《Astelta》Chapter 1: The Lost One


Chapter 1: The Lost One

Khael peered through the wooden window and gaped aimlessly at the outside scenery. The crisp morning air drifted onto his nose, invoking the scent of reassurance he had desired not long ago.

The past few days had gone by with him being dead-worried. The dread of yesterday’s hell haunted him, but Khael couldn’t afford to be frightened forever. At least, he has to unravel the entire ordeal of being on someone’s body, or more importantly, the identity of who he is now.

Was he really living someone else's life? That had become his day-to-day question.

Khael wanted to know what happened to the person who originally owned his body as he couldn’t help being perturbed by the truth behind the mysteries swirling in his head.

The troubled man hoped he had anyone to share his agony with. He wanted to tell someone about his unbelievable reality, but to whom? Dessia Adhilla, who saved him, seemed sincere, though he didn’t know how much he could trust the old woman. And will she ever believe him? Or it might turn into another strange outcome that could ruin his already complicated situation.

Suddenly, a knock on the door broke his nightmarish reverie. Khael exhaled an enormous amount of emotional turmoil through his breath. Trying to remember why they would come to see him this early until he remembers. Ah, the breakfast.

Khael was supposed to eat breakfast with them. It’s not like he doesn’t want to eat with others, especially those who saved his life. He was just not prepared yet due to the exhausting dilemma he was thinking about.

The Empyrean family, who own the whole domain where he stayed—had returned from their absence even before he arrived. So he was only meeting them finally for the first time.

For the last few days, he settled there. Their household had always been courteous in giving him fare and other necessities he needed. Khael offered a way to re-compensate by doing minor chores in the mansion. But for him, it wasn’t enough. As he still felt deeply indebted to the ones who saved his life.

Khael expected to see one of the helpers or maids, but it was another person he hadn’t met before.

The lady standing by the door might not be much older than Khael was now, though they seemed to be of the same height. Her braided hair was the shade of pale blue, extending onto her waistline. It appears that hairstyle was definitive among the women in the mansion.

“Pardon me if I somehow interrupted something,” she said almost inaudibly. “I was told by Lady Dessia to guide you to the dining hall.”

“No, it’s fine,” Khael assured.

“Ah, forgive me for not introducing myself first,” she apologized, slightly looking embarrassed. “My name is Suiz Empyrean. You are… lady Dessia’s guest, Khael, right?”

“Yes, I am,” Khael gestured a bow and, not forgetting to smile. “My pleasure to finally meet you, lady Suiz.” Though he wonders why a member of the Empyrean family would escort a guest like him.


“The pleasure is mine as well. Uh, shall we head to the dining area now?” asked Suiz, her stare turning left and right. Her azure round eyes were traced with bashfulness but undeniably appealing, even with the eyes of a man troubled by anxiety a moment ago.

What a diffident lady. Khael thought.

“I’ll be in your care then,” said Khael, not forgetting the gentle smile he practiced for when he eventually got to meet them. After all, it wasn’t the face he used to have, so knowing how we would look to others--at least physically--is necessary.


Not too long, they arrived in the dining area. It was simplistic and not too spacious, unlike the few places Khael had seen in the mansion. This is actually his first time being there. He always preferred to eat alone in the room provided for him. And there, a decent-sized rectangular table rests in the middle of the vicinity. The wooden chairs with ample height circled around it, and only a few were occupied for the time being.

“Khael, have a seat.” Dessia Adhilla greeted him in a gesture.

“Thank you for having me.” Khael accepted. He hastily sits in front of the old woman and Suiz beside him. Other than them was someone he was kind of familiar with.

The man radiates a stern demeanor even though he looks calm and composed, merely minding his business in his seat. He wore a simple set of light-colored garments with long hair hanging loose to his shoulder. The first person Khael saw with the same hair color as himself. If he remembers clearly, his name was Kalafu. The one accompanying Dessia Adhilla on that day when they saved him.

A few more minutes have passed. The vacant seats filled up, though the Empyreans seemed rather patient, still waiting for someone before they all started eating. Or that person is important, like some family figurehead.

“That incredibly conceited brat sure wants us to starve from waiting,” Dessia said in an irritated tone. It seems Khael's latter guess was wrong. And then... a voice was heard, and most of them turned that way.

“Ugh, I really hate the weather today-“ it came from a young man walking near the dining table. He abruptly looked from where Khael was as if gauging his appearance thoroughly. “Pardon me, it seems we have another guest?”

“Just take your seat, Damian.” Dessia asserted. “You already made us wait for too long.”

Damian reluctantly takes his seat, still peering from where Khael is.

“What made you arrive so late this time?” asked Dessia, glaring intently at the boy in question.

“Well… I didn’t know we had a guest,” Damian sounded uncertain.

“So you would only consider arriving on time if there’s a guest?”

