《Pokémon Mystery Dungeon : The Spire》Chapter 1 - Something feels off here. (Refurbished)
CHAPTER 1 - Something Feels off Here. (Refurbished)
I feel… weird, wrong even. Like I'm incomplete, and only a mere collection of what I used to be. Trying to remember anything proves pointless, since I literally don't have the ability to recall my memories at the moment. It feels oddly empty. Could be because I'm also missing my emotions. I literally feel nothing inside. But hey, at least I can't freak out. I just wish it wasn't so hard to think.
I tried to open my eyes to get an idea of where I am next, but I couldn't feel my eyes. In fact, I couldn't feel much of my body at all. It was like I didn't even have one. I imagine this would've caused me to freak out further, but hey, I'm just not about that freaking out game at the moment, you know?
Gotta say though, this is one hell of a fever dream. Oh well, I'm glad at least this isn't like a nightmare or something. I would've hated it if I was in a nightmare with… those things I'm scared of... Yep, I can't recall what I'm afraid of. I hope I wake up soon, this sucks.
A sudden wave of tiredness washes over me. Is this what it feels like to wake up from a dream? And with that, I fade out into nothingness.
Fear, confusion, happiness, love, hate, and all sorts of emotions are slammed into me one after the other. It feels disorienting, especially with bits of my memories filling my mind at the same time. Oh, I can recall memories now, nice. I tried to get my emotions in check, but it was pointless. It was like having a mental breakdown, only on steroids. Like trying to fight a raging river, it was better to just go with the flow, and ride it out.
After who knows how long, the raging storm of myself forming together, begins to slow down, and I'm able to finally think again. That wasn't fun, no sir. I sure as hell didn't miss all my bad memories and my negative emotions, I tell you what. It was like I went through a rushed form of puberty. Gross. Anyways, I've come to realize something: My body is gone. It's not that I can't feel it, It literally isn't there. I can't even feel myself breathing!
With my emotions back to normal, I simply just freaked out. Which wasn't helpful mind you, but hey, could you blame a guy? During my freak-out, so many questions were running through my mind, or what equates to mind in this state. Where am I? Where is my body? Am I dead? Did I leave the oven on?
Alright, alright, calm down. Let's just think through what I know right now. I'm in an unknown place, my name is Ace, age 22, male, born in… hmm can't recall what hospital I was born in. In fact, bits of my memories still seem to be still missing. I can remember what country I was born in, yet I can't recall my parents' names; Australia by the way. Guess I'll just have to wait for them to come back to me.
This really sucks.
After the jigsaw of my mind was finally completed and whole again, I felt worse and yet better at the same time. What I mean is, it's nice to have my mind running at one hundred percent again, yet it just brought to light how much I hated not having my body. I miss being able to touch things, or even breathe for that matter. So with nothing better to do, I tried to recall the events leading up to where I am now to distract myself from another breakdown.
Nothing. Well nuts to that plan then.
Before I could try to reason as to why I might be here, a small light appeared before me. Wait, I don't have eyes, how can I see this? Is this a sensory thing, like the force from Star Wars? Use the force Ace, cause you're going to need it.
The small light slowly grew in size, morphing into a weird blob shape of light. The blob started to take the form of a bipedal-like creature; it had arms, legs, a head and a torso. All I could think of was when Mr. Burns was mistaken as an alien from The Simpsons, on that one episode. So even with this 'thing' formed, I couldn't make out who or what it was. Maybe if the blinding light of the creature had a dim mode, I might be able to make out what It could be.
The creature's arms began to move around as it was 'speaking' to me. No clue what it was saying though. Just a garbled mess. I wanted to shrug at it, but I had no shoulders to do so. The creature either had really good timing or could tell what I was trying to say to it, as it was thinking hard over what to do to fix this communication issue.
The creature clicked its fingers, producing no sound, and 'walked' over to me, like it was walking on a path. The creature approaching me made me want to back up instinctively, but I had no clue on how to move, if I could at all. A small, slender finger moved towards where I was existing and pressed onto me. It left… something there that began to fall apart, spreading all throughout me. Confusion and fear is all I could feel at the moment. It felt like I was absorbing it.
The creature began to speak again. I still couldn't understand what it was saying-
"Please, help us," oh never mind, I was able to make that out now. Not perfectly, mind you. Only bits and pieces were I able to understand. "...World is in danger," I was able to make out. So, um, that's ominous. Apparently this 'thing' wants my help. No clue how to buddy, I don't even have hands at the moment.
Before the creature could continue, a sudden dark smoke figure appeared around the creature. This was nightmare fuel, all right.
