《Alpha's Choice, Beta's Bane》Part 1 - Alpha's Choice: Chapter 7 - Do you know the game ‘uncle’?


The next morning, when I show up with my crutches and sans one foot, Harry lets me know that it's not a problem though we will be going on a field trip.

Harry takes me on a short trip into the woods using an all-terrain vehicle. I’ve never ridden on one before and cling tight to the back of his jacket, afraid to fall off since I can’t plant my feet firmly.

By the time we reach a wide clearing with animal pens, I’ve relaxed enough to look around. There’s a pen for cows, one for pigs, and one with sheep and goats. Beyond that, I see huge pastures for grazing. It seems that the packhouse is entirely self-sufficient, which means that I can’t rely on something like a supply run to get out. I also learn that Harry manages all of the food for the packhouse and his son, Tomas, is in charge of the kitchens.

As he goes over their production processes, I realize that I am relieved. A part of me thought that I might find pens full of humans instead of the usual livestock.

He takes me on a tour of the facilities and I’m content to follow after him, looking around. I’m surprised when my stomach grumbles. I hadn’t realized how long we had been out here.

Harry seems to feel likewise as he leads us back over to the ATV and tells me he has a great place for us to eat lunch.

We head back towards the house but make a slight detour to the east. After a few minutes, we reach a beautiful lake.

It’s large enough that the other side is hard to make out, but it looks like there is a house tucked in amongst the trees.

I point it out and ask, “Is that also part of their land?”

Harry nods. “There are a few guesthouses around the property. When visitors come, they usually prefer to have their own space.”

I wonder if anyone is staying there now, though it’s impossible to tell from this distance. Harry sits down on the dock closest to us and pulls out a rather impressive lunch spread.

“Courtesy of Tom,” he says with a smile.

I sit beside him and take one of the sandwiches. We eat in silence for a few minutes, each enjoying the stillness of the lake.

“It’s really lovely in the summer. It used to be used all year-'round before they got indoor plumbing but since then, no one really comes here unless it’s warm, not that shifters mind the cold much.”

I’m struck by the indoor plumbing comment and wonder just how long it’s been. Harry doesn’t seem that old, so perhaps the pack is just slow to move with the times, even if they do have Tide pods.

I don’t reply, not wanting to say anything that might come across as rude, since there’s very little I feel that’s positive about the place. So we fall about into silence and once the food is gone, Harry stretches exaggeratedly and nods his head in the direction of the ATV.

“Don’t suppose you’d want to drive it?”


I snort out a laugh, “No, thanks.”

He smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling and I see just how happy a man he must be. He’s got all the laugh lines, which feels wrong considering he’s a human among monsters.

We are about halfway back to the house when Harry stops. I look around his shoulder to see why and see a pair of shifters having what looks like a fight.

“Jesus,” I gasp as one slams his fist hard enough into the other’s shoulder, dislocating it with a sickening pop.

“Don’t worry. They are just roughhousing,” he’s not looking at me but he must sense my incredulity because he adds. “It’s practice. Don’t worry, once they stop all their wounds will heal in a matter of hours.”

He starts up the four-wheeler again and gives them a wide berth as we continue back. “You know the game ‘uncle’?” he asks.


“They’re doing something like that. But it gets a bit messy since they are basically indestructible.”

I fight back the bile in my throat. I never understood why children liked to play ‘uncle’. The idea of seeing how much pain you can bear while inflicting it on someone else was never appealing. Their version is far more brutal.

When we get back, Harry tells me that I’m free for the rest of the day, but I’m exhausted, and using the crutch has made my shoulder sore; I must have been holding it wrong.

I spend the rest of the day in my room and fall asleep really early. So early that I wake up naturally long before the sun has risen.

Unable to sleep longer, I get up, go through the kitchen, and up onto the back porch. It’s unseasonably warm out and it makes me think of a perfect way to clear my head, courtesy of Harry’s trip around the grounds yesterday.

Dad’s house is right next to a small lake. I used to go out into the water every morning when we visited. Not to swim, just to float and relax and let everything else slip away.

I go back to my room and change. I don’t have a swimsuit so I wear my undergarments from the day before and wrap an extra towel from my room around me. I don’t put on my prosthetic either since I’m letting the skin heal and I can’t use it in the water.

The walk takes much longer than I anticipate, the ground is uneven so I go much slower with the crutch, not wanting to risk a fall. But it’s a peaceful walk nonetheless, and I enjoy the soft silence the woods has when everything and everyone is still asleep.

I leave the towel and my crutch on the dock and let my legs dangle, my left foot just skimming the water.

