《Fell For You》5. "Mr. & Mrs. Morgan"


A month later (yes mfs a month gotta speed sum shit up)


"Ma I swear I'm going to be fine"

"You sure? You not scared? Why don't you wait a little longer"

"No mama because by the time I come back Meg has less then a month till she delivers and I want to be around when that happens so I'm going to do it now... and besides I'm not going alone remember."

She nodded "I know I know. Is he coming to pick you up? That was a dumb question if the boy could fly the plane he would"

I smiled a little

I've been hearing comments like that from most of my family members describing Nasir. That he would literally do anything for me If I asked or wanted

I finally decided to go on the trip and invited him along. We've been spending time together alone and I liked his vibe. He was funny, caring, considerate, and just a fun person to be around

He makes me nervous as hell but in a good way.

"Mama he here I'll call you as soon as we land alright?"

"Okay baby I love you and have fun"

"I love you to ma! Give my love to everyone"

He wasn't here yet but I knew he would be any minute he's never late and I needed to get myself together.

I'm going to be spending about 4 weeks, a month alone with this man. I—

I decided I wanted to travel to at least 3 places before going back home so I decided on Punta Cana, Cancun, then Hawaii. I wanted to be surrounded by water in all honesty

I heard my doorbell ring and slightly jumped a bit " I knew it was him but like I said I'm hella nervous I stared at myself in the mirror looking at my outfit I mumbled to myself " should've just worn something chill now I look like I'm trying to hard"


I went to open the door for him " wassup beautiful" he instantly pulled me into a hug having me cheesing "Hi Nas"

We pulled away from the hug as I went to go grab my purse " you look good" I turned around smiling

"Thankyou Nas"

"tHaNkYoU nAs headass... not you trying to be shy with me again don't do allat now we bouta go on a month long trip together "

Girl it's the way this man has me feeling right now that's bout to make me act stoopid in front of him. Lord I ask you to give me strength

I was reaching for my suitcases when he mugged me "go sit down in the car Chelle I got this"

" okay" why am I acting so shy bruh. He was like my guy best friend for real I be telling him everything but at certain times I be questioning if we were more in the past

I was in the car connecting my phone to the Bluetooth while he started putting my bags in. When he was finally done I had Eat or Starve by Lil Baby playing

"Not you tryna be like me Chelle. You don't even listen to Lil baby forreal"

"Boy yes I do whatcumeann" it was to late to even stop myself when I seen him smirk watching me

"You speaking like me now... I've been a big influence on you huh?"

"Man move around... you locked my door right" bitch I had butterflies in my stomach cause when he smiled and always gave me that look like he wanted all of me

" yea I did. you want to get sum to eat first or ?"

" we might miss our flight.. what time did you book it for again?"

Nasir said he wanted to handle the flights and I'll be in charge of location

He shrugged his shoulders backing up from my driveway " it's the Morgan private plane.... I told them we'd be there at 8:00 it's 7:30"


" then no I'm good I want to be on time"

He nodded his head vibing to the music " it's whatever you want Michelle"

I smiled thinking out loud eyeing him " whatever I want huh?"

He gripped my thigh " keep playing Jelena"

That alone shut my ass up and I was looking out the window. Not this man making me act scary

We made it to their private airport as attendees started to get our bags and board them. While he escorted me to the steps "ready?" I nodded at him as the flight attendant welcomed us on board

"Welcome please take a seat anywhere for the time being until we ask you to fasten up"

"Wow" I looked around the plane in amazement. It's scary how pieces of paper can get you anything you want.

They went through standard procedure as we settled in. They made sure everything was in order before the pilot spoke

" Good morning Mr. & Mrs. Morgan this is your pilot speaking....." I raised a brow on his comment as Nasir pretended like he was really focused on him

" corny"

" and you love it"

I rolled my eyes fastening my seatbelt and securing that I was indeed buckled in.

As everyone got situated I said a quiet prayer for our safety through out this trip. That me and Nasir friendship would grow stronger, and I come home happier than I am now.

We were finally up in the air for a good while when the seatbelt sign finally came off. I took mine off stretching

We were watching a movie together but his tired ass fell asleep. He fought it hard though but I know he was tired. So I flagged down the flight attendant " excuse me can I get a blanket for my.... husband please" I smiled up at her as she nodded her head to go get one.

Once she came back with it I draped it over him then went to use the bathroom. I was getting tired myself so I was probably going to sleep in the bedroom they had in the back

Problem was I didn't want to be by myself back there

I walked back out seeing a still asleep Nas. I shook him but that didn't even work

So I moved his hands so I could sit on his lap whispering in his ear " Nas come sleep with me please"

I don't know what type of reaction I thought I was going to get but Ian mad at it

He had his arms around my waist pulling me into him closer as his eyes bore into mine " don't do that Chelle for I pull yo panti— nvm mamas get up and less go"

I gulped as I got up and he unbuckled his belt holding his hand out for me to take.

He brought me to the room as he kicked his shoes off and took his shirt off getting comfortable in bed. I took my dress off and wore a big T-shirt climbing into the bed

I'm thick so the more I moved the more I brushed up against him " starburst stop moving you killing me here"

I bit my bottom lip " sorry"

I tried moving away until he pulled me back

" Nah your cold remember"

I rolled my eyes as he pulled me against him "yo ass was awake the whole time huh"

"I woke up when I didn't feel your presence beside me"

A bitch was stuck for words


"Mhm now go to sleep so we can be up by a late lunch or early dinner"

I nodded as I let him place a kiss on my neck that had me hot and bothered

This is going to be a hell of a trip


Nas is back and he ain't playing this go round!

Let's see how this trip goes

Will Chelle remember her first love?


Sorry for any grammatical errors


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