In a panic, the creature turned to me and shoved me out of the way of this smokey thing. I was now sent flying away through the void, like an astronaut lost in space. I could still make out what was going on around me. I could make out the creature's light getting consumed by this smokey darkness. Once fully enveloped, the once radiant light was now snuffed out, like a candle in a storm. The darkness wasted no time after finishing its meal, as it was now speeding towards me at an alarming rate. I was completely helpless as this thing continued to gain on me.
Closer and closer, the darkness got to me. Its smokey-like figure produced a shadowy arm towards me. Right before it could grasp me, I felt myself pass through a wall of sorts. It was a weird feeling. The smoke creature, however, did not have the same ability to pass through this barrier or whatever it was. You shall not pass, it seems.
That was too close, I thought to myself. As I continued to float in nothingness, I started to feel a slight vacuum-like effect beginning to suck at me, pulling me 'down'. I was pulled into what felt like tubes that were turning suddenly, and continued on for ages. This water slide of horror began to pull me in faster, as the tubes began to shrink in size. Smaller and smaller the tubes got, where it felt like my essence was being squeezed, while being pulled through what felt like a straw-sized pipe.
I began… dripping? Into what feels like a cup- no, a container of sorts. It's got an odd shape. Like a weird looking stubby dog. The dripping continued to speed up until I was now a small stream filling up this mysterious container. The longer I filled this container, the more it felt like I was bonding to it, becoming it, if you will. I did not like it, not one bit. Like when something is grossly sticky and won't leave once you touch it.
My essence continued to fill this container until there was nothing of me left in the straw pipe. The more I rested in this container, the further I was bonding with it. I was bonding with something that felt wrong, something that wasn't me. Something I could only describe as:
A monster.
"AAAAHH!" I shouted from my once sleeping state. My eyes shot open, only to be immediately closed from the insanely harsh light hitting at them. I don't recall my room being this bright. "What a nightmare," I said to myself trying to calm myself down. I take a couple of deep breaths to further help calm myself down. It's just a nightmare, I thought to myself. Well time to get ready for… "Wait, what time is it?!" Oh crap, I'm going to be late for work. I can't afford to lose this job!
In a blind panic, I shot up from my strangely hard bed. This was a mistake however, since my back screamed in pain. Argh, must have slept on it wrong. I rolled onto my stomach and slowly opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to my strangely bright room.
Blinking that early morning gunk from my eyes, I realized that I was sleeping on dirt instead of my bed. No wonder my back is so sore. With some gunk still left in my eye, I tried to rub it away. It felt odd to do so, for some reason. Like my eyes and arms are bigger. I'm just imagining it, I'm sure. That was one hell of a dream, got me feeling all weird and stuff. What did I do last night?
Once satisfied with the gunk gone, I completely opened up my eyes only to reveal: a large light-turquoise arm with small white claws at the tips of it, in replace of where my normal arm should have been. With my brain still in 'morning-mode,' it took a bit to realize that something might be wrong. I tried flexing my fingers only for this hulk-like arm with claws to respond. I did this three times before I realized something- Not only can I only feel three finger-like things now, I'm most likely not coming into work today.
"AAARRRGGHH! What happened to my arm?!" I shouted. In a desperate attempt, I tried to push myself away from my arm thinking that would help in some way. It didn't as my light-turquoise arm followed me. Looking over to my other arm showed it being the same thing as my right arm. I took note of the darker green patterns across my arms. "What the hell is going on?!" I started to hyperventilate when a familiar, calming memory played in my mind. It was my Grandpa telling me to "keep calm and breathe," during stressful situations.
Alright, calm down, this is no time to panic. I took a couple of deep breaths, calming myself down. This is all just a dream, yes, a dream. And what can't you do in a dream? Get hurt. Wasting no time, I went to pinch myself with these weird claws. I might have pinched a bit too hard since I punctured the skin. There was only one thing that mattered though- this hurt as I stared at the small amount of red blood leaking down my arm. Well at least I bleed the same colour.
With my dream theory gone, I turned to my surroundings for any possible answers. My observations revealed that I'm in a large dirt clearing, in what seems to be a lush green forest. The trees are tall in size, with a couple housing some fruits of various types. I'm only able to make out some apples on some of the trees, as the other trees carried fruits I have never seen before. The leaves lightly swayed with the nice feeling breeze.
There are some shrubs littered around the ground with various berries of colours and sizes on them. Once again I had no clue what those berries were. Probably didn't help that I had no clue on how to identify what types of berries are out in the wild. The berries on the bushes really stuck out with how big they were.
