《Danganronpa: Retirement Plan》Ch. 2: All In The Will [2] (Daily Life)
Despite going to sleep with a positive outlook on my current situation, my nightmares were plagued with reminders of discovering Skyler's corpse and watching Vanessa's execution. A never ending replay of me opening the storage room door to see that horrific sight. Each time their body being more and more decomposed.
After forcing myself awake and then trying to go back to sleep, I had another nightmare. This time the puddle of blood that was now Vanessa, engulfed me and when I tried to swim out, I was held back by a rope strangling my neck.
I forced myself awake once more, this time deciding to get up and not go back to sleep. Fawn was still fast asleep, so I quietly left her room, locking the door behind me, and went to my room to change out of my pajamas.
I should go to the kitchen. I could get a head start on making breakfast.
To my surprise, I wasn't the first person in the kitchen this morning.
"Rory?" I gasped.
"Uh, hey Felix?" They swiftly turned around, startled. "You usually aren't up this early."
"I couldn't sleep." I admitted.
"Same." Rory agreed.
"Do you need some help?" I asked.
"Yeah." They replied.
I joined Rory and the two of us made homemade biscuits, eggs, and bacon for all 14 of us. Things were mostly silent while we cooked, so I took us putting the biscuits in the oven as an opportunity to talk with them.
"How are you feeling?" I vaguely asked.
"Shitty." They summed up in one word. "One second Vanessa's helping me in the kitchen and the next I'm watching her run for her life."
"I feel a similar way about Skyler." I stated, glancing fearfully towards the pantry. "I open every door with caution, because I'm scared I'll find someone dead again."
Rory took some time to respond. They were carefully thinking about what they would say next.
"I can't do anything now, but if I had put in more effort to get to know her I could have talked with her and convinced her not to do it." They said. "And I didn't even take the time to get to know Skyler... I regret not getting to know them."
I wish I had gotten to know Vanessa more... I feel we would have gotten along.
"I'm gonna do that." I vaguely announced.
"What are you going to do?" Rory inquired.
"I'm going to get to know everyone here." I said. "Even the people who don't come to breakfast or don't like being with the group. I'll make an effort to befriend everyone, so no one kills again."
"That's a good idea!" The food tester agreed. "People wouldn't kill their friends."
"We should have a mandatory gathering with everyone at least once a day from now on." I suggested. "And not just breakfast where people can leave when they're done eating. A fun event where we all enjoy ourselves and get to know each other."
"With the new area rooms unlocked, we'll have plenty to do." Rory added. "What should we do today?"
Before I could make any suggestions, the morning announcement went off.
*ding dong, bing bong*
"Attention! It is now 7 am. Rise and shine you useless maggots!"
There goes Wolf the Cat goes, calling us useless again...
"Could you go and tell everyone that breakfast is ready?" Rory requested. "We'll decide on something later."
"Alright." I complied.
Firstly, I waited for Fawn to get ready. I made sure to take note of everyone that I saw pass going to dining room.
"Where did you go?" She quietly asked me, sounding scared.
"I couldn't sleep, so I went to the kitchen and made breakfast with Rory." I explained. "Now come on. We've to tell people it's time for breakfast."
Most people had already gotten up, aside from the usual hermits and a particular chauffeur who was deeply effected by the events of yesterday. We'll save Zenith for last.
"This is Blane's door." I informed my sister. "I think you should talk to him."
"Okay." To my surprise, she agreed instantly.
Is Fawn finally coming out of her shell?
"Hello?" The biologist opened the door, still in his pajamas. "D-Do you n-n-need anything from m-me?"
"Br-Breakfast." My sister said with minimal stuttering. "It's breakfast time."
"Oh!" The scientist realized. "I'll b-be there in a few m-m-minutes."
For all the people that Fawn felt comfortable speaking with, I made her knock and invite them to breakfast. I took care of everyone else to spare her the early morning discomfort.
"Lastly is," I paused, checking the nameplate on the door. "Isaiah."
"I can do this one." Fawn stated.
I suppose it's not too surprising if I think about it...
"Go ahead." I encouraged her.
Fawn took a breath, before knocking on Isaiah's door. Shortly, the door opened and a blonde man in a bathrobe appeared. He rubbed his eyes and adjusted his glasses. His eyes widened when he realized who was at the door.
"It's too early for cards." Isaiah simply said, crossing his arms to hide that he was still in his pajamas.
"We're inviting you to breakfast." I explained.
