《Apollyon's Curse》(9)The Deserter IV: Weaponmaster
[Rare][Weapon-master]: A Weapon-master is never content with learning just one weapon. Capricious, though with the talent to back up their whims, they seek to fully comprehend and master the strengths and weaknesses of a myriad of weapons. Walking the path of the Weapon-master is to cast a wide net, and by experiencing all manner of strange and unique weapons, you find it easier to touch upon the core values and concepts that compelled their creation. As an overall balanced class without much specialization, a Weapon-master must utilize every tool in their expansive arsenal to their fullest potential in order to prove their path.
Starting Skills:
2 [D] Tier Skills
1 [F] Tier Skill
Stat Gains Per Level:
Strength: +1
Constitution: +1
Dexterity: +1
Intelligence or Wisdom: +1
Total: 4
Name: Niven
Title: None
Age: 15
Total Level: 7
Mana: 9
(Innate + Class + Skill)
Strength: 10 + 7
Constitution: 15 + 7
Dexterity: 10 + 7 + 1
Intelligence: 9 + 3
Wisdom: 8 + 4
Luck: -10
Race: Human*
Racial Skills:
[F]Gain 5% Damage Reduction
[E]Immunity to Crimson Plague
[D]Minor Soulium Affinity
[F]Quick Learner:
[F]Gain 10% increased exp
Main Class: [Rare][Weaponmaster]
Level: 7
Class Skills:
[F]Able to more quickly familiarize with new weapons
[E]Each [Physical] weapon with [Novice] level understanding or above grants 0.5 Dexterity. Number counted cannot be higher than [Weaponmaster]’s level. Current bonus: +1
[D]Each [Physical] weapon with [Competent] level understanding or above grants 1.0 Strength. Number counted cannot be higher than class [Weaponmaster]’s level. Current bonus: +0
[D][Combat Sense]:
[F]Intuitively understand basic weaponry
[E]Gain a shallow sense of danger
[D]Gain a sense of proper form when using basic weaponry
[F]Suffise any object with your mana, altering its properties
General Skills:
[F]Intuitively understand how to repair basic armor when applicable
[F]Gain minor resistance to environmental effects
[E]Gain minor resistance to physical-based attacks
[D]Gain minor resistance to elemental-based attacks
[C]Gain minor resistance to soul-based attacks
[F]Gain increased memory
[E]Give access to [Identify*] spell, drawing from System databanks. The amount of information provided is determined by your level, the target's level, and your current knowledge. Soul-Bound companion can input additional information.
[F]Keen Vision:
[F]Gain a minor increase in clarity of vision
[F]Soul Gorger*[Hidden]:
[F]A very small segment of a slain enemy’s memories will be experienced when you dream
[F]Reduce the effectiveness of distractions that do not support the current goal.
[E]Gain minor resistance to mental attacks.
Condition: Soul-Bound[Hidden], Healthy
After referencing hundreds, if not thousands, of classes, Niven finally settled on [Weaponmaster]. Even now, he still had a feeling in the back of his mind that there were others that were better, but he felt that if he kept up that attitude he wouldn’t have been done choosing for another year at least. There was simply far too much for him to comprehend and compare. He had merely cupped a bucket of water from the vast lake of knowledge. It would be folly to believe that he could see the whole thing.
Even heeding Apollyon’s advice, avoiding classes that were not [Common] or [Rare] even though many of them caught his eye, had cut out a considerable chunk of them, there was still too much to go through. This was even with the fact that those rarer classes generally had far more information.
To his surprise, a majority of his time was spent reading the descriptions of a myriad of magic-centric classes. Their sheer numbers completely eclipsed the others and, having never touched upon magic before, all of them became extremely attractive. He once dreamed of being able to garner enough divine favour to be able to cast magic, but that was impossibly out of reach.
Magic was appealing because he didn’t know much about it. It held infinite possibilities in his mind, and, looking at the breadth of specializations magic can open the door to, that notion was not simply the result of his lacking vision. However, that lack of knowledge also made him unable to tell which ones were suitable, which made him ultimately decide against choosing any of them.