Scattered all around the trees, and various patches across the floor, are small flowers varying in bright, vibrant colours. There are patches of red, yellow and white, blue, and some really nice purple flowers. A couple of sticks and rock littered the floor too. I could possibly use one for defence If I looked hard enough, they were probably better for firewood to be honest. I did notice a large rock protruding from the earth covered in moss standing tall and proud amongst the taller trees. I kinda wanted to touch it.
Well anyway, that didn't explain anything. The forest was really pretty though. Definitely a place you would take a date to. Assuming there are park rangers about.
Looking up, the mighty sun was sitting directly above me. So midday, probably. It felt oddly refreshing having the sun's gaze upon me. Like I'm absorbing its rays. I must be imagining things though. Right?
Well, assessment completed. I have come up with a genius answer from all this evidence I acquired: 'I got no clue boss.' Well, sitting down all day isn't going to get me anywhere. Attempting to stand up was something. My body refused to work like it should. My legs just wouldn't bend in the right way for me to stand up. Looking down at them revealed them to be the same type of green sausages as my arms. Oh wait a minute, my arms look more like legs than arms should. Am I now a quadruped? Like a weird mutant dog thing?
Putting my theory to the test, I got on all fours like a dog. This felt oddly right, if not undignified. Great, guess I am a dog freak now. Wait, dogs don't have three claws, so maybe not. That just further raises the question; 'What the hell am I?!'
Stable on all fours, I took a couple of test walks. I was fine for the most part, if not a bit wobbly. Now then, what to do? I could stay put as it is advised to, when one is lost. But I can't stand being still for too long.
What to do, what to do… Oh, a path. While I was thinking about what to do, I noticed a path leading away from this clearing I was in. Well, beats staying here doing nothing. So with an idea on what I wanted to do, I made my way towards the path… only to trip over, giving the dirt a good old smooch. Tongue style.
Getting back up, I spat out all the dirt the naughty ground filled my mouth with, and shook off the small radiating pain I got from falling over face first. Guess walking is going to be a bit harder then some mere test steps, huh. I pondered on how I should move, until it hit me: dogs look like they know what they are doing, so just do that. Genius!
It was awkward at first, but I started to get the hang of it. I almost ate some more dirt a couple of times, but I was able to catch myself. Alright, off to adventure in an unknown forest, in an unknown body… fun. I just hope I can find someone who won't freak out from seeing me, and is kind enough to offer some help. I would hate to become the number one freak that scientists love to dissect in their labs.
Walking down the path revealed two things: one, I hate not wearing clothes. And two, this forest is eerily quiet, really adding to the anxiety I was currently building up. Every time I heard a twig snap, my head immediately snapped towards where I heard it. I swear, either this forest is loud, or my hearing is better. I'm hearing noises from so far away now. Like, I swear I hear a river of sorts. Wait, a river?
Stopping my already slow pace, I tried to focus on where I thought the noise was coming from. I guessed roughly where the river was; it sounds like it's off the path and into the woods to my left. Now, I could continue the path I'm currently on, or I could get a drink. I don't really feel hungry, but I am hella thirsty. Plus, I could follow the river. People tend to build around rivers, so I'm bound to run across someone eventually. Same could be said about the path, but eh.
With my plan set, I changed direction towards the river. One foot after the other- gah! This walking is going to take a while to get properly used too. I just wish I wasn't so pudgy.
Tall, opposing trees passed by me as I continued to walk towards where I believe the river is located. I was able to get a closer look at some of the berries that littered the bushes along the way. They looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Well claw anyway. Stepping over a large root from a nearby tree had me stepping on a stick that really made a loud 'snap' noise. A nearby bush rustled with great intensity from me doing so.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" I asked.
Alright then, probably just a small rodent or something. Definitely not a wolf or something that wants to eat my bones. Not my bones, I need them! With a panic attack on the rise, I did my best to soldier onwards, albeit now at a slightly quicker pace.
After a short amount of speed walking; because at the moment I can't move any faster without tripping over myself, the river finally comes into view. It was long stretched and fairly wide. Wide enough that a bridge would be wise, if you wished to cross it. With the trees being far from the river, there was direct sunlight on it. It looked like the sun was highlighting this small beacon of safety.
So with my target in sight, I made a beeline for that tasty, clear looking water. Being lost and on the verge of a panic attack is thirsty work after all. I take a little look around me to make sure that my bones aren't going to be eaten before submerging my head in the river for a drink. The water tasted amazing! Better than any water I have ever had before, it just had this pure fresh taste to it. Well, water does taste better when you are thirsty after all, and you bet I am a thirsty lad.
Satisfied, I stopped my vain attempt at drinking the entire river away and raised my head. I went to turn around and continue on with my merry way, but I noticed something in the river that made me do a double take towards the river.
My reflection… it's wrong.
