《Maker》House Call
Chapter 12. House call.
Systems were being placed, Metas were finding roles, the world was being rebuilt, all the while the past and the events that led to this were being researched. They discovered something in the mammals they studied, something other than the extra growth of useless organs in prey-like or foodstock-like mammals. They found some engravings on the skull, something akin to vine-like trails near the ears and seemingly going in the brain. They were faded, mostly due to natural healing, but still the markings of it could be made out. There was a theory that maybe they were probed but by who? Then they wondered if it was something plantbased due to the shaping but that was thrown out due to no plants being found still in there. That's when a thought that never crossed them before, crossed them now. They were never anthropomorphic before, never had to walk like a human, never had to speak like one, most never even having opposable thumbs. So how did they know how to not only walk and move but use their hands and speak. They should be akin to newborns, or primal beasts, especially those that were once wild animals, but they weren't.
They dwelled on this thought, thinking maybe the humans who were still alive but dying, noticed their changes and probed the information into them. However the thought that they had managed to get every single mammal was…impossible at best, even laughable. They went back to the plants being inside their minds, the cause of the groves in their skulls, but that only led to the question of why and how. As they thought about this they dwelled on the movements of the world, how the countries fragmented and such, thinking deeply on how big of a phenomenon it really is. No one really thought much on it but what could cause such an overly drastic change? They wondered if the nuclear compounds of the nuclear war could do such and focused more on finding out what kind of nuclear war it was while also discovering more on Metas. They searched for remnants, records, or an untouched sample, something that could give them an answer.
“What time do you have to meet up with them tomorrow?” Gary asked, pouring some broth in a bowl of Ramen noodles.
“Gotta be there at nine,” Jackson said, sitting at the table.
“Heh, your first joint operation and you’re only a week in as a hero.” He came in, placing a bowl in front of Jackson. “Here.”
“Thanks.” He took a fork and dipped it in the soup, twirling some noodle, bringing it up, blowing it before slurping slowly.
Gary took his chopsticks, holding them like a pro, digging into his own bowl. “I was gonna have you do some midnight training but I'll hold off so you can get some rest.”
“Phew. What were you gonna have me do? More stamina training?”
“Nah, gonna have you practice your point style on some weapons. You can integrate Counterpoint well with swords but with you able to adjust your creations we should try Smashpoint with a thicker blade.”
“Ah alright. I wanna try using a mech before I go though.”
“That makes me wonder. You gotta scan a program for certain machines to work right, don't you?”
“Yeah. I'm having Mitch make a program so I can probably command the robots but I at least wanna try to see how much it takes from me.”
“Hm. Alright. Hoping you wont need them. Including you and Pacewolf, how many are going?”
“Four. We don't know what we’ll find in this investigation or what it’ll lead to so they want to keep me and her in as we proved we can hold our own in a fight.”
“Your power could help with investigating can’t it?”
“Well yeah but since we're trying to keep the truth of my power a secret I had to lie about not having built anything that could help with this. I've only used offensive and defensive tools, with a bit of miscellaneous devices like my drill and visor but I don't wanna be too coincidental cause that'll be suspicious.”
“Hm. Smart move. Heads up though, since Mitch is still a new Navigator, they're gonna assign an overseer for your group.”
“Makes sense.”
“What’s Anet gonna do?”
“She's gonna hang back with Mitch.”
“Alright. What would you like for breakfast?”
“Hmm how bout an chicken omelet sandwich?”
“Wait really? Thought you'd change it.”
“Want me to?”
“Then shut up.”
Next day.
Jackson was flying his way to Sky Limits, on the phone with Mitch. “You already there?”
“Yeah, me and Anet are in room eleven. ETA?” Mitch responded.
“About five minutes. Y'know I've been wondering, what do you and Anet do at home?”
“Watch anime, talk, eat food, that kinda stuff.”
“You better not be corrupting that girl.”
“What could I even do!?”
“Starts with an H and ends with a tai.”
“H and a….I'm not some horny pervert!”