“Please… don’t let some squabble ruin a supposed to be pleasant breakfast for us," said a middle-aged woman this time, sitting on the other end of the table. She wore a delicate gunmetal garment that efficiently told about her status. Khael had seen a lot of portraits of her in the mansion before. He almost did not recognize the current figurehead of the family, Lindal Empyrean.


“Forgive my tardiness, Madam Lindal and Lady Dessia,” Damian expressed his apology coldly.

“Well, it seems everyone was here,” said Lindal in a lively tone. Her expression was as vibrant as the way she talked. Khael didn’t expect her to sound friendly with her sharp features and austere eyes. “First, let us welcome here, Khael,” she added as everyone started giving their regards to him silently.

“I wouldn’t keep this long,” Lindal paused, landing her gaze softly in Khael’s direction. “Khael, unfortunately, has lost his memories for a cause you are already aware of. It wasn’t new for us here, living in the Kingdom of Ubec. He will stay with us until he recovers and decides for himself what he wants to do. Please make him feel at home for the time being.”

There was no confusing exchange of glances that Khael had anticipated. As if it wasn’t much of a big deal when they heard it. Except for Damian raising an eyebrow says. “So he wasn’t an actual guest,” he then gestured his hand dismissively. “It seems he was the prisoner I heard about—that Lady Dessia bought off from the Monarch.”

Damian’s voice rises as he continues. “And it doesn’t look like it worth the—”

“Watch your mouth, Damian.” Kalafu immediately cut him off. This time, Damian seems wholly silenced immediately by his heed. Not just him, though. Khael also felt a heavy pressure past them in a short moment.

“I think we should just eat for now,” Lindal Empyrean said and glared at Damian intensely. “We will talk about this later, Damian.”

“And forgive us for this, Khael,” she added, sounding apologetic.

“N-no. You don’t have to apologize. It’s fine.” Khael simply responded. He doesn’t want to cause some trouble in their family. After all, he was just a helpless guest that badly needed their utmost help.

The lunch went by smoothly afterward, with some idle talk about things that Khael wasn’t familiar with. But it was better as no one dared to include or discuss him as the main subject. The food was good, as usual. But aside from feeling out of place, Khael wanted to return to his room to continue reading the books he left behind.


Khael woke up and drooled on the book underneath his arms that served as a pillow during his slumber. He barely finished the particular book that gave him a massive headache and placed it among the piles.

That night had done by with him reading until he passed out. It’s not something Khael would do just for the sake of “there’s nothing much to do” or “I have to do it.”. Though he wasn’t sure about the actual person who owned his body. Did he like reading books too? It didn’t feel like his body was rejecting or tired from reading many books from dawn to dusk. So Khael happily commended that.

But last night was different. That book overwhelmed him with information and knowledge he had only heard for the first time. He had the worst trouble comprehending whether he learned--or not--because he was totally at a loss and ignorant about most of it.

This convinced him further that he was in a different world rather than a weird place he hadn’t heard of before. The books about history, geography, and even culture differed significantly. No, even taking away those… but… things that didn’t seem to happen or exist in his understanding were all somehow possible.

It’s really far more diverse than Khael had thought. Though the books really helped him understand how things work for his welfare. And going back on it. Ever since Khael stumbled on that particular book titled “The Birth of Roots”--despite completely keeping his full attention on it--until he succumbs to confusion and bafflement.

Somehow he thought he understood it but not in a true sense.

Dessia Adhilla purposedly picked those books for him. Most of them were about common customs and knowledge she knew would help him to get back on life. Khael knows he didn't have the most remarkable memory to harvest for each information he gathered. So some were only skimmed, only absorbing what he thinks is relevant.

As for one of the most basic information he had known so far. The village where he is located right now is called Natcam. It is a remote agricultural town in the northern part of the Kingdom of Ubec with rich natural resources and a place they call protected by the Goddess of Memory.

After getting through many books about history, Khael didn’t find much information about other countries besides; the once-separated three states of the continent of Hibran. It was Nozula, Naodamin, and their country--Sayasiv.

Unfortunately, forty years ago, the current emperor of the Nozulan Empire, Hybris II, invaded Sayasiv with the pretext of “reuniting the three states” of Hibran to regain its glory. That part was still too far for Khael to understand as he didn’t know much about the entire history.

And even though most books tell it on a very positive note. Some old and shady-looking ones seem to negate any optimistic notion for everything that happened in the war. It looked like having that kind of book wasn’t safe for the public, so Dessia had told him to be wary and confidential about those.

So they are now under another country's rule. At the same time, the other state Naodamin still resists the invasion from them until now. And in simple words, they are still currently at massive war.

What a frightening time in a different world to live in.

Those so far, what he had learned about history. There was still a lot to learn, but he didn’t want to be overwhelmed, so he decided to take things slowly. As Dessia Adhilla told him, starting over naturally is how most of the Lost Ones(the victim of Mnemonic Beings) started a new life with their vague and empty existence.

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