《Fell For You》9. "Hello Nasir"


The Next Day


"Stop moving." I glanced at the body curled up closed to mine as I smiled " someone's been knocking though.. and why you in my room?"

I wanted to just be In The moment with her right now because this is one of the few moments when it felt like it was "us" again like before everything happened with her in my arms right now.

And how she gonna ask why I'm in her room since the beginning of our trip after the first night and she got scared being by herself she'd invite me over to play games or watch movies till we fall asleep together. Acting like she ain't subliminally invite me every other night

"You gonna go get it or imma have to get up?" I groaned smacking her ass to move out the way

" you think you slick" she mushed me as I got off the bed

I been doing small subtle things just to let her know Ian gon be friend zoned forever. I want my biscuit back under me soon.

But she's remembering little by little like certain foods I like or what pisses me off especially when she be teasing my ass when she do her lil pout

I looked through the peephole not seeing anyone but our breakfast tray. They usually bring it in I guess they short staffed. Opening the door I pulled in the tray ready to close the door when I heard her familiar voice "hi jacy."

I broke my neck looking back seeing my baby sister.. twelve years old at that... here right now in front of Chelle's hotel room door "Daisy?" I pulled her inside looking around to see if there was anyone else with her and found no one.


She looked around "where's Chelly? She's here right?"

I was so confused on what's happening right now. " who was it Nasir? Breakfast?"

Chelle walked out with a tshirt and shorts on and her eyes instantly landed on Daisy " Daisy!? What are you doing here ?"

Daisy ran to her crying "h-hi Chelly!"

" hi sweetie. I'm happy to see you but how did you get here? Are you by yourself ? Are you alright?" She rubbed her back as she continued crying

I pulled my phone out calling my mom "Ma?" I called out to her as she was crying " Nas baby it's not a good time — Daisy's here."

I interrupted her "Daisy is huh?" She asked me

"Daisy is here right now with me and Chelle.. why didn't you tell me she was missing mama"

She let out a big sigh "oh thankyou lord oh thankyou lord... someone getting fired cause how the hell my TWELVE YEAR OLD CHILD GET TO HAWAII WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE"

Man these kids in this age can get www at with anything and she got the resources for it

I watched as Daisy was little breaking down in front of a Chelle as Michelle just held her tighter

"Why you ain't tell me mama? I don't care if I'm on vacation that's my lil mini me missing.. what if something worse happened huh? Someone could have snatched her up"

"No they wouldn't cause one thing I know is Sebastian may have knew where she was going he wouldn't ever leave her side see if he's around and wring his neck for me"

I popped my head outside the door again and look and behold Sebastian standing right there in the hallway " Nigga."

" Hello Nasir"


"Muhfucka gon say HeLlo Nasir when you get back here I'm gonna BEAT YO BLACK ASS"

I watched Sebastian as he looked unfazed but confused " Did I do something wrong ?"

"Uhh I don't even know if this is kidnapping or what.. but Daisy has been missing for about a day no one has known where she's been Sebastian"

He was taken aback " Dr. Rosemary I personally spoke to Mr. Morgan when Daisy was telling me her father said it was ok. I confirmed with him about it"

"Tell his ass I've been calling his damn phone why hasn't he answered me? Huh? Ask him that"

He pulled his phone out showing me no notifications from my mother at all

"Has Daisy had your phone at any time at all?" He nodded his head confirming "yes she said she was calling Dr. Rosemary to check in"

"Did you even listen if she was having a conversation?"

"Yes I heard Her voice I've been with the family for some time I'd know your mother's voice"

I nodded putting my hand out for him to place the phone in hand. Inspecting it I confirmed exactly what she did

"She blocked us mama. Me, you , Keem, and Dom.

So nothing was going through at all. What you want me to do?"

"If she did all of this to I'm assuming speak with Chelle then it would be wise to just let her stay till we get there tonight

" We?"

" I'll tell you later.. love you"

" love you too." I moved back so Sebastian could come in

" there's breakfast in the kitchen if you're hungry"

" thanks" he gave a wryly smile going towards there as I went to Chelle's room outside her door hearing Her try and prompt Daisy to speak

"Can you tell me why you came all this way?"

"I needed to talk to you"

"You could always call me Daze i would've answered"

"No. I needed to feel your voice and I needed a Chelle hug"

" okay whenever you're ready I'm listening"

I sat down against the wall listening as my heart clenched from her words

" my dad literally wants nothing to do with me, my mother thinks I'm oblivious to her life, and school ... schools the worse"

" go on"

" my brothers always told me if someone ever picks on you to fight back... but Chelle it's hard to fight back when you're outnumbered every time.

I've told teachers but I don't know they seem to not care one bit after what happened with my parents.

Chelle can I tell you something and you promise not to tell anyone?"

I was sitting quietly already angry

"I can't promise something like that Daze if it has something to do with your safety"

It was quiet and I couldn't see anything until Daisy started crying again. That's when I pushed open the door to see them both crying looking at Daisy's inner thighs with burn marks

They seem to not notice me as Daisy hugged Chelle tight as I stared at her thigh


I couldn't even breathe


Little Daisy is going through something. Will she get the help she needs or go down a lonely path


Sorry for any grammatical errors


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