Isekai Tensei no Boukensha Chapter 25


Isekai Tensei no Boukensha Volume 2 Chapter 13

Dear readers, your translator Refulgent here, if you’re reading this on an aggregator site, this chapter may contain errors that haven’t been fixed and probably doesn’t have proper footnotes to explain things. Please visit FourSlimes dot com to read the properly edited version and show the translator your support.

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Chapter 2 – 13

A Bout of Drinking

“What! What happened!?”

After hearing the four of them scream, the innkeep rushed out of the kitchen.

“Tenma! Are you behind all this racket!?”

The innkeep quickly realized that the commotion was centered around me, and made his way over to our table straight away. However Lilly and her sisters were even faster than him, and they started to press me for answers.

“What do you mean by leaving!?”

“What’s going on!” Tenma!”

“Explain it properly!”

Overhearing the girls, the innkeep seemed to understand what had happened. I explained to the other people around that it was all just a normal conversation.

“Is this because of Regil?”

Flute asked me. Unlike the other three she was still quite calm, and tried to get them to settle down.

“That’s not the only reason, but it is one of them.”

I said, then started talking about what had been on my mind lately.

In addition to what I had spoken to the Duke about, I had been worried about fellow adventurers’ envy and jealousy, and now after this duel I even had the resentment of normal citizens.

The resentment was from those who lost their bet, then racked up a debt afterwards. It caused me to resent them in turn, and I couldn’t get back to feeling at ease like I had before.

Flute apologized after I explained, but I told her that it was the fault of people who had bet, and that she shouldn’t worry about it. She felt bad about playing a part in the problem overall though.

“So because of all that, I thought it would be a good opportunity, right around now.”

I said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. It seems Lilly and her sisters were unable to accept it.

“If that’s the case, you can just go to our village!”

“That’s right, that’s an option too!”

“It’s decided then!”

they said, and it felt like they really believed it was a good idea.

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

“No, that’s probably no good at all.”


The one who was opposed it was actually the innkeep. The catgirls hadn’t expected that from the innkeep, and either didn’t know what to say or didn’t understand. The innkeep looked at the three girls.

“You know, young ladies. The truth is that, it’s not just the adventurers and citizens, there is also someone else who seems scared by Tenma.”

The old man said, stating something even I was hearing for the first time.

“Think about it. A kid still only 15 years old took on that entire group of adventurers with barely a scratch, and on top of that sent a noble flying, and he was then stripped of his rank!”

“But it was the Duke who actually took his rank away……” I said.

“In a normal citizens eyes, it’s the same thing. He has connections with the duke out of the public’s view and can easily bring down even those adventurers who are nobility…… Naturally, to those without power it would be quite frightening. Crossing him would almost certainly result in death. When pitted against an opponent like that (Tenma), many adventurers would just act increasingly reckless.”

He said. Lilly and her sisters fell silent. The innkeep seemed to have somehow learned all of this through networking via his inn.

“He decided on a dungeon town most likely because the people there are used to others being violent, right? This city is too small for Tenma to wildly swing his power around.”

‘Considering what’s happened lately, that’s more true than ever.’ I agreed. The innkeep then went back into the kitchen.

“That’s true…… it will be lonely but there’s no reason for us to try and change the path you’ve chosen on account of our selfishness.”

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

Flute really emphasized the words ‘our selfishness’. It was aimed at Lilly and her sisters, but even still they seemed to not be convinced. Suddenly one of them said,

“Then, bring me along with you!”

“Me too!”

“Then I’ve gotta go too!”

……One after another, they all said something ridiculous. Before I could even reply,

“…And what about your family?”

Flute cut in to stop them.

Their village was about a half day’s walk away from the city, and they had a lot of family there. Both of their parents, all of their grandparents, and 5 siblings were there, 11 family members in total. Because their grandparents were becoming weaker and weaker lately, Lilly and her sisters would return to their family for close to half the month to care for them.


I already knew about their situation, but Flute had probably figured it out due to the nature of her work. I’m not sure if it was because the sisters were promising, up and coming adventurers, but up until now they had never been assigned quests that had a long term time requirement.