While it seemed unfair to have to choose the direction his life would be going so early, that was the way things were. He could only accept it and try his best to work around that fact. Anyway, since he had never used magic of any sort, he wouldn’t gamble on himself being a prodigy in some esoteric field and instead stuck with what he knew.
Despite deliberating over it for hours, he didn’t know enough about magic to trust it as his foundation. From the way Apollyon kept stressing this choice, he knew that this foundational class was integral to his future. He couldn’t count on him getting another shot at it like when he got his [Soldier] class removed.
It was regrettable, since he knew from that encounter with the [Supplicant] that magic was an extremely lethal tool, but would what he chose even come close to a similar result? Perhaps. Likely, even. But it was better to be safe.
When he reached the same level as a [Weaponmaster] he had no doubt in his mind that he would also be able to accomplish inhuman feats of strength.
He felt that it was better to regret missing out on a future that could have been than to regret a decision that screwed up the entirety of his future prospects.
While this would leave him vulnerable to such attacks for a little while, he could still study magic under Apollyon’s tutelage. This might not be as effective as accessing it immediately as a result of his class, but it at least gave him an idea of what his opponents were capable of.
His mana had not zeroed out, meaning he wasn’t cut off from the path of magic entirely. Only, like always, he just was not able to get in touch with it.
As such, he felt that [Weaponmaster] played into his strengths the best. Niven remembered how during the period of intensive training under his captain, he was able to find joy in seeing his mastery over swords and spears improve over time. Though he didn’t feel like he was born to wield those weapons like a few of his squad mates were, he at the very least learned how to handle those weapons decently well. He knew that fighting with a sword and spear was something he could improve in and wasn’t completely hopeless at.
This lack of a bond with either weapon was also why he chose [Weaponmaster] rather than a class specializing in either of the two. This left him open to choose when he finally decided to specialize in the future. Perhaps with time, he would come across something that truly called to him.
It wasn’t like his circumstances demanded he stuck with any kind of weapon, either. Even if he was fated to never properly use a weapon aside from Apollyon, it did not have to be the sword that it currently was.
Though the memory of the meeting was fuzzy, he remembered that Apollyon was an amorphous slime before taking on the shape of his old sword. With this in mind, he made the assumption that it should have no set shape, meaning it should be able to turn into any weapon he could imagine.
He didn’t confirm this directly, but he felt that it should be the case. That it did not interrupt his thoughts and reply otherwise should be a sign of tacit agreement.
With this ability, he may as well have an entire armory at his side. With a boon of this magnitude, it would be a shame to not utilize it to its fullest potential.
Well, you are right about that. I can change shape. Anything goes, really. A sword, shield, spear, staff, you name it. While I can’t exactly claim to have everything, if we’re missing something you want, I’d just have to assimilate a sample. Then I’ll be able to recreate it from that template, with a few adjustments, of course.
You also have the right idea of learning things outside your class. Color me surprised. That was rather industrious of you. Perhaps it’s because you haven’t been using the System for very long, but it’s rather impressive to have this insight so early. With the System as a crutch, most people become so engrossed with leveling that they forget about proper self-improvement. The general skill tab is usually what defines higher-tier individuals. You can tell straight away if someone neglected their bases and only jumped-up the Tiers thanks to the protective cover of the System. Their types are fated only to live as fodder, really.
That outstanding praise gave him the confidence boost he sorely needed, allowing him to make peace with his decision. It seemed like, recently, he’d been encountering misfortune after misfortune. He had been worried his choice would not go over well with his now lifelong partner.
With its approval, Niven felt that his circumstances were looking bright. He was even starting to believe that perhaps he truly was destined for something great. Niven could almost read it now, from a humble seamster to a great hero after a chance encounter, resulting in a story to shock the heavens.
