《Heartstone》The Garden
Disheartened expressions melted away, and both blue ladies beamed up at him with pearly-white teeth.
“You will?” Aoi asked, her expression brimming with hope.
“But what of Lord Azamont?” Bleu asked, excited. “They are in his possession, after all. He’s the most powerful noble in the land. And the most dangerous.”
At that moment, Arwin didn’t care. “No one man can own flowers. That’s absurd. They are things of nature and beauty and therefore belong to everyone. I shall liberate them for you from his garden prison.” Arwin wasn’t sure where this dashing dialogue was coming from, but he felt energized at the prospect of tackling this problem. It felt good to have a goal after weeks of malaise. Perhaps his recent misery was making him reckless. Maybe his boldness was because these girls were so attractive. Either way, it felt like the right thing to do.
“Oh, thank you!” Bleu cried, clasping his hands in her own. “You’re so brave. We shall have to reward you for such gallantry.”
“With a kiss. Or two,” Aoi added with a smoky blue gaze that ignited Arwin’s imagination, making his heart beat twice as fast.
“Or three.” Bleu gave him a look that cubed Arwin’s courage.
Arwin headed off in the direction of the ringing bells, feeling like he could take on the world. He slid between dense thickets of trees and climbed a short rise. He quickly found himself standing before a tall brick wall that was just slightly higher than he could reach. Huge flowers the size of dinner plates, each with large but dimly-coloured petals, grew directly out of the wall itself. Most seemed to avoid any direct rays of light, almost as if they were shy. That puzzled Arwin for a moment, but he soon got it. “Wallflowers.” He chuckled. He stepped back, tensed his body, and then stepped forward, launching himself up towards the lip of the wall.
“Hey! Watcha doin’ there, sunny?” a voice shouted.
Arwin, surprised, slipped back down from the top of the wall and landed hard on his bottom. He scrambled up and spun about, looking for the source of the voice.
“Don’t turn yer back on me when I’m talking t’you!”
Arwin jumped in alarm, then turned about. He scanned the top of the wall but saw no figure there. Who was talking?
“Eyes front, young man. You daft or somethin’?”
Arwin lowered his gaze. Then he dropped his jaw.
Eyes and a mouth had appeared on the face of one of the wallflowers. That’s who was speaking!
“Um-um...” he stammered.
“Yes, Erysimum,” the flower spat. “Erysimum Wittmanii. That’s my name.” The eyes narrowed. “Watcha doin’ here? You know somethin’ about gardening?”
Arwin put on a confident air. “Yes. Actually, I’m Azimunk’s new gardener.”
“You mean Azamont?”
“That’s what I said.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Speech impedimonk.”
“Exactly.” Arwin nodded.
“Ah.” The wallflower sympathetically nodded. “Sorry to hear that.”
The flower’s eyes became suspicious once again. “Hey, if yer Azamont’s new gardener, why you climbin’ over this wall?”
“Faster than going all the way around, isn’t it?”
The wallflower tried to give that some thought, but flowers probably weren’t especially intelligent. It nodded. “Can’t argue with that. Very well. Carry on then.”
“Thank you, good sir.” Arwin leaped up and caught the edge of the wall. Gracefully, he pulled himself up and peered over the top.
A display of botanical wonder lay before him. Flowers of every shape and size could be seen, from pinhead dots of red on carpeting moss to giant blossoms the height of a man. Beyond the garden stood an orderly row of trees, and a huge, three-story chateau rose beyond those. The aged edifice was formed of heavy, pale stone and sported blue roof tiles. Like the dresses worn by the blue belles, the building had a French Renaissance feel to it, with white-framed windows and black-iron balconies, flowery etching in the walls, and plenty of ornament.
The air carried a host of enchanting perfumes from the garden. It also carried the sound of bells. Arwin saw no one else in the garden just then: the cobblestone paths were empty. He heaved himself over the wall and dropped down the other side.
Following the tinkling sound, he cautiously wormed his way through exotic foliage. He passed a trellis of grapes. On the ground rested a bucket full of picked grapes marked FOR WINE. Next to it stood a rack on which lesser fruit dried into raisins in the sun.
