《Fell For You》8. " Penguin Looking Ass"



"What's a bisexual?"

Why in the hell Megan leave me in the room with these clowns

I choked on my spit cause I know this little boy ain't just asked me that. I had my headphones in so I pretended like I didn't hear anything.

I felt one of my AirPod being pulled out " I don't know if you can hear us but What is a bisexual Mikey?"

I looked down at Mason and Zay. Mfs was annoying as hell especially that Chelles been gone for 3 weeks now they always want to be up under MY wife

" a bisexual is something you can ride with two wheels"

"That's a bike. Zay he dumb let's go ask nutmeg"

"You is dumb!" Zay yelled

I shook my head as I seen Nikki come down the stairs " wassup with you?"

She rolled her eyes and kept going wherever she planned on going without a word spoke towards me. Ever since she turned sixteen she's just been a little more..... of a teenager...be making my damn chest hurt.

I focused down on my phone ringing as I answered my mamas call " yea mama?"

"Mikey have you seen Daisy anywhere? Rosemary called me earlier frantic saying Daisy saw a fight between her father and Rose's new boo like we all don't already know thinking she slick but she heard some awful words her father said to her and no one has seen her since. Her and Derrick are out now looking for her"

" nah I haven't. But Nikki and em over here so I'll ask them have they heard from her"

"Alright baby call me back if you hear anything"

" I got you mama."

We said our goodbyes as I found myself searching for Nikki who was deep in her phone doing God knows what "yo Nik"


She briefly glanced up at me acknowledging my presence "yes Mikey" see someone had to piss her off cause I'm her favorite and now she got an attitude like her damn sister when I don't give her them nasty ass hot pickles she love

"Have you seen or heard from Daisy today?" Now that got her undivided attention on me. She twisted her lips and looked away from me "where is she Nik?"

"She asked me not to say anything so please don't make me snitch on her Mikey" I straight faced her cause that little girl been missing going on four hours now

"Nicole she is twelve. She's like mason and Zay to you like a little sister and she's missing which has everyone worried for her safety and you're afraid to be a snitch?"

"What's going on here?" I didn't turn around as I stared at Nikki as she was trying to hold back tears

" Michael I know yo skinny ass hear me. What's going on" I put my focus on her she looked like she's ready to pop any day now... just a matter of time

"My mama called saying Daisy is missing and Nikki knows something about it but is having a hard time telling me where she is"

Megan's focus shot straight to Nikki " Nicole. You better start running yo mouth with the information like you be running yo mouth with yo friends now before I call daddy"

She rolled her eyes not saying nothing " ok play with me if you want to Nicole ok"

She started talking to herself really after that " she wanna play with a 9 month pregnant woman right now..... she playing with me like I'm a week bitch... okay.. okay" Meg started walking away typing on her phone "keep playing with me Nicole like I won't beat yo ass for real wasting my time got me waddling and shit and im fat and breathing hard and a little girl missing and you over here rolling your eyes and akekeking to tiktoks so if I go missing it's fuck me huh HUH?"


The girl was hysterically crying at this point and I had to console her "baby breathe you stressing ain't good for the baby at all right now"

we walked away and went to our room as I rubbed her back. Closing the door behind us she stopped crying and we looked at each other " you think she fell for the hysterically crying?"

"No matter how old that girl get she'll always fall for the waterworks just like my daddy" she shook her head as she waddled to the bed

I just watched my wife she's literally perfection to me .... Ol penguin looking ass

She threw her phone against my head " call me another penguin Michael Giovanni You be sleeping in yo car for a week"

The girl can't even touch her knees acting like she don't need my help tying her own damn shoes I smirked at her nodding "yes ma'am"

We heard a knock on our door " come in"

In walked a teary eyed Nikki "yes Nicole?" Megan said as she sat down at the edge of the bed

She walked in hugging her sister " she's been getting bullied at school really bad Meg.... Remember when I first started middle school hell even now I got it bad too and she didn't feel comfortable talking to anyone like I was until I talked with you.

But I didn't know what to do I told her she could talk to you but she really wants to talk with Chelle but you know how Chelle slowly remembering things and them.

I just wanted to help Nutmeg truly I just wanted to help her but I was wrong for promising her I wouldn't tell anyone

"She rubbed her back As she cried " I know Nikki but she's twelve and she's missing . You know we would go hysterical if it was one of us ... so that's why we so hard on you because Nikki, Daisy is one of us..."

I looked at them both then focusing on Nikki " where is she Nik?"

She sighed looking at me " she went looking for someone who she felt comfortable enough to open up to

She went to Hawaii... she went to Chelle.


Looks like our little flower Daisy has sprouted


Sorry for any grammatical errors


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