《Killing Game (Rantaro X Reader)》(Ending #4)


Y/N's PoV-


Meet me in the girl's washroom at 1 am sharp. Alone.


The...washroom? This seems suspicious. I should talk to Amami about this. I folded the note up and put it in the waistband of my skirt and headed off to find him.



"There you are! We need to talk."I said from behind Amami.

"Hm? Alright."

He let me into his room and we sat down. I took out the note and handed it to him.

"You're not going, are you?"Amami asked.

"Well....I kinda want to?"

He gave me a concerned look.

"I'm not letting you go."He stated.

"What? Why?"

"You could get killed. Have you forgotten that we're in a killing game?"Sighed Amami.

He set the note down on the table.

"But what if it's important?"I asked.

He shook his head"No. I won't let you."

I started walking to the door.

"I'm going. That's final."

Before my hand could reach the doorknob, I felt my arms pinned up against the door. Amami was just centimeters away from my face, I could feel his breathing. I looked up at him with a slight blush.

"A-Amami?"I stuttered.

His face went close to my ear as he whispered into it.

"Stay with me."

My face turned as red as an apple.


He smirked and let go of me. I stood there, frozen like an idiot. My heart was pounding in my chest.

"I think you should stay here for the night. I want to make sure you don't run off."Amami said.

"O-Okay."I whispered.

I couldn't think straight. Walking over to the bed, I sat on the edge of it.

"I'm going to get some food, you want anything?"Said Amami, heading towards the door.


"Maybe a F/S?"I asked.

He nodded and left the room, locking the door.



Author's PoV-

"Y/N I'm back"Whispered Amami.

The boy didn't get an answer. He looked over to see the H/C girl peacefully sleeping on the bed. He let out a soft chuckle, placing the snacks on his table. Suddenly, a thought came into his head.

Amami crouched down beside the bed, putting his hand in her H/L hair. He gently ran his fingers in between the strands, careful not to wake her up. He touched Y/N's ahoge, making her hum a little. Her eyes opened slightly to look at who was touching her hair.

"A...ma....mi"She mumbled.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"He asked.

The girl nodded sleepily. Before she could get back to her peaceful dreams, Amami had pressed his lips to her own. Y/N was now wide awake. She returned the kiss, with a slight blush. After what felt like an eternity, they pulled away for air.

"U-Uh"She stuttered, trying to figure out what to say.

"I brought food. Come and get some."He smiled, walking to the table like nothing had happened.

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