I kinda didn't want to look into it, for fear of what might stare back. Now, instead of a young adult, with a small beard and blue eyes, it is instead a light-turquoise, frog head with overly large eyes, and pointed ears. Its mouth is large in size, and mimics my every movement. Spread out across my head lay some dark green spots, Its eyes were crimson red, with pure white pupils and white irises. I recognised this creature sitting in my reflection.
"No, no, this is… there's no way." I murmured to myself. I took note of how its mouth moved when I talked. "Well, it does appear that I have been turned into a Bulbasaur… What?! Why?! Whaaat?!" Moving my head around, I couldn't deny that this reflection belonged to me. "This is weird and wrong." I poked myself with my flaw-like fingers. Well, they would be toes now, wouldn't they? Or they could be claws. Yeah most likely claws.
So, I'm in an unfamiliar forest, as a Bulbasaur. Yep, I've lost my mind. And I was so young. You know what though? This kinda reminds me of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games I play. Did I get Mystery Dungeon'ed? It would explain why I'm a Bulbasaur in a random location.
"But why Bulbasaur?" I tried thinking back to the events of yesterday, but they were hazy. It's like that dream I had. I feel as if it's important, but alas, I can't recall it either. Oh woe is me. Something I don't get though, if this is indeed a Mystery Dungeon thing, then where is my sidekick? You know, someone who I go on adventures to defeat the 'big bad.' I wish they would show up already, I'm already anxious enough as it is in this forest.
A nearby bush suddenly began to rustle with great intensity, giving me a small fright. Well, what a coincidence. I'm sure it's a coincidence. Right?
Out from the large bush shot a small purple blur that landed not too far from me. The blurry figure was a small, purple rat, with overly large fangs: a Rattata. Is this who my partner is? A Rattata, of all things? That's kinda lame. At least this confirms that I'm in the world of Pokémon, and not suddenly changed into a Pokémon in my world.
"Nyeeh!" The Rattata exclaimed. "What is it? Whys' it here? Don't like it. Threat, threat! Attack, Attack it!" Guess it isn't my partner after all. I'm honestly kinda glad… wait, it said 'attack,' didn't it? Initiate plan: 'talk my way out of fighting!'
"Hey, hey now, I'm not a threat," I say while raising one of my forelegs up. "I'm just a bit lost, you see. If you just, uh, don't attack me, that would be just awesome," I said. I just hope my speech skill is high enough.
The Rattata was not having it, it seems. He got down low to the ground, his leg muscles tensed up, and he pounced towards me. Speech check: Fail! Well, there goes the peaceful route. Seeing the rat lunging at me, I forced my body to move out of the way. It took a great deal of effort for the landing, but I was able to balance myself. I already ate dirt today, and would rather not eat grass for din-din, with a whooping from Rattata as dessert, thank you very much.
Heh, you know what? This is just like a Pokémon battle! I can almost hear the Pokémon battle music right now. Oh crap, where is the Rattata?
Realising my mistake of looking away from my opponent, I'm punished for that crime by my enemy smashing into my left side. The wind was knocked out of me, and I was sent sliding against the grass. Luckily for me, there wasn't anything sharp or tough to smack into, so I'm just winded.
I got back up on my unstable legs, looking straight to where Rattata was. That honestly didn't hurt as much as it should've. Guess I'm a lot more sturdy now. Yes, at least I got that goin' for me.
Standing my ground, I continued to watch the Rattata very closely. He was moving around me, planning out his next attack. He decided that if it ain't broke, don't fix it, and went for another tackle.
With nothing better planned, I decided to meet his tackle with the only move I could think of: headbutt. Do Bulbasaur even know headbutt? Eh, who cares. Once he got close enough, I went for my headbutt in hopes of giving him a small concussion or knocking him out in one hit. I'll just give his brains a little scramble, then I'll make a run for it! The little bastard must have seen something like this coming, since he dodged out of the way of my headbutt, to my right.
Unfortunately, since I'm still a rookie at this whole 'new body' thing, I wasn't able to do anything for the next attack coming. The Rattata was again in another pouncing position, only this time he was glowing a brilliant white. This is going to hurt!
Rattata used 'quick attack,' and in an instant the small rodent seemingly 'teleported' as he hit into my right foreleg with an even greater force than the previous tackle. This attack was so great, that it sent me away even further than the previous talking I received.
How far? Well, I was sent all the way back into the tree line, away from the river, is how far. Luckily, I didn't hit any trees or anything. So yay me? Gotta say though, that attack did hurt, like, really hurt. My right foreleg is smarting like hell right now. Doesn't feel broken at least, so silver linings. Now then, I'm in a real pickle right now. I can't run since I won't be able to outrun the Rattata, talking didn't help since I didn't level up my speech, I can't get a hit in with how nimble he is. So that leaves two options: outsmarting or submitting like a beta cuck. You know I am going for the former, I ain't no cuck. Alright brain, do your thing!
