《Cyber-multiverse Milieu》Chapter 2 – Eric
It was another normal day of traveling in the city. It was nice out; the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Eric and his wife were walking around the city and popping their heads into the little trinket shops along their way.
Before beginning crossing a street on their way back to their parked car located a ways away, Eric's wife begins crossing the street first, she pauses, looks back and reaches out her hand towards Eric with a smile. Eric raises his eyebrows while smiling back at her and he grabs her hand as they playfully enjoy each other's company while crossing the street. BEEEEEEP!!!! In seconds, a car horn alarming everyone got closer and louder.
It was too fast. A car runs a red light and barrels right for them. Without enough time to work with, Eric quickly pushes his wife out of the way but not in enough time. The car still hits Eric and his wife. Eric gets the worst of the damage; the car only nicked his wife's ankles. The car swerved almost hitting more things as its driver continued accelerating until the car was gone from where Eric and his wife still are.
Eric's wife had already rushed to Eric.
Her heart is racing and tears are streaming down her face as she screams for someone to call an ambulance. A few "bystanders nearby" made the phone call without having to be asked and they tried to comfort her in her time of despair.
She had found Eric still breathing but badly injured when she had rushed to him. Police and an ambulance didn't take long to arrive at the scene.
Emergency medical services bring Eric, along with Eric's wife, to the nearest hospital and they find that Eric is now undergoing cardiac arrest. Eric's wife is crying and shaking as she pleads for them to save him.
The medical professionals handle the situation professionally. Eric remains alive but he is seemingly unresponsive for the foreseeable future. The medical professionals tell Eric's wife that to get a better picture of Eric's prognosis, they would need her to consent to record Eric's brain responses to stimuli, since Eric seems comatose and cannot do so himself. Results show the medical professionals that Eric has conscious responses. They had discovered that Eric was able to sometimes "intentionally slightly move his middle finger as many times as he was told to" per "the exact number that he was told to move his finger during" when they had counted upwards from zero. However, they also discovered that his eyes were "moving rapidly" underneath their eyelids.
A few days later, Eric's state still has not changed but the medical professionals did discover that, regarding all parts of Eric's body, Eric feels the touch whenever any part of his body is physically touched and that, regarding all parts of Eric's body, Eric feels the pain whenever any part of his body physically undergoes something that normally is painful.
Many days pass while Eric's wife Amy, visits "Eric at his hospital room" "as often and as long" as she can manage. While visiting Eric at the hospital, Amy is approached by a man in a suit holding a briefcase. "Hi." She says hesitantly.
"Hello. I am aware of the situation you and your husband are in and I am here to propose to you a solution." The man replied.
"Forgive me, who, may I ask, are you?" Amy asks.
"Oh my. Forgive my rudeness. I am with the VRC." He answers.
"VRC?" The woman asks.
"The Virtual Reality Corporation. You see, the VRC had many hospitals implemented in different towns, cities, and other locations throughout the country. These hospitals are owned by the VRC. We have been working on new technologies for patients who are in a minimally conscious state. I am here to assist you in setting up said technology if you so choose to accept my offer. No payment as of right now. We are only testing the material. If we set up Eric with our technology, you will be able to communicate and interact with your husband much more efficiently. You'll both be able to have verbal conversations with each other and you'll both be able to do more than that. But part of the offer and the only way for our services to accomplish the forementioned things, Eric is required to undergo "surgeries and brain surgery is one of those surgeries" if you accept our offer. You and I are currently standing in one of the VRC's hospitals."
After a couple moments to let that information sink in, Amy looks at her husband who is in a hospital bed.
"The medical professionals haven't been able to get Eric to move his middle finger for three weeks now. We haven't been able to receive any communication from him for three weeks now. He's still alive, breathing, and his eyes are still "moving rapidly" underneath their eyelids."
"If my husband can respond, does he get a say in the matter?"
"Of course he does."
