《Cyber-multiverse Milieu》Chapter 8 - World Creation (Blocks of Information 1)
(Author's Note: Are the laws of nature fixed? The natural laws are traditionally characterized as eternal, fixed, and immutable. ... If so, then in any possible world, there are exactly the same laws at all times (though presumably there are different laws in different “possible worlds).)
All things that are simulated in the simulation is/"will be" called/"referred to as" the things (including impossibilities, possibilities, and “living things such as, but not limited to, humans”) that they are the simulated versions of.
The basis preset of Eric’s universe is as identical/3d to/as the “non-simulated universe that contains the computer that this simulation is running on” as this simulation can possibly simulate. Said basis preset of Eric’s universe has been running for 5 minutes so far and, right now, it is 12:30pm on Earth in said universe.
“What “”each one of every “Eric’s Laws””, “each one of every “Eric’s Rules””, “each one of every “Eric’s Systems””, and “each one of every “Eric’s Sections of Information”” describes/explains/conveys” simultaneously begins in never-ending nonstop ongoing effect starting from the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation.
“Each one of all of what “Eric’s Sections of Information” describes/explains” is all of “All That Eric Made So”. All of the “information that each ””Eric’s section of information” that is after this paragraph to before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation” conveys” and all of the information that is all of “Eric’s Sections of Information” are identical. This is all of “Eric’s Sections of Information”:
This “Eric’s section of information” describes/explains that: “”Regarding during “The Past, during The Present, and during The future” in Eric’s universe”: Permanently, unchangeably neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly”, starting from this moment onward:
1: In/“For everyone/everything and including for”/Regarding all of what all of “Eric’s Sections of Information” describes/explains/conveys, “in a way that can change/affect/“change/affect itself”/“be changed/affected”/“change/affect any other” in only any way that is in accordance with all of “Eric’s laws”/“Eric’s rules”/“Eric’s systems”” means “In Eric’s #1 way of As Is Manner of Aftermath”.
2: In/“For everyone/everything and including for”/Regarding all of what all of “Eric’s Sections of Information” describes/explains/conveys, “in a magical way that never-endingly nonstop remains ongoing but said magical way can be undone by any magic/wish-granter/attribute/ability/power that is via “In Eric’s #1 Way of As Is Manner of Aftermath”” means “In Eric’s #2 Way of As Is Manner of Aftermath”.
This “Eric’s section of information” describes/explains that: “”Regarding during “The Past, during The Present, and during The future” in Eric’s universe”: Permanently, unchangeably neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly”, starting from this moment onward:
1: When it comes to each one of every physical biological thinking existence, “any physical biological thinking existence ever “moving/“willing anything/anyone”/being able to move/“will anything/anyone”” not by any way/means other than by any way/means that is identical to the same way/means as each one of every way/means that any physical biological thinking existence was/is ever moving/“willing anything/anyone”/being able to move/“will anything/anyone” during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation” is impossible, and any physical biological thinking existence ever “moving/“willing anything/anyone”/being able to move/“will “anything/anyone that is physically biologically an attached part of said physical biological thinking existence”” not by: 1: any way/means other than by any way/means that is identical to the same means as each one of every way/means that is only possible due to biology, and 2: any way/means other than by any way/means that is identical to the same way/means as each one of every way/means that would enable said physical biological thinking existence to manipulate said attached part if said attached part was already a physically biologically attached part of said physical biological thinking existence during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation if said thinking existence existed as a physical biological thinking existence without “each one of every addition to the universe’s basis preset from “the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation” to any time afterwards” is impossible.
1: When it comes to each one of every thinking existence in any non-physical form, “any thinking existence, while said thinking existence is in any non-physical form, said thinking existence not being unchangeably already automatically neverendingly nonstop ongoingly magically enabled to “move/“will anything/anyone”/be able to move/“will anything/anyone”” by any of the afformentioned ways/means that any physical biological thinking existence “moves/“wills anything/anyone”/is able to move/“will anything/anyone” which is the only the way/means that is identical to the afformentioned ways/means that any physical biological thinking existence “moves/“wills anything/anyone”/is able to move/“will anything/anyone”” if said physical biological thinking existence is in the vacuum of outer space and the only way to move/will said thinking existence’s own form is only in any way that said physical biological thinking existence would be able to move/will said physical biological thinking existence’s own body while said thinking existence is only existing physically/biologically in the vacuum of outer space, said thinking existence is having all requirements fulfilled to remain healthy despite the lack of what is required for said thinking existence to be healthy, and said thinking existence isn’t near any atmospheres/“anything physical other than said thinking existence”” is impossible”.
