《Rebellious Spouse {T.K}》Chapter - 22


It was sunday morning and everyone was having breakfast, jungkook still don't come down stairs earlier than his own preferred time. No matter what somin or yejin said, he always has one or the other excuse which would make yejin agree to him.

No one can make him do what he doesn't want to. May be now his antics are soft and pretending but still he knows how to have it in his own way.

Taehyung and jungkook decided to have a movie marathon in their room with little jungmin and rest, not wanting to go out.

"Kookie.. Pway flogen(frozen) ", little jungmin pouted adorably and jungkook rolled his eyes playfully and taehyung groaned loudly but it only made the smaller boy giggle at the other two's misery.

"Jungoo we have seen that movie for like trillions of time", jungkook whined poutine at the smaller boy imitating his actions.

"Nuu.. Pwease", the boy didn't back off and pouted even more now making his doe eyes bigger.

"Aish! We are weak for those eyes and this brat knows that really well", taehyung whined this time rolling on his stomach dramatically making the other two laugh and jungkook slapped his butt earning more groans.

Jungmin saw this as an opportunity and started jumping on taehyung's back making the poor male wince extra loudly everytime to make the little one laugh more.

Jungkook laughed at the duo and finally played the movie anyway.

"Alright the movie is starting", jungkook announced.

"Yesh yesh", jungmin finally got down from taehyung's back and now started jumping on the bed.

Taehyung sat up properly leaning against the headboard. Jungkook placed himself in between taehyung's legs and leaned on his chest before taking jungmin on his lap. The trio happily cuddled up to each other to watch the movie.

Jungmin was too into his favourite movie while sipping on his mango juice that he didn't notice what his unkies were doing behind his back.

Half way through the movie, taehyung's palm found it's way towards jungkook's right boob who wasn't startled or surprised at all. He was used to taehyung playing with his breast whenever they are cuddling, watching movies or series.

Jungkook knew from the beginning his baby was more of a boobs loving man.

Taehyung often whine during their intimacy because he wants to taste the sweet milk. They often laugh it off but deep down jungkook knows how much taehyung wants him to get pregnant with their baby but they were willing to wait for the right time.

Taehyung started squeezing his favorite organ like a stress ball, initially jungkook didn't mind it but it was getting tough for him to hold back his moans when taehyung squeeze both together and started sucking on his milky neck.


"Baby.. Jungoo will notice this", jungkook whispered as he threw his head on taehyung's shoulder biting his bottom lip while his palm were placed above taehyung's feeling him how he was playing with his breasts.

"He is too much into the movie", taehyung whispered against his ear now rolling the clothed perky nipple in his fingers.

"You know this will lead to, us fucking and now is not the time", jungkook whispered kissing taehyung's cheeks how pouted at the younger, his hands doing it's works on it's own.

"But I want to such your boobs", he said, more like whined like a baby he is which made jungkook giggle.

"You can always have me later.. We both don't want to ruin jungoo innocence now, do we?", jungkook laughed seeing taehyung's pout increasing.

"Stwop thwalking", jungmin whined because he was getting disturbed in between his movie.

Jungkook squeezed the little boy in his arms as he and taehyung laughed at the whines and later taehyung squeeze both of them in his strong protective arms which led them to giggle and play around forgetting about the movie.

Jungkook didn't bother to help for lunch today because he was feeling too lazy.

"Come baby let's get your books and do your home work", jungkook said making grabby hands to jungmin.

"Nuu.. Lather(later)", the boy whined.

"Alright let's get your drawing stuffs what's say?", Well jungkook just wanted an excuse to stay in his room. Taehyung shook his head at his husband's antics because he knew very well.

Soon a maid came to call for him but he pretended to teach jungmin which was partly true, so yejin let him be because the little one needed attention for his studies as well.

Little did she know, jungkook was teaching jungmin how to draw as the little one was interested in arts just like him. While taehyung was doing his pending works.

It was lunch time.

Jongin and Hyunbin wasn't home as they went to attain an event. The rest was eating silently other than jungmin's whines here and there but it was broken when taehyung started coughing aggressively.

Jungkook was startled and scared to death seeing his baby coughing like that with his face bright red.

"Oh Taehyungie what happened", jungkook panicked rubbing his back and chest hurriedly.