One of the sad, leftover raisins wined as Arwin passed, “Aw. I guess I’ll never achieve grapeness.”
Arwin followed the edge of what appeared to be a crop of riding whips. They were made of braided leather and snapped at him as he passed. Then he ducked under a palm tree. He had to move fast because the hand-shaped leaves tried to grope him. He came upon a stream babbling through smooth, water-worn rocks. Not wanting to get wet, he climbed a tree on the bank, went out on a limb and then branched out until he was able to drop down onto the opposite bank.
He found himself in a vegetable patch. Weeds smouldered between neat rows of planted foliage. He thought he recognized the leaves of the latter as potato plants. Taking a step, his toe nudged a mound of dirt, dislodging it.
A potato looked up with red, blurry eyes from where it had been unearthed. “Hey, dude. Like, watch where you’re going, man.”
“Oh, sorry.” Arwin apologized. Evidently, this was a baked potato. Ah, from smoking weed.
He walked by a fenced-off square with a quaint stone well. A dying tree drooped over both the well and some colourful flowers within the fenced-off section. A brown leaf, long dead, broke from the branch of the dying tree and gently fluttered down. The leaf landed on a bed of white carnations.
Arwin leaped back in surprise as the leaf transformed into a honeybee. It momentarily hovered in the air as if confused, then it shrugged and began tending to the flowers. When the bee touched the blossoms, nothing happened to it; there was no further change. Arwin realized it was because the bee was alive and the leaf hadn’t been. Those were no ordinary carnations. They were reincarnations! Arwin’s mind spun.
He continued. All of his attention quickly diverted to rows of completely nude, life-size women growing out of the ground. Their shapely, sexy, bare flesh was dark green, turning brown at the ankles where their legs entered the soil. The women possessed various shades of purple hair that curled in gentle points about their luscious bodies, falling like petals down past their wide hips. Each had golden eyes and golden lips that sweetly smiled. The women beckoned Arwin into their soft embrace.
Arwin tore his eyes off the plant-women long enough to read a small, black sign at their feet, er, roots?
(aka. Belladonna or Naked Ladies)
Reluctantly, he redirected his mind back to his quest and cautiously continued down the stone path. Still looking back over his shoulder at the ladies, he failed to notice the patch of flowers growing on the edge of the path and bumped into them. They shouted up at him in response.
“Hey, clumsy! Begone, yuh!”
“Yeah, go away. Begone, yuh!”
“Begone, yuh!”
Arwin danced away from the pesky little flowers barking at him. Be-gone-yuhs.
He ducked out of the reach of some adorable snapdragons who blew fire at him and snapped at him with toothy little petals. Feeling hungry, he sampled fresh buttercups, spreading the butter over cornbread growing hot and warm on tall stalks. He washed the snack down with edelweiss beer drunk from tall, white flower pods. The dirt below a few was wet and the whole edelweiss patch smelled of hops and barley. Satiated, he moved on, admiring birds of paradise blooming high above him, careful not to come within reach of their long, sharp beaks.
Little blue flowers tugged at his jeans as he passed and begged him to “Forget me not!” He guessed their name readily enough.
A beautiful black fox slunk through a hole under the base of the outer wall. It paused for a moment to regard Arwin with shrewd eyes but apparently found him no threat. Then it proceeded to place its paws into two flowers, fixing them on like purple mittens: foxgloves. Nodding with satisfaction at its new attire, the fox trotted back through the hole into the forest.
Arwin wondered what a fox needed gloves for. Perhaps it was just a very fashionable vixen.
Gladiolus blooms filled Arwin with a wave of gladness. It was very refreshing after the melancholy of the blue forest. He admired a patch of beautiful lady slippers. They grew next to a bench where one could sit and try them on for size, for they were, of course, real footwear, from pumps to heels to slippers.
For a few minutes, Arwin stopped and marvelled at the wonders around him. He could never have imagined such a place. It was totally unlike anything he’d ever experienced back home. For the first time in too long, true excitement welled up from within him, and he felt happy again, thrilled to be able to experience something like this. And grateful that something could take him away from the horrible depression he’d been submerged in for so long. He moved on with a skip and a jump of joy.