The light is beginning to break on the horizon and for a moment I pretend I’m back at the lake with my dad and sister. Maybe they are in the house right behind me. Maybe they’ve just woken up and I’ll turn around and see their sleepy heads poke out from behind a door and ask why I am up at this ungodly hour. Maybe mom would be there, too.


I close my eyes as tears threaten to escape. I’ve made it this far. Every day I feel stronger and more sure of myself. Every day I add another little piece to my plan. I’ll make it home if only to tell mom and dad that Nia is gone. If only to expose Alpha and the rest of them and make sure that they pay.

Kane’s face flashes in my mind. I sigh and lean back on my elbows. The air is still and I wonder how much longer I can stay out here.

But, as if thinking of him summoned him, I hear a voice from behind rumble, “You really shouldn’t be out here like that.”

The silence breaks so suddenly that I throw myself forward into the lake. As I come up for air, I see Kane standing on the edge of the dock, poised like he’s about to dive in after me.

“Well, at least you can swim,” he says, the corners of his mouth twitching.

“Barely, I grumbled,” my legs already feeling heavy as I grab onto the edge of the dock.

“Would you like assistance, Ama?”

“No, no. That’s fine.” I continue holding on to the dock. I want to get out but I hadn’t anticipated anyone seeing me. The sports bra and panties are soaked through and that isn’t a visual I want to share, especially given that my leg is completely exposed as well. No one here has seen it. No one here has seen any of me actually. Since the accident, I haven’t wanted to be seen.

“You look cold,” he states, his brows knit together. “And to think I went through the trouble of getting you a coat only for you to purposefully go into a lake in late autumn.”

He crouches down and leans over so that our faces are only a few feet apart. I sink back down until only my head’s above the water. We stay like that, both waiting to see what the other will do until he sighs and says, “The others are out but they will come back this way soon. You, here, cold and wet, and wearing very little is not a good idea.”

I scrunch my face up, feeling even more like an idiot than a moment ago. Knowing there is no other alternative, I ask, “What are the chances you could help me out, but with your eyes closed?”

The corners of his mouth lift just a fraction again. His eyes dance as he nods gravely, “I think I can manage.”

As he closes his eyes, he reaches down and grabs my forearm. With one swift pull, I am out of the water, sailing through the air for a moment, before landing with a thump against his chest.

He tilts his head up, eyes still shut. “Sorry, I miscalculated.”

I stay there for a moment, in shock. I’ve never been lifted up quite like that. It’s exhilarating and terrifying. With my face pressed to his chest, I breathe in deeply to settle the butterflies swarming in my stomach. He smells clean and woodsy.

As I peel myself off of him, I thank my lucky stars that he‘s dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants and not fresh from shifting. But I do notice that his feet are bare and try to remember if I’ve seen any of the shifters wear shoes before.

He brings his face back down but his eyes are still closed. It’s a rare opportunity to look at him unguarded. Compared to that day in the laundry room, I am much closer and he doesn’t seem to be aware of my eyes on him.

He has a faint scar running through his left eyebrow that cuts it horizontally in half. His features are refined but masculine, with a jawline that could cut glass. His lips are still curled up in the tiniest of smiles.

He’s just as tall as the rest of the Betas and Alpha but unlike Niles and Alpha, he has broad shoulders and narrow hips, more like a swimmer than a football player.

“Is your towel nearby, Ama?” he asks, humor-laced through his question.

That startles me out of my admiration. “Oh, yes. One second.” I have no choice but to use his arm for support as I slide around him, before stumbling over and wrapping my towel around myself. “All clear,” I say, my voice cracking.

I clear my throat as he turns around, his eyes open. He looks me over and sighs audibly, “I’m not sure that is much of an improvement, Ama.”

“Yes, well. Unless you can teleport me back. I’ll have to walk like this.” I said, mentally kicking myself again for really poor planning.

“Not a bad idea,” he muses and my eyes grow wide as he swiftly walks towards me and picks me up bridal style.

“My crutch…” I murmur.

Somehow he bends over and picks up the crutch without jostling me in the slightest. With it tucked again my side he says, “I would recommend closing your eyes, Ama.”

“What? Why?”

The reason becomes very clear as he takes off, running so fast that whiplash causes my head to slam back into his shoulder. Before my brain can even process what’s happening we are standing outside of the door to my bedroom.

He gingerly puts me down and keeps one hand on my shoulder, making sure I’m standing on my own with the crutch before he lets go.

“I trust you can take it from here, Ama?”

“Uh, yea. Yes.” I stare at my door, in awe and more than a bit embarrassed. “Thanks,” I turn around to say goodbye but he’s already gone.

Magical spit. Check. Superhuman healing. Check. Running at the speed of light. Check.

Shifters... I let the word rattle around in my head. I need to start getting used to the idea. Shifters - not humans.

And had I imagined it or did he call me by my name, a lot?

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