《New Life of a Summoned Demoness》Chapter 17 - Queen of Beasts


[You have achieved maximum Darkwalker Affinity. Do you wish to take Darkwalker Transformation? Y/N]

Elania eyed the Darkwalker Demon barreling down on her. What other option did she have? Her heart pounded in her chest, and an icy cold replaced the warmth when she finally answered.


Tre'gat'aru watched with a respectful silence as the Dark God barreled down on the smaller Demon. Only in the most ancient stories of the tribe was the Underworld God mentioned, always the forebearer of doom and destruction.

So it was with absolute awe that the Mushroohums had watched the smaller Demon challenge the massive beast with only a small blade. All had expected her to die from a single bite, and then the fury and death would be upon the village.

Tre'gat'aru wasn’t so sure because the smaller Demon had shown uncommon abilities during the battle. In all probability, she could have made short work of Jal'yar'tin and his hastily assembled hunters if she had wanted.

The fight went almost as expected with the Dark God pummeling the smaller demon to and fro. The hunters had even tried their best to help her which seemed futile until the little demon unleashed the massive blast of power. He even had a small hope that the Dark God would be dead. When it stood up, he released a breath he did not know he had been holding and watched as it began its attack anew, wounded but not hampered by the mighty blow.

Eyes turned to the little human Demon. Tre'gat'aru took in her tattered attire and now-useless weapon. She had done her best to help them, and all of the Mushroohums watching knew that, no matter their prejudices. They'd tried to help her in the fight by drawing the Dark God's attention with their spears, but it had shrugged them off, dodging them effortlessly.

It would come after them next, and the tribe was doomed to be devoured, just like the legends had foretold.

The younger warriors urged the older craftsman to flee, as groups ran piecemeal toward the far entrance and possible escape. All of them knew it was unlikely they would find safety if they left the cavern, but it seemed the only chance they had. Older warriors, or those who thought it would make a difference, stood around Tre'gat'aru and prepared for a final battle in the hopes of slowing the Dark God down.

A scream erupted from the human Demon, and she fell to her knees, holding her head. Tre’gat’aru watched on in confusion as a swirl of dark mist seemed to surround the small demon, and the Dark God roared in protest as it halted at the edge of the cloud.

Then the unbelievable happened. A second Dark God flung itself out of the cloud, straight at the other! No... Tre'gat'aru realized it wasn't a second Dark God but the human Demon! Somehow it had turned into a Dark God... or was it a Dark God all along and just now showing its true form?


It had helped the village through the entire attack... Why did it fight its own kind for the village? Tre'gat'aru didn't understand, but deep down he hoped the new one would continue to help them.

The two beasts clashed, tooth and claw flashing at one another. The... Human-Dark God was slightly smaller and seemed to be cornered at first, but her wounds healed while the larger Dark God was already wounded by the magic energy the human-demon had struck it with. There was no magical healing for him.

The two massive demons tumbled and rolled as they both sought to seek advantage. Tre'gat'aru’s heart went cold when the Human-Dark God got pinned on the stone for a moment, and the other clamped down on the back of its neck. She managed to roll loose, but only barely, and Tre'gat'aru realized the outcome was far from certain.

The Mushroohum warriors had a chance to make a difference. He raised his spear and let out a vocal cry along with a horde of spores that would communicate his meaning to the others.

"We must help the new Dark God defeat the Old if the village is to survive! Brave ones, follow me!"

The whirlwind of power and essence pooled around her, and then she felt herself change. It wasn't painful, but it was sudden and disorienting. It was harder to think clearly as she stretched her new claws and dragged them across the hard stone. She had four powerful limbs, a tail that seemed to swish on its own accord, and a powerful set of jaws.

A roar erupted from nearby, and her set of glowing crimson eyes snapped up instantly, seeing through the dark mist easily and locating the source. Her new instincts flared, and it was clear to her. This was an enemy.

The enemy. The one who hurt her. One she must bring down.

She lurched forward, leaping through the air effortlessly. The other had not been able to peer through the cloud of essence that had shrouded her, and the element of surprise was hers. She clawed savagely at its throat, snapping down on a shoulder before he threw her off and spun to face her.

Elania hissed and bared her fangs before pouncing again, but he was larger, stronger, and just as fast. They clashed together, and claws rent skin asunder as both endeavored to clamp down on the other with vicious fangs. They broke apart with snarls before leaping at each other again, but with the same inconclusive result.