""The man in the suit" and Amy" "discussed the offer" with each other "in front of Eric" for a couple days during visits, but ""The man in the suit" and Amy" still didn't receive any communication from Eric.
Amy finally makes a decision after weighing all of her options. She tells the man that she thinks that she'll go through with his offer.
"This could be my only hope "for him to recover in any way" or "for us to both share each other's lives with each other ever again.", Amy says regarding herself and Eric.
"I understand."
The man in the suit opens his briefcase.
"Here is the paperwork. It requires your signature in order to proceed with the VRC's offer. Also, in order to proceed with the VRC's offer, consent from "you on Eric's behalf" is also "required in the form of your signature" since, according to the current "diagnosis of Eric regarding Eric's state that resulted from his being hit by a car" that is in Eric's current medical records, Eric is unable to give consent himself. Please take as long as you need to read it thoroughly before you finalize your decision."
Amy tells "the man in the suit" that she wants to read the paperwork with "said man in the suit" present so that "said man in the suit" can "answer all of her questions and explain things" on the spot while Eric may be listening. As Amy "reads and discusses" things with the man, she "looks and sounds" like she fully understands the offer. The paperwork provided "the same offer and a better explanation" regarding what the man had "offered and thoroughly explained". Amy signs the paperwork.
It is agreed that the surgery happens that day and Amy can contact "anyone she would like to inform" about the surgery. They all "stayed at the hospital until the next day" and were there for Eric.
The man assures Amy that Eric should be all set up and ready by noon.
By noon, Amy, the man in the suit, and Eric were all in Eric's hospital room.
"Allow me to hook the tablet up to the network of the "computer that Eric is connected to"", the man said to Amy. Amy begins silently praying for all to go well.
Eric's body, nervous system, and brain are connected to computers and medical equipment. A tablet is set on top of his bedside table on a stand where a screen shows a sort of application for the program.
The man in the suit reminds Amy that for this portion of the process, Amy and himself can only observe "the encounter that Eric is about to have" by "viewing and listening" to the tablet. Amy nods her head looking very "worried and eager".
The process begins.
Eric, still able to "process and imagine" "thoughts and imagery", begins to detect "what seems like some fuzzy sounds", like the sound that comes from older televisions. It becomes clearer like when tuning a radio. When the tuning is complete, he detects a voice. "Testing. Can you hear me?" Eric immediately frantically wonders if his own mind is talking to him. The voice seems like it's coming from his own mind. He is able to converse with the individual by using his thoughts. Eric confirms that he can detect the individual's voice and asks the individual why he is trying to communicate with him. "I want to see if you and your wife are worthy."
"Worthy of what?" Eric asks.
"Worthy of having a wish granted." the individual answers, as he proceeds to interrogate Eric for quite some time. Eric finds this entire part of the process "very unpleasant and clearly uncomfortable".
Eric found that the time it takes for this one individual to respond is often much faster than a normal person. This one individual he interacts with seems to understand what Eric said before Eric responded. The individual seemed to know what Eric was trying to say before Eric said it, and the individual responded before Eric finished what Eric was saying. After being ""asked and told" things so repetitively" as if the replies from the individual were a set of programmed replies, Eric asked if he was speaking to an AI or a human. The individual replied "Both." Eric was thoroughly confused. In the meantime he settles for calling the individual The entity. He told Eric that he was not the first to go through this process. There were many others. The entity begins to tell Eric the information that was relayed to his wife before they started the test. When he finishes his explanation, most of Eric's questions were answered.
