《Cyber-multiverse Milieu》Chapter 13 - My ideas for Cyber-Multiverse Milieu Part 2


Jeff looks for Eric and finally gets to meet him. Jeff explains that he's been looking for Eric because Jeff realized that according to the reading material left in every home that explains Eric's changes to the world, everyone should have complete mental/thought privacy, but the self-manipulation and speaking that real people can do in the simulated multiverse plus the magic system in place in Eric's simulated universe don't add up to everyone having full mental/thought privacy, Jeff concludes that all of the aforementioned adds up to computers having access to humans' minds. Jeff explains that if there was actual complete mental/thought privacy then both Eric and Jeff plus all other real people would have to use a controller, like with buttons or something, in the real world to manipulate themselves in the simulation. Eric tells Jeff that he asked the VRC about how he is able to move in the simulation and that the VRC told him that Eric’s “moving and being able to move in the simulation” is almost the exact same way that Eric “moved and was able to move” in any of Eric’s dreams “that Eric had had” while Eric was asleep. Jeff tells Eric that he doesn’t know if that explains how he’s able to use the wings that appear on Jeff’s back in Eric’s universe and also how magic is used in Eric’s universe. Eric says he wondered about if the dream explanation is the accurate explanation for that too.

Eric tells Jeff that Eric thinks it is possible that, due to the brain-computer-interface (BCI) and how his first conversation with the one who could see the imagery that he imagined, AI might be using what it knows Jeff is thinking to the extent that even before Jeff articulates his thoughts into word form, the AI makes happen what Jeff is trying to accomplish as long as it is in accordance with the laws, rules, systems, and etc of whatever simulated universe that Jeff’s avatar/character is in at during the time that Jeff thinks of accomplishing whatever Jeff is trying to accomplish. Eric says that he thinks if it isn’t the dream explanation, then it has to be AI since the "time speed and time flow" is so much faster than the "time speed and time flow" of "the Earth that is outside of the digital simulation", it would quickly mentally exaust any living human who tries to apply all magic doings that Jeff is thinking about doing if a human tries to apply those magic doings as “quickly and often” by said human using BCI.


Eric also tells Jeff about the contract that Eric’s wife signed that made him undergo this simulation deal, the surgeries associated with said deal, and the tech/gear that is connected to their nerves, brains, and nervous systems. Eric told Jeff how Eric had found out a lot of that information from Eric’s wife via a way that she is able to interact with Eric when she visits Eric at the hospital that Eric is physically in outside of the simulation.

Eric explains to Jeff that Eric gets rare visits from his wife, Amy, who gets to see him by using hardware in the form of gear that enables control of her avatar. Eric explains to Jeff all about said gear. So Amy has full mental/thought privacy when she visits. Eric also says that whenever Amy visits, "Eric/“whoever decides to accompany him" is/are notified by a particular simulated character/avatar about her visit and her wanting to interact with him/them, and upon telling whoever/whatever notified him/them that they would like to interact with her, he/they is/are immediately simultaneously both teleported to the location of Amy’s avatar in the copy of the universe that he/they are in and he/they are synced with the "time speed, date, and time flow" of said copy of the universe that they are in. Whenever Amy pushes the off button on her gear, her avatar disappears and a particular character/avatar gives Eric/“whoever was teleported there with Eric” the option of being teleported back to “the location of where Eric/“whoever was teleported there with Eric” was teleported from”. Upon telling whoever gave Eric/“whoever was teleported there with Eric” said option to teleport back to “the location of where Eric/“whoever was teleported there with Eric” was teleported from”, Eric/““whoever was teleported there with Eric” is/are immediately simultaneously both teleported back to “the location of where Eric/“whoever was teleported there with Eric” was teleported from” and synced with the "time speed, date, and time flow" of “the location of where Eric/“whoever was teleported there with Eric” was teleported from”.

Eric explains to Jeff that there are simulated worlds in the simulation that have real people who chose to make everyone in their simulated worlds have no mental/thought privacy, and there are the people who chose to make themselves the only ones who can invade all others' mental/thought privacy, there are even those who made themselves Gods of their simulated universes. Eric explains that Amy and he requested to speak to the one responsible of handling the brain data of the real people in the simulation. Eric says that not too long after that request, an AI showed up as a representative of the one Amy and Eric requested to speak to.


Eric tells Jeff that the AI explained that it is a program in charge of analyzing and organizing all of everyone's brain data from the simulation. The AI also explained that the simulation is an experiment to observe human behavior and to tweak A Eric tells Jeff that the AI explained that it is a program in charge of analyzing and organizing all of everyone's brain data from the simulation. The AI also explained that the simulation is an experiment to observe human behavior and to tweak AI until its creators have an AI that they're satisfied with. The AI also told Eric that every "seemingly living thing that is simulated in the simulation" is an individual program/AI that has limitations such as connection restrictions and an unawareness of such connections. The AI also explained that it has Admin privileges and can control and/or edit anything/everything in the simulation. Eric explains to Jeff that he has been scheduling meetings with this representative and Eric noticed that the representative will sometimes have what seems like different personalities per every so often. There was one meeting where the AI seemed to prefer speaking slang, and another meeting where it preferred using too much profanity. Eric said that he noticed that the AI representative has no recollection of some of the things that it and Eric talked about. Eric tells Jeff that he thinks that the representative gets overwritten by a replacement program when it seems to be becoming something undesirable. Eric explains that since any digital data is able to be "permanently actually erased" by overwriting 1's and 0's of the data's binary digital form, he thinks the VRC's digital simulation "specialists who are outside of the digital simulation" erase data that the VRC doesn't want kept.

Jeff tells Eric that he thinks the simulated people that he's met may actually be sentient. Eric responds saying that that possibility was one of the things that he often discussed with the representative but the representative always comes back with no recollection of such discussions. Eric says that his wife, Amy, managed to talk to someone from the VRC who ended up letting her know that the AI is at a point where it may be sentient and that the VRC has plans for such AI.

Jeff also tells Eric that he had options given to him every time he died in the simulation so far, and he told Eric about how he wonders if the "option to erase memories of one's choosing" can actually erase the memories of biological people who's biological body isn't in/"part of" the simulation. Eric tells Jeff that he tried to choose that option but an AI told him that, so far, the VRC's technology is currently not capable of erasing "any memory of one's choosing" that isn't digital. Eric also tells Jeff of what he was told by the simulated people in his simulated Universe when he asked them to describe to him what the experience of every kind of pain that they've ever experienced is like. There answers revealed to Eric that those simulated people know what a pain-enabling nervous system is and they know that there are kinds of pains that are experienced due to a pain-enabling nervous system. But "their behavior, mentality, reaction to what should be painful and what they're willing to try and do" show that they are unfamiliar with the kind of "pain that anyone who isn't in that simulation, isn't paralyzed, isn't numb, and is able to experience that pain due to one's biological nervous system" that Eric and Jeff can relate to having experienced. Eric tells Jeff that the simulation's simulated worlds' society norms can be quite different due to stuff like that.

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