Looking around didn't show much that I could use in terms of combat. Not even a large stick! I continued looking around whilst the Rattata slowly approached me with a malicious smile. Hmm, that tree behind me looks rather durable. Alright Mr. Tree, I'm going to need your help for this one. Initiate plan two, 'bull and the cape.' I'm about to Looney Tunes this fool up.
Rattata looking upon me as a predator does to a defeated prey, gave a 'chick, chick, chick' like laugh. I waited until he got closer, even throwing a failed attempt to get up for good measure. Once close enough, I grabbed a small paw full of dirt and flung it towards Rattata's eyes. Hitting my mark, the Rattata jumped back while rubbing his eyes.
'Oh, I'm playing dirty alright.'
The Rattata furiously wiping away the remaining bits of sand out of its eyes, gave me one hell of a death glare. "Yeah, eat it you loser. Man, you can't even finish off a beginner at fighting," I taunted him. I blew him a rasp for the cherry on top of my plan.
The Rattata took that tasty bait, it seems. His eyes were bright red with a combination of irritation and anger. The Rattata got down in a pounce-like pose again, and began to glow that brilliant white again. Once I saw the tiniest bit of movement from Rattata, I put all my effort into dodging to my left, and out of the way of the speeding bullet.
came a loud noise from where I was two seconds ago. Looking back towards the tree showed a rather large indentation on its bark and a slumped Rattata at the base of it. Well done Mr. Tree! You did your part, perfectly. I'm surprised that little rat wasn't smear paste all over the tree from how hard he hit it. Really shows how tough Pokémon truly are. Letting my glee get the better of me from winning this battle, I gave a celebratory cheer while I moved back towards the Rattata.
"Yeah, it worked! That's what happens when you mess with yours truly. Hehe. Now then, where to go now-"
"...Nyeeeh," the Rattata moaned from the tree. It was starting to get back up! In a blind panic, I charged that little bastard, meeting its head with mine as we collided with Mr. Tree again, giving off a sickening crunch from the impact. I'm not too sure if that was the tree or not. I'm hoping that it was just some of the tree's bark snapping, yet low-key kinda wanting it to be the Rattata. Not that I want to kill, mind you. I just don't want this rat getting back up anytime soon.
The Rattata slumped down from where I hit him against the tree. I continued to watch him very carefully. I was so focused on that small rat, that I didn't even care about this dizzy feeling I currently had. Once I was satisfied that the small rat wasn't getting back up, I finally let out a breath I had been holding.
Huh, kinda expected those 'x's for eyes like in the cartoons. Oh well, I won! Rattata has been defeated, you have gained some EXP. Hehe.
A little bit more bruised than I would've liked, I had experienced my first fight. It felt good. I wanted to sit down to rest, and celebrate my first win, but yeah, I'm not safe here. The Rattata could have friends.
So I started to make my way away from this makeshift battle ground. Man, if walking in this new body was tough enough, my sore ribs and right foreleg weren't making this any easier on me. One step after the other, and so on. Now then, I think I'll head back to the path, I wasn't attacked when I was on it earlier.
"Sorry Rattata," I said to myself, "but you did attack me out of nowhere. I just acted in self defence. Later, Mr. Tree, thanks for the help…uh-oh," I said while turning my head to check on the Rattata. The small sleeping Pokémon, was now the small furious Pokémon. "Why won't you stay down?!" I quickly spewed. I didn't even get the chance to brace myself from the glowing white Rattata, as it launched itself, and connected with my head, resulting in a very loud, and painful 'thunk'. If the previous quick attack was powerful, then this one was on another level. I was sent flying even further than the previous one.
I tumbled around a couple of times before skidding to a halt. I'm now on my back hurt, and in complete agony. Opening my eyes didn't help since my eyesight is filled with the tears collected from how hard I was hit.
Through my watery vision, I'm able to make out a purple blur approaching me. In an instant, the small blur rushed to my left shoulder, biting down on it. You know how it's a good thing to open yourself up to new ideas and experiences? Well, a giant rat biting into my left foreleg wasn't what I had in mind. So, as any normal person who was getting munched on would, I rightfully panicked, and with this new wave of adrenaline from the bite, I shook as hard as I could to get the bugger off me.
"Aaaaaah!" I screamed, "get off me!" After flailing around like a turtle on its back, I was able to yeet that bastard of me. Taking advantage of the adrenaline, and how I could no longer feel the pain that was going through me because of said adrenaline, I rolled over and got up. "I'm not going down that easily!" I shot a glare at the rat. This fight was getting too intense for my liking.