2: “The existence of any “thinking existence’s non-physical form” other than “said thinking existence’s “spirit/soul/consciousness form”” is impossible.
2: When it comes to each one of every physical technological thinking existence, “any physical technological thinking existence ever “moving/“willing anything/anyone”/being able to move/“will anything/anyone”” not by any way/means other than by any way/means that is identical to the same means as each one of every means that any physical technological thinking existence was/is ever moving/“willing anything/anyone”/being able to move/“will anything/anyone” during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation” is impossible, and any physical technological thinking existence ever “moving/“willing anything/anyone”/being able to move/“will “anything/anyone that is physically technologically an attached part of said physical technological thinking existence”” not by: 1: any way/means other than by any way/means that is identical to the same means as each one of every means/ways that is only possible due totechnology, and 2: any way/means other than by any way/means that is identical to the same ways/means as each one of every ways/means that would enable said physical technological thinking existence to manipulate said attached part if said attached part was already a physically technologically attached part of said physical technological thinking existence during the 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation if said thinking technological existence existed as a physical technological thinking existence without “each one of every addition to the universe’s basis preset from “the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation” to any time afterwards” is impossible.
1: Each one of every means of “how each one of every anyone/anything “having ceased”/ceasing/“will cease” to exist happened/“is happening”/happens/“will happen” is possible to “have happened”/happen” that is the same means as each one of every means of “how said anyone/anything “having ceased”/ceasing to exist happened/“was happening”/“will happen” was/is/“will be” possible to “have happened”/happen” before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation plus each one of every means of “how each one of every anyone/anything “having ceased”/ceasing/“will cease” to exist happened/“is happening”/happens/“will happen” is possible to “have happened”/happen” that each one of every “Eric’s section of information” that describes/explains/conveys “1 or more” means of “how each one of every anyone/anything “having ceased”/ceasing/“will cease” to exist happened/“is happening”/happens/“will happen” is possible to “have happened”/happen” describes/explains/conveys.
2: The existence of “any one thinking existence ever being more than one thinking unit” is impossible.
3: The existence of “any one “thinking existence that is comprised of multiple units” ever not being, as a whole, one individual thinking existence” is impossible unless “said unit is alive, biological, and said unit has more than one biological brain “”that is physically “”part of the surface of said unit” or “any distance under the surface”” of said unit” and each one of every said brain is not outside of the surface of said unit”” whereby each one of every said brain is utilized by one individual thinking existence that is biologically unable to utilize more than one brain of said unit.
4: The life span of each one of every biological/living existence ever being non-physical/“not in accordance with what is possible in accordance with non-magical biological composition” is impossible.
5: Eric’s universe is never able to become a single point singularity. “A Big Bang event”/“Anything/Anyone identical to a Big Bang event”/“more than a galaxy’s worth of energy being/becoming a single point singularity” ever occuring/happening is impossible in Eric’s universe.
6: “The maximum output/effect of anything/anyone/magic ever exceeding the maximum output/effect of the most powerful gamma-ray burst that occured before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation” is impossible.
7: Other than “what “”each one of every “Eric’s Laws””, “each one of every “Eric’s Rules””, “each one of every “Eric’s Systems””, and “each one of every “Eric’s Sections of Information”” describes/explains/conveys”, “Regarding during “The Past, during The Present, and during The future” in Eric’s universe”, “permanently, unchangeably neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly”, starting from this moment onward, the ways of detection/“free will” that are possible in Eric’s universe being anything other than only “the same as each one of every way of detection/“free will” from 15 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation to the millisecond before Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation and the only way to “perceive/“gain new knowledge”” via “”thinking and use of said ways of detection” in each one of every way of detection from 15 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation to the millisecond before Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation” and/or “thinking, use of said ways of detection and mental activity” in each one of every way of detection from 15 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation to the millisecond before Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation” and/or “”thinking/“use of said ways of detection” and mental activity” in each one of every way of detection from 15 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation to the millisecond before Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation” and/or “”thinking/“mental activity/“use of said ways of detection” “in each one of every way of detection from 15 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation to the millisecond before Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation” in a way that doesn’t involve detection of others while performing said “thinking/“mental activity””””. “Any said “way of detection”/“way of free will” ever ceasing/“being able to cease” to exist” is impossible.