The entity then proceeded to tell Eric that, for the time being, due to the fact that Eric can't function in the real world but his brain is still very much responsive, to insure that he stays in good health until he can get out of his being in a minimally conscious state, he will be able to interact with very many simulated others in a simulated universe in a simulation via said said simulation. He will also be able to interact with some non-simulated others in said universe in said simulation via said simulation. The simulated world will function much like a virtual reality game but will look and feel like real life. "The computers that are connected to Eric's body and brain" can send electric impulses to Eric's brain's somatosensory cortex to create the sensation of touch anywhere on Eric's body. This is how the Simulation will feel like real life for Eric. The VRC made use of "knowledge and understanding of how Phantom Limb Syndrome works to trick a brain into false sensory" and had created more technology that is also for the purpose of enabling people to experience the Simulation as if living in the Simulation is almost like living in "real life while not in the Simulation". The system isn't able to currently simulate the exact accurate physics of the physical universe that he currently breathes in but the VRC feels that the simulation is not disappointing especially if things like magic are added to a simulated world. Also, the future of "the physical universe that he currently breathes in" is unpredictable due to things such as "Alzheimer's disease", Dementia, mutations, etc… . Eric is informed that, with "the physical universe that he currently breathes in" as the basis preset, he is required to create, change, and/or keep any of the laws and rules, such as physics and/or magic, of the simulated universe that he will be living in. The laws and rules must be included in his application for the program.
The entity tells Eric that the Virtual Reality Corporation has been collecting data from all the people that it scans for games and simulations. "All voluntary of course." The entity reassures Eric. "It also has data from social media and various questions that it had asked all those people. Those people will be present in the simulated world as AI simulations that can interact with everything, including you, in the simulated worlds and simulated universes." Eric is told that he can copy rules and laws from others' existing simulated worlds/universes to create his own. He also tells Eric that he can even be placed in someone else's existing simulated world/universe instead of creating his own simulated world/universe. The entity concludes his questionnaire with certainty that Eric is worthy to undergo the simulator. "You can take as long as you need to complete the application.
An automated AI reads off the sections of the application for Eric to respond to and fill out. He is describing the visual effects he wants to see in his created world/universe when The entity pipes up. "All you need to do for this portion is imagine. I can visualize everything you picture."
Eric replies with surprise and anger, "You can see what I imagine too?! Isn't this a bit invasive?"
"Yes well... The application must be. The simulation is nothing like that. However, in order to create your world/universe we must get every last detail and sometimes verbal detail doesn't cut it." The entity goes silent once again.
"Even though time flows 30 minutes outside of the simulation, time flows many years in the simulation during those 30 minutes outside of the simulation. said many years in the simulation are experienced in the simulation as if time flowed for said many years outside of the simulation. To someone who is watching the simulation from anywhere that is outside of the simulation, while said someone is watching the simulation from anywhere that is outside of the simulation, depending on which universe or select areas in the simulation, everything in the simulation, visibly looks like said everything is “happening and moving” in super high speed fast forward motion.
“So I’ll be able to potentially live, in my simulated form, for hundreds of years in this simulation?”
“Yes. You are potentially able to.”
A long while passes as the “imagery and other things” imagined by Eric are discussed.
"Wait, if I do this, can I connect other people's simulated worlds/universes to my own?" Eric asks The entity.
"…Normally this would not be done, but according to how you imagined it, Yes. However, in the simulation, everyone and everything in a universe, experiences said universe in a manner that is in accordance to all of the laws of said universe much like the way people’s experience of the universe is normally in a manner that is in accordance with gravity, which is normally one of the laws of the universe. Any and all changing, modifying, altering, redesigning, revamping, remodeling, tweaking, editing, and/or refining any “laws of a universe”/“systems implemented by a universe’s creator” can only be done by said universe’s creator. One exact copy of each one of all already existing simulated Universes is automatically implemented into the simulation. Any “exact copy of any already existing simulated Universe other than the aformentioned exact “said “copies of already existing simulated Universes”” is not allowed to be implemented into the simulation. Any “universe other than the aformentioned exact “said “copies of already existing simulated Universes”” that is too similar to any already existing simulated Universe is not allowed to be implemented into the simulation. Whenever, in the simulation, an individual dies in a universe when said individual is not in the universe that said individual created or originated in, said individual undergoes whatever after-death-existence system that said universe has in effect for said universe.
