《Unipsi, lovely entity》chapter 25: activation
Unipsi, lovely entity
chapter 25: activation
“we will see. Show me your proof” concluded Iris. Her face showed concerns, probably not for what she was going to see but what that could imply. Scilla took out her phone from her pocket and started searching in her files until she found a report.
There a 15 pages long text file about what they defined as “blood rooter” a humanoid figure mostly made with blood, occult power and flesh. The report was written by Scilla Lis herself with additions from Dhalia Hakavor and only test subject Serafia Csuicha. The report could be summarized as follows describing how that creature come to life and how Cuicha felt it.
Experiment N-27 Preface
This is the 27° experiment documented by me Scilla Lis and my colleague Dhalia Hakavor on our friend and experimental subject Serafia Cuicha. With test 27 we are trying to achieve a stable manifestation in non-hazardous environment of a low tier blood summon. So far it’s unclear how those creature could live and how they link to Csuicha. If the occultist is under attack or feels threaten these creatures spawn naturally and behaves without real control. With experiment N-20 and confirmed with experiment N-23 we defined the futility of providing real blood to the subject if threaten. Still large amounts of blood seems necessary for achieve stable summoning without enemies. With experiment N-27 we are providing 100 litres of blood extracted from animals during meet processing. If all goes as planned we should end up with a “blood rooter” a humanoid creature capable of extending itself underground in a root system to act as a pressure trap.
Experiment N-27 Previous blood analysis
Previous experiment shown that Csuicha doesn’t really need a blood loss to summon creature yet if her blood is added into them, they grew stronger and could achieve different form other that the rooter or the slime. Csuicha defines the summoning procedure as natural, something that just happens as blinking or breathing. The blood left behind once the creature “dies” have a different composition that is still unknown to us but totally different from the one used as base. Each type of summoning manifested different DNA that unfortunately doesn't live long enough to be analysed. Trying to prevent it from disappearing in thin air as been proved useless. We have no means to contain those samples. However for the little we could observe each summon has highly different blood cells, so those leads me to suppose that said summons were once living beings. Maybe the “powers” are copying previous owners and grow stronger each time they get passed down if they could be pass down somehow.
Experiment N-27 Summon
The experiment was a success. We took all the possible data for the 2 hour 23 minutes and 22 second that the creature stayed alive. The blood rooter drained almost all the blood that we set as spawning pool but stopped draining it while alive. The creature was totally under Csuicha control all the time but she was still unable to prevent it from acting as defensive shield. The power wants to preserve its host at all costs. Physically the Blood rooter is composed of blood yet it was able to compress itself in a 5 litres container breaking basic physic law. The same way once the creature “dies” the blood vanished with it, leaving us with the remaining 7 Litre of unused blood. We detected no breach in our sealed chamber so the fluid just disappeared breaking yet another law. The blood rooter didn’t attack us nor harm any of the probes used but it dies once Csuicha started manifesting extreme level of fatigue and stress. Best hypothesis I can make is that the creature drains some kind of energy that only Csuicha possess and we have no idea how to detect. If it wasn’t in front of my eyes I would have suppose it was a joke or some fantasy daydreaming. However this is our reality and we can see that the loss of said energy drains both physically and mentally the user.
Experiment N-27 Subject experience
Csuicha was able to concentrate on the summon for the first time and so she was finally able to describe how she felt during the process. Using her words “it felt like wind flowing all around me, moving from behind me to the blood pool. I could feel my blood moving and hear my heart pumping it while the creature grew itself. If it makes sense it felt like losing my consciousness to achieve a greater one. One where I control my subordinates as one, where I could feel it staying alive because I was alive. It also felt like leaving my mind to drift away while daydreaming, staring in an empty space while your brain elaborate.” This description doesn’t helps a lot but this could be used as a base for future experiments. Maybe it’s some sort of mutual connection with a bigger and unknown living organism, a mutual exchange. Energy for blood creature.
Experiment N-27 Conclusion
N-27 was a massive success that leaves us with even more questions. Hopefully my scavenging missions will bring us more intel on said powers. Maybe ancient being knew something that we are missing. End of report.