"I'm not interested." He huffed. "Go away."
"It's mandatory." I told him.
"You can't make me go." He furrowed his brow.
"Please?" Fawn quietly asked him. "You don't have to stay for long, we just want you to show up and get food."
Isaiah pushed up his glasses. He took a long time to respond, before finally facing Fawn and sighing.
"Okay." He agreed. "But I won't stay long."
He slammed the door. I turned to my sister, surprised she had managed to convince him.
"I'm surprised you actually got Isaiah to agree." I complimented her. "I expected to do a lot more negotiating with him."
"Did you doubt me or something?" She asked, teasingly.
"A little." I replied to my sister. "But now I know your ready to socialize even more with how much you've improved since we started our daily social time."
"More?!" She complained.
We started to make our way to the dining room, since we had invited everyone. ...almost everyone.
"Good morning!" An excited game show host greeted us. "Can I join you two on your walk to breakfast? Everybody else has been so mean to me this morning."
Nora pouted, as I sharply glared at her. She knows what happened yesterday and her being involved with bringing us here makes her partly responsible for what happened to them.
Rory said to invite everyone. But is Nora even included in everyone?
"That's not surprising." I huffed. "You're part of the reason we're stuck in this awful place."
"But I haven't done anything yet!" She dramatically pleaded. "...ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴘᴇsᴛᴇʀ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴏᴇsɴ'ᴛ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ."
"We don't want anything to do with you as long as you're involved in a killing game." I said, walking around Nora.
Fawn hesitating followed suit. I expected Nora to follow us, but she just stood in place as we went ahead.
Finally, we made it to the dinning room. Plates had already been disturbed and everyone had started eating. There was some light conversation, but nothing nearly as lively compared to yesterday morning.
"Bestie!" Tabitha's eyes lit up when she saw me. She patted the empty seat beside her for me to sit there.
I took a seat beside Tabitha and Fawn took a seat beside me. Quartz, Nikolas, and Hunter sat near us. Before Fawn and I joined, the four had been conversing.
"Felix, what is the coolest place you've ever been too?" Tabitha asked me.
"Uh, I went on a school field trip to a rock museum once." I explained. "Not for the music. For like real rocks."
"Wait seriously?!" The blonde girl gasped. "And I thought mine was the lamest at the world's 3rd largest aquarium."
"I've never even been an aquarium before, heh," I quietly chuckled. "What's it like?"
"Well, there are a lot of fish." Nikolas recapped. "You aren't missing out on too much."
"What cool places have the rest of you guys been too if Tabitha thinks the 3rd largest aquarium is lame?" I questioned.
"Nikolas and I both travel a lot for our work." Quartz explained. "I've been to so many different places, I would need to show you my scrapbook in order to cover all of them."
"What about you, Hunter?" I inquired.
When I got no response, I turned to see he had fallen asleep at the table. My eyes widen, concerned for if he was okay.
"It was difficult to sleep last night." Quartz frowned, glancing towards the cowboy. She turned to Fawn and I. "How did you two sleep?"
"We slept alright," I answered. "I had some nightmares. They aren't a big deal though."
"I didn't have any nightmares," Tabitha bluntly stated.
"I didn't have any either. However, I had trouble falling asleep." Admitted the ice skater.
"Me too." Agreed Quartz.
It's good to know that I'm the not the only one who's hung up about yesterday.
...I don't like thinking about it. I'll change the subject.
"Attention everyone!" Someone called out. "Can I have everyone's attention?"
I guess someone else is already doing that.
"What do you want?" Isaiah groaned.
"I want all of you to–" Nora began to say, before abruptly stopping herself. She mentally counted everyone, before frowning. "Wait, where's the fourteenth one?"
"Do we not have everyone?" Minerva asked.
"I thought we did." I replied.
"You forget to get Zenith." Rory pointed out to me.
"D-Doesn't h-he usually come to br-breakfast?" Blane questioned.
"He usually makes it." Rory explained. "But... I think he needed a break."
"Can somebody go get him so I can give my special announcement?" Nora frowned.
"I'll go get him." I volunteered. "I was supposed to get everyone anyways."
I got up and went to Zenith's room. It took a bit of repetitive knocking to get him to open his door. When he finally did, I was greeted by a sorrow filled chauffeur.
"Zenith..." I greeted him, trying to act like his messy appearance didn't throw me off.
"Do you need something?" He asked.
