《String//Nagito Komeada》.6.


You laugh at yourself. Of course he was being serious! Nagito Komaeda would never lie. More laughs. You shakily stand up and go to your phone. Immediately you pick up your phone and call Nagito.

"N-Nagito" You greet, your voice wavering.

"Oh hello (Y/N)! Did you-"

"I saw alright." You cut him off.

"Wonderful!" You can hear Nagito exclaim. His voice sounds different. There is no hope, only despair engraved in his vocals.

"Wonderful!? ARE YOU PSYCHO?! You- you took me away from someone who was destined for me!" You scream.

"Why do you care so much?" Nagito calmly asks. "Until yesterday you thought this was bullshit."

"I don't know! I was doubtful at first! But after I found out I was... I was excited for a new adventure! The adventure of finding someone literally made for me!" You exclaim.

"Oh." Nagito whispers, sounding newly defeated.

"THEN YOU GO AND TAKE IT ALL AWAY!" You yell bloody murder, ignoring Nagito.

It's silent for a moment. Then, Nagito speaks up.

"Let's meet for coffee at 11 okay? I love you, (Y/N)." He says, then he hangs up.

You sigh. Guess you have to go meet your psycho best friend- no! Wait! Soulmate! For coffee. You finish up your cereal, and put your empty bowl in the also barren sink.

A glance at the clock tells you it's 9:57. You have time to walk to the local Starbucks. You grab your little (color) over the shoulder purse and walk out. By the time you leave it's about 10:00. The walk is a long and peaceful one. When you're there, you look around for Nagito. You remember you can just check your string. You follow it, until-

"Oh, it seems we have met." Nagito says.


You look down at your (shoes). Nagito tries lifting your head but you refuse to even look the psychotic boy in the eye. No words can ever be said to describe how you feel about the boy you used to call your best friend. Do you like him? Hate him? You're not really sure at this point.

"Don't be so hopeless about this. You'll be glad for our future." Nagito tells you.

You sigh. You can't even tell what he means by that. Is he being psycho or genuine? You feel your throat get tight. Tears begin to well up at the brinks of your eyes. You try and discretely wipe them away.

"What's wrong?" Nagito asks.

You shake your head.

"I don't wanna talk about it here."

You finally say something to the crazy white haired boy. He solemnly nods. Nagito takes your hand, making you shudder.

"Let's get coffee!" You false-happy suggest. "It's what we're here for!"

Nagito smiles and agrees. He takes you to the counter and you scan the menu. You decide on a large (starbucks drink). May as well drink your issues away with the best drink on earth, or so you think. A sigh escapes you as you order. When you go to pay, Nagito stops you.

"Let me pay." He says.

"No. I'm responsible for myself." You huff.

"I'm your soulmate, (Y/N)-kun. Let me pay." Nagito insists.

"Awe soulmates! Are you guys just meeting?" The barista randomly asks.

"I've known him for just about 18 years." You awkwardly tell her.

"I've been in love with her for that long too!" Nagito exclaims, sounding both despair filled and happy.

"That's too cute you guys." The barista says, as she hands you your frappe. "Enjoy!"


You can't help but smile at the girl. Maybe this won't be so bad? Nagito is your life long friend, and before you mentioned he would be the perfect one for you... if this soulmate stuff wasn't real. You suppose you two are soulmates now. Maybe this was your fate?

While in your thoughts, you and Nagito are walking hand in hand down the street. People kindly smile at you. All you can do is sip from your drink and try to smile back.

"I suppose we should talk about..." He lifted up your intertwined hands and gestured at them. "...This."

"Why would you do it Nagi?" You blurt. "You- you seemed so happy for me when I found out it was real! Why would you take the excitement away from me? What if... what if I just wanted to meet a new person?"

"I did it because I love you." Nagito simply replies.

"Selfish." You grumble, barely audible.

"What was that?" Nagito asks.

"I said selfish! Selfish! That's so selfish! Sure you're my best best friend but- GOSH! To disconnect me from my soulmate? Because you love me?" You pause, then scoff. "How selfish do you have to be?"

"Tell me, how do you feel about me?" Nagito questions.

You only shrug in reply. You take a sip from your drink.

"I want to love you like you love me! But I know I can't do that. This is so forced upon." You honestly reply.

Nagito stops, causing you to stop along with him. He spins you around to where you're looking into his eyes. A smile flashes across his face. The smile is a mix of genuine happiness and mild insanity. He swoops down and kisses your cheek. It causes you to tense up slightly.

"I'm glad to hear that." Nagito whispers in your ear. Once again, he pecks your cheek.

"I guess I should be optimistic." You say. "Even if my world was once again changed by something small and stupid like a string getting cut..."

You smile at Nagito. The smile is genuine this time.

"It's still an adventure I'm glad to go on." You tell the hope filled boy.

You go on to your tippy-toes and give Nagito a big hug. Nagito tenses up at first, then wraps his arms around you.

"Especially if it's with you, Nagito."


(984) are things getting wild in callious house? yes they are (;

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