
Unlike the others, Perseus Riddle did not hate Luke Castellan.

No, he wasn't bitter towards the son of Hermes nor was he really even upset about his betrayal. After all, he did not know the other as well as the more senior campers and he did not grow up with him like Annabeth. The Slytherin had felt a sting that he hadn't known better about the scarred boy's intentions but otherwise the whole debacle was just a reminder that Perseus shouldn't trust people so easily.

In a way, the sea green eyed boy could understand where Luke was coming from. The older boy was angry, so very angry towards the gods and what they did, or rather what they didn't do, for their kids. He was fighting for something he truly believed was right even if it meant the destruction and sacrifice of the mortal world.

Well, Perseus could somewhat understand.

He of all people, as the adopted son and heir of the Dark Lord Voldemort, had no right to judge Luke for his choices. As he himself had told the other once, "we all have our masters Castellan, it just so happens that mines have some unfinished business that yours is threatening."

Amongst everybody that he's met throughout his time in Camp and the world of gods and goddesses, there was nobody that he could honestly relate to as much as the boy they called traitor. In fact, in some ways they fought for the same ideals did they not? Luke for the forgotten and left behind demigods and Perseus for his father's war.

Dark and light magic wasn't black or white as most people would like to paint it. It's not outright evil and good, it was all just power and intention. Yes, dark magic was fuelled by negative emotions but that doesn't necessarily always equal to negative intentions and the same goes with light magic. The narrative of good vs evil that they try to push was not at all representative of reality. Some were simply more inclined to one type of magic than the other, it wasn't that difficult. The ministry and the masses were so blinded by this type of mindset that they would allow fear to rule their actions. Those who governed the Wizarding World did not care for such intricacies, they preferred to close their eyes and relegate the unwanted behind draconian laws and backward alleys. They refuse to see the grays of the world and only seek the white.


Were some dark wizards morally reprehensible? Yes, Perseus was not foolish enough to ignore this fact. The wars that tore the Wizarding World apart saw heinous actions from both sides of the field. But then again, one must do whatever is necessary to achieve victory, to survive.

The difference between himself and Luke was that the other hadn't been able to see what was in front of him, what siding with Kronos would mean. He had let himself be used, not remembering what was important; survival. What was the point in winning when it clearly meant the destruction of everything? The titan of time was simply dangling a prize in front of the other boy that was never going to be reality.

More importantly, what Kronos was threatening would mean the destruction of the Wizarding World and Percy would never allow that to happen.

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