At last, he came to the bluebells. Their stems emerged from clumps of broad leaves and stood about half a meter tall. All up the stem dangled delicate blue bells, their petals metallic-looking as if they were shiny little Christmas decorations.
He bent to pick a couple and then stopped. He could pick the flowers and carry them back to the belles, but that would really only be a temporary gift, wouldn’t it? They’d soon die. The more significant problem, that of this Azamont jerk having the only bluebells in the area, remained. What Arwin needed to do was to dig up some of these plants and carry them back over the wall where they could be replanted and left to spread naturally. Then the belles and everyone else could enjoy them freely.
He eagerly rubbed his hands at the idea and cast about for tools. From a dilapidated garden shack, he armed himself with a trowel and a burlap sack. He went to work. In the span of fifteen minutes, he’d dug up a dozen full plants. All were superb specimens. He picked the first one up to put it in the bag. The bells jingled harshly, completely breaking their natural rhythm. He looked towards the chateau with concern. If he handled the delicate flowers roughly, the ensuing cacophony would surely raise someone’s unpleasant attention.
He waited, but it seemed that no one had noticed his first blunder. He moved the plant very slowly and gently as he placed it within the burlap sack, roots and all, laying it down so that the bells stayed silent. Very carefully, he did the same with each of the other plants. He tied the sack shut with a length of twine and quietly slung the bag over his shoulder.
“You there! What are you doing?” a voice shouted.
Arwin whirled. An arrogant-looking, aristocratic man stood at the garden door to the mansion. He was tall and reedy and immaculately dressed in a half cloak, long-skirted tunic and tights. Like the belles, his heavily-embroidered clothes were in the Renaissance style, and his skin was blue. He bore a thin moustache and pointed beard and glowered through small, wire-framed glasses. Two gentlemen behind him were dressed similarly, like actors from a Shakespearean play. One had a sword belted at his waist and wore a monocle over one eye.
“You’re not one of my gardeners,” the lead man exclaimed. “How dare you pilfer from my garden, thief?”
That must be Azamont. Arwin recalled all that had been said about him and the bluebloods and how people like him caused pain in the world around them. Bastards. Arwin flipped him the bird, not caring if the hand gesture was unknown here, then spun and sprinted away. He paid no heed to the angry shouts behind him and dashed back through the exotic plants towards the point where he’d entered the garden. The naked ladies he only spared the briefest glance or, like, seven at the most, as he tore by. This time he leaped the stream at full speed, just clearing it. Then he was at the wall.
This felt just like an event he had recently been practicing for with his good friend back on Earth: Storming the Wall. Only this wall was a little shorter and he could climb it without help from a teammate. He timed his jump perfectly. One foot landed between two wallflowers who cringed and tried to lean out of the way. Despite the vertical grip, Arwin pushed off the wall and was able to propel himself further upwards. His free hand grabbed the top of the wall. Pulling quickly while he still had upward momentum, Arwin managed to get his other foot cleanly on top of the wall. He looked behind him, the bag of stolen bluebells slung over his shoulder.
The three aristocrats skidded to a halt on the path behind him. Azamont turned and pushed the other two men back towards the mansion. “To the horses!” he cried. “We’ll ride the bugger down!”
Arwin turned and lowered himself down the wall on the forest side with one hand, then dropped to the ground.
The wallflower he’d spoken to earlier must have heard a tinkle coming from Arwin’s sack as the young man landed. “Are those bluebells in there?” it archly asked. “Watchya doin’ with ‘em?”
“Just taking them for a walk,” Arwin answered innocently. “Show them around the forest. Trying to cheer them up, so they aren’t so blue anymore.”
“Hmm. Oh. Ok.” The wallflower nodded. “Carry on then.”
Arwin grinned and hurried through the forest. In moments, he arrived in the little clearing.
Bleu and Aoi smoothly rose to their feet at his approach.
“Arwin!” Bleu cried.
“Be not blue, blue belles for I have your bluebells.” Arwin opened the bag and revealed the contents.