There was a pause in the repeated clashes, and as they pulled further apart, the taste of blood filled her mouth, and the strong smell of blood overwhelmed her senses. Using her long tongue to lick her lips, she let out another roar in challenge. She felt strong, and her wounds were healing, unlike her enemy's.

She was winning. Leaping forward again, she went for his throat, but he spun and dodged while somehow pouncing on her from behind. She roared in pain as he clamped down on the back of her neck and then tried to shake her head off.


She struggled to dislodge him, the attempt seemingly hopeless, but she didn’t give up, sending them both in a tumble down a bank of stone. A cloud of dust shot up into the air, and she caught sight of him leaping atop a rock. She jumped after him, slamming into his side and sending him skidding sideways.

He spun and hissed at her, his claws flashing and barely coming short of her eyes. She fell backward, and then he pounced, managing to rake a set of claws down her side and pinning her to the stone. She roared and tried to regain her feet, but his weight was heavy. He growled, but the searing pain of a bite to her throat never came.


Little sticks clattered around them, and she noticed that it had distracted the enemy. Several of them had stuck into his skin, and he had turned to the new threat. She lurched back onto her feet and charged, teeth clamping down on his flank as she clawed at his back.

He spun, but she refused to release her bite until he finally rolled away. She came back up with a large chunk of his flesh hanging in her jaws. She swallowed what she could, and the wet meaty chunks warmed her throat pleasantly.

A small moving mushroom ran forward and thrust its spear at the enemy. It was the first time she realized that anyone existed but him and her. She marked them as 'they,' and as she moved forward to attack again, one got in her way.

She let out a furious roar that sent it tumbling onto its flank before she rushed forward to attack once more. He rose and let out a deafening roar that was powerful enough to give everyone pause, even her.

She stopped halfway through her attack and stared at him. Blood oozed out of dozens of wounds. Any other creature would have faltered from just a few of those deep rents left by her claws, but he stood powerful and still strong. The sound of his roar was undeniably male, just as she knew she was female.

Why was he the enemy? She should have been pleased to have such a strong mate to sire her kits. As if reading her thoughts, his tail slowly raised up straight into the air, an unmistakable feline gesture for peace and she felt a flush of warmth as her own responded to the gesture.

A Mushroohum shouted its war cry, then stabbed at him with a spear. Demon Darkwalker effortlessly dodged and pounced, jaws gripping the Mushroom Man's head before twisting and ripping it from its body.

He was the enemy! Despite the fog in her mind, she did remember. The small ones were to be protected as they had to return something to her.

She would not accept him as a mate! Fury coursed through her, and she charged with a roar. He whirled around toward her, and they clashed once more. Claws raked her shoulders, but she had darted in faster than he could react. He was getting slow from the massive loss of blood.

Her teeth found his throat, and he tried to shake her off. She roared into her clamped down teeth as she held on, refusing to let go no matter how much he battered her with his claws. She could feel him weakening, his strength draining as his lifeblood beat out into her mouth.

She forced him onto his back and pinned him down until his heart beat no more. Triumph overwhelmed her senses, and raising her head, she roared her victory.

[You have met the requirements for Darkwalker Demon evolution.]

[Do you wish to evolve your race to Darkwalker Demon? Y/N]

Why was that a question? She was a Darkwalker, guided by her new instincts. Just as she was about to agree, a sound drew her attention.


She looked down from her kill to one of the Mushroohums. It had come much too close to her, and her kill. She leaped up and opened her jaws to tear his neck.

Before her teeth clamped down, the glint of recognition brought her to a halt as she stared at the two objects, he was holding up to her. It was a leather belt and a brightly glowing rock.

Her breath caressed the Mushroohum’s flesh before she bent her neck and took the belt, hooking it on a tooth. The stone belonged to her. It was her belt. She knew this.

Elania refused the Darkwalker evolution.

[Your ‘Power’ is low, all active abilities have been disabled, and your transformation will reverse.]

She felt herself shrinking, her body changing. A terrible cold filled her, and pain coursed through her entire body, from head to toe. She was now as naked as the night she was summoned, and brought her arms around her to protect from the cold.


She didn't respond as she collapsed against the blood-soaked body of the Darkwalker. Before she could read the message that appeared in front of her, darkness claimed her.

Skinner looked down at her, he was grateful for all she had done. A few moments later after directing the others he returned to where she had collapsed. She did not weigh much as he picked her up and carried her to the village.


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