7. “Any “free will” ever ceasing/“being able to cease” to exist” is impossible. “Any “existence’s free will” ever being manipulated by any other existence“ is impossible.
8. “Regarding during “The Past, during The Present, and during The future” in Eric’s universe”, “permanently, unchangeably neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly”, starting from this moment onward, the only way for any existence’s form to be spirit/soul/consciousness is while said existence is dead.
9. “”Regarding during “The Past, during The Present, and during The future” in Eric’s universe”, “permanently, unchangeably neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly”, starting from this moment onward, “”one’s being dead” ever not only being in accordance with “Eric’s After-death System”” is impossible”.
This “Eric’s section of information” describes/explains that: “”Regarding during “The Past, during The Present, and during The future” in Eric’s universe”: Permanently, unchangeably neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly”, starting from this moment onward: This “Eric’s Laws” describes/explains/conveys that: ”Each one of every “Eric’s Laws””, “each one of every “Eric’s Rules””, “each one of every “Eric’s Systems””, and “each one of every “Eric’s Sections of Information” doesn’t apply to any one of every cell/DNA that is the size of any ovum that is/had/has/will ever existing/existed/exist except this “Eric’s Laws”. Despite what “”each one of every “Eric’s Laws””, “each one of every “Eric’s Rules””, “each one of every “Eric’s Systems””, and “each one of every “Eric’s Sections of Information”” describes/explains/conveys, starting from this moment onward:
1: Each one of every cell/DNA that is the size of any ovum that is/had/has/will ever existing/existed/exist “is affected”/“was affected”/“will be affected”/“is interacted with”/“was interacted with”/“will be interacted with” only in each one of every possible way that said cell/DNA “has been”/had been”/was/“will be” “interacted with”/“interacting with” before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation.
This “Eric’s section of information” describes/explains that: “”Regarding during “The Past, during The Present, and during The future” in Eric’s universe”: Permanently, unchangeably neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly”, starting from this moment onward:
1: “Regarding during “The Past, during The Present, and during The future” in Eric’s universe”, “permanently, unchangeably neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly”, starting from this moment onward, each one of every audio/gas/attack/way/method/“free will”/manipulation/defense/response/signal/impulse/reaction/harm/aura/pain/miasma/radius/barrier/action/thought/telekinesis/“mental activity”/memory/language/light/color/physics/gravity/invisibility/transparency is never a “thinking existence”/“thinking existence’s form”.
This Eric’s section of information describes/explains/conveys that: Starting from this moment onward:
1: “In Eric’s #1 way of As Is Manner of Aftermath”, each one of all thinking existences that who/that is capable of knowing something in his simulated universe, doesn’t know that said thinking existence is a simulated thing who/that is in a simulation.
2: “In Eric’s #1 way of As Is Manner of Aftermath”, “each one of all thinking existences who/that is capable of knowing something in Eric’s simulated universe, who, if said thinking existence is capable of “observing, perceiving, and deduction”, is able to find out, “via what said thinking existence “ is able to know/“figure out” while said thinking existence deduces/“is deducing””/“remembers regarding/about what said thinking existence deduce(ed)””, that said thinking existence is a simulated thing who/that is in a simulation”, is, starting from this moment onward, “In Eric’s #1 way of As Is Manner of Aftermath”, “able to find out, “via what said thinking existence “are able to know/“figure out” while said thinking existence deduces/“is deducing””/“remembers regarding/about what they deduce(ed)””, that said thinking existence is a simulated things who/that is in a simulation”.
3: This universe is never-endingly nonstop a magical universe.
4: The planet that Eric controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation for the first time that Eric ever had his own character/avatar in this simulation, “In Eric’s #1 way of As Is Manner of Aftermath”, has multiple moons, is many times larger than before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation.
5: The Solar System, is, “In Eric’s #2 Way of As Is Manner of Aftermath”, stable/balanced in accordance with the Earth being many times larger than before the millisecond that Eric first controls his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation.
6: The Earth's gravity/“outer atmosphere”/“magnetic field” is, “In Eric’s #2 Way of As Is Manner of Aftermath”, the same as it was before the millisecond that Eric first controls his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation.
7: The Earth, “In Eric’s #1 Way of As Is Manner of Aftermath”, is 100% “healthy, clean, stable, not polluted”. Starting from this moment onward, “In Eric’s #1 Way of As Is Manner of Aftermath”, each one of all living existences that was ever dead on Earth is alive on Earth.
