《7 Minutes in Dangan Heaven (discontinued)》Just Programming Stuff (Chihiro x Reader)


"Come on up, Fujisaki San! You will be next!" Chihiro's voice cracked and stuttered as he nodded and replied quickly. "O-Oh, Um Me?" "Yes you! Now come on let's get this moving! We haven't got all day, Hacker." Those words stung Chihiro as he reached in the bag and precisely pulled out a thin white paper slip, folded so that no one could pull out by someone's name.

As Chihiro unfolded it carefully, trying not to cause a crease, his eyes widened. He gulped and read aloud the name. "Um- I hope it's no bother- it's okay if it is-" he trailed off. "Bu-But it's you, Y/N Chan." Sweat dripped from his forehead as he dusted his skirt off and arose from the hard flooring.

"O-Okay." You didn't mind. Chihiro is one of the sweetest people you knew. He never lied and tried to see the best in everyone. When you were suspected as a culprit, he told you he believed you were innocent. Those words stuck with you ever since it happened. "I know you would never do such a thing, Y/N Chan! Don't worry! I'll always stay by your side!" You stood quickly, trying not to take too long for the programmer.

You both walked into the closet as you listened for the click of the door being locked by Monokuma. "Starting now, you have 7 minutes. Go nuts." Monokuma exclaimed in a irritated yet manipulatively high pitched voice. "Y/N Chan? Can I ask you something?" Chihiro's fringe covering his eyes, allowing shade to cover his forehead briefly. He glanced down. "Um, sure Chihiro San! What's up?" He didn't move. He didn't speak for at least 5 seconds. "Do-Do you find me to be a bother? Or a hacker?"

He breathed as if he was holding back a wall of tears. You were shocked. You knew almost everything about him. He was very sensitive but he never let the phrase "Hacker" bother him in the slightest, or so it had seemed. "No, not at all. You don't hack. You make AIs and program websites and codes! Anyone would be jealous of that!"


Chihiro moved his head up. Tear had fled from the rim of his eyes and down his cheeks. You stepped towards the computer wizard. "Chi, don't cry." His tear stopped as if they had froze by your kind words. He looked down at his attire. A chocolate skirt awaited his eyes along with a rich green blazer. His socks were half up and half down. He then decided to speak. His words shocked you so much you had also began to cry.

"Do you find me weird? Like everyone else-" he had to stop due to the fact that he was basically choking on tears. "No one knows the truth. They all think I'm a girl. Everyone.. That is.. Except for you." He looked up at you and noticed the stains where tears had stroked your cheeks. He instantly began to apologize. "I-I-I'm so sorry, Y/N! I didn't mea-" you interrupted him with a hug so tight he jumped. "Stop it. Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong." You felt tears start falling again. You felt as if it was your fault he felt this way. You felt as if you should always stay by him and check to see if he was doing good.

Chihiro felt your tears fall on his shoulder. He looked up and blushed. He had never thought about it but.. What if, just once, he thought about his relationships and feelings towards his classmates. A million thoughts rushed to him all at once, causing him to stare blankly into your eyes. But this time, he wasn't just staring. He became lost in them. He saw shades so deep and meaningful, he felt as if he was at an art gallery and you were the main exhibit.

Chihiro's face had a pinkish tint to it. He was staring straight into your eyes. His emerald and kind eyes kept you staring too. You felt your face heat up. You both snapped out of your trances when you heard a loud and cringing bang on the door. "4 minutes, you brats!" Chihiro ignored it, as did you. And then it struck you.


"Do I have.. Feelings more developed than a friendship regarding Chihiro?" You began to think when you felt a tug at your hand. You brought your eyes down and saw Chihiro moving both of your hands over his. You blushed and decided to trust him.

"Y/N Chan, I need to be honest with you." You felt your face plunge into deeper shades of pink and your heart beat increased. "What is it?" He gently lifted his head so your eyes met. "I-I've never felt this way for anyone. You're my best frie- no. You're my one true friend. When I look at you my eyes twinkle and I get a happy feeling! What I'm trying to say is.. is tha- is that I think I have feelings for you!" His face began to match your shade of pink on yours. "You taught me how to get up and how to fly." He sounded very sincere, but then again, when does Chi ever lie? You couldn't lie. His words matched yours but were put in a way that sounded even more mystical than you could ever put them.

"I-I feel the same, but I'm not sure how to put it.." You replied but were interrupted by a small warmth inches away from your eyes. As soon as you realized what was happening, your eyes grew x3 and your face outlined peach like stripes across your cheeks and nose. Chihiro and you were touching noses. He was turning red and his face felt like it was scalded it was so warm.

The floors felt waxy. A little too waxy for both of your liking. While both of you were frozen while the universe stopped for a slight second, Chihiro's creamy white flats slipped on the flooring, causing a collision. This would normally be solved by getting right back up and returning to whatever you were doing before, but this wasn't normal. You turned so red and hot that you felt as if your face was burning. Chihiro wasn't any different. You both had collided on the floor, but in a certain position. Chihiro's soft lips pressed gently against yours.

After what felt like years of happiness and feelings being played on a projector screen, You both stood up. Just as Chihiro had adjusted his suspenders and socks, a clicking sound was heard. You both patted yourselves down, trying to play it off like nothing happened. "Okay you boring brats, you time is up!"

You both exited the closet, feeling awkward as everyone looked at you. Mondo faced Chihiro as he said down. "I bet that was boring.. You two should have been with boys not girls.." He whispered. "What did you two even do?" Chihiro felt as if today he would break his life record. He lied. It wouldn't be a complete lie, just not the full truth. "Oh you know, just talked.." He replied smiling at the Biker. "What kind of stuff?"

You glanced over at Chihiro wondering if you should step in and help him, when Chihiro caught you looking worried and responded quickly. "Just programming stuff!"


I thought this would be a cute little story since I rarely ever see any Chihiro One Shots on here! I absolutely adore Chihiro and I loved writing this! Thanks for reading! c:

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