《Demon Lord revenge》The light and Darkness(bonus chapter)


A world where everything is decided by higher beigns that live in another dimesions or realm.The Light and Darkness where the first beigns to be created by the Immortal King.He was a supreme beign even for Light and Darkness.

Every thing in the world was created by these supreme beigns that were created by another supreme beign.The thing is that,i am the son of the Darkness,my name is Shiro thats a short form of my name Shiroi Yami(it means white darkness,search Shiroi Yami and translate it).

The Darkness created the things that live to kill,to corrupt and destroy .The Light created the things that live to help,to protect and create.

I can be called a immortal,i lived 700 years in the human realm,but my age can't be counted because of Hell where the devils exits.

I am going to be a vessel for my father,so my life is short.I am confused with what i want.I want to die?

( I will erase the idea of layers from the story,there will be just Realms)

"Shiro child of Darkness,what are you doing here",a young girl shorter that me was stading in front of my face,her aura is more stronger that a human,she is a angel.She came here to block me from staying in this universe.

"Who are you?",i said with a smile on my face,i don't care if she is a angel,its not my first time killing a angel.

"My name is Alexa,i am a angel.I think that you found out from just gaving me a stare",she said with a tricky face.

"I don't know,but you angels are stupid.I am the son of Darkness,the one that killed hundred of angels",i said with a small smile.


Her face changed,she was a little scared.I just don't want her to find that i sealed my powers.

"Then bye bye",i said making some steps back,i was normal with the fact that she will attack.

"Die",she said making a huge light spear that caught with my bare hands.

"Don't try to play with me,i was just giving you a change",i said and in a milisecond i was stading in the front of her.I used my left my punch to hit her,she tried to block the punch but she flew in the air.

"Aghhh",she screamed,but she didn't that i was behind her.I sealed my aura and nothing could truly feel me.

From my pov.

The angel unlocked her wings,she made hundred of attacks that could destroy a city in seconds.Shiro block every attack with a shield,then he unlocked his wings.His speed was making him impossible to be seen.He hit the angel in a second.The angel was making many attacks and Shiro was destroying them with his punchs.

There fight was destroying the country,but Shiro was not even giving a fuck about this.He made a huge dark skull and made milions of puppets.

"Lets see how are you going to defeat this",he said with a big smile,the puppets began to attack her.

She was making moving faster that the light.The puppets where not giving her a wound.

Shiro was watching the fight from above,his eyes began to glow red.In a second Shiro head was cut by a huge sword,the time itself stopped.Alexa had cut Shiro head,she was happy,but she forgot that Shiro is immortal and could see the future.His existence ia equal with the child of Light.


Shiro pov.

My head was cut by Alexa,i was flying at a huge speed to hit the earth.I saw that she will cut my head with my future sight,but she forgot that my body doesn't have much importance to me.My soul is immortal and with my skill [ New Body ] i could have a new body i seconds.I was behind her.

"Why are you happy,you didn't won",i said,her face changed i could see her mind trying to get a plan to escape.

"Nightmare Magic: Snakes of death",i said,hundred of big snakes where flying over the sky,Alexa was defending herself with a sword enchanted with hundreds of effects.

Her speed was enough to cut some of the snakes,but this spell is a perfect fusion of mind magic and dark magic.She was making some spells that i saw in the future,i am bored of this fight.Lets end this.

"Soul Hole",all the snakes were making a hole that was making her becoming small parts,her face changed.She is becoming full nothingness.

A part had escaped,i jumped and with my hand i caught it.The time stopped or i am seeing things.This aura!

I turned my head,it was the Light.Near it was her daughter,her beauty was unseen for me.I felt my father aura,he was behind me.

"Your son killed one of my people.You want to start another Divine War",the Light said in a angered voice.

They were using their avatars.I don't know the Light normal form,but my father is the nothingness itself.The realm of Nothingness is my father.

What will happen if i put my energy in this part of this angel ?

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