This “Eric’s section of information” describes/explains that: Starting from this moment onward, all of the living existences on Earth have been distributed to new locations on Earth. Starting from this moment onward, most of Earth's continents are huge and all of Earth's living existences have been distributed to different locations on Earth's continents and said distribution was done in a way whereby the continent where a living existence’s location is was decided is based on the the century that said living existence was last alive. Starting from this moment onward, each one of all of Earth’s continents has a time frame of two centuries associated with said continent but there isn’t any two continents that have any same continent-associated century as each other. Starting from this moment onward, said living existence got distributed to the continent that has the accurate century associated with the time frame of the century that said living existence was last alive. Starting from this moment onward, the number of continents that planet Earth has now suffices to fit all life that had/has ever existed on all of Earth’s continents. Starting from this moment onward, the Earth’s oceans suffice to fit all life that had/has ever existed in all of Earth’s waters. Starting from this moment onward, already existing countries/continents/etc had land that has been added to them, making them now part of huge continents. Starting from this moment onward, everyone's homes “have been replaced” and now everyone has a “more than adequate home”. Starting from this moment onward, every individual person has his/her own home including kids and even babies. Starting from this moment onward, every individual person has, at the same time, been placed in his/her own home except the “kids and babies”. Starting from this moment onward, those the “kids and babies” have not been placed in their own home at the moment but those “kids and babies” have been placed in their parents' care/home or have been placed in the care/home of (a) person/s who can both raise/support them and is/are able to provide them essentials/necessities. Starting from this moment onward, almost every “”person on Earth” and his/her homes” are now located close to their most recent home neighbors who are on the same continent as said person, said neighbors being the neighbors that they had before the aformentioned distrubution to new locations. Starting from this moment onward, All of the belongings of a person on Earth (said belongings are not people), that they had before the aformentioned distrubution to new locations, except anything larger than a boat that can be transported by truck, are now on that person's own property, this applies to all people. Starting from this moment onward, Eric teleported all money into all of the Earth's lakes, seas, and oceans but Eric made all paper/plastic money vanish. Starting from this moment onward, there isn’t any person on Earth who has money as a belonging at this moment.
This “Eric’s section of information” describes/explains that: Starting from this moment onward, all of Earth's guns, rocket weapons, missiles, torpedoes, biological weapons, and all weapons of mass destruction, along with all of the technology that makes/made them, and the recorded/documented instructions to make them are now suddenly gone but can be accomplished again. Starting from this moment onward, all of the slaughterhouses, slaughter farms, zoos, and safaris have now suddenly had all of their inhabitants relocated to safety and have now suddenly been replaced with gardens. Starting from this moment onward, all of the slaughterhouses, slaughter farms, zoos, and safaris, along with all of the technology that makes them, and the recorded/documented instructions to make them are now suddenly gone but can be accomplished again. Starting from this moment onward, there is now an abundance of edible plants, including many new species/subspecies of edible plants. There are now many new species/races/subspecies of living things on Earth and throughout Eric's entire simulated universe. Starting from this moment onward, Eric set it up so that the earth is balanced and stable (environments, ecosystems, etc.). Starting from this moment onward, the conscious living things of Earth and of Eric's entire simulated universe now have all been tweaked so that all conscious living things are now able to learn to “speak, read, and write” all human languages at the same pace that a fully healthy living human is able to learn to “speak, read, and write”.
This “Eric’s section of information” describes/explains that: Starting from this moment onward, Eric made all living things suddenly healthy (not sick, not bleeding, etc.). Starting from this moment onward, all of earth's living things that were “about to be attacked/dead/born” and/or “about to give birth” have suddenly been put in situations that will leave them “safe and unharmed” for a short while. Starting from this moment onward, Eric made sure to make many trails, paths, and roads throughout every continent on Earth, for vehicles and etc. . Starting from this moment onward, he made all “planets, galaxies, worlds, and universes” have ways for all to be able to get/travel (via portals, etc.) to each of those “planets, galaxies, worlds, and universes”.
