《True Love [BxB] (Unedited)》Chapter 26


Jungkook POV

I smiled for some odd reason as I felt myself laying on my stomach, my face pressed against the sheets as I woke up from what felt like an eternity of sleep. I honestly could not remember when was the last time I had slept that well.

Oh yes, it was when I had slept in his arms.

My smile growing wider, I slowly opened my eyes and frowned when I was met with the sight of emptiness at the space next to mine. I sat up, as slowly as I possibly could with the pain in my lower back and looked around the room where, sure enough, he was no where to be found. I narrowed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair.

I rubbed my eyes a bit, trying to get rid of the sleep that still seemed to weigh my eyes down, and got out of bed. I looked around for my clothes, finding it after a few long minutes, scattered about and dressed. I walked down the stairs hearing absolute quietness in the house and I didn't need to be some psychic to know he wasn't in the house and if he wasn't..

Then where the fuck was he?

I walked down the stairs and into the living room where I sat down on the sofa, trying to get my thoughts in order. I thought back to the events of last night and frowned. He hadn't indicated to anything being wrong so why did he just up and leave without saying anything or even leaving a damn note.

Was it something that I had said or done?

My thought process was interrupted when I heard the front door opening. I looked up and saw him walking through the front door while he hummed to some song, carrying a few bags with him. I narrowed my eyes as he closed the door, only for him to gasp out loud when he saw.

"Jesus christ. What are you doing sitting there like that?" He asked as he chuckled and shook his head.

"Anyways, I got breakfast. Are you hungry?" He asked as he walked to the kitchen and continued humming.

I got up and followed him to the kitchen. I stood by the doorway and watched as he unpacked everything in such a normal way. He took out the fruit and the breakfast he was probably talking about which consisted of eggs, bacon and what looked like croissants and laid them out on the table.


"Do you mind cutting these up?" He asked as he held the fruit out to me with a knife, to which I took and sat down at the table.

I began cutting them in no particular shape and order since I had never done this before. I stopped mid way and looked up at him as he laid everything in plates while he hummed and I looked down, setting the knife down on the table.

"I thought you left." I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear and stop what he was doing.

I felt him come around and stand behind me where he wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his forehead against my shoulder. He lifted his head and pressed a kiss against the side of my neck and whispered..

"I'll never leave. No matter what happens, I'll always be here. Right by your side. I promise you that." He said as he turned the chair around I was facing him.

He placed his hands on the sides of my face and pressed his forehead against mine for a few seconds before he pulled away and pressed a kiss against it.

"I love you Jungkook. I really do, and I won't lie when I say I found you fucking obnoxious when we first met." He said making me chuckle as he looked into my eyes and ran his thumbs across my cheeks.

"But the more I got to know you, the more I saw how much you were hiding. Hiding behind this mask you showed everyone. I could see how scared you were. Scared that people would leave you and hate you so you made them leave and you before they did on their own. You're so terrified of people leaving you because that's all they've ever done to you. Your mother, your father, even though Jimin had his reasons, he still left you too." He said and wiped his thumbs across my cheeks to wipe away the tears that had now been flowing out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

"But I want you to know that I'll never leave you. To me, you aren't the monster they made you out you to be. To me, you're everything that's good. You're my light that shows me the right path." He said as he pressed his forehead against mine.


"If I had to say some sappy bullshit right about now, I'd even go as far as saying you're the yin to my yang" he said making us both chuckle as I reached up to wipe a slight trail of tears that had flowed out of his eye.

"I love you too Taehyung. Much more than you'll ever know." I said and reached up to pull him down so I could plant my lips against his.

I ran my hands through his hair and gripped it as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and took over it, which I let him because in all honesty, I was damn tired of taking control of everything and for once in my life I wanted someone else to lead me and take control of me, and there was no one else I trusted more to do that than Taehyung.

I felt him lift me up and set me on the counter where he stood in between my legs. I wasted no time in taking the hem of his shirt and lifting it over his head and removing my pants. I moved next to fumble with the zipper of his pants and let out a sigh of statistician when they finally dropped to the ground to reveal he had gone commando. I smirked and raised an eyebrow at him to which he flushed.

"I was in a hurry this morning okay." I smirked and connected our mouths once more as he pushed me down against the counter and got on top of me, not once taking his mouth off mine.

I laid back and spread my legs apart, allowing him entry when he suddenly broke away from me and looked down at me with that flushed expression of his that made him all the more appealing.

"I uhh. Do you want me to umm. Last night I didn't ask you and just sort of um, if you want to that's totally fine I mean whatever you're comfortable with if-"

Gosh he was too cute.

I cut his rambling off and connected our mouths once more as I wedged my hand between us, finding his leaking member and guided it to the place where I desperately wanted to feel him once more.

I threw my head back against the counter top when he pushed himself all the way inside me, gripping my hip in grip that would definitely result in bruising, not that I even minded.

I didn't even wait for him to be fully inside me when I bucked my hips making him gasp. I pulled him down and kissed him as I moved to his harsh thrusts and moaned against his mouth as he rammed into me.

An hour later, we both laid on the living room floor, how we had even gotten there I don't even know, completely exhausted and bare, breathing unevenly after a few too many rounds. I chuckled and rolled myself over so I was laying across his chest. I looked up and ran my hand through his blue hair and placed a kiss against his chest.

"I am definitely starving now." I said making him laugh out loud and shake his head.

"Good thing I got half of the store." He replied and turned to look down at me, smiling at me as he traced his finger over my bottom lip.

"I really love you so damn much." He whispered making me smile at him.

I shifted myself so I was on top of him now and rested my chin against his chest, looking into his eyes.

"I love you too." I replied as I leaned in and placed a kiss against his lips, feeling something particularly hard rub against my stomach.

I smirked and looked at him with what I would proudly call, an evil grin, knowing what I wanted he sighed and connected our lips in a hungry and desperate kiss..

I guess that food will have to wait a little longer...

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