《The Diamonds》Epilogue



One hundred years later…

It took two decades to finish collecting all six-four of the Regrow Grow Crystals and send the Seed out into Outer Space and wait for it to grow into a full-sized planet. As my family and I waited for this to happen some interesting things happened along the way.

Ron and I figured out that even baby Diamond children have fangs and need to bite someone on a regular basis. But the need to bite someone doesn't turn sexual until after they've hit puberty. That works for me because I really didn't want to think about my child having sex until they got old enough to.

Anyway, the funny part of waiting for the Seed to grow into a full-sized planet is when I turned one hundred years old, (that's in human years, Diamond years are a little bit longer), I got to fake my death and it cut me loose from being in the public eye and being labeled as an Agent for the government. That was actually a really fun thing to do. What I did to fake my death was I just to get into a car and have it blow up in my face. There was a fake funeral for me and everything after that. I watched the news coverage of it from behind the scenes with amusement at how much of a spectacle it was!

One hundred years after that was when the Seed grew into a full-sized planet. Shortly after that Ron and the rest of our family moved over to the planet. There were Diamonds from every clan that moved with us. So we kept that same arrangement that we had before, six different clans, black, silver, blue, red, purple and white. Asher and Ron came with me and Patty and my father Ibee came along also. We also extended the invitation to Shinjin and he decided to come with Wrinkler.

We had no idea that just by living on the newly formed Diamond Planet that Shinjin's powers would increase! He was already strong to begin with but the guy's unstoppable now. With that in mind when we set up the police force we made Shinjin the captain of it. Only thing is, since he can't really breathe in outer space like Diamond's can we give him an apparatus that helps him breathe so he can fight along with the other Diamond's that come with him on a mission. The apparatus was made by Ron. I just felt I should mention that.


Once everything in regards to the Diamond Kingdom got set up, like the different clans and their Royal Family member representatives we kept certain traditions and got rid of some of the rules like the rule that you can sleep with your own children as long as they're of age and it's acceptable. Yeah we removed that rule and made it against the law and it doesn't matter how old your child is you can't sleep with them. We gave specific instructions to Shinjin to make sure that if that law was broken then that person was punished severely for it.

Shortly after the Diamond Kingdom was set up Patty and my father Ibee stepped down from the throne and handed it over to me. I didn't want the job at first but Ibee told me that whether I wanted it or not the job was to be mine because I was next in line for the throne anyway. I found that rather odd because I have a twin brother named Simon that could also take the throne or so I thought. I guess apparently since I was born five minutes ahead of Simon then that makes me the oldest so I got the job.

One day I was walking down the hallway from the throne room when I heard Tobias, Riley and Sharon arguing about something. Tobias is my child that I had with Dr. Crow, Riley is Asher's child Ron and Riley's twin sister Sharon is my child that Ron had with me. Yeah I know it sounds confusing.

"Tobias give it back!" Sharon snapped. "That's Riley's she made it and you took it without permission!"

"Oh I'll give it back alright! Right after I break it!" Tobias growled.

My eyes widened in anger when I came around the corner and saw Tobias holding one of Riley's inventions in a threatening manner. "Hell no Tobias! Give that toy back now!" I roared.

Once Tobias saw me he shrank back in terror and squeaked. "Uh, yes mom."

He handed Riley's invention back to Sharon and she nodded and then blew him a raspberry and left. I sighed, "Come with me Tobias."

"But mom-" Tobias protested.

"Don't but mom me!" I snapped.

"Fine," Tobias mumbled.

I led Tobias over to a nearby lounge and we sat down. "Now can you tell me exactly why you keep taking Riley's things and breaking them? You do realize that's not called for and not cool right?"


Tobias nodded. "Yes mom I know but Riley gets on my nerves and I don't like her or Sharon!"

"That doesn't mean that's an excuse for breaking people's things that aren't yours!" I said. "Why are you doing stuff like this?"

"Like I said I don't like her," said Tobias. "Riley and Sharon keep wanting me to hang out with them along with a whole bunch of other people. So I figured if I break their things or if I'm mean to them then they'll leave me alone."

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure you want to be alone? Because speaking from experience I know what it's like to be alone and it's not a good feeling."

Tobias looked at me with surprise. "Wait, you were alone at one point in your life?"

I nodded. "It happened a long time ago. Can you do me a favor?"

"It depends on what the favor is," Tobias replied.

"Can you at least try to not break people's things if you don't want to hang out with them?" I asked.

"Okay sure," said Tobias. "But what do I do if the person I don't want to hang out with keeps wanting me to hangout with them after I tell them no?"

"Just keep telling them no and they'll get the point sooner or later," I said.

Tobias nodded but as soon as he nodded he held his jaw like he was in pain. I sighed, "Let me guess your fangs hurt don't they?"

"Mhm." Tobias said.

I held out my hand for him to bite and he rapidly shook his head. I tilted my head. "What's wrong?"

"No way am I biting my own mother! That's just weird and gross!" Tobias responded.

I snorted. "Oh so you're too old to bite your mom when you need to huh?"

Tobias nodded. "Yup! And I'm not biting Grandma or Grandpa or Daddy anymore for the same reason."

I laughed. "Okay I'll relay the message. Boy I'd never thought I'd see the day when I would have my child tell me he's too old to bite me anymore!"

"Okay yeah I'll go find Wesley," said Tobias. "He's the only person I actually want to hang around for the time being that doesn't get on my nerves."

"Alrighty then," I said, "just don't go stealing or breaking other people's property. Do we have an understanding?"

Tobias nodded. "Yes mom!"

"Good, now go find your friend so you can bite him or whatever," I said. Tobias nodded, got up and ran off to go find his friend.

As soon as I got up to go to my room I smiled when I heard Simon chuckle, "You know something? I never thought I'd wind up becoming an Uncle!"

I chuckled, "Yeah just like I'd never thought I'd become a mother in the first place. I remember when we used to take each other's things and break them just for the fun of it."

Simon smiled. "Oh yeah I remember that! And sometimes I would challenge you to a sparring match just because I was mad at you!"

We laughed at that memory. I let out a happy sigh, "Ah good times! Good times!"

Then Simon's watch went off. He nodded and pressed the small black button on the side of it. I heard Shinjin's voice, "Agent Shadow, I'm requesting some assistance in the Blue clan's public park, do you hear me?"

Simon nodded. "Yes I hear you."

"Good," said Shinjin. "How long will it take you to get here?"

"About fifteen to twenty minutes, is that okay?" Simon said.

"Yes, sounds good to me," Shinjin said.

With that Simon ended the conversation with Shinjin. He looked at me. "Well looks like I gotta go. I'll see you later sis!"

When Simon left I went back to my room. Once I got to my room I sat down on the bed and smiled as I looked at the family pictures that sat on the dresser in front of me. In the center of the pictures was mine and Ron's wedding picture, on the left of it was a picture of Asher and Riley, to the right of it was a picture of Wrinkler and Shinjin. Next to the picture of Wrinkler and Shinjin was a picture of all three of the kids Tobias, Riley and Sharon.

Every time I look at those pictures I can't help but think about how far I've come and where I'm headed to in the future. From where I'm standing at the moment we're just one big happy family now and I'm going to keep it that way as much as I possibly can.

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