"Give him some water", yejin said going behind taehyung as she started rubbing his back while jungkook made him drink some water. The coughing was reduced after some time but his face was still red and sweaty.

Jungkook wiped his face with a tissue with a worried frown.

"Are you okay?", he asked softly rubbing his chest now at which he nodded.


"Did you chock, tae? Be careful son", yejin said sighing.

Taehyung just pushed a particular bowl without saying anything and jungkook noticed it and understood the situation. Grabbing the chop stick he took a bite from the particular bowl where kimchi was served.

"Who gave him this?", jungkook's rage filled voice roared, now his face was red due to anger. He stood up from his seat.

"W-what?", yejin asked, it would be a lie if she deny to feel the shivers at jungkook's intimidating aura.

"Koo, it's fine", taehyung tried to stop jungkook but, oh boy he knows no one can stop jungkook because it was about taehyung's health.

"This kimchi.. It's so spicy. He can't bare spicy food mom then who gave him this", jungkook asked angrily.

"Jungkook relax may be it was a mistake", taeri spoke.

"Mistake you say noona? This mistake can cause to more serious consequences if taehyungie somehow chocked on it. He just took a bite and see his condition", jungkook didn't hold back and taeri sighed because he has logic. Taehyung could have been effected more.

"He is right", mingyu agreed with jungkook.

"Jungkook calm down, I am fine..", taehyung said holding his wrist.

"So what you are fine. I have to make sure this mistake doesn't repeat", jungkook retorted.

"Who even brought this spicy kimchi home? There are so many varieties why the spiciest one?", jungkook asked frowning to yejin.

"Somin.. Did you write this brand on the list?", yejin asked to silent somin, sternly.

"Yes", she said gulping down her nervousness because jungkook was too intimidating at the moment and taehyung's condition really scared her. She do have a negative mentality and doesn't care about taehyung but still she isn't a heartless devil who would hurt anyone physically without a second thought.

"What? Why would you?", yejin raised her voice because it's not unknown to anyone about taehyung's awful spice tolerance.

"It's really amusing that you are living in this house for 5 years and I just came few months ago and I know which food can effect my husband, huh?", jungkook mocked with a bitter chuckle.

"Don't try to pretend you know everything. I know enough you understand.. My husband love this brand that's why I asked them to bring it", somin was quick to fight back because she would never back down verbally.

"Really.. That's why every other week you forget to write strawberry syrups, isn't it? And I never saw hyung-nim eating kimchi in the first place", jungkook spat making the other a little too embarrassed because clearly jungkook might not cook and help in the kitchen but he noticed everyone's food habits not just taehyung's.

"And even if you bought this.. Why not eating it yourself and be careful enough to not serve it to someone who can't tolerate spice", jungkook added giving more logic to his argument.

Yejin sighed because clearly this argument is never ending. Jungkook would never back out as it was about his husband and knowing somin she won't too.

"Alright enough you two.. Somin from next time this brand should not come to this house, you get it.. And jungkook.. Try and serve your husband on your own to ignore consequences like this", yejin said in finality.

"Fine I will", jungkook said staring dead at somin who was glaring back at him.

"Mom no one need to serve for me.. I can take it myself", taehyung said softly but yejin's hard stare was enough for him to shut his mouth and jungkook just sighed at his husband seeing that.

"Now finish your meals", yejin said before sitting down.

Jungkook really lost his appetite which taehyung noticed and squeezed his thighs. The younger up at him who smiled assuring his own well being. Jungkook smiled back and placed his hand on taehyung's as they had their remaining food.

Day by day things were getting more nasty with somin. Jungkook doesn't really care about his relationship with her but who actually wants to argue one day or the other. It just ruins his mood for the rest of the day and he hates that. Also Yejin scold both of them no matter who started it and jungkook was so close to loose his shit and snap at the older lady but everytime somehow hold himself back.

Everytime he argues with somin his mood gets sour and he hates even looking at her face let alone being around her and living under the same roof wasn't helping him at all.

Taehyung always make sure to cheer him up and jungkook couldn't help but to feel bad because taehyung comes back after working so hard and then puts effort to make him happy ignoring his tired self.

Jungkook tries though, to hide his bitterness but he can never hide his emotions from taehyung who knows him too much for his own good. Also the older gets upset if jungkook hides anything from him and vice versa, thus they share everything as they were each other's safe place.


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