《Wake now in the fire.》Chapter 6. Heironymous


Chapter 6. Heironymous

Syd woke up on a stretcher - surprised that he was still alive.

"Welcome back to the land of the living."

He recognised the nurses' voice.

"How did I get here Gladys?"

"You don't remember?" she asked.

Syd tried but couldn't.

"Do you know where you are Syd?"

The question annoyed him. He asked wounded soldiers in

the field the same sort of question to judge their level of


"I'm in a casualty clearing center." Syd said. "and it looks like

you got a bit of work on."

Nurse Gladys smiled at him. "A Doctor will come and look

you over Syd, then it looks like you're going to be out the

door and on your way."

She lent over him and re-pinned his bandages.

"The bullet bounced clean off the top of that thick Yorkshire

skull of yours."


Authors Note.

This chapter is incomplete. I will add to it in the next few weeks.

Thank you for reading what I have written so far.

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