“Could be a lonely one.”
“Oh dont even go there! I'm contempt in my single life right now I'll have you know!”
“Ouch, that's a little sad.”
Mitch huffed, being on the phone with his best friend. “Oh shut up!”
Jackson laughed. “The overseer there?”
“Not yet, she’ll be here when you are.”
“Sweet. Seeya there.” He hung up.
“Still surprises me that you’re single,” Anet commented, sitting next to Mitch.
“Is it really that surprising?”
“Well yeah, seeing how you are I would’ve thought you'd at least have had a highschool girl.”
“Nah never got those love letters in the locker, or asked to meet up somewhere for a confession under cherry blossoms.”
Anet chuckled. “You should've.”
“...Yknow if you stayed in school you probably would've gotten plenty.”
She blushed, looking shyly away. “I… doubt that…I told you how middle school was.”
“Yeah but that was because of your mom wasn't it? Her using her powers on you and everything?”
“Mm…” She held her arm, “Even then I doubt anyone would like what I would've looked like.”
“I'm sure you woulda just been a tall cutie instead of a short one.”
Anet blushed. “You're just sayi-.”
“I'm not just saying that.” He turned to face her. “Anet, you're really cute. Not just in looks but in personality too. The innocent, sometimes naive, way you can be, the way you fight, the smile you make, that determined, serious look whenever you draw your blade…it all makes you look just…adorable.”
She felt her face heat up, looking shyly away. “Th-thanks.”
Mitch smiled. “Don't even get me started on that flusteredness, my hearts melting.”
“I can't, it's too fun! It's much better than those moments in Daki Doki! I think I see a candidate for the fem role in the live action.”
“Live actions suck!”
“Not if the adorable Anet was in it! I'll even be your manager, shall we make some calls?”
She puffed her cheeks a bit, looking at him. “Now you're just teasing.”
“If I say yes will you puff more?”
“Why you-!” She charged at him, flailing her arms at him, Mitch laughing while blocking.
The door opened, Artisikat coming in, watching Anet hit Mitch. “Oh, we beating on Mitch? Lemme join!” Jackson cracked his knuckles.
“Please no!” Mitch motioned for a cease.
“Aww you're no fun.”
“Hi, Artisakat,” Anet greeted.
“Hey, Anet,” Jackson went to take a seat, “what Navi-boy do to deserve that?”
“He was being a bully.”
“I was not!” Mitch defended.
“How bout I make you some gauntlets for you to give him a better bruising?” Jackson offered.
“I'd like that.” Anet smirked evilly.
“Oh come on, give me a-!”
The door opened, catching everyone's attention. A six foot tall female racoon entered. She had an average body type with a size c chest, short curly red hair, brown eyes, and wore a casual business suit with casual dress shoes. In her hands was a tablet. She made a small smile at the group. “Good morning everyone. I'm Talia and I’ll be your overseer.”
“Good morning, Talia. Thanks for having us,” Jackson greeted.
“The meeting about to start?” Mitch asked.
“Yes, I'm going to set up the connection,” Talia said, going to the desk. She set her M-key in the console, taking a seat, typing at the computer.
“Should I leave?” Anet asked.
“No, you’re fine.” She smiled at the mouse.
Jackson sat next to Mitch and nudged the doberman. “Hey,” he whispered, “you finish that program?”
Mitch shook his head. “Sorry not yet. I'm working on some emergency protocols. I dont think I'll be able to finish it til tonight.”
“That's fine, can't use them just yet anyways.”
“I did think up a new scanning software for your visors.”
“Yeah, it'll bring up information on whoever you look at or whatever you look at, when you want to of course.”
“What kind of info?”
“Stuff like ID, general info, titles and such. Your visor can show images right?”
“My dad set it up with an x-ray, heat sensors, and it's got a reticle but I'm not so sure about displaying anything other than that reticle.”
“Hm, maybe I'll use it for the copter when it's made.”
“The what?”
“Everyone, the meeting’s starting,” Taila informed, turning on the big monitor.
