《Survive Or Thrive》Chapter 22: Visiting the Departments
I ascend from my office chair and turn around to gaze at the large screen wall depicting a live streaming video feed of the endless recesses of space just past all the ship's hull. I gaze at the gorgeous scenery of a wide expansive galaxy just on the other side of each and every one of these tiny specks of light. What marvels for the senses lay beyond the wide expanse of space? Oddly a strange nagging desire to explore the vastness of this dark void boils up inside. I suppress it for now as other matters have my attention and exploration of space is lower on the list of priorities.
I extract the vial of Vixorm serum and mentally recount the report I had just received from Zalgot. They are nowhere near an effective treatment for the effects of Vixorm and even further from a cure. Zalgot is confident he can develop an effective treatment with enough time only if he has a subject already affected by Vixorm. When I heard this, I had expected some of the Garudan's we liberated would have been exposed to the serum yet they all were tested. None of them was subjected to such a horrible fate, which leads me to believe the entirety of Vixorm is located on the planet along with the Garudan's affected.
I gaze upon the blue liquid sloshing from side to side within the tiny vial grasped in my left hand. My gaze lingers for some time, almost as if I am mesmerised by the dangerous bit of chemistry. The existence of this is the only remnant of the Vixorm serum aboard this entire ship, secretly hidden by Zalgot himself. He apparently hid a single vial away when the entire stock he created were shipped off down to the planet. Zalgot wanted to use it as a means to create a cure, to be honest, I admired his resolve, it must have been difficult to decision to defy someone as cruel as Zekton.
Still with this vial grasped just before me I ponder a dark thought. If Zalgot requires a live subject previously injected with Vixorm in order to accelerate his development of a treatment. Why don't I create one, I have many prisoners wallowing in the brig, those Wokan that refused to side with Gem and I. There is even a cruel tyrant like Zekton locked within his own cell, he had started all of this and even ordered the creation and use of Vixorm. I think there would be quite the symmetry for me to inject him and use him as a test subject for potential treatment.
Yet the question is... is that the correct course of action, to use the Vixorm serum, to subject another living being to suffer. Logically I see no issue with this, Zekton himself used Vixorm without remorse, terrorising the innocent with oppression and brutality. It's only logical to utilise such an abhorrent person for the benefit of others. Still... I can't help but view this act as an act of evil, there were many concepts I learned from my own people. One such concept was the opposing morality of those who commit evil for a better end and those who abhor evil in all forms.
The concept of evil was very curious to me ever since I was born, the term is defined as an act so revolting to the norms it goes against the dignity of life. That dignity is what makes life worth living, to never stain your hands with such evil is to ensure the dignity of life. But none of this applies to me, the Korvenese applied the dignity of life to those they viewed as alive. Clones were tools neither true born nor granted such a privilege of being a citizen of Korvan. That was the second lesson I learned after the first regarding how my people viewed evil.
So, the question is... should I use the serum on Zekton, condemning him to suffer for the sake of creating a treatment to the very suffering he and I inflicted. As I think about it... the answer is no and I'm not coming to this conclusion because of my people's flawed morality, instead, it's basic logic. We have so little Vixorm and wasting the small vial on a potential method towards a cure is not practical. Truly the practical method is to retrieve every vial of Vixorm and eliminate everyone that plans to use it against me and the Garudan's.
Yes, I must not fail in this endeavour, Vixorm is too large of a threat, I do not have any tools to combat it. I cast my gaze to my right inner jacket pocket. Place the vial within, turn to the office door and walk forward, I press my right palm onto the door locking mechanism now configured to my palm print. The door slides open, I step outside witnessing both Pok and Elkra standing on the left and the right. The two turn their eyes to him, they each responded with vastly different expressions, Pok had a beaming smile and almost waved hello, Elkra stopped her jovially associated and maintained a calm expression. I smiled at the two intriguing characters, turn to my belt and verified the existence of my recently acquired Demthesian laser pistol. The weapon is securely placed within its' holster, with this assurance I speak to my loyal guards. "I need to visit various decks; will you too accompany me." They both nod in response allowing me an avenue to escape the confines of this office. The three of us then leave towards the various destinations I have in mind.
Seven Minor Cycles later, Ruktan Class Frigate, Science Deck, Laboratory One.
I walk through the opened door of laboratory one, entering the wide sterile room. The room is large with white walls and various science stations neatly arranged across the room sequentially lined up side by side. Roughly nine stations exist yet only three are occupied by the seven remaining science officers. The seven are quietly moving from one station to the other directed by the chief science officer Zalgot. The Chief Science Officer is standing in front of the rightmost station glaring down at some sort of terminal depicting strange moving shapes on a monitor. I have very little knowledge of scientific theory so the tools and methods contained within this lab are a sheer mystery to me. Still, curiosity is embedded deeply into my nature so look and learn I must.