Careful to not let this vision blind him, he chided himself mentally. He still had several problems to deal with. Furthermore, his story would not be completely his own. His rise was inexorably tied to this Soul-Bound weapon, so keeping himself in its good graces was a priority. Even if it was extremely amenable now, he did not know how that might change. Their relationship had not been tested at all as of yet.
However, he needed it a lot more than it needed him. Of this he was certain. Correspondingly, rather than diversifying, he felt that it would be better to reinforce this unique strength of his.
While he was still rather enchanted by the prospect of learning magic, that didn’t need him to make it his class.
As Apollyon had confirmed, he could still learn that on the side while he practiced. The class he chose provided him with tangible benefits, something that will be tested very soon.
The training he received, though centered around group combat, still taught him the basics about using melee weaponry. He could at least claim to be a [Novice] in both short swords and spears. With more practice, he can perhaps even learn how to swap his weapon during combat. Imagine the surprise on his opponent’s face as he changed his fighting style mid-fight. That would be something.
Out here, we can also try shifting weapon types since we are alone, but using in front of others can attract unnecessary attention. An ability like that is well within the domain of magic artifacts, and even the cheapest ones are far beyond what someone of your level can afford. Maybe one day. Tier 4 perhaps? Sooner, if we make a mechanical transformation that’s believable, but that limits the range of changes.
We can do it now, though. Have your fun before we are forced to stay more low-key.
Noted. Then… dagger?
It is good to get in some practice with new weapons with a skill like that. Alright, then. Right away.
Immediately, the short sword’s already small blade shrank until it became a length similar to the hilt. The tip then drew itself in, forming an even sharper point, adding to its penetrative power.
The weapon had no defining features, just a seemingly wooden grip and a steel blade. The switch to a dagger only increased his maneuverability by a minuscule amount out here in the forest. Even if a short sword was unlikely to get caught on anything, he mostly just wanted to try out a different weapon.
It did not look particularly impressive. If anything, it looked like the daggers found tucked away in every blacksmith's shop, in a bin with all the other works of their apprentices.
Niven felt that he should be able to become a [Novice] at the dagger in this outing, which will provide him with more stats. His Mastery and upgraded Combat Sense should provide a noticeable boost to his learning capabilities. And if not, that was just another thing to keep in mind, then.
Niven stalked his way through the forest, slinking forward softly while attempting to minimize his presence. He didn’t focus on going in any direction, though he did make a conscious effort to not go back toward the Divide. His focus was mostly put toward stalking whatever prey he could find. In this haphazard manner, he made his way further into the Soul-King Confederacy. As he went, his footwork, sneaking, and tracking were all quickly proven lacking, failing to bag any substantial kills over the next hour.
He would come close a few times, but his quarry always managed to get away with minor wounds at most. Only encountering small, flighty animals did add to the challenge, but that also meant that if he had just managed to get a good hit in it would have been over.
The most frustrating thing was that by all metrics his physical abilities were well above theirs. With his Strength, he should have been able to reach them in a single bound easily. With his Constitution, he should have been able to run them down to exhaustion easily. And with his Dexterity, his mark should have never been able to outmaneuver him.
But with his only trophies being insect husks and lizard tails, a completely different story was told. It was a story that told of rabbits who would duck deep into their little holes as the hunter’s stealth failed and of the deer who would lose him in as they dashed into the thickets. The hunter would try to trample those brushes underfoot in futile desperation, but by the time he did so the quarry was somehow always long gone.
Them being native to this area only made his failure sting marginally less. Early on, he would trip over roots and branches as he gave chase, though he always managed to catch himself thanks to his Dexterity. Over time, he felt himself move more smoothly, but never as smoothly as those animals that called this forest home.
That he was being outdone by beings that only approached a tenth of his physical stats hurt his confidence.
He felt himself improving, yes, but not enough to bag a kill. The constant failures wore on him, until, as the sun started to set, it reached a boiling point.
In reality, this notion of bagging every wild animal was ridiculous in the first place. Even if he was jumped up on stats, he didn’t have any experience doing anything close to this. Just a year ago he was still living a, while not exactly comfortable, still stable life in the orphanage.