Two window screens opened up the left having a symbol of the Delta agency. it was a triangle shaped D with the name on the bottom right slant. The right side had the title Nix in big bold letters with a slash across it. It wasn't long before two faces showed up, one a male otter mix and the other a female gorilla.
“This is a navigator of Delta, Jerry,” The otter said.
“This is an overseer from the Nix agency, names Gina, pleasure,” The gorilla answered.
“Glad to have you join us. I'm Talia, the overseer for this group from Sky Limits. Shall we start?” Talia answered.
“Yes.” Jerry and Gina nodded.
“The joint operation was suggested by Peacewolf and seconded by Sky Limits Artisikat,” Gina said, bringing up a display for Jackson and Peacewolf, showing a whole body picture of them along with a title underneath, “for a deeper investigation into the incident at Wells Robotics and the following incident with one of there delivery trucks. We have Peacewolf here right now along with her Navigator, Reno.”
“I have Artisakat with me and his Navi-boy Mitch,” Talia said.
“Navi boy!?” Mitch wiped his head at Talia with a look that said What the hey!? while Anet and Jackson snickered.
“The lead they found goes to a crew member of the Delta agency personal computer at home. Since he's been away well enough from the time of the attack there's been suspect of foul play. The mission is to have the team investigate the home and computer of Weskins, and follow where it leads them. A team of four has been agreed on, yes?”
“It has. Artisikat and Peacewolf will make up two of the team members while the others will be made up of one extra from Nix and one from Delta,” Jerry said.
“Who from Delta is being added?” Gina questioned.
“Nailmaker.” A display came up from Jerry's side showing the Meta in question.
The Meta was a four foot tall female poodle. She had brown fur and light brown puffs on her neck, ears, and wrists, and a slender body with a petite bust. Her hair was red and tied up in a small ponytail, her eyes were black, and she looked to be in her mid 20’s. Her attier was made up of a brown vest with black spandex shirt underneath that cut off above her stomach with shoulder pads, black elbow straps, blue jeans with something that looked to be soft sandpaper on the upper sides of her thighs, and black boots. The photo of her had her smirking at the camera with her hand on her hip, posing confidently and bit sassily.
“Her ability is called Shaper Nail. She’s able to grow her nails and change their shape, even able to twist them together. She's trained her power to be able to make more precise shapes like keys so she was suggested due to infiltration,” Jerry finished. “Any objections?”
“None from me or Reno,” Peacewolf said.
“Hm?” Talia looked at Mitch and Jackson.
“Oh uh, none from me,” Jackson answered.
“Same,” Mitch added.
“Alright what about you Gina?”
“We picked Life Witch,” Gina said.
On Gina’s side came the display of the Meta the Nix agency picked. It showed a four foot three inch tall otter female. She looked to be in her early 20’s, her for being a bit lush, and her eyes were a bright blue. Her bust was a size B, she was slender and thin, and she had short curly light brown hair. Her attire was a blue coat that went slightly below her hips that exposed her shoulders while having a sleeve connected to her upper arms, in the middle on the front was a large blue button that looked like a jewel holding the coat closed. Underneath it she wore a white blouse with blue trails. She also had on a pair of baggy pants the same color of her coat, leather boots, and a witch styled hat. In her hand was a staff with three small square barrels at the end and where her hand was there was a trigger and behind it was a dial.
“Her ability is Life. She can imbue inanimate objects with life, and what she does give life to follow her commands. She was selected cause her powers fit with any investigation as her powers allow her to collect info from her surroundings. Objections?”
“Nope,” Mitch shook his head.
“None from me,” Jackson agreed.
“Same for us,” Peacewolf said.
“Alright now that we have our team up, let's set up our meetup. Is Nailmaker and Life Witch available?” Talia suggested.
“Nailmaker is on standby in one of our training rooms,” Jerry answered.
“Life Witch is in the lobby,” Gina added.
“My cars filled up,” Peacewolf informed.