Every time that, in the simulation, “what seems like a full year” has passed for an individual, and it seems that said individual is unable to leave a universe when said individual is not in the universe that they created or originated in, said individual instantly gets teleported to any random previous place that said individual has ever been in the universe that said individual created or originated in. Whenever, in the simulation, an individual dies in a universe when said individual is not in the universe that said individual created or originated in, if there is no after-death-existence system that said universe has in effect for said universe, said individual instantly get teleported to any random previous place that they’ve been in the universe that they created or originated in. All of this applies to each person, each thing, and each universe in the simulation. All of this also applies to each person who creates or created a universe in this simulation. Starting now, all of this is in ongoing nonstop effect."
“Fine by me. But what exactly does “I will be able to interact with other simulated “others and non-simulated others” in a simulation universe” mean? Will I be able to see anything? Will I be able to do anything besides speak?
“Via computer-brain-interface, the imagery of the simulation can wirelessly "be sent to your brain", from one or more computers, what forces your brain to produce said imagery that appears in the form of “your mind producing imagined imagery” since "your body has recently been "connected to computers" in the way that your body has recently been connected to computers. Your seeing is via “your being able to see what you imagine” via your mind.
“Okay, but how do you expect me to control anything in my current physical condition. Do I have to constantly speak commands that make my simulated body do what I specify via the method we are currently using to communicate with each other?”
“…Normally, in order to keep the information of “how that is acheived” from leaking to competitors, said information is never disclosed. However, said information is provided to choice people who are able to make very decent yearly money contributions via financial negotiations. Your wife Amy is one of those people who has agreed, in a new contract that she signed, to make yearly money contributions towards making the simulation available to the public in a way whereby the simulation is wirelessly available to be accessed by the public and towards the simulation having video game features, such as quests, completion rewards, customized avatar creation whereby all that applies to a simulated universe also applies to said avatar when said avatar is in said universe, hardware in the form of gear that enables control of said avatar.
Said yearly money contributions are also being contributed towards paying non-simulated employees to control many different particular simulated avatars that are specially created so that said employees control said avatars to make said avatars always attack until the simulated versions of “whoever, whatever, and all living existences” are simulated as being not able to able to move in whatever universe said attackers are in as long as said simulated versions of “whoever, whatever, and all living existences” are within the radius of particular other simulated avatars that are specially created so that other employees control very “difficult to defeat” bosses who are there to “wreak as much havoc to and attack” all simulated versions of “whoevers, whatevers, and all living existences” as they can until “said whoevers, said whatevers, and said living existences” are either unable to move and said bosses never-endingly continue to try to “stall and prevent” all simulated others from acheiving different particular quests until said quests are over. But said attackers get to choose whichever one “said whoever, said whatever, and said living existence” that said attackers want to “target and attack” and for the attackers, when it comes to any simulated living thing, a simulated living existence is considered not able to move in the universe that said attackers are in only when said simulated existences are simulated as dead. There are many different kinds of employee-controlled bosses that will most likely neither ever be an avatar that is available for being created by anyone who isn’t an employee nor ever be an avatar that is available for being controlled by anyone who isn’t an employee.
While any “non-simulated owner of said gear” uses said hardware in the form of gear that enables control of said avatar, said gear copies said non-simulated owner‘s real life movements including facial expressions. Said non-simulated owner has the option to either watch a screen to see said non-simulated owner‘s avatar in action or use headgear to see said non-simulated owner’s avatar in action. Said gear has a mic, buttons on controllers and glove gear. Said glove gear lets said non-simulated owner to physically feel what is physical in the simulation via Said glove gear. Said non-simulated owner can feel the sensations of “vibrations and pressure” in particular areas in accordance with what said non-simulated owner‘s hands are supposedly touching in the simulation via glove gear whenever said non-simulated owner‘s avatar is supposedly touching something physical in the simulation and parts of said non-simulated owner’s avatar’s hands are unable to move “through, past, into, and within” said physical things in the simulation even if said non-simulated owner’s non-simulation hands move anywhere “through, past, into, and within” said simulated physical thing. While said non-simulated owner‘s hand is moving anywhere “through, past, into, within” said simulated physical thing, the glove gear makes said non-simulated owner‘s hands feel quite some pressure. Said glove gear also makes said non-simulated owner feel jolts in accordance with particular things that happen in the simulation such as if said non-simulated owner‘s simulated hand is slapped by a simulated character/avatar.
