《True Love [BxB] (Unedited)》Chapter 5


Taehyung POV

"I'm not sure I understand you sir." I said as I sat next to him in the back seat, still not comprehending what he had said.

"It's quite simple really. I want to hire you." He said as he crossed his hands and smiled at me like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"I get that part. You want me to follow your son everywhere he goes. Like a bodyguard?" I asked and raised my eyebrow at him.

"Precisely. Though I want you to be more than just his bodyguard. I want to you to observe who interacts with. Who his enemies and allies are. Basically, I want you to be his right hand man" he said as sighed.

"In case you haven't noticed. I'm a twenty one year old university student. I'm hardly bodyguard material or right hand man or whatever you want to call it." I replied to which he smiled at me almost as if he knew something I did not.

"I have been watching you for quite some time. Longer than you think and you might not believe it now, but you are the perfect person my son needs right now." He said.

"But" he added and suddenly all the friendliness he previously portrayed vanished in an instant and was replaced with the scariest look I had ever seen.

"When it comes to my son, there is a line I never want you to cross and should you, I will not hesitate to wipe you out." He said making me gulp at his straightforwardness.

"You wouldn't have to work as hard as you do now. You will be payed a fair amount for your time and service of course." He said as he handed me the contract.

I took it from his grip and looked through it, choking on more than just my saliva when I saw the amount he was going to pay me should I agree.

I could buy a whole fucking country with that!

I looked up at him wide eyed then back at the paper, still not believing what I was seeing when he chuckled and handed me his business card.

"I look forward to hearing from you Mr.Kim" he said as the driver came around to open my door and let me out.

"Read over the contract and let me know what you've decided within the next twenty four hours." He said before the door closed, ending our conversation.

I looked ahead as the car drove off, my heart pounding in my chest at the news I had received. I looked down at my watch and cursed out loud when I realized that I had missed two hours of work.

I shoved the contract into my backpack and ran down the street, not even bothering to wait for the bus. I ran as fast as I could until I saw the fast food outlet's sign that I usually worked on weekends at. I took a deep breath, readying myself for the bullshit I was about to get for being late and walked in.


I was immediately hit with the smell of oil and fried foods as I quickly made my way to the back, trying my best not to get noticed which all seemed futile when I heard the obnoxious voice of the man I called my boss, screaming at me from his office.

"KIM! Get in here right now!"

I sighed and turned in the direction of his office and walked in. I lowered my head since he hated it when people looked him in the face and I wasn't exactly sure if it was because he demanded that people respected him or it was because he looked like someone had threw him up.

"You're late." He said as though it was the most obvious thing.

"I know. I'm sorry sir." I said and looked down.

The apology tasted so bitter on my tongue, mainly because I'd rather bang my head repeatedly against the wall then apologize to this bastard, but I knew where that attitude was going to land me. I had learnt that lesson when I went home with a quarter of my salary.

"I'm cutting your pay." He said making me widen my eyes and shoot my head up, instantly regretting it when I saw his ugly face .

"Sir, you can't do that. I already earn so l-"

"I can and I did, now get out of my face before I cut half off" he said and scoffed as he took a bite out of his burger.

I clenched my fists and stomped out of his office towards my work station. I muttered curse after curse at him as I cut up the vegetables, imagining they were his face.

"Woah. What'd the veggies do to you?" My friend Jae asked as he laughed and fried the meat while I shook my head.

"Nothing. It's dumb asshole that we work for that pisses me off." I replied as I emptied the contents of the chopping board into the colander and rinsed the veggies out.

"Tell me about it. No wonder he's able to keep this place running. He keeps cutting our salaries" Jae said as he handed the cooked meat to another worker who assembled the orders.

"I just wish I didn't have to this shit anymore" I said as I continued chopping up more vegetables.

" You wouldn't have to work as hard as you do now"

I stopped chopping for a few seconds as I remembered his words and bit my bottom lip as I thought about it.

"What are you doing? Do you want to get fired next?" Jae asked as he nudged me to continue working.

I went on with my work, thinking about the encounter I had just prior, and just like that, the entire day had passed and before I knew it, I was helping Jae clean up the shop after a long day's work.


"Were we extra busy today or was it all in my head?" I asked as I washed the last of the dishes while Jae mopped the floor.

"Well, whenever Tae is in we're extra busy. Do you really think people will come this far just to eat raemen? Come on" he said as he laughed and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

I shook and head and continued to clean up which took another few minutes before we locked up and walked to the bus station together.

"So what do you plan on doing after you graduate?" He asked as he drank his soda.

"Not really sure if I'm going to graduate" I shrugged and kicked a stone watching him widen his eyes at me.

"Why not?"

"Things are really tight at home now and I'm drowning in debt. I can't afford to pay the bills and university. Plus the doctor has my mother on this new pills that costs twice as much as the pervious ones and honestly Jae, I don't know what to do anymore. Everything's just too much." I said without even thinking.

"Hey hey, it's okay." He said as he pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back until I calmed down a bit.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay? Do you want to come to my place?" He asked as he rubbed my shoulders.

I shook my head and smiled at him as I wiped my nose with the sleeve of my shirt, feeling stupid for breaking down in front of him.

"I'll be fine. I think I just need some sleep is all." I said and watched him nod as the bus pulled up.

"Well, call if you want to talk okay. Don't carry it all by yourself" he said as he waved at me while I climbed onto the bus and turned to face him before the doors could close.

"I will." I replied and smiled at him as I walked to take my seat.

I leaned my head back against the seat and sighed as the bus drove off. I plugged in my earphones and hummed to the song I was listening to as I closed my eyes. I tried not to fall asleep, knowing if I did so, I would definitely miss my stop.

Not that I was excited about going home, if anything, I was dreading it actually. I just wanted to avoid the headache of having to find my way back, in the event of missing my stop.

I sighed once more when I saw my street coming into view. I got up and walked to the front, thanking the driver as I got off and walked towards my house.

I unlocked the door and walked inside, immediately being hit the with pungent smell of alcohol and vomit. I walked further in, and saw my mother passed out drunk in a pool of her own vomit.

I shook my head and set my things down on the lounge table. I rolled my sleeves up and went about cleaning the mess she had made.

I cleaned up the bottles and trash as well as the vomit and carried her upstairs to her room where I wiped her with a warm cloth and tucked her in.

I knew that any sensible person would never do this to the woman who physically and mentally abused me for years. But she was still my mother.

I rubbed the back of my hand against my forehead and let out a breath of relief as I made my way to my room where I laid down on my bed, too exhausted to even eat and shower.

I turned my head, my gaze falling on all the envelopes on my desk, making it feel like a brick wall was suddenly placed on top of me.

Bills,bills, bills and more bills.

Somehow, today, for some reason, felt like everything was too much. I had no idea how I was going to cope with everything and even contemplated on dropping out of university and getting a full time job. But who would hire someone like me with no qualifications? Working at a fast food joint and coffee shops weren't going to make end meet anymore. I needed a real job.

A job?

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at my backpack that I had placed on my desk chair. I bit my bottom lip thinking about what I was going to do.

I got off my bed and walked towards the bag, taking out the contract and the card, and walked back to my bed.

I placed the contract in front of me on the bed and stared at for what felt like hours. Weighing my options and thinking it through.

There seemed to be only one way out of this now.

I ran a hand through my hair and bit the inside of my cheek as I dialed the number and listened to it ring a few times before someone picked up with a chuckle.

"I didn't expect to hear from you so soon Mr. Kim" he said and I could imagine the smirk he had on his face right now.

I swallowed every ounce pride and dignity I had and let out a sigh as I uttered..

"I'll take the job"

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