This “Eric’s section of information” describes/explains that: Starting from this moment onward, Eric made "magic “ever “being able to be”” “used/done to spy”" impossible. Eric “made impossible” the “existence of "all "magic things"/"magic “living things”" that can “use/do/"be used in order for someone/something to use/do" “magical spying””"” in “Eric's universe”. Starting from this moment onward, Eric “made impossible” the “existence of “all "attributes/abilities” that can “use/do/"be used in order for someone/something to use/do" any “acquiring of “information that is “beyond the “surface of any "physical and non-digital" covering””””” except “when it comes to” the “existence of "”any part” of “”any one” of “”those attributes/abilities” that is “identical to any part” of “”any one” of "the “attributes/abilities” that "”any “living thing” that was on Earth" "had without “”any “”non-biological technology”” ever being required” “in order to have” “those attributes/abilities””" before Eric's changes"”””””". Starting from this moment onward, “Psychic” is not magic. Starting from this moment onward, Eric “made impossible” “any “”thing's/"living thing's" control/manipulation” of “any “”nervous system” whose “location is “separate from“/“outside of”” “that thing's/"living thing's “main body””””””. Starting from this moment onward, Eric also made so, “each and every” time that any someone/something dies, the only possible result is “said someone’s/something’s death” whereby said anyone/anything is dead due to having died. Starting from this moment onward, death “is and encompasses” the phenomenon that “whenever someone/something dies, said someone/something automatically/immediately/instantly “exists in a form whereby said anyone/anything is “”dead” due to said anyone/anything having died” and said anyone/anything “remains dead until said anyone/anything is alive again”, and the “exact second of when said someone/something had died” is known as “the time of said someone’s/something’s death”/“said someone’s/something’s time of death””” . Starting from this moment onward, “each one of every living thing” “”is always able to experience dying” and “is always able to experience being killed” and “is always able to undergo death””.
The use of any one physical touch is impossible to injure/kill more than 12% of any one unit “unless while said physical touch is in physical contact with at least 68% of said unit’s entire surface” and/or “unless while said physical touch has enough physical force used against said unit’s part that is in contact with said physical touch whereby said unit’s part that is in contact with said physical touch is a part that is able to be “damaged to the extent of”/“removed/detached in any way” resulting in the death of said unit”.
The use of any one magic is impossible to injure/kill more than 12% of any one unit “unless while said magic is in contact with at least 68% of said unit’s entire surface” and/or “unless while said magic has enough force/effect used against said unit’s part that is in contact with said magic whereby said unit’s part that is in contact with said magic is a part that is able to be “damaged to the extent of”/“removed/detached in any way” resulting in the death of said unit”.
This “Eric’s section of information” describes/explains that: Starting from this moment onward, Eric made “time travel” impossible. Starting from this moment onward, “skipping time, reversing time, and “changing the “speed of time””” are “now impossible”. Starting from this moment onward, Eric made “his universe” “impossible to be "known/observed from “outside of time””" and Eric made “all “within “his universe””” “impossible to be "known/observed from “outside of time””". Starting from this moment onward, Eric made “deterioration of "”any part of the mind and any part of the memory/memories” of “each “someone/something who/that has their own “mind, memory, and memories””””” ““only “possible to occur” “in a way whereby”, when it does occur to a “conscious thing/“living thing””, it affects “that “conscious thing/“living thing””” “in a way” accordingly as though “”mind/brain/mental/psychiatric health” impairment” can’t/doesn’t/never exist(ed). Eric also made “all “conscious things/“living things””” “”never-endingly never have” any “”brain health” impairment” “despite any condition of “those “conscious things/“living things””” even if there is any “visible “severe damage” (such as a “”visible hole” in the skull” with a “chunk of brain” missing from “where it “visibly “should be”””)” to “those “conscious things/“living things””””, however, this does not make “those “conscious things/“living things””” any less “physically vulnerable” to “anything lethal”/“being rendered unconscious”/“being rendered into “fully/partially losing” functionality of “1 or more” body parts”. Starting from this moment onward, Eric also made "”all of the mind and all of the memory/memories” of “each ”someone/something who/that has their own “mind, memory, and memories”””" “”impossible to “”magically improve” whereby” that/those “mind, memory, and memories” surpass “a "state and capability" that is