“Then let’s have everyone head there immediately. If Nailmaker and Life Witch arrive first, tell them to at least wait for a third party just in case there's an ambush or something left over,” Talia informed.
“Good idea,” Gina nodded.
“Alright, let's start this operation. Tell everyone to head out!”
Gina and Jerry nodded, getting ready to call the Nailmaker and Life Witch.
“OK I'll headout!” Peacewolf rushed off, Reno taking the screen.
“I'm out too!” Jackson stated rushing out to the sky deck.
“Good luck dude!” Mitch encouraged.
Jackson was the third to make it, landing near the front of the area. There was a black bike and a brown car parked in front, both belonging to Nailmaker and Life Witch who were next to each other. Jackson landed in front of them.
“Oh you must be Artisikat!” Nailmakers greeted, reaching her hand out. “I'm Nailmaker, but you can call me Melinda!”
“Nice to meet you.” Jackson smiled, shaking her hand,
“I'm Life Witch,” Life Witch waved, “very nice to meet you.”
“You as well! Peacewolf should be here soon, wanna wait for her?”
Life Witch shook her head. “No I think we should go ahead. I checked for surveillance and while, luckily, I didn't see anything, still I think we should take the initiative and go in.”
“I agree,” Peacewolf commed in. “Go on ahead, I'll join up soon.”
“You find any traps?” Jackson thought to ask.
“We didn't see any outside but inside's a different story, so we should be careful.”
“Yeah don’t wanna haul you out after one step,” Nailmaker chuckled.
“Don't want that. My Visor does have an X-ray so I can do a quick check,” Jackson suggested.
“Oh yeah go for it.”
Jackson walked up the walkway to the house, stopping halfway, activating the X-ray on his Visor. “Hmmm….” He turned it off, “Nothing that seems like a trap, think we’re good.”
“Ok. I suggest checking the computer first, that's where the request was sent after all,” Mitch suggested.
“Life Witch can use her powers on it to make it easier,” Gina said.
“I’ll unlock the door,” Melinda looked toward Jackson, “and you’re sure there's no traps at the door?”
“Positive,” Jackson nodded.
“Ok, cause if I explode, I’m coming for you ass.” She made her way to the door. She knelt to the knob, aiming her index finger into the keyhole. Her nail slowly grew out from the tip, the small growing piece of claw entering the hole. She moved it around a bit, the sounds of clicks being heard from the lock.
“What's she-” Jackson was gonna ask.
“She's feeling out the lock, trying to figure out what shape the key is,” Left Witch explained.
“Ah ok.”
“Alright.” Melinda pulled her finger back, breaking off her nail, filing it on her pants. She brought two fingers together, growing and twisting the nails together to make the shape of a key. She broke that off, filing her nails while unlocking the door. “Ok yall go in first.”
Life Witch gave her a look. “Are you saying that just in case there's a trap?”
“Maybe,” Melinda smiled.
She rolled her eyes but smirked anyway, walking in with Artisakat. The looked around carefully, seeing if the're any traps, having entered the living room first. It was neat with a bit of dust around but nothing trap like. “No traps so far.”
“Yeah… No alarms either,” Jackson noted. “Isn’t that weird?”
“Huh. Good point, Tisa.”
“Maybe they forgot to set their house alarm?” Melinda questioned.
“Mitch?” Jackson asked his Navigator for info.
“Hang on…I'm looking at the notes the owner gave us and he left one for the alarm code so I don't think he forgot. Check the alarm system,” Mitch said.
“I'll go for it,” Life Witch went to the alarm keypad placed next to the office room. She inspected it. “It's off alright. This system have a speaker?”
“Yes, it's installed in the pad, some rooms and a few halls,” Reno replied.
“No microphone?”
“Alright.” She pressed her dial on her staff after moving it up and pressed her trigger. A small round object popped out the top, it had a flat side and the round side had a few small dotted holes in them. She grabbed it and placed it on the pad, it sticking on like a magnet. After placing it she reached her palm out. “Live,” She said as an orb of green came out of her palm and floated into the device. After a flash of emerald color imbued it she asked it a question. “Security alarm, have you been deactivated in the past week?”
