《Riftwalker》13. Living Flesh


13. Living Flesh

I finally understand why this tunnel took Izta'zhish three years to create. Two days and nights of exclusively walking and sleeping had left my stomach screaming with hunger. Of course, I had since long lost my sense of time, but I'm confident that at least 24 hours had passed. And as if the length wasn't breathtaking enough, I haven't even taken the layout into thought yet. Unlike the entrance to her space, this tunnel was a nearly perfectly shaped cylinder, possibly because it wasn't infested with those insects that I'd butchered countless times. Or maybe it was simply time terraforming the terrain. But if it was through time, then she must've been alive to witness events only ancient beings had seen, right? From what Izta had told, the overworld was at peace when she was still free to roam.

What bugged me was how she mentioned that the Rift would someday take over this planet, and it needed me as the savior. However, my first impression of the outside world could be better. The only people I've met were greedy bounty hunters talking about how I was a rare breed that would sell on the slave market. I was deemed a demon by humanity, so was it truly my responsibility to save the world?

Looking down at my hands, I let out a hint of solace as I realized how much they've grown since day one. Back then, I thought every day would be a living nightmare—brawling with monsters tenfold my size, risking my life for a mere nibble of food, and always stuck in survival mode—but my image of reality was perhaps too harsh. The world blessed me with a safe space, a mentor-like figure, and even time to prepare for the future.

"Haaa... I was overthinking it, wasn't I?" I mumbled. I'll leave those thoughts for when I have escaped.

Noticing the faint lights in the distance, contrary to this pitch-black tunnel, sparked an immense flow of excitement through my heart. And with the threads on the walls diminishing from this spot, it could only mean one thing: my destination was near.

With my sudden energy burst, I jogged toward the exit with arms held out like a child cheerfully running to their mother. My loud steps broke the silence I had listened to as the light grew closer. For so long, I had longed for fresh air with birdsong, and soon my three-year struggle would finally conclude.


Being lost in my rejoicing thoughts, I just now realized the dim light I had chased was tinted with a dark slate blue. Remembering Izta'zhish's words about my immature mind, I paused for a second before approaching more carefully. There, I proved her point: My mentality was that of an adult, but the instant a heightened emotion strikes, my behavior degrades.

What did she say there was on the other side again? It was along the lines of an antechamber to the depths, similar to what I've already seen but much more relentless. There might also be a variety of diverse creatures invoking an eerie yet thrilling emotion in my heart. Part of me wanted to escape without violence and bloodshed; the other wanted to master my abilities or—if I was lucky—acquire new ones.

As the end grew closer, the other side unfolded a ghostly but beautiful cave structure within my field of vision. It was far brighter than the first Rift network, gave dream-like feelings, and the walls resembled crystals rather than stone. Multiple sturdy pillars formed arches, supporting the roof. Around the paths spread deep chasms with gems radiating opal shades, and even more light shone in the distance.

While searching for the next destination, my lingering hunger reached one conclusion: I should've bought food. For now, I should look for anything edible and drinkable since it was impossible to determine how long it would take to solve this labyrinth. The best-case scenario would be a couple of hours, but the reality isn't always that forgiving. I certainly want a Rift creature to avoid finding me in a vulnerable state and energy drained by starvation while running into zillions of dead ends.

My nose didn't pick up any unique scents. Although I'm not as confident in my sense of smell, I'm still sure the route to the nearest nourishment meant a little adventure.

"Well, whatever. There is only one path anyway," I said, lightly slapping my cheeks with both hands to deafen my hunger. I began wandering again, listening for signs of food like chewing.

Even though the path had a stairlike ramp, it was still moderately slippery, meaning if I weren't careful, I would fall into whatever abyss was down there. The bottom was barely visible despite my enhanced eyesight when peeking my head over the chasm. So, out of curiosity, I formed a tiny water bubble on the tip of my index finger and released it. Although I didn't count how many seconds it was in free fall, I'd be dead if that were me. Still mesmerized by the height, I backed off slowly with eyes still glued to the drop.


Suddenly, a screeching yawn sounded near the end of the path. Then, from the darkness, a jet-black lizard ambled out with its six jelly-like legs. It was the size of an adult cattle, and its entire body was gelatinous, almost as if it was simultaneously solid and fluid. With a single glance, I knew it intended to kill since it didn't or couldn't conceal its bloodlust.

"Ha! Then come at me!" I shouted, bumping my fists together. No, I wasn't scared; I had spent three years preparing for this moment, and I couldn't be more thrilled for a meal to bump into me. "Let's see which one of us is the predator."

The lizard approached me carefully with dilated eyes, and I quickly realized I was at a disadvantage. Its size and two extra limbs weren't the troubles. Instead, the terrain was my impending doom, as it could survive falling down, whereas I couldn't. Therefore, its goal must be to push me down and devour below. In that case, I simply needed to hug the wall and activate [Revitalizing Claws] to block and heal through any injury I took.

Holding my claws in a defensive stance, I strode sideways toward the lizard. Its body language indicated a sudden attack could happen any second, and as expected, it leaped at me with a primal headbutt. I immediately twisted my body down to the left side and shoved my right claw upward, piercing its brain.

Like any other animal, it fell flat instantly on the ground. Well, that sure was easy for weeks of food supply, or at least until the meat rots. Then, crawling on top of the lizard's corpse, I dug my claws through its back. Carving around the spine, I got a chunk of its black flesh and slid it down my throat without hesitation. Pain is temporary; Evolution is forever.

For some reason, my agonizing power-up didn't occur, and instead, a different, gradually increasing pain arose in my stomach. Was it venomous? But I had consumed so many insects at this point that my poison immunity was level 7. Besides, the stomach ache didn't feel like being poisoned. Instead, it felt like a magnet within me, continuously growing in power until it would burst my body open.

Abstracted by the pain, I hadn't realized the lizard had begun to move again. But how was that possible? I had jabbed its brain and cut open its back, but it was still alive and regenerating.

I quickly leaned forward and drilled both claws into the lizard's neck, ripping its head off. And as expected, it died again. But then, tiny limbs formed on its decapitated neck, crawling back to its body. Slowly but suspensefully turning my head down at my stomach, a spasm of dread struck my face as the realization kicked in. This creature was immortal, and the pain would grow and linger for eternity if I didn't get its flesh out.

I attempted to puke it out by sticking two fingers down my throat, but I couldn't get the technique down, no matter how much I wiggled my fingers. Swapping hands, I managed to hit my gag reflex and began choking, but only saliva came out. Eventually, tears streamed down faster than my heartbeat when I felt the lizard's living flesh decaying through my intestines.

As a final effort in panic, I clenched my teeth and bore my claws into my own stomach.

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