With anger building inside of me from how shitty this whole situation is, a new 'tingly' feeling started to make itself known from my back. I was too absorbed with the Rattata to give this new sensation any real thought.
Rattata, done with our staring contest, decided to make the first move. He brandished his teeth, and charged at me. It was moving too fast for me to properly react too.
I'm screwed.
Before the Rattata could sink its oversized teeth in me, a green blur shot out from my back, roughly towards Rattata. I turned away instinctively from the attack Rattata had planned, ignoring the green blur. Only instead of pain, I felt myself pulling on the thing that shot from my back. A loud whip noise came from Rattata's direction. Looking back over, I saw the Rattata now far back from me with a bleeding right eye.
What happened?
Something tickled my head making me freak out. Looking up it was… a vine? The vine thing slithered back to where it seems it came from: my back plant. It felt so weird as it did so. Well now, It appears that I have vines in my back, makes sense being a Bulbasaur and all. I'll freak out about it later. For now I have more important things to address.
Looking back towards the Rattata, he was still nursing his eye. That looks very painful I might add. It looked like the type of wound that would earn one the nickname, 'Scar.' Now if only I could get my vine thing to come out again. I needed that weapon. I tried to think about it coming out, but nothing.
"Now, how did I do that?" I said to myself. Taking a look at Rattata, it was done nursing its eye, and was giving me one hell of a stink eye. "You better stay away, you- Or else! I doubt you want another helping of my 'whip-fu,' now do you?" I attempted to intimidate. Oh hey, my vine came back out. So it seems to respond to my will, now I just have to move them right. They are hard to control, I tell you. It's like trying to manage a whip, while the thing is flailing around like crazy.
The Rattata, deciding I'm either full of it, or doesn't care, crouches down into a pouncing stance. What am I fighting? The Rat Terminator? The Rat-inator?
The Rat-inator started to glow white again, while my vine flailed around uselessly when I tried to get it to attack him. Something odd happened, however- that pure hatred that was cemented on Rattata's face suddenly turned to one of complete terror. Was my use of my vine usage that good all of a sudden? The Rattata, looking like it saw a ghost, turned around and made a very hasty retreat. There was only one thing on my mind:
"Uh… yeah, you better run!" I shouted after the Rattata. Before I could do anything else, a chuckling came from behind me. Feeling my heart jump out of my mouth, I turned quickly around to see who snuck up on me. It was a huge, tall lumbering beast… a Kangaskan? Ah, a fellow Aussie. Wait, focus, this thing was able to sneak up on me. How did it manage that, with it being so massive? Was I that engrossed with my fight with the Rattata?
With fear etching into my being, I took a step back, but an extreme sharp pain shot through my body from all my collected injuries, keeping me 'planted' in position. In a dire situation, and I can still think of puns. Nice. Hah, I'm about to die. Initiate plan: talk my way out of not dying!
"Uh, I would highly recommend not eating me. You see, I'm all planty and uh, tangy? Definitely going to give you one hell of a tummy ache." I said. My brain was running at maximum at the moment. I really didn't want to get eaten.
"What? Oh now don't be silly, sweetie. I don't eat Pokémon," the Kangaskhan chuckled.
"Really?" I asked. She nodded in response. "Well that's good then. Excuse me for a second." I released one hell of a breath I was holding onto while looking to my side, avoiding looking at Kangaskhan. I was trying to calm down and get myself in check, by relaxing a bit. Bad choice however, since now that I was more relaxed, all the injuries I had started to all scream at me. I winced from all the pain.
"Oh my, that mean, old, Rattata really gave you what-for, didn't he?" Kangaskhan said while crouching down to get a better look at my battered body. "Don't you worry, dearie, I shall get those boo-boos healed up in a jiffy!"
"What?" I asked. I looked up to her smiling face. "No, I'm fine, I don't need any help. That Rattata wasn't so tough and this just looks worse than it actually is. I'm fine, really," I lied of course. This sucks, but I would rather not get help from a stranger I don't trust, thank you.
"Nonsense, now don't move. I shall return shortly with some medicine!" Before I could protest, Kangaskhan was running into the forest. Thanks, but no thanks. I don't want to owe anyone anything. It took a great amount of willpower, but I started to slowly walk away. I'll find a way to fix myself up on my own. This really does hurt.
I got a decent distance away considering I was limping all the way.
"What? Where did you- oh there you are," Kangaskhan said while looking around. She made her way towards me while I continued my slow grudging walk. "I thought I told you to wait there?"
