《The Trials of the Lion》Trials of the Lion: Fiction Update


Greetings! I'm going to keep this very short. I published The Trials of the Lion on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited on August 17th, 2022. During that process, Amazon briefly had exclusivity to 90% of the Trials content, and I had to remove it from Royal Road. I've regretted that since it happened and was eagerly awaiting the day I could migrate the chapters back here. My success has been here on RR, and my readers mean a lot more to me than the piddly few cents I was making through KU. Those of you who comment, send me messages, and leave reviews brighten my days and broaden my horizons.

Well, it's November 14th baby, and today's the day! Starting now, all of The Trials of the Lion content is restored to RoyalRoad, and the mainline stories will never go away again. This is a mistake I made, and not one I plan to repeat. The Kindle Unlimited process wasn't what I hoped it would be anyway, and to be honest, seems like a raw deal for readers. That brings back almost 300 pages of content, across more than 130,000 words. And we're just getting warmed up, readers. I'm sitting on another 80,000 words that I am in the process of actively editing to refine it into the best sword and sorcery content on the platform. In particular, the Savage Crown saga, which composes (at current) five separate arcs, has been an absolute blast to bring together, and I'm getting more ideas every week. Buried in there is another novella that explores the nature of death and destiny, an Arthurian legend, and a pretty wild one that establishes the direction we're going long-term. And it's suitable bleak.

To celebrate the return of the Lion to RoyalRoad, his true home, I'm publishing a bonus chapter of the new arc, "A Chain of Crowns," this morning. Hell yeah! Thanks for sticking with The Trials.

Stay fierce!

L.R. Knight

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