With Flute’s comment, they began to worry about returning home.

“Lilly, Nelly, Milly, what are you confused about? The three of you caring for your family is important, so that’s what you need to do. I’m different than you guys, I don’t have a family waiting for me, so.”

They responded,

“……I’m sorry for saying such selfish things, Tenma.”

“Tenma is important too, but our family is most important of all, so……”

“But, we’ll wait for you to return to the city, Tenma. You have to!”

It seems they had finally agreed.

I thought it was a little unfair to talk about their family, but it really was an important subject. If they had abandoned them over some fleeting emotions, they would absolutely come to regret it later, so I made up my mind and decided to tell them.

“Yeah, I’ll return to this city one day.”

I promised them, but the mood had turned sour and hung over our heads as we ate.

The innkeep and his wife then made an appearance.

“Today marks the day that Tenma has decided to move onwards, it’s a day to celebrate! Drink your glasses dry!”

“In times like these, adventurers break out into a smile! It’s our treat, so drink without worries!”

Along with their announcement, they placed four cups on the table. They then brought out an open barrel of sake, where they scooped up alcohol with the glasses.

“Oi! You guys should celebrate with Tenma too! It’s on the house. Raise your glasses!”

The other customers in the dining area gathered around the barrel all at once, one by one giving me a few words.

After everyone had gotten their sake, the old innkeep lead everyone in a toast. At that moment, not a single voice was absent from the loud cheering.

The catgirl sisters drank the sake at a rapid pace, while Flute only had sake now and then, in between munching on snacks.

In the seats all around customers were placing orders, and the old couple seemed very busy.

Watching over this scene, I became absorbed in my thoughts, remembering the three years I had spent in this city…… at least until,

“Teee~n~maaa~, kyahahahaha~ There’s so many Tenmas~”

“It’s true~ So many Tenmas are here~ I’ll take one home with me~”

“This one’s mine~ ……Huh~ I can’t grab him~ Don’t try to run~ Tenma~”

The three of them had managed to become spectacularly drunk.

“You guys!”

Flute had quickly stood up to stop them…… or so it had seemed.

“This one is mine, so please give him to me!”

she said. She grabbed my arm and hugged me with her own chest, the soft sensation causing my heart to throb……. actually, that’s not what happened at all. Normally that would have sent my heart racing, but with the stench of the alcohol wafting off of Flute, I reflexively turned my face away.

―~――~―――~―――~――~― This chapter was translated by Refulgent for [ FourSlimes . com ] ―~――~―――~―――~――~―

“Ah~! Flute-san is capturing all of the Tenmas~!”

“How sneaky~! Flute-san!”

“Whoa, you know there are a lot of Flutes here too~ Why is that~”

Lilly and her sisters had become way too drunk, and they seemed to be suffering from double vision. Because of this, they saw multiple Flutes right next to me. Flute looked sober at first glance but was really drunk too.

As the four of them struggled over me, other customers watching the commotion started to bet on who would eventually capture me. Despite it being so late the date rolled over, the merrymaking and ruckus continued on in the Full Belly Inn.

I drank a considerable amount of alcohol too yet didn’t become intoxicated. It was probably due to my high Abnormal Status Resistance. It looked like it was difficult for either alcohol or poison to affect me. In this situation, it was neither lucky nor unlucky……

By the time it was almost dawn, most of the people present had drunk themselves unconscious. A few people had been taken home by others, but the majority of people were sleeping right there in the dining area.

The catgirl sisters had also passed out drunk. The innkeep’s wife said,

“Even thought I expected it of these three, we can’t let them sleep like this in a place full of men.”

She carried them up to a vacant room on the second floor.

I tried to help them with cleaning up the mess afterwards but they wouldn’t let a customer do it for them. I decided to go back to my room to sleep.

Hi, Refulgent, your translator here, if you like my translations, you can show your support by leaving a comment or constructive feedback at Four slimes . com I’d love to hear from you directly~

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