《Souls of Red》Chapter 17: Death of a Crown


October 21,2021- October 23,2021

"To live, or not to live? What is life, when there's a known end that will strike?"

Her words were just the same old words I'd been hearing from Uncle Samuel for the past sixteen years. I was certain that her vision won't be acknowledged, and that we will probably end up as the latest ranks. I didn't care.

The only thing that truly bothered me was her solid determination, which could exist as a separate human driven solely by will. The way she would arch her eyebrows, cross her arms, and how her pupils constricted only signified a woman ready to sacrifice her own life for the sake of the objective. I agreed, confident that she'll realize what the kingdom truly thinks of her 'aspiration'. It was time to let her have a fast of her own medicine.

I headed to the library to prepare for the classes of the week. The first day went on as usual, with Aryn silently sitting, listening and recording. Each second was almost the same, with a slight change in the occurrence of the cold breeze.

"Here's the assignment you asked me to do. The list of places you asked me to explore and write about," she said.

"And I have one more question. What's the point of classes and tests if I already became a protector?"

"Those tests just determine your position among the protectors. The higher the position, the more precious the pearl and the higher your authority. Anyway, I need to go now. Any other questions?"

"No, thanks."

I walked to the dorm and began preparing the registration papers under the name 'The World's Survival'. Each word I wrote claimed war against my wall of thoughts, but it was always a losing one. I was ready to stand in front of the prestigious researchers, having the most unrealistic matter to talk about, and even look at the sarcasm in their eyes. Even if it will only slightly quiver Aryn's will, and put a stop to the line of her thoughts, I was ready to speak against my own beliefs.

I didn't understand the dire urge that suddenly emerged to halt her. But, there was something in the way she talked, not with her actual words, that seemed to fuel a battle against my past and the finite future. Every day was the same for me, practically only trying to forget the day before. However, when she talked with utter confidence despite being enslaved from her normal life, it made me question: Was living


just to forget? I couldn't imagine or never tried, proceeding ahead differently.

"Louis. Have you thought of auditioning to play the violin in the event?" she said, as she signed the registration papers.

"Excuse me?"

"I've read that highly talented musicians are chosen. And I'm sure that your talent surpasses any criteria."

"If the talent those musicians have is measured in light years, I'd have a single light year of talent. Those people train for their entire lives to get accepted."

"Acceptance is not important, it's the trial that matters. And I'm sure you'd succeed anyway," she replied.

"Not at all. The world doesn't work like that."

"The choice is yours in the end. But let me tell you. You're doing injustice to everyone who won't listen to you."

The Unity event occurs once every generation of protectors, and only musicians with exquisite abilities are chosen- those are five. Their photos are hung in the castle as an appreciation of their talent. The school of Syvox gathers the best musicians across schools to further train them, hoping that they'll get chosen to showcase their talent in the castle.

"Mr Louis, I am sure you know that once the topic is given it can't be withdrawn for another. So, is your decision final?"

"Yes," I said, looking at the papers' headline: Earth and Survival.

I looked at Rizolir's mystic door, which held one hundred diverse crystals. As the first Albiec protector to arrive on this land, one of my major missions was to investigate the person behind each crystal to fall. Those gem-like structures didn't only serve the purpose of beauty. They had the vital task of allowing the land to exist as an invisible Kingdom. A crystal would fall for every foreigner who knew about the kingdom, even without witnessing it. If all the hundred crystals were to collapse, the Kingdom will no longer be visible as a desert and will become exposed to the wrath of humans.

For the most part, I only had to retain those crystals for five years, and surrender whoever threatens them. But, for the first time, I wished for one of them to fall. I wished that whoever was endangering Uncle Samuel and sending those letters was an outsider. Their alluring presence meant either an encounter with a traitor or the beginning of a war.

"Another letter has been sent, Louis," he continued, as Uncle Samuel handed me the letter.


"Authorities can't do anything if I am the authorities, doom, injustice and the call all at once." -

"But I've been meaning to tell you something. Get out of this situation," he broke the silence.

"Uncle Samuel, you're my family. If I just sense, let alone see that danger is surrendering you I'll be ready to fight it until my last breath."

"That's exactly why I don't want to involve you. I don't know what those letters are, but a blind person can see that figuring it out will not be without costs."

"I promise you it's going to be alright, and I won't sleep until I stop this threat," I replied before leaving.

I silently proceeded towards the door, not giving him time to respond. The words of the letter sounded familiar and reading them triggered no emotions as if I'd been reading them for the past decade. Those sentenced were in the book 'Death of a Crown', written by Davina.

One of the creatures in the Mystic Forest is Davina, who can witness the future in its worst state. Being one of the wisest creatures, she orders her guards, the Decintace, to write five books every generation about the actions that will counteract everything that led to her vision.

However, her books give no direct commands and based on the depth of the mission, a protector is chosen to understand her words and execute them.

Sixteen years ago, I've been designated 'Death of a Crown,' still unable to figure out her orders. It was only at this instant that I suddenly felt a connection between the events in the book and reality. After Uncle Samuel's letter. I didn't know if the sender was encoded within the books' pages, but there was a wave of fear that shook my limbs as I held the book again.


A few hours passed before I remembered my class with Aryn. I quickly proceeded out of my dorm, distracted and agitated.

"Louis, if you don't mind, I've been wanting to ask you a question considering we're finally walking on the tracks of saving earth,"

"Go ahead," I replied.

"If it isn't too intrusive, is there a reason why you don't believe in Humanity? And why you don't wanna save it?"

"You sure are curious. It's a long story and I am afraid the session's time will end."

"We'll compensate for it. But if you're uncomfortable telling me then I apologize for crossing my boundaries," she answered.

"No it's fine, I'll narrate. I and the other protectors already know your entire history, so it's only fair you know mine."

I sat down. I didn't know if it was the urge to forget about the book or the accumulation of memories that drove my response.

" When I was about twelve, my mom fell gravely ill. She was suffering a lot, and I was too young to even understand her disease. But one evening, she passed away. Besides her untreatable condition, my father spent money to satisfy his addiction, instead of buying her medicine. I was fourteen when I saw my mom on the bed, cold and breathless."

"I had already lost the will to continue school and couldn't speak for months. Despite her pain, my sister quit her education and worked restlessly to afford my treatment and schooling. She would come home at around midnight and chat with me for twenty minutes before waking up at four am the next day. But on a cold winter night, she died," I paused.

"You see, my father had many debts from gambling. Debtors are merciless, and one day I heard a loud banging on the door at midnight. One last bang was left before the door was broken, and they entered. My father wasn't even home, and one of the guys grabbed his gun and aimed at me. I was 15 at the time and my sister was 20. There was some sort of sound insulator, and the bullet silently made its way through the air. Or maybe I lost the power to hear anything at that moment. She jumped in front of the bullet as if I was her own soul, and it landed across her chest."

"The guys said one sentence I'll never forget. Tell your father to send the money or you will be next, was all he told the fifteen-year-old at the time. Of course, I didn't respond and instead drowned in my tears and my sister's blood. This moment was the end of any love I had for the world. It was the end of my dreams. To this day, the sight of my sister's body never faded, nor did the pain."

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