“Yes,” A voice answered through the speakers of the system.
“Whoa,” Jackson said, knowing her power but still seeing it in action was a different feel to him.
“About seven days ago I was deactivated remotely.”
“Was it by your owner, the one who lives here?” Life Witch asked.
“I think so,” The system answered.
“Think so?”
“There was something odd about the signal, it was a bit different, the transmission of it was somewhat off, and its origin was different..”
“Is it possible someone hacked you?”
“I may have been.”
“What was the origin?”
“The origin came from the computer server.”
“We should check that next,” She said to Jackson and Melinda before turning back to the device. “Thank you.”
“You're welcome.”
“Rest,” She waved at it, another emerald flash emanating from it, taking off the mic.
“If it's hacked I can try hacking back to see if there's a trail,” Mitch suggested.
“You could but let's see if the computer itself can do that.”
“Besides, if she can find how they got in it'll be easier for you to track,” Jackson added.
“Ah good point.”
They went to the home computer, it was a Windows, one of the few devices from the human era to be transferred over and continued.
“I'm not good with computers. This have a microphone?” Life Witch asked.
“Yeah, and speakers,” Jackson answered.
“Oh good.” She put the mic back in her staff before facing her hand at the computer. “Live.” A new orb of green came from her palm and into the computer. The screen lit up to the login screen.
“Hello,” The computer said through the speaker in a Siri like voice.
“Hi. Computer, seven days ago a signal came from you to deactivate the alarm. Is that true?”
“Yes, however I did not do it on purpose.”
“What do you mean?”
“A signal did come from me but it wasn't something that was normally set up. I had received a command to unlock the alarm”
“A command? Was it for the alarm?” Jackson asked.
“Yes. It was done remotely without my permission.”
“So you were hacked.”
“Ask it to bring it up so Mitch and Reno can track its IP.”
“Hang on. You have a camera right?”
“I do,” The computer answered.
“What are you getting at?” Melinda asked.
“Well they deactivated the security for a reason. I'm thinking someone came in to access the computer. Life Witch since what you bring to life is able to recall past events, is it possible for this computer to bring up a video as a memory, specifically the time when it deactivated the security? I'm hoping we can get a glimpse of them.”
“Can you?” Life Witch looked at the PC.
“I can try,” The homescreen opened up along with the video player. It was a bit staticy at first but a video began to play. It was the video of the room it was in, the setting being right in front of the computer.
“Sweet,” Jackson looked closely with everyone else.
As they watched they saw a Fangbot that looked to be a modified one as it only had one cyclops eye and no fangs in its mouth. It came to the PC and typed away at it with its hands having no claws, just regular fingers.
“What's it doing?”
“Accessing the work terminal at Delta,” The computer answered.
“So they sent this bot to do it? They’re being careful.”
“Guess we better check that file,” Life Witch sighed.
“Wait,” the computer said, “there were a few files uploaded from me.”
“There was?”
“Yes, I can provide the IP address of where it was sent.”
“Please!” Jackson requested, thinking they're getting somewhere.
It showed the IP Address but it was several lines of different numbers, some X’d out.
“The hell?”
“Whaddya see?” Mitch asked.
“A bunch of IP Addresses, some incomplete.”
“Must be some cover signals. Could be bouncing off towers I got an idea. Reno?”
“Yes?” Reno responded.
“Can you link up with Artisikats M-key for a moment?”
“What are you planning Mitch?” Jackson asked.
“We're gonna send an empty file to that Address and as its being uploaded Reno and I are gonna try and triangulate its position.”
“Oh I see. We can weed out the fake signals and pinpoint the real one,” Reno pieced together.
“Right. Plug in your M-key.”
“Alright.” He took out his M-key and plugged it in the terminal next to the monitor, connecting Reno and Mitch.
“Tell the computer to send a blank file.”
Life Witch nodded. “Send a blank file.”
“Sending,” The device said, showing the progress.