Predators could gain levels and skills as they hunted, so why would the prey that evaded such lethal hunters be any worse?
To hope to match veteran hunters in just a few hours of practice was folly, especially when his only mentor didn’t have the knowledge, either. Sure, Apollyon had extracted the memories of hunters countless times, but it had never deemed them useful for storage.
Niven could only say that he was fortunate that he didn’t have to count on his hunting skills to eat. If he did, then he could only go hungry for a good while. Despite it being two days since his last meal, he did not feel so much as a tinge of hunger.
Frustrated by the lack of results, Niven wanted a change of pace.
Why don’t we try using bows instead?
Take a break. Relax. Changing weapons so soon will only make you more frustrated. Bows aren’t something that can be quickly picked up, either.
Sit still and meditate for a little while. Observe these creatures’ habits or try to find some less skittish marks. Maybe try and find a monster instead. There aren’t many here, but you’ve overlooked a few. The ones out here are only marginally more powerful than these little lizards. There shouldn’t be anything here that can kill you. I’ll warn you in advance if anything that can approaches.
Stick with the dagger. Gain some mastery before you decide to try something new again. You’re close to becoming a [Novice] at it. I can tell.
Recognizing that he was indeed rather tense at the moment, Niven walked over to a small clearing. He brushed aside the scattered leaves and branches and sat down. Settling his thoughts, he looked at his surroundings. Realizing that he really did need a break, he started calming down.
He had been too caught up in trying to prove himself. Wanting to show Apollyon, the world, and perhaps most of all, himself, that he was worth this second chance. On edge the entire time, he hadn’t had a chance to have a proper break and get some breathing room. The weight of all these expectations just hitting him all at once was suffocating. This weight had all been imposed on him by himself, yes, but that was what made it all the harder to ignore.
Calming himself to absolute stillness, he sat in silence for nearly a half an hour before his concentration was disrupted.
Oh. There’s something interesting. Care to get a sample for me? It’ll be worth your while. I promise. You’ll get the fight you’ve been wanting, too.
His right hand, which had not let go of the dagger since he had gotten it, shot up into the air and pointed left. Startled, he opened his eyes right in time to see his hand whiz past his face.
Picking the rest of himself up, Niven went over to the direction Apollyon pointed to. Still somewhat in a meditative trance, he made his way slowly and methodically.
It was a long walk. Long enough for him to become fully awake as he went. So long, in fact, that he was tempted to pick up the pace, but as the surroundings shifted, he swallowed the thought and raised his guard. The more he went, the less lively the forest became. At a certain point, he could no longer hear the occasional rustle in the leaves nor the sheepish chirp of birds.
Eventually, he arrived at the curiosity. Though he could see that further along the pattern continued, with the forest looking downright withered just a ways away, he had stopped just in sight of the thing Apollyon wanted him to sample.
What should have been the desiccated remains of a long-hunted boar was shambling slowly back and forth. It was a grotesque thing, a mocking reflection of the beast that it once was. Bits and pieces of its flesh were missing, revealing an open ribcage. The ground treaded withered, making its sole purpose seemingly to spread its malefic blight as it went.
The thing did not seem to notice his arrival, and Niven stopped right as he [Identified] it. Since it had no indication of acting in response to his presence, he wanted to take full advantage of this by making a plan with a full understanding of the encounter beforehand.
[Rotten Boar - Level 9]
[Once omnivorous wildlife native to Nara’s Blight, now reanimated in death. Though under no compulsion, it is highly aggressive towards anything living and will grind itself to dust in order to harm the target it locks on to.]
[**Physical Parameters: Standard corpse animated via mana. Does not move using its muscles. Think of it as a puppet strung along by mana. As such, its movements will be jerky and irregular as a result. Also, best to not draw too much blood in front of it. The rotting flesh is host to a number of diseases.