There are different “areas, universes, and rooms” in the simulation where time flows differently than all “areas, universes, and rooms” that are other than “said “areas, universes, and rooms in the simulation””. Every time that a simulated “character or avatar” enters any one of “said areas, universes, or rooms”, said simulated “character or avatar” undergoes a quick "time speed, date, and time flow" sync whereby said simulated “character or avatar” completes being synced with the "time speed, date, and time flow" of “said “areas, universes, or rooms”” and said simulated “character or avatar” experiences “said “areas, universes, or rooms”” in accordance with the "time speed, date, and time flow" of “said “areas, universes, or rooms””. There are also other different “areas, universes, and rooms” in the simulation where "time speed, date, and time flow" are in sync with the "time speed, date, and time flow" of "the Earth that is outside of the digital simulation". Ways to improve experiencing the simulation is always being worked on.
Regarding all of the copies of universes that were mentioned earlier, in the simulation, the "time speed, date, and time flow" of said copy of said universe is in sync with the "time speed, date, and time flow" of "the Earth that is outside of the digital simulation". All universes in the simulation exist separately, individually, and independently. Each one of all universes in the simulation are a unit that isn’t part of any other unit. Each one of all avatars of any “non-simulated owner of said gear” uses said hardware in the form of gear that enables control of said avatar, are not able to enter any universe that is not in sync with the "time speed, date, and time flow" of "the Earth that is outside of the digital simulation". Each one of all other avatars can enter and exit each one of all universes in the simulation via each one of all of the the ways that each one of all universes are connected. Each one of all simulated living existences that is killed by the employees’ avatars mentioned earlier doesn’t cease to exist and said living existence is instantly teleported to a simulated universe that is already particularly created for the purpose of being for any simulated living existence to end up in a random location in said universe upon said living existence being simulated as being dead. Said universe is never-endingly nonstop ongoingly not able to be accessed by any non-simulated owner of gear that controls a simulated avatar.
To answer your question now, your “moving and being able to move in the simulation” is almost the exact same way that you “moved and was able to move” in any of your dreams that you’ve had while you was asleep. Your “seeing and being able to see in the simulation” also includes said way that you “moved and was able to move” in any of your dreams that you’ve had while you was asleep. You will be able to control your simulated avatar as if it is your own body and you’ll be able to “move and do things” via said avatar in the simulation.”
“Whoa. That explains why I kept thinking that I might have been saying things while I wasn’t thinking about what I was saying until I became aware of the fact that someone was communicating something to me via those things that was being said. You make my mental voice speak to me but even though I didn’t spend any time “thinking up and trying to figure out” how to “word and articulate” said speech and ends up being the reason why I never see said speech coming unless I’m awaiting a response via that kind of communication and also unless due to my anticipating that it can happen again without my knowing when.”
“Yes. I can use your mental voice to mimic the sound of anyone and anything and, via your imagination, you observe said mimicry. For that reason, I use a very noticably different sounding voice as the voice that I use your mental voice to mimic. When it comes to “my using your imagination to acheive communication”, I use said mimicry as the voice that I use to communicate via your mental voice in order to speak to you in a way that, in my opinion, is “much faster and much more comfortable” than a number of the other ways that I can use your imagination to acheive communication by.”
A while more passes as Eric and the Entity discuss many things.
