《Renee's River | √》Renée's River + spin-off


Ending this book was such a huge problem for me, and I realised it was because I have gotten so attached to the characters. All of them. And that's crazy because I made them.

➳ It was ALWAYS fun writing the bants between Renée and Kaleb. It reminded me of me and my friends. I absolutely loved Renée and Kaleb's friendship!

➳ Renée had a very small circle of friends, and so did River. I've always been a believer of keeping your circle of friends small. Life is easier, and if you're a no-drama lover then this is perfect for you!

➳ For Harper, I wanted to show that you DO NOT need validation from ANY guy. I understand the lengths that girls could go to keep a guy, but hey you, if you're feeling bad vibes from a guy, it's okay to take a step back. Take a screenshot, print out the page, heck, even frame it,

➳ Don't be like Sydney 🙂.

➳ I know some readers (if not all) are disappointed that Tanner and Mackenzie didn't get back together. I brought Kenzi back was so that the reason for her and Tanner's break up could be revealed. Relationships aren't always perfect. One thing or the other happens.

➳ Tanner will always be a favourite. He never stopped being that amazing older brother.

➳ River... OH, RIVER... Funny how I could create a guy like him. His wit, creativity, humour, talent and personality generally was awesome to capture. I want a River Jenson.

➳ Riley's strength and sweetness was so adorable, and I want her to inspire anyone who's battling a disease. Don't let it stop you from doing what you love. And surround yourself with people who make you happy!❤

It's amazing to think that this is my third book on Wattpad, but what is more amazing is the fact that I've gained people who actually pay attention to my work. holds such a special place in my heart, so I want to thank every one of you that gave this book a chance. I'm not a perfect writer, but somehow you stuck with me.


To you who have stuck with me even after going days without updating,

To those who vote and comment, those meant a lot to me more than you know.

To readers who turned friends,

To readers who have been with me right from '', and have watched me develop and grow as a writer,

As you probably know, I don't stop writing- I already have ideas for a new story, and I can't wait to start working on It! In order for you to know when it's out, follow me, or better yet, still keep this book in your library.

That being said, I would love to know you! Follow any of my social media accounts, nd let me know you're from Wattpad. I'll follow back. Feel free to also send me a private message.

Again, thank you! I want to hug all of you.

Lots of love!


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