《I Got A Rock》Chapter 22
Nelli zoomed around in a vibrant bolt of colors for the fourth time. Xoco clung to a tall branch as she squinted and scanned the jungle once more in the event that her familiar had missed anything. At the top of another tree, Ozzy scurried about from branch to branch and saw nothing. Zyn checked the last of the obvious hiding places with a stick, finding only bugs and one annoyed looking snake that hissed and slithered further into the hollowed log it called home.
High above, Patli soared and relayed a thought of clear skies and calm forests to Tonauac patrolling down below. Citlali’s raptor returned to her after darting about the underbrush, finding nothing at all while her mage stood guard with a giant elemental rock man to guard their battle commander.
All of them relayed a quick hand sign that there were exactly zero threats to prevent them from taking an actual break this time.
Isak breathed a sigh of relief and hollered for everyone to join him in finally taking a rest.
“Thank you, Esteemed Battle Commander.” Citlali gave a small bow to the now horribly confused human looking around him for the source of sudden formality. “You burden yourself with niceties that this unworthy soul does not deserve, to have me remain close for observation with only your esteemed familiar as a guard.”
The human stared at her with his mouth hanging open as he tried to remember if he had encountered such an extremely formal register of Clear Speech outside of text. He groaned and massaged his temple, looking to his friends just behind her who were all equally baffled and or intrigued at the display. “Um, yeeees you are uh most welcome. We’re all equals here though so you can just…not be so formal? By which I mean you can skip the formality.”
Citlali chanced a glance at eye contact with the human, only for a moment before looking back down. “I-...I don’t-”
“Okay this is too painful to watch.” Zyn cut in with a shake of his head, and a thankful sigh and nod from Isak. He talked and walked until he joined Isak at his side. “Tell us why your former friends…employers? Tell us why they had such a grudge against us, and we’ll consider that proof enough that you are now cool enough to use Informal Register with us. Deal?”
The lizardlass bowed alongside her raptor and avoided Zyn’s eyes. “Most Esteemed Advisor to our Battle Commander, you cause yourself to-”
“As a blood mage I swear to you that no harm, physical or societal, shall come to you if you use Informal Register with us.” The lizardlad insisted as was his duty to prevent his friends from enduring this pain.
“Tikonel was trying to establish a hierarchy with himself at the top and that involved ‘sending a message’ to Xoco’s family, Jearx was happy to share that spot if it meant fulfilling a grudge against Isak. Also I think they both took it as an insult that Xoco hasn’t been associating with any of us. I mean them.”
Citlali wrung her dark green and black banded hands as she looked back and forth between her new team.
“That’s real dumb.” The drow said with a groan as he reached down to the ground to allow a scurrying cave octopus to climb back onto his shoulder.
“Did any of them bring in any…” Xoco motioned with her hands as she searched for the right word. “Outside Assistance, with that?”
“I don’t know about Jearx, but Tikonel’s ego was way too big to go crying to his family for help.” While the lizardlass looked around for approval, Xoco and Isak shared a look of shrugging acceptance that they had eliminated at least one possible source of whoever it was that was stalking the human.
“Well, matter resolved.” Isak said as he shook his head. “Now let’s eat already.”
No one objected as they finally cleared some space for a smaller than ideal camp in the middle of some low growing jungle plants with large fronds. A wide open clearing had been debated, but after too much excitement previously they decided on something more secluded if not a bit cozier with someone new in tow. The flying familiars kept watch high above, and the lizardlass’ raptor stood as a tiny sentinel just outside their camp.
Citlali fetched some water from a nearby pool though she retched as she hauled in a waterskin of the slimy standing liquid. “Forgive my delay, this is hazardous materials handling. And thank you for letting me prove to you that I can be trusted with gathering the water! But I guess even if I were to poison it that would get filtered out so…soooooo I will now shut up until I am needed.”
Zyn pinched the bridge of his nose as Isak and Ozzy both pat him on the back.
Tonauac had been in charge of the purification ritual last time, and he wasn’t about to shirk that responsibility now as he placed the tiny bundled roots and twigs all around the propped up water skin. All Xoco could offer was a sympathetic if worried smiling grimace to her friends while their new companion stared at the ground.
As the blood mage started the chant and traced along in practiced motions to purify the water while all enjoyed a well deserved rest, Isak hummed a worried tone to himself. Growing up in a remote village he had only ever known one lizardfolk to any meaningful degree. It was only recently that he was faced with their ever presence in The Empire. And the fact that he was still getting used to telling them apart.