“An avatar will notify you when it is 9:00pm on "the Earth that is outside of the digital simulation", every day of "the Earth that is outside of the digital simulation". In the simulation, you will always be able to make your avatar hold its pinky finger pressed to its bellybutton nonstop for 60 seconds whereby on the 60th second of its doing that, everything that is being “sent to your brain via BCI” will stop being sent for 8 nonstop hours. You should be able to stay awake for an extremely many years in your simulated universe until you finally start feeling tired or exhausted, since one day of "the Earth that is outside of the digital simulation" is many years in the simulation, but I’m not sure how quick you would get mentally exhausted. During said 8 hours of “”each computer that is related to your BCI” not sending anything to your brain”, the simulation will be unaffected and will still be running in the same way that it was before said avatar notifies you of the 9:00pm time, however, your avatar’s motion will be frozen until upon completion of the 8th hour in which many years will have passed in your simulated universe. You can use, via your avatar, said belly button method whenever you want. Every time that you use said belly button method, upon completion of the 8th hour, everything automatically begins being “sent to your brain via BCI” again, and your avatar’s motion is unfrozen.”
Eric is asked by the AI if he'd like to continue with the worldbuilding.
He takes a moment to decide. "Yes."
The Entity is someone who has a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) implant that is able to obtain information/data pertaining to said someone's thoughts/mind "via "accessing said someone's brain" and "interpreting/translating said someone's brain activity"". That BCI helps said someone calculate extremely faster, "lets said someone have "something like a conscious voice assistant (similar to device voice assistants such as smartphone voice assistants)" living in said someone's mind except it isn't a living thing" and that "something like a conscious voice assistant (similar to device voice assistants such as smartphone voice assistants)" is able to always use what that BCI “is/was able to ”interpret and translate" and/or “is currently “interpreting and translating””” from the data/information that it obtained/obtains from said someone's brain. Currently, when it comes to "interpreting and translating" anyone’s brain/mind activity, the most capability that the most capable “brain-computer-interface from before now to right now” can/has achieve(d) is only the ability to "interpret and translate" only “much of anyone’s brain/mind activity but not all of anyone’s brain/mind activity”. Currently, all brain-computer-interfaces are not able to differentiate memory from any of the multiple things that said BCI obtains from any brain and a person discovering what someone else remembers relies on “the same methods as if all brain-computer-interfaces didn’t exist” such as “”observation and deduction” if that deduction is “100% accurate or only partially accurate”” and etc. . Said someone (in this case, that person is the Entity, AKA said someone) can wirelessly connect to the computers that Eric is connected to and the BCI allows said someone to be connected to the internet and to instantly have access to information on the internet. Said conscious voice assistant can use the "Thought-to-text and Text-to-speech" aspect of the BCI Technology that allows said conscious voice assistant to translate, into words, "from a person who has the BCI connected to their brain, the calculation of what that person (in this case, that person is the Entity, AKA said someone) wants to express" before said someone performs "the later part of said calculation that allows said someone to articulate, into mental words, what said someone wants to express". Said someone is also capable of instantly knowing the translations, done by BCI using the translation method identical to the forementioned translation method except the translations "can also be regarding what "those whose brains are connected to the computers that said someone is connected to" "are trying"/want to express" instead of the translations "only being regarding what said someone "is trying"/wants to express". This can only be done due to those computers both ""having access to" and "obtaining/interpreting/translating"" those people's "brain/mind activity" data. This is how the Entity can both "know ""what Eric is trying to finish speaking" before Eric even delivers the general idea of what Eric is trying to finish speaking" in speech form" and "respond about ""what Eric is trying to finish speaking" before Eric even delivers the general idea of what Eric is trying to finish speaking" in speech form".
Can you use technology to communicate with others by "what you imagine"?
Hypothesis: Everyone communicates with each other in the same reality. There is no imaginary reality that allows someone to interact with other people unless "someone" has "wireless technology that has wireless capabilities" that is in the head/brain of "another person" and "can be used to send electrical impulses to specific parts of 'that other person's' brain and/or can be used to trigger chemical reactions in specific parts of 'that other person's' brain," which causes "involuntary mental activity in the brain of "that other person", for example, communication in the form of "things imagined by that other person" "because" "someone" (the "someone" mentioned earlier) controls "wireless technology that has wireless capabilities" in the head/brain of "that other person"".