“You’ve brought the entire plants!” Aoi gushed in surprise. “You brilliant man! Now we can plant these anywhere.”
“And enjoy them anytime,” Arwin agreed.
“You have more than earned your reward,” Aoi breathed happily, dragging him towards the bench and pressing her plush blue lips to his.
“And three times that reward from me!” Bleu exclaimed, tugging Arwin away from her friend. She kissed him with three times as much passion as Aoi had given.
Not to be outdone, Aoi pulled him back to her and kissed him even more deeply than before.
Arwin’s head spun, and he found all kinds of splendidly soft womanly parts pressing onto him from both sides. Giddy with happiness, he completely forgot all about the pursuit until a shout jarred the two girls from their lusty endeavours.
“You there! Thief! Stop and prepare to die!” Azamont shouted from afar.
Arwin took a moment to refocus because little blue hearts now danced in his vision. He blinked, thinking them part of his imagination, but no, they were real! They popped like bubbles and vanished. He saw Azamont and his peers emerge from the forest on steeds. They set about whipping the latter.
The foxy, black vixen with the new gloves exploded from a patch of brush and tore off across the meadow. She barked and startled the horses and riders, causing them to pull up in confusion, giving Arwin valuable time.
“Why, those are our belles!” exclaimed one of the men as he fought to control his mount, his face livid. “And he’s kissing them!”
“Fiend! Death to the fool who dares touch our property!” bawled the man with the monocle.
“Death because I stole some flowers and kissed a couple of girls?” Arwin asked rhetorically. “Are you nuts?” He scrambled to his feet. “And who are you calling property?”
Aoi and Bleu rose, panic in their eyes.
“You must flee!” Aoi pleaded.
“Run!” Bleu begged at the same time.
Arwin took a half step, then paused. “I’ll lead the nobles into the forest. Take the flowers and hide them away.” Then he dashed off towards the trees.
A scream caught his attention, and he looked back over his shoulder as he ran.
Bleu and Aoi lay on the ground, trampled and bloody, the nobles running their horses over the young women. While Azamont continued straight for Arwin, the other two took the time to have their horses stomp all over the belles, brutally injuring them, if not killing them outright.
A cry of anguish caught in Arwin’s throat. He felt a mixture of anger and guilt. The urge to turn and help almost brought him around, but Azamont was nearly upon him, and the other two nobles left their victims behind to rejoin the hunt. Fighting off sudden, teary heat in his eyes, Arwin plunged into the forest, hoping the girls would survive.
- In Serial57 Chapters
The Dungeon Calls for a Sage
Archimedes was the ego behind one of the most powerful dungeons ever created. He grew and developed his halls, filling them with powerful monsters and beasts, over the course of thousands of years. He was a grand structure of ten thousand floors which even heroes had failed to defeat. However, an Evil God had come from another world, calling himself the Demon King, and a party of heroes were sent to do battle with it. Through their victory, they obtained enough strength to breeze through Archimedes' dungeon like it was nothing. Forseeing the end of his life, and realizing how pointless his pursuit of power had been, Archimedes destroyed himself, taking the heroes down with him. Still, Archimedes felt despair that he had lived a worthless life as something as pitiful and futile as a dungeon. Sensing his regret and potential, the voice of the world presented Archimedes with the chance to start anew and live a more meaningful life. Thrilled and hopeful for the first time in eons, Archimedes accepted the offer, only to be reborn again as a dungeon core with not a single room or monster to his name. Just what was the meaning of this?! Archimedes couldn't figure out what the voice of the world was thinking. Somehow, he would have to draw a sage into his dungeon to figure it out for him. _______________________ DCS is now a member of the WriTEr's Pledge, which means I have sworn to see it through to a satisfying end.
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Bee Emperor
Apis is a young man fascinated by honey bees. After starting his own apiary in his backyard, it soon grew to an incredible size after a few years. By some strange phenomenon, Apis is killed in his sleep and reincarnated as a drone bee in another world. Except, unlike regular drones, Apis—in his new bee body—is the sole drone that mates with the queen. Furthermore, the young queen can talk and there’s qi in the honey! Follow Apis along as he struggles to control his new body and builds his bee empire.
