《Rebellious Spouse {T.K}》Chapter - 25


Taehyung gulped down the lump in his throat and inhaled a deep breath before twisting the knob of their shared bedroom. To say he was really nervous would be an understatement. He knows jungkook must be fuming at the moment, which is reasonable.

His sad almond orbs fell on his baby who was pacing back and forth in front of the bed with a deep frown on his ethereal face. Clearly the younger was trying to calm himself down.

Taehyung quietly placed the tray on their bed and stood behind jungkook's now stilled frame.

"Koo", he called timidly just to be ignored.

"Baby......", taehyung called again but jungkook didn't reply which made him sigh.

"I am sorry, koo", taehyung said with immense guilt lacing his voice. Jungkook shut his eyes close at the vulnerable tone he hated the most.

"Will you stop apologizing for anything and everything when the fault was not even yours", jungkook snapped as he turned around in anger.

"It is my fault.. You are upset and my family is the reason behind it...and..and i can't even do anything about it", taehyung said in guilt as he lowered his head. The action made jungkook's heart melt but at the same time clench in pain.

Jungkook knows his baby is too soft to not stand up for him as well as for himself. It's nothing new because from beginning taehyung cleared everything how he and his family is. Jungkook understands taehyung can't just change his whole persona over night, the least he can do is try, which he is doing. Taehyung never asked anything from his parents but he did for jungkook, even took the courage to talk about modeling.

It wasn't taehyung's fault that he belongs from such narrow minded family and brought up to be the ideal obedient son.

"Why are you like this, taehyungie? I know you are soft hearted and hates arguments but this world is too cruel for your innocent self. People will crush you even more baby", jungkook cupped the older's face as he explained softly.

"Tell me baby, was it wrong for me to stand up for myself? What did I even do wrong? All I wanted was to work. You do know it's not about money but to be independent. If your own sister can work then why can't I?", jungkook questioned.

"You did nothing wrong, love. I understand your point and also understand my parents are being irrational. But what can I do, koo? I tried to convince them. And if I do it again then it will only end just like today and you know I can't even talk back, even if I am right", taehyung said dejectedly.


He was the one suffering the most. He was crushed between his love and his family. He knows jungkook is right but he can never talk back to his parents because that's not how his personality is. He was taught to respect his elders at any cost because they are always right as they have more experience and taehyung believed in those teachings untill jungkook came to his world and showed a different meaning of life which made more sense.

Jungkook sighed deeply. He knows taehyung can't do anything and he really doesn't want to force his desires on taehyung and make his life more miserable than it already is. Jungkook is taehyung's only solace and he didn't want to ruin the older's only source of peace.

"Alright.. Let's just drop the topic", jungkook said as he hugged his baby dearly which made taehyung to curl his arms around the others small waist as he nuzzled into the neck like an infant seeking for comfort.

"But I hated how your mom talked to me. No one talked to me in that tone ever", jungkook pulled back with a roll of his eyes and sat on the bed to have his lunch. Well he was never the one to take his anger on food.

"I know they can be authoritative.. Don't mind her, love.", taehyung sighed yet again and sat beside him just to be fed by his love.

"Just to let you know, my foul mouth will never shut up if that continues, my patience to pretend like the good son-in-law is running short", jungkook shrugged, eating the food himself as well.

"Koo-", taehyung started but jungkook cut him off with a peck on his lips.

"Shh.. I understand if you can't stand up for yourself but don't stop me to do so as well because Jeon..opps...kim Jungkook doesn't take anyone's shit", jungkook said sternly before holding the chopstick near taehyung's mouth with a bite of food.

Both stared at each other for few seconds before taehyung took the bite, "Fine", taehyung just sighed shaking his head because he knows, it's useless to stop jungkook from doing something which is his personality.

"Good boy", jungkook playfully said which earned him a bite on his cheeks as both giggled and had their remaining food.


The following days after the chaos was cold and silent. Yejin didn't talk with jungkook more than necessary, well not like jungkook initiated any conversation either. He would just reply to the questions he was asked that's all.