“I’m confused Scilla. You were in the army, left it because you didn’t want to have a lover and become a scavenger. All this while doing experiments on your liin as well?”
“let’s say it’s a joint operation. The Sheridan and my crew were basically built with both consent from the liin and Hakavors as a tool. Maybe I should have explained it better. I wanted to get the hell out of the army but didn’t want to go back to being a civilian. At that time me, Dhalia and Serafia were already friends and so we already knew of Serafia’s powers. The Sheridan was built almost as an autonomous unit. I work for both the liin and Dhalia but on paper only for Dhalia. After all scavenging is not really seen as a noble occupation.”
Iris was definitely not following a single word. In her mind that was ‘politichese (politician confused way of speaking)’. Esterians care definitely less about how people perceive them and Iris being a remnant of the Founder cared even less. She had no law to follow except the Founder primordial laws.
“sorry you lost me Scilla. For me it’s all political shit.”
“yep all political shit”
“so that was an interesting report, and I have to trust you on that but still it makes sense. That would explain the red mist at the meeting. Kinda funny how your ‘supreme leader’ was nervous around me”
“it’s not like it’s easy to be beside you”
“WHAATTT???!??? (what)” exclaimed Iris with a high pitch voice while looking around. She was definitely mocking Scilla.
“don’t WHAATTT me little girl. You know it better than me”
“yep I do. Now how do we define if I’m an occultist as well or if it’s just the artefact inside me?”
“well we run experiments. Do you feel something alike to an affinity to something? Like blood?”
“no… well maybe yes but I don’t know.”
“well tell me”
“I have an affinity for machines but I was built to have it. All my sisters probably felt the same right? All that is different is that I don’t have a machine sack so my machines probably come from the artefact, which is probably acting as a distortion space or something like it.”
“so all you can do is hack computer by touching them?”
“yep and also use my brain as computer and also use the artefact as power plant”
“mmh, Csuicha’s power evolves and grew stronger so if you are an occultist your abilities should become better gradually.”
“mine are stuck to the same point from the day I was built so it’s just the artefact that bends reality”
“I suppose so, but a test won’t hurt. Can you try to get in my phone from the distance? Like do the same as when you touch it but from afar”
However it was not so simple. The artefact was just a starter, a device built to configure something else, bigger and meant for greatness. Ancient greatness now forgotten, now opposed and rejected. Feared by most, hated by all others. That configuration was over.
Iris extender her arm pointing at the phone and concentrated as she usually does.
|/Finishing configuration|/
Air bent all around Iris as whispers speaking unknown words started to flow out of her body. Light as well couldn’t escape bending and pulsing in flashes around Iris.
|/Booting engineer|/
The whispers grew stronger, screaming all around the room. The ship automated system detect the inevitable. Red flashing lights combined with a deafening alarm spread through all the ship but the screaming whispers were still stronger, so strong to shake object around and even repulse Scilla that was desperately trying to reach the panicking Iris.
|/Safety discharge|/
A grey fluid started flowing out of all Iris orifices: eyes, nose, mouth. None were clear, then her skin started dripping fluid as well. In complete panic Iris tried to shake of the fluid but it kept coming back until it vaporize in a dark mist filling the entire room.
--unknown alien entities detected--
--execute isolation protocol--
--containing chamber breached--
--medical room lost--
--cockpit lost--
Natrix automated system were trying to contain the threat but it was useless. Whatever it was was spreading too fast and was too strong to oppose.
--habitat lost--
--mechanical army lost--
--thruster commands lost--
--hostile life form has control over the ship--
The whispers were nor more hearable but the dark mist sound all around them. It sounded like a raging storm of metal droplet, so dense to not be able to see more than 50cm from your face. It was as if the small drops clashed each other boning around emitting small metal noises. So small alone to be ignore but with so much mist it sound was all but negligible. TThen a sudden stop, the mist vanished as it appeared, the ship alarm come to an end and an exhausted Iris felt into Scillas arms.
“NO NO !!! what is happening? Iris say something”
Iris was only unconscious but panic and fear of potential loss overcome rationality inside Scilla’s brain.
“you can’t die on me!”
What to do what the fuck do I do now??, the chair. It saved me, it will save her!.