"You need to come to breakfast." I said. "Nora needs to make an announcement and she wants everyone there."
"I don't want to go." He refused.
"I know," I agreed with him. "But you probably should go to not anger her."
"I guess..." He answered, not really paying attention.
"Get ready." I told him. "I'll wait outside and we can walk to the dining room together."
Zenith didn't say anything. He closed his door and didn't re-emerge for several minutes. When he finally came out, he had made an attempt to look presentable. But even I could tell he wasn't feeling up to it, which I don't blame him for.
Our walk to the kitchen was completely silent. I didn't know how to break the ice between us and the chauffeur didn't seem care that things were quiet.
"Now that all of you are here, I'm going to announce a special game we're going to play!" Nora smiled.
"Aren't we already playing a game?" Ameila asked her.
"Yes, but this us like a side game. A mini game, you could call it." Elaborated the bluenette. "This game will take place everyday during breakfast until the next motive is announced. Until then, these games can be used to earn benefits for people who do well."
"Benefits?" Hunter questioned her. "What'd ya mean by that?"
"You'll just have to do well and see." She smiled.
I'm curious about the benefits as well. I'll have to do well to find out what they are.
"Today we're going to have a very simple test!" She explained.
Simple and test are two words that do not belong in the same sentence together.
"Check your PetalPads." Nora instructed, demonstrating a visual. "There should be an new app called 'Test'. Click it and read the instructions."
Everyone did as she said. I began to read over them, reminded of standardized testing from back in school.
"Nobody can leave the dining room until all of you are done, so don't take forever." Nora added. "But don't rush yourself either, because you technically have all the time in the world for this test."
The test began. I was quizzed on topics I never thought I would see again, many of them giving me a not-so-gentle reminder of high school.
I know how to do this stuff.
All the words and number looked like scribbles to me. I couldn't comprehend anything, no matter how many times I looked at the problems.
There's no harm in guessing once?
I found myself confused, having to rely on guessing throughout the test. I was somewhat relieved that there was no way I could be graded on it or have it count against since I'm not in school. Regardless, I was nervous about my score.
I think I did alright. Maybe about a 70 or so.
Shortly after I finished, everyone was done.
"Oh, you're all done." Nora's eyes lit up when she checked her PetalPad. "Now I'll–"
"Watch out, I bite!" A black and pink cat robot jumped out from behind a plant.
Nora frowned, taking a seat. Everyone else was shocked and frustrated by the presence of the thing.
"Ugh!" Rory groaned at the sight of the robot. "What do you want, Tiger?"
"Tiger?" The cat scoffed. "Did you just confuse me with that parliamentary puppy?"
"Your names are rather confusing." Quartz said.
"The name Tiger should go with you and Wolf should go with the dog one." Isaiah advised.
"I am Wolf the Cat." It reintroduced itself. "Forget it and there will be dire consequences."
"Like what?" Tabitha pressed.
"Why don't you ask that again and find out?" Wolf threaten, tiny metal claws extending from his robotic paw.
With that, the room fell completely silent. No one even dared to cough or shuffle around, as they didn't want to displease Wolf the Cat. A piercing sharp, metal sound filled the room as it retracted its little claws.
"Now, where was I?" The robot cat question.
Nora open her mouth to speak. Before any words came out of the game show host's mouth, the cat bounced up.
"Oh right!" Wolf suddenly remembered. "I was about to explain who gets a rewards and who gets punished."
"Punished?" Amelia questioned.
"N-No one's g-going to d-d-die again, r-right?" Blane inquired, a horrid expression on his face.
"I don't think I could bare to watch other person die," Quartz stated, sounding on the brink of tears.
"Oh, no. Unfortunately, this punishment is not death." Explained the black and pink animal. "But I suppose it could be inconvenient to anyone planning a murder."
"Good thing nobody's planning a murder." Rory spoke for everyone, not very subtle frustration in their tone.
"Once the motive is announced, one of you quickly cave in." It assured us. "Anyway, it's time for me to explain who gets rewarded, who gets punished, and who gets nothing."
A beep came from our PetalPads. The screen of the app called 'Test' changed. It was now displaying a results screen.
Test Results:
Ameila — 98
Blane — 97
Minerva — 93
Isaiah — 89
Zenith — 83
Quartz — 80
Nikolas — 78
Hunter — 75
Gabriel — 73
Fawn — 71
Rory — 69
Felix — 55
Tabitha — 43
"Rewards will be given to everyone with a 90 or higher. Everyone with a score between 70 and 89 gets neither a reward nor a punishment." Wolf explained to us. "However, those of you with a 69 or lower will be receiving punishment."