They were giving each other cold shoulders, other than that everything was the usual. Thankfully somin didn't pull up any stunt in these days or else jungkook would have thrown his hands for sure.


It was afternoon and yejin was watching random shows while munching on fruits, somin was beside her scrolling through her phone and jungkook was as usual in his room doing his own thing.

Both of the ladies flinched when suddenly hyunbin slammed a magazine on the table with anger clearly visible on his face.

"What the hell is this?", his voice roared startling the other workers as well who were cleaning the house. They immediately left giving privacy to the family.

"What happened?", yejin asked gulping the fruit abruptly and stood up. She was nervous as to why the older male was angry out of the blue.

Where as somin took the magazine and soon her eyes widen in utter shock. But internally she smirked.

"How can he do this reckless act? He didn't even care about our reputation before doing such a shameless act like modelling? What will people think about our family? In no time media will be knocking at my door and rival will take advantage of this act to degrade us", yelled hyunbin out of rage.

"Calm down honey, too much stress is not good for your health", yejin tried to calm the older male down but it was all in vain.

"Suzy", hyunbin yelled for the lady who ran towards the living room trembling in nervousness. Not everyday the head of the family loose his temper. Hyunbin is strict but is always calm usually.

In few seconds jungkook was downstairs with a frown of confusion on his face.

"Did you ask for me dad?", he politely asked as like usual.

"What is this jungkook?", hyunnin pointed at the magazine which was now laying on the table. He could see his photo in the cover paga.

"Magazine?", he more like questioned his answer in a monotonous tone. The fact that he doesn't give a fuck ignited hyunbin and yejin's anger more.

"How could you do this jungkook? We denied for you to work and you went for the shameless job like modeling?", yejin accused, but the words made jungkook frown.

"Wait shameless job? Since when modeling became a shameless job? Yeah I agree they might have to wear whatever the designer or brand want but it's far from being shameless. Plus let's not judge a profession like that", jungkook's voice was monotonous yet confident.

"First you did this act without our permission and now other than being guilty you are talking back? Didn't your parents teach a little manners to you, jungkook? How can you be so shameless?", yejin mocked and the mentioned of parents triggered the bitchy side of the younger.

"First of all I did this shoot before our wedding. Secondly, Modelling is NOT something to be ashamed about and thirdly, do not bring my parents.ever.again", each word that left from his mouth was deeper than usual clearly warning them not to provoke him any more.

"I can't believe this. You have the audacity to talk with us in that tone. Not even our elder son ever dared to talk with us like that... There is a limit to everything.. Somin call taehyung and ask him to return back home right this instant. He should also know how his husband is behaving with us", yejin was clearly too furious and hyunbin was really taken aback for the second time seeing jungkook's daring side. He never knew jungkook could rebel like that.

"No need I am calling my husband.. Let him know how his PARENTS are behaving with his husband", jungkook mocked with a roll of his eyes, he was so done with all these pretending to be the ideal son-in-law, because clearly he can never be one specially with a narrow minded people like this.

Somin gasped at the remark and the older couple was dumbfounded. They were at loss of words because clearly they didn't expect such feed back from the younger.

Jungkook dialed taehyung's number who picked it up almost immediately.

"Hey love", taehyung chirped like always.

"Taehyungie", and the way jungkook muttered his name was enough for taehyung to guess something was off.

"What happened, love?", he asked with worry lacing his voice. Jungkook's heart swelled with pride but he held himself from cooing because the situation was not suitable.

"Your parents is asking you to come back home right now because apparently they think modeling is a shameless act and I am a shameless human for actually doing that as my parents didn't teach me any manners", jungkook said nonchalantly as if he didn't just mocked the older couple right in front of them to their own son.

"I will be there soon", that's all taehyung said before hanging up.

"He said he will be here soon", jungkook casually repeated the other's word before sitting on the couch with the magazine.

"Woah these came out really well", he mumbled to himself completely ignoring the glares that were directing to him.

"Oh mom, dad don't stand, it will take atleast half an hour for your son to arrive.. Sit and relax untill then", he literally smiled at them before turning his gaze at the magazine.

At that moment, a flabbergasted somin understood Jungkook was not someone to be mess around with.


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