better than what the "state and capability" of "”all of the mind and all of the memory/memories” of the current “fully healthiest, whole, and alive” “”one of ““that something's/someone's” species/kind”” who/that “currently doesn't have any defects and also currently doesn't have any disabilities”””””. Starting from this moment onward, “He also made “each “”thing/“living thing”” that is “capable of having memories””” not “lose their “memory-related abilities/attributes/functions”” but/“except by way of” “each one of “those “things/“living things”” that is “capable of having memories””” still have “their memory/memories “in the same way that they “normally/regularly have their memory/memories”””” but/“except by way of” “their memory/memories are/“will be” “still affected by “whatever can affect “that thing’s/“living thing’s”” memory/memories””” but/“except by way of” “their memory/memories are/“will be” “still affected “in the same way that they normally/regularly are “affected “accordingly to those “memory-related abilities/attributes/functions”””””, and “”Eric made this so” “in a way whereby” “this even encompasses” “before/while/after “that thing/“living thing”” (is) “changing into”/“changed into”/“transfering into”/“transfered into”/“turning into”/“turned into”/“transforming into”/“transformed into”/“morphing into”/“morphed into”/“transitioning into”/“transitioned into”/becoming/became/entering/entered/in/exiting/exited/“dead but still “existing while dead” in”/“died but still “existed while dead” in” “”a/any “”different form/body” than “what “that thing/“living thing”” existed as/in”” until “that thing/“living thing” succesfully “changes into”/“changed into”/“transfers into”/“transfered into”/“turns into”/“turned into”/“transforms into”/“transformed into/““died but still “exists while dead” in”/“died but still “existed while dead” in”/“morphs into”/“morphed into”/“transitions into”/“transitioned into”/“is in”/becomes/became/exits/exited/enters/entered “that “different form/body””””””””. Starting from this moment onward, Eric made so, that “””each one” of every “”conscious thing/“living thing””” whose form/body is/becomes different than “”what “that “conscious thing/“living thing””””existed as/in””” is always magically “”a “conscious existence” that is able to “fall asleep, mentally “stay awake”, perform “mind/mental activity/activities”, and “”stay awake” in a more than mental way” if “that “conscious existence’s” form” meets the “physical requirements” for such”” regardless of “whatever “that “conscious existence’s” form” ever is”””. Starting from this moment onward, Eric made magically so, that "regardless of "any "conscious existence's" form"", "that "conscious existence's" form" always has "a means for "that "conscious existence”” to achieve ""that "conscious existence’s”” own “"physically "clearly expressed"" "verbal communication""" via that "conscious existence's" form"". Starting from this moment onward, Eric made “magic lie detectors” “impossible to ever exist”. Starting from this moment onward, he made “psychic abilities” exist (like telekinesis, etc.) but he made “things like “knowing the future”” impossible. When it comes to each one of all of everyone’s/everything’s intentions/emotions, the only ways that anyone/anything is able to know/“find out” any of anyone/anything else’s intentions/emotions are the same as the only ways that anyone/anything was able to know/“find out” any of anyone/anything else’s intentions/emotions from 9 minutes before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation to 1 minute before the millisecond that Eric first controls/controlled his own simulated character/avatar in Eric’s Universe in this simulation. Starting from this moment onward, he made each one of all thinking existences never able to access any mind other than said existence’s own mind. Starting from this moment onward, he also made each one of every thinking existence’s mind/thought/thinking/mental privacy “impossible to ever “be breached” (so ability to “””know what “others ever thought/think””, ability to “know what “others ever “mentally speak/say/spoke/said”””, and ability to “know “anything that others imagine/imagined”””” are now impossible”, and “those things” are “”also impossible” “even for magic/science/technology”, except “knowledge obtained from “detecting and/or interpreting” "anything that is “in a non-thought/non-mental form”" such as “sound, vocal cords, sign language, writing, etc”” is possible)””. Starting from this moment onward, he made telekinesis “impossible to be “used on any “living thing's” body””. Starting from this moment onward, he also made telekinesis “impossible to be “used on anything in any “living thing's” body””. Starting from this moment onward, telekinesis can be “used on “clothing and such”” to move a “living thing”. Starting from this moment onward, Eric also made telekinesis “”impossible to be “used to pierce”” and he also made telekinesis "only able to be “”used/done within a “”300ft radius from the one doing/using telekinesis””" when it comes to “anyone/anything who/that has the means to “use/do telekinesis”””””.