I can't believe I actually did that bad. Maybe the punishment wouldn't be too painful...
"What's our reward?" Amelia asked.
"You three can't be killed until the second class trial period ends. If anyone is to kill one of you they will be executed instantly without a trial." He elaborated. "You three can still commit murder of course, but your immunity goes away once you kill."
"Would you go through the trouble of giving people immunity if your goal is to make is kill each other?" Isaiah questioned, pushing up his glasses.
"We can't have all the smart person getting strangled by a dumb athlete." It said. "We have to get rid of the idiots and the average Joe's too."
"If immunity is the reward, does that me being targeted is the punishment?" Nikolas asked.
I... I hope not.
"It better not be." Rory grumbled.
"What? No." Our host sighed, shaking his head. "You three have to be in your room, or somebody else's, I ʜᴏɴᴇsᴛʟʏ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴄᴀʀᴇ, by 7 pm."
"7 pm! That's so early, though!" Tabitha pouted.
"You three need your sleep so you can make better grades." The cat stated. "Well, I've done my job. Bother Nora if you have questions."
Wolf the Cat disappeared behind the same plant he jumped out from.
Before everyone had enough time to dwell on the test, I stood up to quietly draw everyone's attention. I figured I should explain the plan for everyone to gather as a group, before people run off to do their own thing.
"Rory and I made a plan." I announced.
"A plan for what?" Nikolas asked.
"To prevent another murder." Rory stood up, answering for me.
The table had a collect negative reaction to the reminder of what happened yesterday. However, nobody opposed to hearing us out. We continued.
"If we're all friends, then we can't kill each other." I said.
"It's not a matter of can't kill." Amelia interjected. "It's a matter of less likely to kill, due to us all having formed a bond with each other."
"Don't kill the atmosphere, Amanda!" Tabitha criticized.
"We decided that one gathering a day where we all hang out together will help make us closer." They explained. "Meals don't count, since we tend to branch off and talk to the same people."
"What's stoppin' people from not showing up to these events outta fear or somethin'?" Hunter questioned.
"Nobody wants to be uncooperative, right?" Replied the food tester with another question.
"I do!" Nora boldly spoke up. "I love being uncooperative!"
"You aren't invited." Rory snapped.
"D-Doesn't that g-go against you two w-wanting everyone to b-become friends if you p-p-purposely l-leave someone out?" Blane pointed out.
"I don't think we want Nora hanging out with us." Isaiah defended the food tester.
"I'm hurt!" The bluenette dramatically gasped.
"Don't you have protection from being murdered?" I inquired.
"Yep!" The game show host nodded. "I am informed of who is going to kill, so I can stay away from them until their done."
"Maybe she can't be killed easily," Minerva summed up. "But what's stopping her from killing us?"
"Nothing." The ice skater answered with a frown. "She doesn't give a shit about us and she more than encourages the game".
"I wouldn't resort killing any of you." Nora smiled. "I promise. ...ᴛʜᴀᴛ's sᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴇʟsᴇ's ᴊᴏʙ, ʜᴀʜᴀ."
"She isn't a threat to us." The coroner deduced.
"How?" I asked the pinkette.
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Immortals, gods, devils. All of them have escaped the grasp of time and transcended the limits of mortality. Existences that can see a bug on a leaf thousands of miles away, beings who can create and destroy on a whim, entities of such awe-striking power that you can only tremble and await your demise. Reality is at their will. However, there is one thing that makes them cower in fear, a creation of utter darkness and endless malice: The Immortals' Poison. Said to be the soul of The First Dragon mixed with the remains of the dead Arch Pheonix, two items which shouldn't even be possible to gather. It is a sentient poison capable of killing anything it infects, giving the afflicted being, whether mortal or immortal, exactly 50 days to live. One day, the High God of Light, king of the gods, was afflicted with the poison. It caused the entire god realm to be panic-stricken. Searching for any cure to this legendary poison, they found one against all odds. For locked away deep in the forbidden archives, there was a sinister method of removing the infernal poison. The way they found was quite terrible. It was to find someone with a magnificent destiny and transplant the poison to this someone with a magnificent destiny, thereby going against fate, which is something the poison loves. However, he chose the wrong person to use, and now... The reckoning is coming. cover art isn't mine, all rights go to the artist etc.
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