I walk forward with Pok and Elkra trailing behind me, I can see from the corner of my eye that the two are watching the Wokan's carefully with scowling faces. I suppose I should make this trip short, with that in mind we make it to the centre of the room. Our presence immediately draws the gazes of every Wokan science officer each viewing me with complicated expressions. The only one that doesn't turn around is Zalgot who is still emersed in his work. A silence pervades the room for a time before one of his assistances nudges him with one of his hands. Zalgot turns to him with an annoyed expression, the expression doesn't last long as he immediately turns to me with a frightened look.
I step forward a few steps causing everyone including Zalgot to step back, witnessing this I decide to keep my distance and speak from here. "Hello again Zalgot I see you're working hard, I thank you for your diligence." I tried to flash a smile to not put a hamper on the atmosphere, it didn't seem to work and the science officers are still quite wary of me.
With myself still keeping my distance I notice Zalgot working up the courage, stepping forward to greet me with his head downcast. "Umm... great commander is there a problem with the report I submitted?" He asks with a voice so low it was honestly difficult to hear, his voice was breaking up at parts yet he did speak fluent Shahnese so I understood.
I straightened my back and attempted another smile to again attempt to put them at ease with my presence. I turn my gaze to my right inside jacket pocket, withdrawing the vial of Vixorm, displaying it to the crowd. "There is no issue, your report was well written, I just have concerns over the necessity of having a live subject affected by Vixorm for experimentation." I shake the vial before them gesturing more with my eyes than with my hands, with their attention I continue my speech. "I understand that in science, distasteful methods can be used for beneficial ends, my concern in regards to this matter, is how invasive will this experimentation be on the subject?" This question was something I really needed to clarify, though I am loathed to inject someone even Zekton to be used as an experimental subject to be used for a potential cure. It is best I clarify how invasive this experiment will be as the idea of using some of the on-planet Garudan prisoners already injected came up.
The room became quiet once more, after a time the sound of whispers emerged from the background science officers culminating in Zalgot's voice. "The experiment won't be invasive, yet it does require us to study the ongoing effects Vixorm has on the body, as a means of refining a treatment to counteract these symptoms," Zalgot replies calmly as if he had just reclaimed that calm. He replies with a direct answer something I am starting to like about this Wokan. Yet what he has stated is not as bad as I assumed it is still troubling, it requires the progression of symptoms from a subject, while they study the effects.
I contemplate this for a time and decide on an answer, this will be most suitable for now, I turn to them and make my declaration. "I understand the requirements and I have an idea... we will be liberating a large group of Garudan's each likely with varying stages of Vixorm withdrawal, perhaps using them you can study these stages from Garudan to Garudan." It was the best strategy for now as injecting Zekton or his loyal soldiers would be a waste of Vixorm, it would also take time for them to develop symptoms, the time we do not have.
I place the vial back into my right inside pocket, a nod to myself and finish my statement. "I believe this is the best course of action, please keep working on a cure and when the time comes, I will bring some affected individuals... also my name now is Navarkos." They all appeared shocked at this familiar Wokan name before gesturing a submissive Wokan posture as a means to convey their agreement. With that sight I turn to leave the laboratory, I exit the room and stop midway down the hallway, turning around to face Pok and Elkra I notice Elkra's upset expression. Unlike Pok who only speaks some Shahnese, Elkra had learned well under Kalo. So, she likely understood most of what was uttered in that room. With her expression displayed before me, I speak up in Garudan as a means to soothe her worries. "Elkra... you know I have the best intentions in regards to your people, if there was any other way, I would act on it without hesitation." My words seem to help some, I then step forward a few steps until we are face to face.
Elkra still with a downcast expression lifts her chin, glares at me with a concerned expression and replies to my words. "I trust you, Commander Navar... Navarkus... Navar... kes." Her accent butchers my new name, I don't admonish her for this as likely my own accent has not been the best. Instead, I smile exuding a sense of joyous exuberance or something similar to that, and despite the cultural barriers Elkra responds with her own smile.
I nod a few times with my right hand placed upon my chin contemplatively, a short time passes, still with a smile on my face I speak. "It's Navarkos and don't worry even I myself am getting used to the new name." After my words I return my hands to my sides, tuning my gaze to Pok who seems confused yet still beaming a wide smile. That Garudan truly has a positive attitude. I shake my head from side to side to disregard these small thoughts and adjust my mind to the task ahead.
Eleven Minor Cycles later, Ruktan Class Frigate, Engineering Deck, Engine Room.
The three of us reach the engine room, this area is located deep in the bowels of the ship on its lowest deck. We move through the now slid open doors after the Wokan guards let us through, recognising us immediately. Entering the engine room, I marvel at the sight to the left and right are many screens and panels. Directly before me is a wide corridor leading to a circular pathway around a strange dome-like structure. The dome is futuristic and represents the most advanced piece of technology my own people would burn cities to obtain. Before me is the Type Seven Nuclear Fusion Reactor, the seventh variant of Shahnese technology capable of powering medium-sized frigate vessels. The technology was supplied to the Demthesian's by the Empire allowing for the mass production of the standard-issue long-range Ruktan exploration frigate.