“Connection established, were gonna ge-”
“Wait!” Reno noticed something.
“I'm getting an upload,” The Windows notified.
“It's a virus!” Mitch told them.
“A virus!?” Jackson exclaimed.
“AAAH!!” The computer screamed as if it was in pain.
“Oh crap! There's multiple viruses and they're infecting the computer! Reno and I are gonna try debugging but we need to be quick before they try and cover it up!” Mitch informed.
“Anything we can do?” Melinda asked.
“Get ready to move as soon as we pinpoint where it is!”
“Allow me to help,” Talia spoke.
“Huh?” Mitch looked at Talia who stood next to him.
“Jerry, link up with me,” Talia said.
“Hang on.” Jerry closed his eyes, a blue aura enveloping him. “Connecting!”
Talia's eyes gained a blue color. “Alright diving in!” She reached her palm out to the screen. Her body lit up in an emerald color, getting sucked into the computer.
“Whoa! What just-!?” Mitch exclaimed.
“Her power is Deep Dive. She's able to physically enter the world of someone's mindscape and the digital world. This allows her to physically interact with things that would be untouchable,” Gina explained.
“She’s…going through…the bugs,” Jerry said, his eyes closed and the aura still around him.
“Huh?” Mitch looked at his computer, seeing some of the viruses being cleared. “They are!”
“She can't communicate while dived in, at least not regularly and she didn't bring her earpiece mainly cause she didn't want to be noticed so Jerry here is connected to her,” Gina explained. “Connect allows him to link his mind into someone else, allowing him to hear and see everything from the person he's connected to.”
“So he’s gonna be communicating, got ya.”
“She says…keep hacking…she's gonna try to…sneak around,” Jerry mentioned.
“Got it!” Reno and Mitch said together.
Talia was in the computer world, everything around was like a digital construct, complete with platforms and lines of code in the background and a screen behind that referenced Mitch’s computer. There was a path before her that led to a round gateway, one that lines of code were entering. She went into that, warping through to a different platform with a slightly different world. In that world there were red cube shaped bug like monsters in front of her, the lines of code hitting the bugs, destroying or damaging them.
“Those must be the viruses,” She took out a hand sized device, pressing a button which caused a blade to extend from it. “I'm gonna help them thin it out!”
“Ok. I'll tell them,” Jerry acknowledged, being able to speak with her.
She rushed forward, slashing and easily destroying the virus monsters. “They’re not tough so this shouldn't be too hard,” She said as she cut down one after another for the bugs but each one she slashed, two more would come and then some. “Ugh, there's so many!”
“Talia look! Across the path I see another gateway!”
She jumped back and looked to where he mentioned, seeing a pathway. “Ok tell Reno and Mitch to keep hacking while I’ll try to sneak around.”
She stayed back, looking for a way around while letting the codes deal with the mass of viruses. She managed to sneak around, getting around to the back. “I’m going through, and I'll get out to find the location!”
“She's…gonna go to the server…and Dive out,” Jerry said.
“Ok good! Let us know and the others will be right there!” Reno informed.
“Hear that guys?” Mitch radioed.
“Yeah, on standby,” Jackson replied.
“Ok, Reno, wanna make this a challenge?”
“A challenge eh?” Reno said, smirking, cracking his knuckles.
“Yeah I but I can cl-”
“Trouble!” Jerry nearly shouted.
“Hm? Jerry?”
“...warehouse…near Red River Damn….Talia is caught.”
“He said warehouse near Red River right?” Peacewolf called in.
“Tell us where it is and we'll head over there!”
“Ok but Life Witch stays there, they may not know we know where they are so let's keep that element of surprise!” Mitch suggested.
“Understood!” Jackson said.
Reno pulled up the location while everyone mobilized.
Talia stood still, a knife being held right up to her neck by someone from behind. She was surrounded by a light that resembled the moon's shine and behind her was someone she couldn't see besides their arm.
“I'll ask again,” The mammal from behind asked, pressing the knife on Talia’s neck. “Who the fuck are you?”
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