[Stat estimates:
Strength: ~10
Constitution: ~20
Dexterity: ~5
Intelligence and Wisdom: Does not matter in this encounter. ]
*Obviously undead. Someone’s been having some fun around here. Judging from the name, the situation here has been like this for a while. I only wonder how the principles of this transformation differ from all the others, or if it does at all. A curse variant? This one, at least, doesn’t seem to be intentional. It doesn’t have the telltale markings of a purpose-built work. Or perhaps its creator was simply incompetent. We’ll know once you get a sample.
**Remember, we’re not here to solve the issue. The source is likely beyond you at the moment, but this waste will make for good practice. It, unlike those forest critters, won’t run away when injured.
***Try to fight it as best you can. At worst just trade blows with it. Your body can take that kind of punishment, no problem. I’ll heal you up afterward. It will be less pleasant the more damage you take, however, so try to avoid forcing me if you can]
Niven wasn’t entirely sure what to do. It was a little nauseating, being so close to what basically amounted to a corpse, but the stench it gave off was still more bearable than the hellscape that was encampment in the wake of the [Supplicant] or even the [Supplicant] himself when it was parasitized by Apollyon.
Even if his tolerance for gore had increased, it was still disconcerting to come face-to-face with an undead creature.
Back in those situations, he had little to no agency. It was either suppress the nausea or die. Or rather, endure it and die, only, die a little later if he did endure it. Here, he had a choice. He could back off if he wanted to, but he wouldn’t. Not only was it an easy way to score points with his unfathomable partner, he also wanted to get a read into how powerful he was now. Just going off the run he took to get here and that encounter with that sandworm, the gulf between him then and him how was massive.
Additionally, in the fantastical stories he’d read as a kid, the undead were commonplace. They were the archetypal antagonists, as they were the living - or rather unliving - reminders that the natural order could become twisted. This, obviously, would not sit well with the gods, who were exemplars of natural laws.
The casual study and proliferation of undead that the [Soul-King]s partake in were just one of many reasons the Heavenbound Theocracy is at odds with them.
From those stories, Niven knew that the best way to fight undead for common folk like him was with bludgeoning attacks. He never read the principle behind it, but that was just what was stated.
Bludgeoning, eh? Hammer? Gloves? Mace? Take your pick. To be honest, I’d rather we just slice it up, but I suppose my research does not need the sample to be in perfect shape. If you want to vent your frustrations on that thing, go right ahead. Smash it into meat paste if you wish. It certainly is a unique experience.
Yes. I think I will give it a try. Let’s do gloves, then. I haven’t had a brawl in a while. My strength is above it, right?
Following his decision, the dagger in his hand disintegrated, split itself into two parts, and covered both his hands. Instantly, he could feel his arms grow heavy. Despite the weapon starting to take on the shape of leather gloves, he felt like he was carrying two huge rocks in his hands.
Feeling Apollyon take shape, Niven clenched his hands a few times and approached the boar. He prepared himself for the disgusting fight that awaited him.
As his form revealed itself from the trees, not intending to hide at all, the undead abomination finally took notice.
Not appearing to think at all, it immediately initiated a mindless charge.
There was still a fair amount of distance between the two of them, giving Niven ample time to react to this attack. Taking on a defensive stance, Niven braced for impact.
Once it was upon him, the boar tried to gore him through the chest, but he was able to catch the beast mid-swing. With his sizable strength, he grappled the undead beast, and with each hand holding a tusk, threw it to the ground.
Then, with a knee to the monster’s side, he began to ruthlessly pummel the pinned creature. With punch after heavy punch, its already deformed body distorted even more. However, these wounds, which would have been lethal for any living creature, only made it more frantic.
As the thing struggled, nicks and bruises appeared on Niven’s skin. This could have been prevented had his form been perfect, but how could he possibly know such maneuvers?
Regardless, while these attacks only dealt him surface-level injuries, they did result in his already worn-out armor and clothing becoming completely scrapped.
A crushing victory. Anything less would be an embarrassment considering the sheer advantage you hold.
[You have reached level 8]
[Stat Gains:
Strength: +1
Constitution: +1
Dexterity: +1
Intelligence: +1]
I think adjusting my mentality was the most difficult thing here. It went down so much quicker than I had imagined.