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The Lost Archon
One early spring afternoon, sixteen-year-old Reid is going for a walk when he finds a magical occurrence taking him to another world. A world where he is considered an impossible mage - and where he becomes ridiculously powerful quickly. Though he's happy for the adventures he can go on and the friends he makes, Reid also wants to find out how he got there and why, and if there's a way to return home to his parents. Reid's priorities in this new world are learning magic, going on a few adventures, dealing with his feelings for the cute wolfkin Terrence Windfang, and seek an audience with the gods. All but one of them, he finds, is significantly easier than he expected. This is a participant in the [April 2022 Royal Road Writathon Challenge]. The story is also concluded as of 4/26/2022. IMPORTANT NOTES: 1) This is a story about an OP guy doing OP guy things. There will be few fights that he struggles with, and he will rarely, if ever, find his life in peril. 2) This is a slice-of-life and adventure story, which means that there will be periods of chapters without any action or conflict, but also periods of chapters with battles and exploration/adventure. 3) There will be NO petty squabbles or conflicts going on in this story, because it is meant to be a fun one, not a high-tension, drama-filled story. So it will NOT be that. If you want lots of action or lots of conflict, then find another story to read because this isn't it. 4) There will never be an overarching evil/villain/conflict to deal with in this story. Ever. 5) This story will not contain sexual content as it will end after Book 1. As such, Reid and his future boyfriend will never reach 18+ years of age in-story, so they will never have sex in the story. There will also be no harem in this story. 6) This is a part of the Royal Road April 2022 Writathon Challenge. 7) This story takes place in its own story universe, with its own rules. Please keep that in mind when reading it and other stories.
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unconditional love ✓
" Loving you is a losing game " " Sumedh....." She yelled and wakeup in jerk and started cryingShe just got up from her worst nightmare........." Where is my sumedh " she said " We got know that he is no more.." a boy said with teary eyes" No...he is alive..I can feel his presences of his unconditional love..I can feel him in pain" she said and sobbed " I will get him back .." she said and ran towards a dark room ..Darkness engulfed her and she cried heart out .. remembering her love..Sumedh mudhelkar an caring nature boy who fall in love with his co star. Confessied but...Malika singh she is in love with his co star sumedh but not excepting beacuse of some reasons some fear... She have a terrible past" Then two best friends become a best lovers " But Strom of their life waiting for them" " They saprated ..but love never dies.." For her loving him is a losing game ..Where is sumedh ? Is he alive ? To get know where is sumedh read Second season of this book is " Unconditional love _finding your love "
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Touching Stories Of The Sahaba (ra) ..
Stories have always been a great and powerful way to Learn, Understand & Motivate our Imaan (Faith). So why not learn and experience some of the Best Stories of Islam to inspire and understand the importance of our lives...One of the ideas that made me compile this book was that Muslim parents while going to bed at night, instead of telling myth and fables to their children, may narrate to them such real and true stories of the golden age of Islam that will create in them an Islamic spirit of love and esteem for sahabah, and thereby improve their Imaan..These stories are taken from various websites, lectures and books and are well researched..These stories are not intended as biographies, but rather to provide a glimpse of the main incidents of each companion's life.
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Minecraft youtubers|| Bnha x Mcyt || crossover
---Bnha x Mcyt---"Techno, what did you do to the nether portal?" Phil pointed at the circular portal that looked super cursed. "I didn't do it, I wsan't on for a while." Technoblade replied poking the portal, immediately he got sucked in without a warning, only a "HEH!?" was heard before it went silent.Technoblade left the game."Pfft" Phil held in his laugh but soon enough he too was sucked it. 'L' the crows mocked only to befall the same fate.-Philza left the game+++++++++Dream smp members get teleported to Bnha..Some get their original powers before they entered the dream SMP area.So, they basically all became main characters. and they aged back to make it look less sus, same mental compacity though and mental age which isn't much=started 7/4/2021==iDK when it'll end=#1 tommyinnit (Aug 12 2021)#1 technoblade (Sept 8 2021)#1 mcyt (March 19 2022)
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