《Fell For You》7. "My Little Princess"



"Negro get off of me"

He mugged me as he got more comfortable on my lap " you want to fly to Dubai tonight or ?"

I rubbed his bald head ass " can't. I got to be in Florida tomorrow for one of my patients. Rain check ?"

"Mmhm. Now on to a more serious matter." I felt him tighten his hold he had on my waist so I wouldn't move and I knew exactly what he wanted to talk about

" when you going to tell your kids we married Rosemary? It's been a year already."

I looked down at Derrick admiring his features " I was planning on doing it when I come back from Florida in a couple days I already told them I have something to tell them and Nas is still on his trip with Chelle. I want him to enjoy himself."

He nodded his head kissing all over my stomach " you want anymore kids?" I looked down at him like he lost his mind

"No. I'm fine with my little princess I got"

He nodded his head as we laid there in silence

Derrick and I did get married a year after my divorce to Mekhi was finalized. I've been happy ever since with being Mrs. Rosemary

"How are you and Dominic?" I asked him

Ever since the truth came out me and my son have had a rocky relationship since then but he and Derrick have been getting closer as the years pass

"We are good. He's happy with Chey— oh shit"

I nodded sadly closing my eyes so I wouldn't cry. He didn't want me to know about his personal life " it's okay I won't mention nothing to no one" even though everyone knew about them. They swear they keeping so down low.


" just give him some time Rose."

"Four years... we haven't been the same . I miss my baby" I wiped the tear trying to go down my cheek as I head Mrs.Anderson on the intercom

" Rosey..... he's back acting a fool on the front lawn"

I sighed " I'll be right there!"

"get up for a second please" I asked him but he didn't move a muscle " who's back?"

"Nobody let me just go take care of it Derrick"

"Mhm. Sit yo ass down right here I'll handle it."

I'm not the same little girl that always had sparkles in her eyes when looking at him just going along with what he said.

I got up off the bed walking right behind him as we went out the front door seeing Mekhi a drunken mess calling my name " ROSEMARY I LOVE YOU BABY!"

this man is to old to be doing this shit.

We way to old with grown ass kids still acting like this.

I had my hand on Derrick's wrist preventing him to move any further " baby please let me handle this"

" no. Cause if he here he obviously ain't get it the first time, so I'll handle it you just stand here ion want you getting hurt"

I let go and let him go up towards a drunk Mekhi and he was talking to him and all of a sudden he threw the Hennessy bottle towards my head and I ducked.

I seen Antonio pull up indicating that Daisy was back from school for the weekend. As Antonio opened her door she seen her dad fighting Derrick

She walked towards me uninterested with everything as I was still on the ground " hey" she walked inside closing the door behind her


I pushed myself up off the ground going towards the two meat heads filled with testosterone " stop."

They continued and I wasn't going to ask again so I went to get the hose spraying the two breaking them apart

" what the hell Rosemary!" Mekhi screamed

Derrick stayed silently walking towards me scanning my whole body as he tilted my head up " are you hurt?"

I shook my head moving his head away " no but y'all both can leave cause my daughter didn't need to see two grown men fighting in front of her house. Mekhi we are DIVORCED. Let it go. Let me go and focus on the welfare and happiness of your kids"

" which ones huh? They all probably not even mine worthless things"

I heard a soft chuckle behind me. Turning around to see Daisy standing in the door. She turned on her heels slamming the door behind her

I ran up to him slapping him " she's fucking twelve Mekhi. TWELVE! and what are you doing ? Huh? Rejecting your own child. You a grown ass man act like it. You more pussy then the facade of Mekhi Morgan you plastered a few years ago. Antonio take him home. Mekhi get it together before your daughter really starts to resents you."

I felt Derrick rub my back as he lead me inside " I'll change and leave." I nodded going towards Daisy's room

Right now I don't care what either of them do I'm focused on my baby girl. I knocked on her door and waited for her to answer but I didn't get an answer back.

I pushed open the door walking through. Everything seemed normal but there was no one in here. I checked her closet, bathroom, sitting area and no Daisy.

I walked out her room going through the house trying to find her " Mrs.Anderson have you seen Daisy?" She shook her head no and that's when I started to panic a bit

Derrick was coming out my room with a new set of clothes and his brief case and keys " what's the matter Rosey?"

I didn't answer him immediately I pulled out my phone to look at her location but it said no location found and that was when I really lost it and started crying grabbing my keys when I felt a strong arm holding onto me " Rosey. Let me drive. What's the matter ?"

I didn't have time to argue so I gave him the keys and ran towards the garage " I can't find Daisy. She's not here... I wouldn't normally be worried but lately she's just been distant with about everything so I.. I don't know where my baby is" I broke down in the car as he started driving God knows where.

"Where the hell is my child!"


Not a secret marriage mama Rose!

Mekhi ain't shit ain't ever gon be shit


Sorry for any grammatical errors


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