This “Eric’s section of information” describes/explains that: “Regarding during “The Past, during The Present, and during The future” in Eric’s universe”, “permanently, unchangeably neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly”, starting from this moment onward:
1: Starting from this moment onward, “No one” is able to “magically create/make” a "living thing"/"artificial intelligence" “except “by "Eric's Wish-granter system”" and/or “except by ""using the “”available material” within a “27 mile radius of said one””" "without ever “magically “making “said material” a “different material”””" unless “granted through Eric's Wish-granter system”””". Starting from this moment onward, “No one is able to “magically "make a "living thing"/"artificial intelligence" suddenly “exist and appear””"” “”except by "Eric's Wish-granter system”" and/or “except by ""using the “”available material” within a 27 mile radius from said one”" "without ever “magically “making “said material” a “different material””"” unless “granted through “Eric's Wish-granter system””””". Starting from this moment onward, per every 24 hours, it is impossible that, any living thinking existence teleport the same existence more than 6 time before said 24 hours have completed. Starting from this moment onward in Eric’s universe’s physical form 1, per every 24 hours, only "up to 18 times is any living thinking existence able to teleport/transport, via one teleportation, up to 15 units of all units, and upon the 18th time of having made a teleportation happen, said living thinking existence is not able to make any teleportation happen until said 24 hours have completed. Starting from this moment onward in Eric’s universe’s physical form 1, Any end-result of teleportation is always whereby: 1: an existence gets instantly teleported to/into any unoccupied empty space that is not in/“inside of” any physical thinking existence whose entire size is not at least 1100% the entire size of said teleported existense, and simultaneously also 2: an existence gets instantly teleported to/into any unoccupied empty space that said existence’s form is able to instantly occupy due to said space being available during time of said teleportation. Starting from this moment onward in Eric’s universe’s physical form 1, The teleportation of anything/anyone that/who is not a unit is impossible. When it comes to each one of every thinking existence, the teleportation of any part of a “unit that is a thinking existence” whereby said part is not the “part of said thinking existence” that said think existence remains a thinking existence as, is impossible. Starting from this moment onward in Eric’s universe’s physical form 1, the teleportation of “any “thinking living existence”” before “said “thinking living existence”” has/had ever “existed for at least 70128 hours” is impossible. Starting from this moment onward in Eric’s universe’s physical form 1, Despite any/all of what was/is still in effect within/by Eric’s universe, once every 24 hours, any member of any species who/that has anti-teleportation ability, attribute, and/or power is always able to instantly make magically instantly exist an invisible non-physical anti-teleportation barrier that: 1: stays in nonstop ongoing effect for 8 hours as soon as said barrier exists, 2: is an invisible non-physical effectless sphere whose length-of-radius is from “any member of said species who/that hasn’t existed for at least 70128 hours” to 1100% the length of the longest “”end to end” body length” of “said “member of said species who/that hasn’t existed for at least 70128 hours”” away from “said “member of said species who/that hasn’t existed for at least 70128 hours””, and simultaneously also 3: has only one effect and said effect is that as long as said barrier exists, there isn’t any existence that is able to possibly teleport “from within”/“to within” said barrier. Starting from this moment onward, Eric’s universe is never enclosed in any way. Eric’s universe has infinite space and different portions of said infinte space are constantly transitioning from being occupied by physical existences to said portions of said infinite space being not occupied by physical existences. Eric’s universe has 3 physical forms that are always never-endingly nonstop ongoingly existing simultaneously. “Said physical forms “”interacting with”/detecting/affecting/“being able to “interact with”/detect/affect“ each other” is impossible. Each one of every existence in Eric’s universe began/begins existing in the same one “physical form of Eric’s universe” and said same physical form is physical form 1. Permanently, unchangeably neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly”, starting from this moment onward, each new one of every existence in Eric’s universe begins existing in physical form 1. “Any existence ever becoming any “physical form other than physical form 1” via any way/means other than “Eric’s After-death System”” is impossible.
This “Eric’s section of information” describes/explains that: “”Regarding during “The Past, during The Present, and during The future” in Eric’s universe’s physical form 1”: Permanently, unchangeably neverendingly, nonstop, and ongoingly”, starting from this moment onward:
1: “Any existence that hasn’t/hadn’t existed for at least 70128 hours being physically invulnerable/invisible/transparent” is impossible. “Any existence being physically invulnerable/invisible/transparent more than 18 times per every 24 hours” is impossible. “Any existence being physically invulnerable/invisible/transparent any time after the 18th time that said existence was/is being physically invulnerable/invisible/transparent before said 24 hours have completed” is impossible. “Any existence being physically invulnerable any time while said existence is being physically invisible” is impossible. “Any existence being physically invulnerable for longer than 7 minutes” is impossible. “Any existence being physically invisible for longer than 7 minutes” is impossible. “Any existence being physically transparent for longer than 7 minutes” is impossible.