In the human brain, neurons release brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters, which produce these electrical signals in neighboring neurons. Electrical signals propagate like waves to thousands of neurons, leading to the formation of thoughts. One theory explains that thoughts are generated when/by the firing/discharging of neurons. Neurons are not thoughts per se, although neurons are necessary for the thought generation process. One could perhaps try to say that the "pattern/discharge" of neural firing/discharging is the physical form of thought.
The problem is that if neurons are not fired/discharged, there is no thought. That is, without the "firing/discharging neurons," thought does not exist. I haven't heard any theory to the contrary. If "someone" has a certain technology, such as a "wireless technology device with wireless capabilities" and it is located in the head/brain of "another person" and "it can be used to send specific patterns of neurons that are associated with specific thoughts" and "those specific patterns are known to be associated with those specific thoughts" and if those specific neural patterns are sent to the brain of "that person" and "those neurons fire/discharge", ""then 'communication' can be done 'by only 'imagination'", but only by using such technology (e.g. wireless 'technology' with wireless capabilities) that is inside the head/brain of 'that person')".
The analogy: we all see the same color red, but the way we see the same result (result = red) may perhaps be different.
If each person has a different way of thinking, their brain neurons can perhaps fire/discharge in different patterns, and "if the end result of these different patterns is the same, are these results recognized/understood by "all humans who are forced to achieve them" (if someone else's brain was introduced into your firing/discharging neural patterns, but those patterns are forced to occur in the brain of "that person")"?
"If the neural firing/discharging patterns of different people's brains" all have the same end result, this could mean that neural firing/discharging in these patterns "cause" all those different people to produce the same thought. According to my hypothesis, that end result (the thought) will be recognized/understood by those who are forced to perform the same neural firing/discharging pattern in their brains.
When something is experienced, the "action potential" of the sensory neuron is affected by an incoming signal. This input affects the entire neural network. Can these incoming signals trigger "these neurons" to fire/discharge in a pattern?
They can do this, and this is called "entrainment," in which field oscillations can entrain the firing/discharging of a group of neurons. In addition, some neurons are configured in such a way that they adopt a certain firing pattern according to their membrane potential, which can be independent of input.
Hypothesis: identical copies of "neuronal firing/discharging" and identical copies of their neural firing/discharging patterns (spatial location and all) = identical results in each different human brain.
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8 208 - In Serial422 Chapters
Life's Allegory
Explore the Barbarian Tundra, the Hito Mountain Villages and unknown lands of wonder and horror across Gaia and the worlds around her. See through the eyes of a few, experience the harsh realities of sword and sorcery and how Sachihiro, a young man who takes a path never before tread by another carves a place from the chaos of the world or dies trying. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Part I: The Followers of the Way Part II: The Fall of the Tribes Interlude Part III: The Lost Part IV: The Lost: Death and Birth of Legends Part V: The Fall of Worlds ______________________________________________________________________________
8 546 - In Serial91 Chapters
Falling (A Sam Evans Fan Fiction)
"Is it true that you are a burden to many?" asked JBI. "That depends." Haley replied not making eye contact.Set in Glee Season 2 and onward until Season 6.Disclaimer: I only own Haley's dialogue and occasionally some of the other character's dialogue. FYI deals with some mature topics: mental abuse, mental health issues, and some more difficult topics.(#1 in Gleeks -January 25, 2021)(#16 in Sam Evans-January 25, 2021-was number #1 a few weeks ago)(#32 in Glee-January 25, 2021)(#11 in Sam Evans-January 30, 2021) (#22 in Glee-February 10, 2021)(#9 in Glee-Mar 6, 2021)(#6 in Glee-Mar 25, 2021)(#5 in Glee-April 1, 2021)-no joke.(#5 in Sam Evans-April 1, 2021)-also no joke.
8 189