And now he had two of them that he would be regularly interacting with in the same situations. Not wanting to be some uncultured fiend that can’t tell people, much less friends, apart he decided to start noting the differences. Easiest of all was that Tonauac was a very light green as compared to the dark green Citlali.
Tonauac had finished the last of the ritual with all of the scum and other filth in the water now residing on the ends of the bundled roots and twigs. He announced that the water was now completely safe to drink as they all took turns refilling their canteens. Snacks were withdrawn from their backpacks as they feasted on dried fish and a type of tortilla dried out to last as long as possible.
It all required far too much gnawing and chewing but after an intense battle they were hungry enough to chow down in silence. Isak noted Tonauac had the least trouble eating the survival food, but then even if he wasn’t an adult he was still a lizardfolk male and already had a wider and more fearsome jaw than the females.
“Well,” Isak finally broke the silence after gnawing through several survival fish tacos, not having realized how hungry he was. “We should be at the base of the dead volcano soon enough. Start looking for any streams because we might get lucky and those would lead us right to our destination. If we’re not lucky…well we still have two flyers up there searching. How are they doing?”
“Well Nelli just ate…a bird. And it didn’t pop so it wasn’t someone’s familiar!” Xoco said looking a bit too happy at that before she cleared her throat and continued past her friends’ curious stares. “But nothing of interest for good or bad.”
“Still a good thing!” Isk reassured her. “Tonauac, anything from Patli?”
The lizardlad focused for a moment and narrowed his yellow eyes before giving a disappointed grunt. He pointed off to the northwest. “Volcano is still that way, skies are still filled with other flying familiars but none of them seem to care about him…wait….okay may have spotted something over that way? I don’t have anything more than ‘something, sorry.”
“That is a better guess than the one we were going off of!” He turned to the drow next. “Did you have anything?”
Zyn shrugged with a blank expression. “Forests up here are weird, so I’m not much help. But just you wait until we’re underground!”
“Fair- wait what do you mean forests up here?” Isak shook his head to rid himself of many questions that would no doubt be answered in an enthusiastic lecture later at their room. “Nevermind, tell me later.”
Tonauac lit up as he spoke. “They’re mostly fungus! Sorry, we can go but…they’re mostly fungus!”
Zyn burst out laughing and slapped his knee, even Ozzy squeaked in amusement. “Fungus? That’s underselling it! It’s like saying ‘oh your forests have plants in them’! Understatement of the era and-....right, later.”
“Very cool sounding, but yes later.” Isak was already packing up his canteen and his rations when he remembered their newest member, still looking lost with large green eyes avoiding everyone’s gaze. “Oh, sorry about that. Citlali did you have anything to add?”
“No complaints!” She answered too quickly.
Outside of the lizardlass’ peripheral vision, Xoco winced in sympathy.
“Not what I-” Isak sighed and reminded himself that not all rich kids could be as well adjusted as Xoco. “Good to hear! If you do have anything that would help us find our destination, let us know! Once we find it, we’ll work on yours next if you know what you’re supposed to be looking for. Or first I guess, if it’s closer…”
“What.” Citlali asked, swearing she misheard.
Zyn snorted. “I wish we got that lucky. Probably way out of the way. Ah well, still plenty of uh…what’s the word…something light…”
Everyone looked almost as lost and confused as Citlali until Xoco narrowed her eyes and puzzled things out as the drow pointed towards the sky until one eyebrow raised on her face. “...daylight?”
“That! Still plenty of daylight in the air!” Zyn exclaimed until Tonauac leaned over to whisper in his pointed ear. “Still plenty of daylight! Haha nailed it. Thanks, man.”
The group started to pack their things as their newest addition still looked unsure and lost. She finally stowed her food and canteen before approaching Isak. “What do I owe for your aid in assisting me with my assignment?”
Tonauac chuckled as he deconstructed the water purification set up. “Oh there’s no need to-”
“No no, if she wants to think of it in those terms I can do that. What are your talents?” Isak asked as he crossed his arms, looking up to Vidal for a bit of reassurance. The rock man having been silent for a while now. “You know like, magic or hobbies that just happen to also have a real world application…”
“Fire, shielding, and earthmoving. Yes yes I know, fire and the whole-” She motioned to herself like the connection was obvious. The confusion in Isak’s eyes told her it was not obvious. “Because my green scales will turn red soon enough? Sometime this year? Anyway, The Man With The Obsidian Mirror does have a sense of humor. For hobbies, uh…hobbies…does it count if we were forced into it and we hate it and now that our parents aren’t here no one can force us to keep it up?”
