, just say 'fuck!'"
"Language, Tommy."
"Oh c'mon-"
"Children shouldn't swear."
"Huh, I like that kid already." Karl hummed as he continued to argue with Bad, only for their argument to be stopped by Quackity. "C'mon, Tomathy, there's no use in arguing."
But nobody could stop a raging fire, not even a bucket of cold water- He needed to fuse with sand and wither 'till he became what he once was. And Tommy would not wither unless the sand came with warm, comforting words of acknowledgment.
Basically, he was a stubborn arse.
Five minutes later, He was under Quackity's elbow, turning his fingers and pressing them onto his phone, texting Tubbo of all people. Big Q was watching Sapnap play classic 'super mario bro's' and a little while later, Karl sticked up a conversation with Tommy.
"So, you got abandoned too?"
"Ugh, don't remind me." Tommy slid his phone into his pocket. "Now I gotta deal with Gogs snogging a super star, what's next? I'm gonna find a million pounds on my bed."
"Don't worry dude, it's weird for us too. Ever since your friend came along, he's been spending more time with you. But- He's happy." There was nothing bad in the way Karl spoke, rather the opposite.
And Tommy understood him. "Hah, fuck all of 'em, all the lovers. Who needs them."
Quackity and Karl shared an uncomfortable glance at eachother. Sapnap leaned in forward and let out a laugh, turning to face Tommy, "What're you on about? You anti-love or something?"
"I don't know, just don't want it to steal my best friend away from me." Tommy found himself grinning. Hah, like that could ever happen. He and George had been friends ever since he could walk. "It's weird, 'cause George knew me even before I could walk."
"What the fuck?" Quackity laughed and Tommy fell in line with him, clutching his stomach. "Swear on it! Wilbur and he were good friends, and then my mum had me. Apparently, he and George walked into the room and I was just there- crying. He said all I ever did at that point was cry."
"That's weird." Karl hummed. "How'd you two manage to stay friends for so long?"
"I don't know." Tommy shrugged. He really didn't. They just stuck to eachother for 17 years and that was that. Of course they had fights, they had periods of time where they didn't even cast a look at eachother, but they always somehow came back. "We just stuck."
Tommy turned to look at Karl, "What about you? How long have you lot been a band?"
"Oh, probably...what, 4 years now? Time flies, god." Karl laughed. "We're you ever into our music?"
"No. George was though." He shuffled in his position, turning to look at the TV. "He loved you guys, Listened to you loads in recent years. He got my friend, Niki, into it too."
"Quit the band talk, it's too awkward." Sapnap spoke up but Tommy thought best to ignore him. "You lot okay with me being here?"
"What d'you mean?" Quackity spoke aloud and Tommy dragged a hand through his hair, much like Wilbur did whenever he was anxious. Quackity removed his hand from his hair and turned to stare at the TV.
"Sapnap's right, it's awkward, innit? Like, I don't know anything about any of you, except your famous." Karl shrugged at his words and Quackity made a noise with his lips.
"It doesn't really matter, we've been talking for a while now, haven't we? It was bound to happen sooner or later." Quackity answered and the cogs in Tommy's head started turning.
"How come you lot are here anyways?" He asked. "Like, I know your on tour or something but- you've been in the same place for weeks- maybe even months, actually?"
"That was an excuse." Karl explained. "Clay begged the executives to move to our station around here so he could speak to his boyfriend a bit more."
"So you know too?"
"That they're dating? Hell yeah."
"It was obvious from the get-go." Sapnap talked and got himself killed by a fireball. "FUCK. Ugh, all this talk about fame's getting to me, stop talking about Clay."
"What's it to you?" Tommy raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing. It's just- weird."
"Don't need to tell me twice." Tommy mumbled. "Hey, can I play?"
"Why not?"
"'Cause your a child."
I'm gonna try write shorter chaps so you guys don't go hungry- anyways have this, hope you like it. I'm just gonna put it out there cause this story's been going on for WAY TOO LONG.
I've been ignoring these guys but I'm gonna start writing them in and making them actual people, so watch out for that.
Also fluff :D
Thanks lads, I owe loads to you <3
- Twig
Riley who was born to be a assassin has been one he has only liked dogs and watching anime or reading manga or light novel.he was betrayed and has reincarnate in the naruto world Naruto is not mine or the characters that will appear in this novel There might be many errors to my typing so keep that in mind Also i will add extra characters keep that in mind too.And mc will have Sharingan but wait he will not have a clan so he will be just a civilian This might not be good because this have no plot i just think of it suddenly then want to make it ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGEThe cover of this novel is not mine I got it from Pinterest so who created it pm me and I will remove it This not might be a harem I think the name of the novel doesn't make any sense so I will tell you just don't look at the name of the novel i have made this webnovel and so it got more popular. Discord link -removed from the description-
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