The Fusion Reactor is painted black and silver, a large cylinder with a dome on top, several pipe mechanisms are fed into the sides. Surrounding the reactor is a basic radiation shield to prevent radiation leaking, this energy shield is a specific configuration to isolate radiation. Directly in front of the reactor is three control panels with two familiar denizens standing beside them. Thes individuals were Zerg and Galitor, the two are discussing some matters relating to the power output of the ship, stating something along the lines of optimal levels or something like that.
I step forward with confident strides despite all of this advanced technology is leagues above anything my species came up with. Reaching the two I receive different responses, Zerg smiles jovially and steps forward to greet me with a sloppy Samsiran salute, I don't mind but it would be good if he practised. I return the salute and greet him fondly. "Zerg it's good to see you hard at work." Zerg then nods with that smile still plastered across his face, now to the second response, Galitor snarls quietly likely unhappy at my presence but still has the courtesy to hide it.
I turn to the disrespectful Galitor, unfazed by his actions and greet him with a typical Wokan greeting, he begrudgingly returns the greeting. I don't he is aware that I am quite familiar with all the Wokan greetings and the one he just performed is slightly different depicting a greater greeting a lesser. Despite his clear disrespect, I don't let it bother me even though it clearly bothers Zerg.
With my gaze lingering upon Galitor for only a short while I turn back to Zerg speaking directly to him whilst I place my right hand in my right pants pocket. "Zerg may I take up some of your time and speak with you for a short while?" I ask him with an earnest and sincere expression with my gaze moving to Galitor's visage for only a fraction of a moment. Judging that Galitor seems indifferent I look back towards Zerg and await his response.
Zerg replies without hesitation as if not a single thought to the contrary had even past his mind. "Of course, Commander." His reply is quick and presence causing a small smile to return to his lips and prompting him to step forward. I notice Galitor's glare as if he plans to say something yet he remains quiet without moving just returning to his work on the control panel.
I gesture with my left hand towards the side of the engine room that is sparsely populated and speak whilst we move. "Oh, you can call me Commander Navarkos or Navar for short." I nonchalantly make that statement whilst we traverse to the side of the engine room, the wide eyes of Zerg are the most obvious reaction. I turn back to see Galitor's shoulders shudder a bit and some of the other engineers looking over to us with interest. It is clear this name holds weight with a number of Wokan, likely this ancient name had a major impact on Wokan history.
Pok and Elkra remain where they are glaring at everyone within the room similar to predators observing potential prey. Zerg and I almost reach the side of the room before I hear a slight thud on the ground and a rattling sound, both I and Zerg look down to see the Vixorm vial rolling across the ground. I quickly move forward swiftly retrieving the vial and pocketing it. Once I rise to an upright position, I survey the room several of the Wokan glare with interest including Galitor before swiftly returning to their work.
I turn back to Zerg who stares at me with interest. Once the two of us are far away from prying ears Zerg speaks up impatiently. "Commander, why do you have the name of a legendary figure from our history?" The question truly was one I anticipated from him, Zerg was always a unique person, strangely moral despite his societal norms and quite curious.
I nod with a small smile gazing towards the curious Wokan I had since grown somewhat fond of and reply to his query. "Chief Gem granted me the honour of the name; I was quite surprised at its origins." I decided to reply honestly, my relationship with Gem was already known across the ship and of course, Zerg is another of my supporters so honesty was a good thing.
He nods many times whilst he mutters various words in likely the ancient Wokan language, I wait for his mutterings to end, once they do, I begin my query. In a hushed voice, I speak quietly so no one can hear us. "I have a favour to ask." This was indeed a big favour, something that will test Zerg's abilities, a favour that is a best-kept secret. Zerg flashes a confused expression, his head jerks back and his eyes flutter. "I need you to build a kill switch for the Ruktan, a method to shut down the Ruktan's core systems, weapons, propulsion and bridge systems, leaving only basic emergency systems and life support." This was indeed a big ask but still quite necessary for coming events.
Zerg steps back a single step, gazing at me intently, I am not sure what thought process has begun within that Wokan mind, hopefully, it is positive and receptive. I can see he is contemplating my request; his head is bobbing up and down with his gaze passing by everything except me. A short while goes by and his furious head boobing ceases, he adjusts his posture and glares back at me, a conviction in his eyes. "I can do that; it will take some time but I can do it." His upper arms are placed to his sides, their fists clenched rather tightly.
I nod a few times, placing my right hand on his shoulder, pulling him in closer to speak to him with a lower voice. "Thank you for your trust Zerg... also make sure Galitor is not aware of this, best to keep this between us... ok?" Zerg nods in affirmation, clearly, he was in agreement as he lowered his head more, being a little too inconsequence in my opinion. Regardless he would complete this task effectively I have little doubt in his engineering capability and of course, he was one of the few I trust. With this task passed onto the best possible person to complete it, say farewell to my friend and leave the engine room as the sounds of whispering can be heard behind me.
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