You should remind yourself that you are no longer at the bottom of the pyramid. Though still near it, just the boost from me and your class put you well above most.
Right. I should probably channel a part of that thing’s soul into you. Your soul’s not bloated any longer. It should be able to handle this trifling amount. Let’s see here… Give me a few minutes. I need to dissect it first.
Looking at the pile of paste in front of him, he wondered what exactly was being dissected here.
Hearing Apollyon talk about souls like a butcher would about meat was a little jarring, but he imagined that that was just how those higher Tiered individuals saw things. At a certain point, even things as integral as a person’s soul could become a resource, hunh?
As he was now, he was probably unable to properly understand the horror of it, but he felt that even if he had a full grasp of what it meant he wouldn’t be too repulsed.
His knowledge on souls and the like were surface level at best - probably not even reaching that. Therefore, such matters didn’t really seem all that taboo to him.
The only thing that really surprised him about the whole thing was the revelation that the undead boar he just killed even had a soul.
Well, not exactly a soul. Mana aggregates that find a suitable host will eventually condense a soul. This one hasn’t been around long enough to make a complete soul, but it has the beginnings of one. A proto-soul, if you will. It’s a little meager, but we take what we can get.
As he waited for Apollyon to work its magic, Niven released a sigh and sat down, reviewing the fight.
He found it rather cathartic to wrestle with the undead boar. Though perhaps not very healthy, as he was almost certain he’d have gotten better results with a weapon that had some actual reach, nothing he did there would have any lasting consequences.
He was able to expel a lot of the pent-up stress he had built up over the past few stifling months. With a clearer mind, he checked his condition. The armor he wore, which was rather worn even before the fight, had been completely ruined. They were mostly scraps, now. At present, he had just a little cloth covering him, painting a rather wild and savage countenance. Rather than the sniveling deserter he truly was, he looked more like someone who survived alone out in the wild for years. This difference was more due to presentation and confidence than anything else. Though he got out with just a few strips of fabric along his back, as any cannon fodder deserter likely would, he, unlike them, did not have any doubts about his future.
However, this look was not something he wanted to showcase once he reentered civilization. He would need to stitch together something before he went into a town, lest he be chased out. Only, where would get the string?
Well, I’m done. Are you ready? After this, we need to get started on feeling your inner soul. The sooner you sense it the better. It’ll get harder and harder the stronger you become. You having an understanding of it will be integral to your future. Magic was something you wanted to learn, yes?
Now, let’s begin.
[Stat Gains:
Strength: + 1
Constitution: +1]
Half a level up’s worth of stats? Isn’t that quite a lot? It doesn’t seem to match the effort I put in to kill the thing.
Well, yeah. Souls are extremely energy dense. It’s why so many beings use it as a universal form of currency. The last shot when you were unconscious went towards healing you and providing you with energy. The conversion rate wasn’t as high. A lot of it was lost and dissipated into ambient mana. That’s why a Tier 3’s soul only got you so much. It was a blessing in disguise since, even then, your soul became extremely bloated as a result. Any more would have been catastrophic.
You didn’t reexperience that bloating because, as you are now, your soul is able to hold a lot more. This class of yours has a lot of potential. Compared to your previous one, which siphoned your progress to feed your higher-ups, the capacity is simply the distance between heaven and earth.
Ah. It appears we have some visitors. I wonder how many undead are here. We can farm them out for a bit. This will certainly expedite our plans. If this keeps up, we’ll be back to human civilization in a week or less.
Niven didn’t see anything at first, but eventually, he heard movement. Rather than a lone boar, surrounding him was a large pack of wolves. Undead wolves. They had him surrounded, and there were close to 20 of them.
[Undead Wolf - Level 7]
[Predatory wildlife native to Nara’s Blight. Opportunistic pack hunters in life, now opportunistic pack hunters in death. Undead are merely pale imitations of the living, after all.]
*I trust you do not need me to describe this thing to you. Numbers mean little when the difference is so great. Their teeth will break upon your flesh.]
