《Killing Game (Rantaro X Reader)》(Ending #2)


Y/N's PoV-

We arrived at the washroom one minute late. I gave Amami a nervous glance as I opened the door slowly. I put a finger to my mouth, symboling for him to be quiet.

"Hello? I got your note. Who's in here?"I called out.

No answer. Maybe this was just some prank? I turned around and looked at Amami who was looking in a stall. He came out and shrugged. That's when I saw in. A blur rush from the corner of the dark Washroom. It was too dark to make out who it was, but I could see them take an object from their pocket.

The gun was aimed at Amami. He stepped back in fear. I tried to pull him away, but I was too late.

The gun was shot, hitting him in the chest. The person dropped the gun and ran.

"Amami!"I screamed.

He stumbled backwards and collapsed to his knees, his hand clutching where he was shot. I dropped to my knees and hugged him, tears cascading down my face.

"Hey....Dont cry."

His free hand reached up to my face and he wiped away.

"You can't die! You can't! You told me we'd get out of here together!"I sobbed.

He frowned.

"Sorry....I t-tried my best to find a way out for us but...."

"You....what?"I gasped.

"That's why I kept going away....I was trying to-"

He broke into a fit of coughs, shutting his eyes in pain.


"I-I can't believe you had to see me like this...."He chuckled.

I held him in my arms, sobbing into his shoulder.

"I can't lose you....I don't know what I'll do! You're the only thing keeping me sane in this hell-hole!"

"Please....get out of this place alive for me, Y/N.....I love you...."


"Y-You....love me?"

He forced a smile to his face. His eyes were starting to close.

"Amami you can't.....don't leave me! I love you too!"

His hand fell from my face as his eyes shut. Amami took his final breath, and he was gone. I let out a scream. I heard sets of footsteps running towards the bathroom. I heard the door slam open and a few gasps, but I refused to look up. I probably can't see through my tears anyways.

"Y/N what happened?!"asked Kiibo.

"S-Someone shot him."I growled.

I heard the body announcement go off, sending the rest of the group running to where we were. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and a soft voice speak.

"Y/N, we need to inspect the body to find out who killed him...."Kaede whispered.

She helped me over to the wall. My mind couldn't process a single thought as I sat on the cold floor. I had cried all my tears already as I stared blankly at the floor. Everything felt numb. I heard my name, forcing myself to look at the person.

"Y/N, what exactly happened?"Asked Shuichi. He wasn't wearing his hat, so I could see his face fully now.

I took a shakey breath, and began telling him exactly what happened. At the end I took out the note that was the cause of all this and handed it to him. I stood up, but I felt dizzy so I stumbled a little.

"I-I can't stay here. I can't see him like this"I whispered to Shuichi.

He nodded his head and Gonta helped me back to my dorm room. I thanked him and locked my door. I looked at the pistol on my table, getting flashbacks of the previous events. I sat in the corner, farthest away from the weapon. I held my head in my hands.


"Just when I find someone that loves me....everything goes to hell."I whispered.



It was time for the trial. Kiibo had convinced me to leave my room to go, but I wouldn't speak. Not unless I need to. We entered the elevator and started going down. I felt empty inside. The doors opened, and we stepped into the trial room. Where Amami should be, a photo of him was in his place with an X through his face.

The debate began. I had started to zone out until I heard my name in the discussion.

"Y/N was the first one to find him. That seems a little suspicious if we take into account how late it was."Said Korekiyo.

I shot him a glare.

"So you're saying that I killed Amami?"

"In theory, yes. No one has witnessed you find that note so for all we know, you could have wrote it-"Korekiyo continued

"-Actually, I saw her take the note off her lab door on my way to the dining hall."Said Tenko.

"Oh? I guess my theory may be incorrect."He sighed.

"Damn right it's incorrect!"I growled.

Amami was usually here to calm me down during the trials, but now he's gone....

"If it's any help, there was a piece of black material stuck in one of the stall doors."Said Kiibo.

"Black material?"Shuichi asked.

Kiibo held up the material.

"It looks to be a match to Kirumi's gloves"He continued

"Woow the robot is actually useful for once!"Exclaimed Kokichi in mock suprise.

Kiibo looked offended"I am plenty useful, thank you very much!"

"Mm not really!"Kokichi replied.

"We're getting off topic."Said Maki.

"Kirumi, can we compare the fabric Kiibo found to the fabric your gloves are made of?"Asked Shuichi.

"I do not see why I must do that. As you can see, there are no holes in my gloves."She said.

"You could have easily just worn another pair. Take off your gloves or I'll take them off you myself."I commanded, looking her in the eyes.

She let out a sigh.

"That is an empty threat. You won't."

"Watch me."I growled.

I was about to get off my pedestal, when I felt a hand grab my arm.

"Violence won't solve this, Y/N"Said Kiibo.

Defeated, I mumbled a string of curses as I turned back around to the front of my stand. The debate started back up again.



It was Kirumi. She's the reason he's gone. She took away the person that I loved. Blinded by rage, I walked over to Kirumi and punched her in the face. I want to give her hell before she gets her execution.

"You're the reason he's gone....you'll pay!"

I punched Kirumi again, sending her to the floor. I didn't want to stop. I was about to kick her in the side when I heard something behind me.

"You're going to harm yourself more than you'd hurt her Y/N."

That was Amami's voice from the first trial.... I felt myself being restrained by a certain robot. That voice....it was coming from him!

"H-How...."I whispered, my eyes staring at the floor.

"I have an audio recording function."Said Kiibo.

It was time for Kirumi's execution. I felt no pity towards her when she died. Just emptiness.

I promise you Amami, I'll make it out of here alive.

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