"And I thought I told you I'm fine. Look, I appreciate it, but I don't want help. I'll be fine on my own." My next step unfortunately betrayed my earlier words, as it hurt too much, making me fall over.
"You are not fine. You can hardly walk, let alone help yourself. Let me help you, please."
"Why would you want to help me? I'm thankful to you for scaring away that Rattata and all. But why?"
"... Because I have too. Please. Let me help you." I looked into Kangaskhan's eyes, but I'm not experienced enough to tell if she is hiding anything or not. Looking at myself, I am indeed in a pickle. I sigh. Against my better judgment, I'll allow her to help me. I don't have a choice, after all. I would rather not die on my first day as a Pokémon.
"Fine, help me. But if you try something-"
"Leave it to me, dearie! I'll have you healed up in no time," Kangaskhan said with a wide smile. I know it's stupid to doubt someone for helping me, but I can't help it. I hate feeling so helpless, so dependent on others.
Kangaskhan crouched down near me. She reached into her pouch and pulled out a variety of berries, and a mortar and pestle. Because one just has those on hand, or in a pouch I guess. I took note of a small baggie she also pulled out. It had this yellowy powder leaking from it. Strange, but since she has a mortar and pestle, I'm guessing Kangaskhan was in the middle of some herbalist stuff or something.
Kangaskhan mushed up a couple of Oran berries. She reached down for her little baggie, hesitating just shy from it.
"What's in the baggie?" I squinted.
"O-oh, Uh, it's some… healing powder. Yes, healing powder, dearie. I was thinking of using some, but it would be a waste since you don't need it. This Oran paste I made should be enough," she said while putting the baggie into her pouch. She brushed off the excess amounts of powder from the baggie, making me doubt her a bit. Such a waste, huh?
"Now then, I'm going to apply this paste onto your injured areas. You will be good as new in no time," she continued while grabbing a cloth from her pouch. How much random stuff is in there? She whipped my shoulder clear of blood with her cloth, then applied some cream onto the open gashes from where Rattata bit me. I squirmed a little from the sudden pain I got from all this. That pain was quickly ignored since watching myself heal rapidly was something else.
After direct application of the cream to my heavily injured areas, I was fed an Oran berry for the rest of my general injuries. A cream-like application was more effective and less likely to end up scaring or healing wrong, Kangaskhan explained. I was only half listening because of this itchy feeling I got from my injuries healing up. So with my injuries all healed up, I stood up.
"So, how are you feeling, dearie?" Kangaskhan asked.
"Hmm, good as new. Man, Oran berries sure are powerful," I replied while getting a good feel of my body.
"Yep, they sure are, dearie. So dearie, where are you from? Are you from here?" she asked while looking curiously into my eyes.
"No, I'm not from here… im… from a land very, very, far away." I really didn't want to announce that I'm a human. Not yet anyway. Not until I know how this world would react to such news. Kangaskhan got the picture that I wasn't going to say more.
"Well then… Oh, what are your plans next, dearie? Would you be heading to OakTown? I'm heading there myself, and would adore the company," she asked, almost too enthusiastically. Also, OakTown? What a name for a town.
"Uh, yeah," I lied. "I was heading towards it before I got lost and jumped by that Rattata. And sorry, but I prefer to travel alone. If you could just point me towards town, I will be on my way."
"No! You can't!" She shouted at me. "Oh- uh, I insist, dearie. You just said that you got lost, so wouldn't it be better to travel with somePokémon that can help make sure you don't get lost? Plus it can get quite dangerous traveling through these forests if you don't know where you are going."
"I'm sure I'll manage. Oh, thanks for the help. Bye-bye." And with that, I began to leave.
"You know, wild Pokémon tend to attack way more frequently at night," she says. I stop moving. "Do you know the way to the camping grounds, where wild Pokémon don't enter? I do, and since you are from a 'very, very, far away land,' I very much doubt that you would. So what says you, dearie?"
I ponder her argument. If she is telling the truth… Oh hell even if she isn't, traveling alone at night is very dangerous. Especially for someone with no experience in the woods.
I can't think of a good reason to deny her 'help.'
"Fine. I still don't get why you want to travel with me so badly, but I'll go with you. Pull anything funny however-"
"I will do no such things. Thank you, dearie. I always hate traveling alone on this path. I get so lonely, you know. Ever since…" She said while patting her pouch with a sad expression. Oof yikes. Don't I feel like an ass now. Why am I so suspicious of her anyway? She did literally save me. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. For now, at least. I'll be watching her closely. I still want to know what was in that baggie she hid from me.
"Well, we are wasting the day, dearie! Let's get a move on. We should be able to get to the camping grounds before night time."
"Lead on."