[Undead Wolf - Level 6]
[Predatory wildlife native to Nara’s Blight. Opportunistic pack hunters in life, now opportunistic pack hunters in death. Undead are merely pale imitations of the living, after all.]
*They’re all the same. None are above 10 as well. I don’t know why you’re panicking. If this is a vestige of your life as a civilian, then now’s as good a time as any to throw that part of yourself away. Is this the reason none of your combat skills have ranked up organically?]
Isn’t this a big problem? There are so many of them.
Hardly. I thought this lesson was taught to you by that [Supplicant]. While quantitative advantages can eventually exhaust those with qualitative advantages, this is only with the assumption that the superior force has a limited amount of energy or trump cards to consume. With you as you are now, becoming tired from fighting is the last of your concerns.
I’d be more concerned with a higher Tier undead showing up if I were you. The blight seems to stretch on for quite a while. There is certainly the possibility for something far nastier to be living in its depths.
These dogs have a vestige of their instincts from when they are alive. This much is clear from the fact that they still travel together. It also makes why they are surrounding you easy to understand. You are alone and appear wounded. There are more than 10 of them and have you surrounded. To a pack of beasts, prey like this is an easy mark.
Brainless as they are, they fail to understand the gulf that exists between you and them and force the hunt. Unlike normal hunters, who stalk and assess their prey before committing, these undead beasts only have blind confidence.
They trust their instincts, but instincts can be wrong.
- In Serial32 Chapters
Zachary Trenner is a freshman at Burlington High School. Despite his mundane appearance and advanced course curriculum, something strange is happening to him. Every time he goes to sleep he switches worlds. Portals are popping up everywhere, allowing access between Earth and the world of Vera. Now he must spend every waking and sleeping moment getting stronger to fight off the [Instance Dungeons] opening on both Vera, and Earth. Prepare for an RPG fiction full of magic, action, a touch of romance, and the author's own dry humor. When the modern technology of Earth meets the medieval magic of Vera, which culture will invade the other world first? When the army rangers of the United States collide with the members of the Hunter's Guild, who will win? Updates on Wednesdays/Thursdays Cover is my own creation. Tips to reading: This is my first book, so cliches and tropes are used as the base and then expanded upon. My intention is to make it a casual read but deep if you decide to look closer. I'm not a people person, so my focus and purpose for writing this is to explore the world building and magic system, not necessarily the characters. There won't be a villian until the postgame ;) Author's philosophy: I took an professional personality inventory (through a community college back in 2018) and was categorized as a "double-checker." I'm never satisfied with the work that I complete, and never want to share it with anyone. But this book is a challenge to myself! As a rule of thumb, I will only add to the story. I can't remove elements I've already included (unless absolutely, absolutely necessary). PS, I'm a native English speaker.
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Riches of the Heavenly Kingdom (A Grant Foreman Adventure)
During the Taiping Rebellion in the 1800s, the rebels conquered a third of China and its wealth. When the Qing Dynasty recaptured the Taiping capitol of Tianjing, the remaining rebel forces fled with the Heavenly Kingdom's treasury. Grant Foreman believes these to be the fantasies of history enthusiasts until a rare gold Taiping coin is found in another part of Asia. Grand events are set in motion as Grant's wish for a peaceful college life is interrupted by unnecessarily hazardous adventures, incredibly gorgeous women, handsome dangerous men, and unexplained phenomenons. The thrills of life just don't stop for the university's unlikely adventurer.
8 112 - In Serial19 Chapters
How To Tidy Up Loose Ends
And they lived happily ever after... PSYCH. It's time to tidy up the loose ends and get the true closure that they didn't know they needed. A/N: Working on this for NaNoWriMo. I love how it counts my words for me. Didn't work out but still continuing. A/N: Previously titled How To Lie. The story I had in mind for this title didn't end up happening so I think it'll end up as a trilology. 1. How To Tidy Up Loose Ends 2. How To Lie 3. How To Love
8 175