Scilla rushed to the medical chair to place down Iris. She had no idea how to connect it but still she replicate the condition of when she woke up. After placing Iris in she started pressing everything on the screen. Nothing was translated but the machine was built to be operated by everyone so somehow it started and immediately started beeping. On screen a body silhouette where almost everything was red. Brain and the 2 hearts were even purple.
“Fucking machine do something!!”.
Meanwhile Iris was walking around her “first dream”. She was walking on a strange planet. Blue grass and plants all over but more importantly massive crystal were popping out of the ground everywhere. Those strange construction were natural somehow and definitely not made out of glass or quartz. She walked around the strange forest until she reached a cliff. The same as her favourite cliff on the esterian world Yoctas where she has 2 of her friends. At the summit of the cliff a strange naked humanoid creature. The small creature was around 120cm tall with massive crystal structure on its back that resemble the bone structure of a pair of wings now converted in hooks. On the creature head 3 massive horns of the same almost invisible crystal. The being had not sexual organ visible. Just 2 eyes, a mouth and 2 ears. Long slightly pink air floating as if there was no gravity and a long tail. Its skin was totally white but also not white. The best definition was a lack of colour that blurred the creature limits letting it fade in the light coming from the massive purple star shining in the sky. The creature had 4 fingers with no nails but a crystal structure that probably had the same use. The small creature was trying to eat an unknown fruit bigger than it’s head but it was too hard for its teeth.
Iris approached the creature and grabbed violently the fruit out of its hands. She extracted a small knife hidden in her belt and opened it. The creature was jumping and trying its best to reach the fruit until Iris gave it a piece of the inside. Immediately the creature calmed and sat on the ground happily eating the fruit. Iris sat as well and continued to make piece of the fruit.
“meglio? (better?)”
The creature nodded as it kept eating the fruit slowly. Iris gazed at the valley beyond the cliff between a fruit piece and the other. A war was destroying the astonishing beautiful planet but those creature were all but alike to the kid. Still neither of them cared. Iris was looking at the bloodbath while the kid was only interested in its fruit. At some point the small creature moved between Iris legs and stared at the battle too while eating.
“chi sono?(who are they?)”
But the creature denied with its head. It didn’t know neither. It was just looking at them.
“il tuo frutto sta finendo. (your fruit is about to be finished)”
still the creature didn’t really do much. It kept on eating until it was left with 2 pieces. It took one and gave the other to Iris that started eating it slowly. Without much care Iris placed her chin on the creature head and kept eating as well. Time passes as the fight drags on. Then the creature lift its right arm and invited Iris to mimic it. An urge of raw vigour and coldness rushed from her hearts and brain to her arm condensing until it burst out. Gray tentacles composed by an incalculable quantity of machines so small to cut atoms rushed before her eyes. She was in control of them, intertwining them to make a massive stronger tentacle at her commands. Whispers surrounding her were still in an unknown language but now she could feel their desires right in her brain. Telepathy or something like that. They were ruthless, they kept on calling for blood, destruction and reborn.
“Conquer, kill, assimilate, consume, consume them all!!, assimilate, eat, kill, build, build, build!, reforge, make, destroy, feed, feed and eat!!”
An overwhelming force of illusory indiscriminate destruction with only purpose to build and grow. Iris felt herself fade away in such monstrous mechanical consciousness but then the dream faded and she woke up suddenly in her medical chair. Scilla immediately hugged her, she was saying something but she couldn't hear. The whispers were speaking to her. They only explained that they were going to help.
“Iris! Say something! Do something please!”
But Iris body was not responding to her owner. Iris was in pain and the only thing she could use was her head. At least she could speak.
“I’ll be fine don’t worry about me. I had a ‘talk’ with something. I can see why the books called them Whispers even if they are so fucking loud”
“all you have to say is ‘I will be fine’??? did you know how worried I was. I thought you were dying…”
“well I…”
“SHUT UP! After all the shit you said just before about needing someone beside you. Where the fuck did it go?!!?”
“WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU!?!?! that I had no fucking idea of what happened? That I’m scare of dying because this proves that somehow I’m a fucking linker and linkers are not meant to live long form a mathematical point of view?. Should I let my emotion run loose when my fucking body is temporary papalized? Should I stop thinking rationally to provide an emotive answer?”
