《String//Nagito Komeada》(12)


I dreamt about her.

I imagined that for the longest time, she was sitting there, hands in her head. I wanted to call for her but I couldn't really.

I felt too numb.

Dreams will do that to you though.

Make you feel like you have all this power, and control when you just don't.

I look at her again. I can't help but think...

... she was my dream.

For all the time I knew her, I loved her. Hell I destroyed her life cause I loved her so much.

Of course I became stupidly selfish and let her go for someone who... isn't really for me, I guess.

And now she's here.

In my dream.

Cause I wanted her again.



I suppose if I could muster up anything to say it would be

"I'm sorry"

Suddenly, her head pokes up. Did I say that out loud? Silly me.

"Nagi?" She whispers, so child like.

I look at her again. I can tell it's been a while since she's slept.

Strange. Whenever I would see her, her (e/c) eyes were so bright. So hopeful. Now she looks so... so dead.

"Sorry." I mumble out again.

She leaps up, and runs to my side. Her tangled and matted (h/c) hair still manages to beautifully cascade down her shoulders, even though her locks haven't met a brush in days.

"Don't be sorry? What do you have to be sorry for?" She asks.

I ignore her. "This is what I get for trying, huh? Oh well, at least you're here."

"Nagito please, what are you on about? Do you feel okay?" She asks, pressing her cool clammy hands to my bandaged forehead.

"I-" I huff. "I'm fine, (y/n). I'm sorry you're here."

She shakes her head. "Stop being sorry, please for the love of everything good stop being sorry!!" She chokes out.


Tears. Tears are welling up in her eyes.

"I can't be sorry enough, (Y/N)." I say.

She takes my hand. She gently pulls it up to her face.

"You feel so real." I say to her. I stare into her glistening teary (e/c) eyes.

She gives me a confused look. "What do you mean Nagito?"

I chuckle and shrug. "I don't know, (Y/N)."

She lets go of my hand, which was she was still holding onto her face. I didn't move my hand, I kept it there. Truth be told, I don't know how long I've been out. Its wonderful to feel something so real.

I wish I were awake.

Although... I don't think she would be in the room. I'm sure she would be at home, not even knowing of my whereabouts. I bet shes happy... with her husband and maybe even kids (Yet again, she insisted for 10 years that she wasn't the mother type. I disagree.)

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

I shrug. "Dreamy." I joke, but she doesn't laugh.

I take my hand off her face, finally. She sighs, I look at her. She looks distraught.

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

"You're off, Nagi. I know you just woke up from a coma but..."

"Huh? No- (Y/N), I'm asleep."

She laughs, genuinely laughs. "You're awake! What are you on about?"

"Wheres a nurse, or a doctor?" I ask her, sort of jarringly.

"Its 3 am, most of them are gone."

I stay silent and stare at her. She looks at me, eyes looking cloudy.

"You know what?" She says, letting out a sigh. "I'll get a nurse and tell her you're awake."

Before she turns, I notice her cloudy eyes have started to storm.

Once again shes gone, and all I can think is: There she goes again.

I watch her go, staring sort of intently until the door closes quietly behind her.

I close my eyes again, another thought wandering: I would do this all again, if I could get her back to me.

(650) huzoot hope you enjoyed!! idk what else to say, haha. kiss kiss!!

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