《True Love [BxB] (Unedited)》Chapter 17


Jungkook POV


It was something that I was used to. Something that surrounded me everyday. Something that I didn't even think twice about..

And yet..

When I saw the toll it took on Taehyung, it was like something I had never seen before. I couldn't understand, no matter how hard I tried, how he could shed tears for someone that hurt him. How he could waste his precious feelings on the woman who had made him feel less like a human being. If it was me, I would have ended her a long time ago.. but that was just it..

Taehyung was not like me..

He was pure and innocent. He was everything that was good in this world. Sometimes, I didn't even think he was real, because no human being was that perfect.

When I thought about him, it made me realize what a terrible person I was. How I did not even deserve to look at someone so perfect and beautiful.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked as we sat in the car outside his house.He looked at it then at the vase that was on his lap and sighed.

Apparently his mother had wanted to be cremated immediately and her ashes spread out among the mountains that surrounded their house.

I watched as he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. I wanted to give him the space he needed and yet at the same time, I didn't want him to go through this alone. I wanted to be there for him and I didn't even know why.

I stood against the car and leaned my back against it as he walked along the pathway. For some reason, he looked as though he was holding that vase with all of his life. He looked down at it then at the open land in front of him.


I couldn't see the expression on his face since his back faced me, but somehow for some reason I could feel the despair emanating from him as he stood there in front of me.

Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself walking towards him. I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind and felt him stiffen in my grip before he relaxed. I pressed a gentle kiss against the side of his neck, just below his ear, and whispered..

"You can do this. Let go."

I felt him tremble a bit and tighten his hold on the vase. I moved my hand and took his in mine. I led our hands and helped him unscrew the lid. I watched as his shaky fingers moved with mine as lid came off. I placed my hands over his and lifted the vase up. I heard him let out a sigh as he let the ashes free.

I watched as the tears rolled down his face as we watched his mother's ashes flow through the wind and over the valley that surrounded their house.

"You're free now."

I could feel him shaking as I held his body against mine. I didn't need to see the pain in his eyes to know he was hurting because I could practically feel the pain coming off him.

"She hated me till the end." He said as he choked on his sobs.

"She didn't hate you. She just didn't understand you." I replied as I turned him around and made him face me.

I placed my hands on the sides of his face and wiped away his tears with my thumbs. I brought his face closer to mine and pressed my forehead against his.

"You're an amazing, kind and beautiful person. You see good in others even when there isn't any good to see. You see the beauty and bright side in everything. Taehyung, to me, you're the most extraordinary person I have ever met. Don't let anyone ever make you think otherwise." I said as I withdrew my forehead and looked into his eyes.


I slowly leaned my head in towards him and watched as he stood absolutely still and kept his eyes on me, almost as if he was waiting for me to move first. I leaned closer to him and gently pressed my lips against his. I could taste the salt on his lips from the tears he had shed.

I moved my hands and ran my fingers through his hair and gently gripped it as I pressed his face against mine. I could feel his reluctance to let go and feel what he really wanted to feel and while a part of me didn't want to push him, the other part of me really just wanted him to feel something beyond the pain he was feeling now.

"Kiss me" I whispered against his lips and felt him grip the front of my shirt.

He tightened his grip on my shirt as he finally gave me the access I had been seeking since the moment I laid my eyes on him.

I slid my tongue into his mouth and ran it over his as I felt him melt against me. I pulled his body against mine and deepened our kiss, feeling this wave of contentment as he kissed me back. He released his grip on my shirt and ran his fingers through my hair and towards the back of my head. He placed his hand on the back of my neck as he moved his mouth against mine and I broke away from him when it felt like I couldn't breathe anymore.

But that was just it.

He made me feel breathless. Completely light headed. Like I was on some type of high.

"I don't know what I would have done without you." He said as he closed his eyes and held his forehead against mine.

"You would've gotten through it just fine because that's just who you are." I replied and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips once more.

"Thank you" He whispered as he looked into my eyes.

I honestly could not put into words the amount of emotions I felt in that moment, even if I tried. It was like I could feel every fiber of my very being. Each spot that he touched felt like it was on fire. It was honestly like nothing I have ever felt before.

It was something that went far beyond anything that I had ever experienced or even knew. It was something so completely foreign to me and yet, I found myself wanting to explore that feeling with him but...

Did he want that as well?

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