“that is not what I meant. You can fucking speak with me, tell me about all the shit that are happening. Do you think I will be disappointed knowing that you are not perfect?”
“why should you not be disappointed?”
“because I don’t fucking care. Perfection is not something meant for organic creature to achieve. I prefer to have you as you are than a robot mimicking your behaviour. But apparently you are too stupid to understand basic emotions with the good manners so this calls for more drastic ways”
“what? Scilla what the fuck are you doing? Put me down immediately”
Scilla lifted Iris and started carrying her like a corpse on her shoulder. Iris tried to move, to struggle but her body was not responding. She could feel it but not move it.
“I said let go of me you fucking block head!”
“NO! I’m going to prove you how useless is to repress all your emotions with me. I’m not a random idiot walking down the street. I’m fucking Scilla Lis, Ittira of the lean federation. I can fucking understand basic emotion and work with them. But the so might perfect Idra doesn’t seems so competent”
“I’ll fucking show you who is the incompetent”
“yeah yeah then move”
“I can’t fucking move, I’m papalized”
“if you were good enough you wouldn’t be so”
“you are getting on my fucking nerves. Shut you sewer before I close it for good”
“and how will you do so little girl? With your sharp tongue or staring eyes?”
Iris had run out of comebacks so she decided to at least have the last words failing, obviously.
“just wait and I will show you”
“sure I will wait for cry and begging after countless useless tries to brake free from my arms. Ship active gravitational pull”
while speaking Scilla had brought Iris back to her room and with the help of the gravitational pull she reached the bed easily.
“how the fuck did you know of the grav-pull?”
“I told you to shut up”
Scilla tossed Iris on the bed without any regard. As she already did many times she covered her and placed beside her. Initially she was distant but little by little she moved closer.
“what the fuck are you doing? Don’t you fucking dare to get closer to me!”
“I do dare. If you don’t understand it peacefully the shock will force you to remember it”
Scilla moved closer and closer and Iris was starting to feel Scilla’s heat reaching her back.
“get the fuck away from me you fucking pervert. You.. you are committing a… a crime… against me. This is illegal, you can’t do this”
“when did laws ever matter to you? So any last words”
“Scilla… we.. we can speak about it. You don’t have to do….”
Scilla hug from behind interrupted Iris thought process. Scilla was clinging to her so much. She could feel her hot and muscular right arm across her belly pulling her closer. The other arm was under her armpit and reconnected with the other making even more difficult a possible escape, not that she could move. But Scilla’s arms were only a marginal problem. The biggest one were posed by Scillas boobs pressing on her back and her hot breath flowing right on her neck and ears. Iris was reaching now highs of embarrassment and then the last drop that finally made her understand.
Scilla was grabbing her even tightly, her forehead pressing on Iris’ back of the head. With a soft, worried and scare voice that was on the verge of a cry she said.
“I don’t want you to die. I don’t want to be left alone. Without you I will have to start all over. Do you think with my personality that I will ever find someone as strong as you? I want to live our life together, have our share of fun and danger. Get back home wherever it will be, built up a family. Grow older knowing that we did your part in the universe and that’s it. Do you thing that I’m not scared of whatever is inside you? Do you believe I have answers? Of course I don’t. But whatever will happen I want to be with you. I don’t live only for me now. I also live for you. I just hope that you will understand that and do the same. Your problems are mine and I hope that also my problems are yours. Isn’t this what you wanted? Someone that can be there when you need them? Because that’s what I want and I believed that you could gave it to me. But maybe I was wro… (wrong)”
“NO! YOU WERE NOT WRONG!. YOU ARE NOT WRONG! I’m.. faulty.. I’m the problem…”
“we all are faulty and will ever be. But we could be there for each other. To compensate those faults”
“I’m sorry… I panicked. I was scared. I.. I.. don’t know what happened, I don’t know what to do any more. I had my missions but do they matter any longer?…”
Iris was panicking again. Her breath was getting unstable and so were her words.
“deep breath and clean your mind. You are too agitated and so I am. We should sleep again. I don’t know why but I’m drained and I suppose you are tired as well”
“thanks again… to be here, for me Scilla”
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