I will not be eaten
Litchi is your ordinary Royal Road addict. She can’t resist the call of a new chapter even when she needs to work. Because of too many new responsibilities she promises one week without reading. Sadly, she cracks in three days, because of an Azarinth Healer notification. Taking out her phone she starts avidly reading. It’s just a small promise, she will try it another time. Nothing should happen. Say that to the goblin that tries to eat your face, Litchi! You should keep your promise! She was used to food jokes on her name but it seems that this time her destiny is to be eaten. ---- Hello future reader! I didn’t find a new good isekai so why not create my own? I am an RR addict and amateur writer (in French) and today I decided to publish a story. You will have my eternal gratitude for any advice or constructive comments on the story! One of my objectives is to have developed characters, duo or trio make a fantastic way to character growth. So, I will try to create a deep relationship between a few of them. The first few chapters have a lot of combat, but other characters will soon arrive. Those first few chapters are made to build tension and create Litchi's first motivations. This story has the plot written to the end and important characters already shaped. This story is short in comparison to the majority of RR fantasy stories. Update every two days until I have no more chapters in my pocket. Average chapter length: 2200 words Warning: The grammar can be bad, IMPORTANT CHARACTERS CAN (Will) DIE, contain philosophical conversation as the characters stumble upon morals dilemmas. I hope I will see you soon in the comments and thank you in advance for reading Litchi’s journey. Have a nice day! :)
8 141Cor Navim
A newly commissioned scout ship is taken purposefully off course by its interim captain; right into the thick of a border conflict during its initial shakedown cruise; a time when saftey protocals are their most lax. in the process, the ship gains sentience, and all but one crew member, and a stowaway perish. how will he react to his new environment. how will the environment react to him? A/N: I only have seven chapters of this wrote, figured I should start emptying my Ideas folder, so I am putting this here.
8 57The Golden Princess
The Third Princess Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself is one of the treasures of Re-Estize; The Golden Princess herself. She is also a calculating psychopath, tactful manipulator, and rotten to the core. Follow her, her lover and obsession Climb, and the scheming nobles of the Kingdom as she plots a secure and quiet life for her future. This is an Overlord / オーバーロード fanfiction.
8 430Nostalgia | ✔
Highest Achievement - #7 in poetry [Oct 3, 2016]~Nostalgia~It's delicate, but potent.The pain from an old wound.A twinge in your heart..Far more powerful than memory aloneA feeling of a placeWhere we...AcheToGoAgain.-My thoughts. My words. You'll be charged before God if you copy so think before you do it. I can forgive anything but my poetry means THE WORLD to me. :)-Publishing date [July 20, 2016]Ending date [September 15, 2019]Ranking on the last update: #391 in Poetry, #10 in poesia and #3 in poesie#18 in Poetry [January 7, 2021]#44 in Poetry [August 19, 2021]Featured at @WattpadPoetry
8 149Andrew Davila DM'd Me!?!
---Disclaimer---I don't own any pictures posted here. Photo credit is given for each photo used in this book. We all know how handsome he is and girls couldn't get enough of him so I decided to write a short fan fiction about him.Andrew Davila as HimselfYou as The lead girl of this storyI am just creating a fictional name for the lead girl here. "Hi, My name is Riley Elizabeth Danes. And my life changed totally when I got a DM on instagram from Andrew Davila".Throw in a little mix of love,drama and heartbreaks, things are about to get interesting. PS: I am very bad at making covers. So your covers are most welcome. And finally Thank you so much for reading this fiction! Hope you enjoy reading this story.Note: This story is a work of fiction. All the scenes happening in this book is just a mere imagination. *Best Rankings*🥇in Andrew Davila🥇in Caleb Burton🥇in Ben Azelart🥇in Lexi Rivera🥇in Pierson🥈in Lexi Hensler🥇in instagramstars🥇in Huntington Beach🥇in Stokes Twins🥇in Brent Rivera🥇in Tik Tok stars🏅- 145 in Sarcasm🏅- 12 in wattpadindiaawards2020🏅- 141 in wattpad india🏅- 93 in wattpadindiaawards🥇- wia2020🏅- 404 in YouTubers🏅- 499 in humour🥇- in ampsquadStarted: August 4th, 2020Completed: November 20th, 2020Word Count: 45,235.
8 80Ghost of You ▸ Roger Taylor
Magdalena Lierens has been assigned to be Queen's tour manager during their first tour of the United States. She didn't ever anticipate that would turn into following a certain blonde with gorgeous eyes across oceans, through over crowded concert halls and into secluded dressing rooms.COSMIC series: 1974-1977now existing on AO3 under the same username etc.
8 193