“Not in the slightest!” Xoco’s smile held as many teeth as it did answers.
“Okay great, because then I have nothing….wait, that’s not great…WAIT! STARGAZING! Haha silly me it’s only how I got my Granted Name! Haha who even forgets that please I’m sorry.”
Zyn pinched the bridge of his nose again. “Have minor mistakes like that been an actual worry for you in the past?”
“I was coerced into ganging up on you all and breaking your limbs under fear of vague threats….which, of course I really didn’t want to do but I eventually did make the right decision and now I humbly ask that you please don’t hurt me-”
“Vidal.” Isak’s muffled voice came through both hands covering his face. “Please recognize Citlali as a friend and all that goes with that.”
“Acknowledged.” The rock man boomed as he stared down at the trembling lizardlass who’s raptor had scurried back to her and she was now clutching for dear life. “New companion registered. Your continued wellbeing is now being ensured by lethal force with a non-lethal preference, contingent on your continued companion status with Master Isak.”
Isak loudly cleared his throat several times and avoided eye contact with anyone. “Vidal you can leave that last part out. Just say she’s a friend and doesn’t have to worry.”
“Apologies Master Isak. By issuing the change in designation command, it was judged that the statement of her protection status was in due order.”
The human chewed on his tongue, looking to his friends who all shared an intrigued look with him. Minus Citlali who was still shaking and confused. “That’s noteworthy, right?”
“Seems notable to me.”
“I know Isak and I are taking notes-” Xoco said as she retrieved her notebook from her backpack without taking her eyes off the rock man. “But perhaps we all should so that we can compare our unique perspectives?”
Zyn and Tonauac looked at one another, shrugging and then nodding as they agreed they could do their best once they could get a notebook. Citlali raised her hand before quickly pulling it back down as she remembered not to do that.
“Question…if that’s okay um…what am I missing?”
“A lot.” Isak said as he was already busy scribbling some quick notes. “We’ll tell you all about it once we’re not in a jungle where everyone can hear. Don’t worry it’s nothing dangerous-”
The drow made a loud grunt of disagreement as he held his hand to make a wavering gesture.
“Okay dangerous for me only. Probably. But once again you not only have Vidal looking out for you, but all of us! I can’t speak for their possible lethality though.”
Citlali seemed to take a moment to consider this as she pet her dark green raptor with orange stripes. She then gave a resolute nod and her eyes focused with determination. “If you will all kill for me then I will happily kill for you!”
As Isak and Xoco were both busy taking notes, Zyn sighed and spoke for them. “We just met so it’s appreciated but we don’t expect that yet. But definitely once we all share our tragic pasts with one another.”
“I do not have a tragic past!” Isak and Xoco both shouted in unison as they looked up from their notes. They first looked to Zyn who’s smug grin threatened to take up permanent residence, then to each other as blood ran to their faces and they mumbled something unintelligible while finishing their notes.
“We should probably get going soon.” Xoco said as she packed away her notebook, a moment later Nelli landed on her shoulders and puffed out her feathers to hide Xoco’s face going dark green.
Isak cleared his throat while his own face tinted red and turned to Citlali. “Yes I agree let’s do that now. Citlali, where were you supposed to go for your assignment?”
She quickly withdrew her own scroll and handed it to the human who looked it over. “Tikonel wanted to hold onto it. And I let him. Until he wasn’t looking. It’s alllll in the tail.”
The lizardlass grinned and gestured with both hands to her tail. Isak raised an impressed brow, made a mental note that wider hips in females seemed to be a universal he could count on as an identifier, and handed her scroll back to her as he started to lead onward with a wave of his hand to the group. “Very handy! Or should I say taily!”
“Yes!” The jungle troll agreed as she held back a giggle and caught up with them with a few long strides. “It seems like you would be good at helping Zyn tail people!”
“They could then tell us some tall tails about it!” Isak and Xoco took the lead with faces full of glee and a barrage of more puns of increasingly questionable quality. Zyn shared a knowing look with Ozzy and followed after despite the increasing lethality of the puns they were resorting to.
Citlali hung back and turned to Tonauac with narrowed eyes and an obvious question on her face. He closed his eyes and shook his head. “It’s a thing they do.”
She set her raptor down to follow along after her as they resumed their trek through the jungle.
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