With that, we began to set up back towards the path. Being honest, I was kinda excited about seeing a town filled with Pokémon. Hopefully, I don't get attacked again anytime soon. One fight is enough for me, thank you. Kangaskhan did scare that Rattata away, so I should hopefully be done with fighting for a while.
So with a traveling companion leading the way, I made my way towards destiny.
End Chapter 1
Adaptive Morphosis : Dawn Break
When powers began appearing across Brazil, many hoped to be among those who awaken new abilities. Joseph was one of those who never saw his dream come true. Even as Brazil fell under the rule of a new dictatorship, Joseph remained focused on his obsession. He joined the Sleepwalkers, a group dedicated to awakening powers at any cost, and has conducted dangerous experiments on himself for years; but he was still no closer to his goal than ever before. After earning multiple degrees in biology and Power Studies, Joseph's life consisted solely of teaching at a high school, coaching students who awaken, discussing powers with the Sleepwalkers, and the experiments he ran in his personal lab.Then one of the other Sleepwalkers offered him his dream on a silver platter. There was no question about accepting it.The only question was . . . what will Joseph do with his power?Adaptive Metamorphosis: Dawn Break is an introspective tale that explores a world changed by powers, and is set in a future dystopian Brazil.Cover art by myself; winner of the Spring 2021 Writathon Challenge. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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After a prolonged war between the militarized state of Nauler and the great Kingdom of Altarcia, mediation from the Vindean Empire finally bears fruit. To prevent mass starvation in the eastern Kingdom, Vindeans lifts its customs on the border and funds every merchant willing to supply Altarcians with food and other basic necessities. This opportunity will open a way for quick-witted traders to build their fortunes on common folk ill fate! Where the sword can't reach, the spy will deal a fatal hit. Never in modern history has the world seen such a ridiculous situation, where two enemies can control each other with their intelligence network while failing to govern their own lands for the same reason. Every event taking place has at least three sides looking for their faction profit. As the western continent falls deeper and deeper into a quagmire of schemes and infighting, beyond the great continental wall a mass of barbarians is venturing north in search for a better way to invade these damn knights. Unbeknownst to them, an army trained in the blaze of endless conflict sets forth to foil their plans. If only the eastern frontline didn't require over a million man strong force to be maintained! When everyone is aiming at everyone's throat, great schemes are changing the power balance between the powerhouses, one can only look to improve his own situation. When rulers are sending fathers and sons to battles, daughters and mothers whore themselves to afford another handful of wheat. Only the strong can prevail? All of them either died in the past battles or are enjoying the benefits of the jungle law. In this harsh reality, to win means to survive. To survive means to end other people's lives. To live means to exploit others. How can one reach for greatness, when this world is nothing but a toy in the hands of so-called 'God'?
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Patrik has been summoned to the Four Circles to fulfil an ancient prophecy. Apparently, he’s going to save the world. There’s just one problem. He’s a community college student in his fifth year of study for a three year degree. And he has no idea what he’s doing.
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Time-Turners are dangerous devices, and awful things happen to wizards and witches who meddle with time.Or do they?For Hermione Granger, an accident that leads her back in time changes the course of nearly a dozen lives, her own included: love where there was none before, hope where it was lost, trust where it had always been suspect.A young Gryffindor girl that hadn't existed before.For Aurora Snape, starting school when the threat against Muggle-borns and the Chamber of Secrets makes it more difficult to be the Potions master's daughter. Or making Draco see that his perception of Muggle-borns is wrong. And it certainly doesn't help when one of the few Gryffindors who is nice to her is the one person who really shouldn't know her too well: her mother.Originally posted on AO3, and FF.net
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Completed✔️~Tom Holland's Peter Parker.~What will happen when Peter's Decathlon team goes on a one week field trip to The Avengers Tower (Stark Tower)? More importantly, will he be able to keep his identity hidden?~join the discord: discord.gg/FFATbP7~[#8- peterparker] - july 17, 2020[#4- scarletwitch] - march 20, 2021[#8- vision] - may 13, 2021
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"Hey, dudewhy you are nudeIn the woodI can see.......your fruityou shouldget changed in the hoodohh shootwas I rude?it fucking rhymed"Jeon Jungkook the soon to be alpha of dark crystal pack. He is arrogant, possessive, over protective over his property, dominant, sometime ruthless ,gets dominated by a ordinary but savage, sassy, cocky human ,his mate Kim Taehyung a KookV werewolf fanfic .Top:KookBottom :Taeit's obviously a boy×boy bookStarted: november,2018.Completed:21 may,2019#100k reads "11th may,2019 " Taenk u all 😘😘#200k ,june 19,2019 ❤❤
8 85