《Promise I can change your mind GxG》22
"Ooooooo ahhhh y-damn Tiana!" I moaned with brownie in my mouth. It was still the same bite from when she started.
I watched her tongue stroke up and down my pussy.
"Mmm you taste so good" she flirted looking up at me.
Her eye contact was bringing me so close.
"Fuuuccckkk" I moaned closing my eyes.
I felt her tongue swirling on me.
"Oh my- yessss" I felt myself release
When she pulled her head back the cum on her chin dropped down her chest.
I couldn't help but giggle. She smirked "damn you made a mess."
Oddly enough when I told her I wanted to switch and return the favor she told me no.
" are you sure you don't want anything" I flirted as we cuddled in her bed that night.
"Kya I'm good, I wanted to fuck yo fine ass and I got what u wanted" she flirted.
I don't get it she's been hella sexual all day.. honestly i was excited to finally mess with a girl who would let me play.
I ended up day dreaming about eating her pussy. I bet it taste so good and she gets so damn wet. I wonder if Jaylen gets that wet. Oh shit. No Kya no, we are NOT thinking about Jaylen that way.
"Have a good day cutie" Tiana flirted when she dropped me off for school. "Maybe me, you, and Bri can go out for smoothies or something when you get out..."
It's so sweet that she's been trying to introduce herself I can tell she really wants to know me and my family and friends.
"Mmm maybe, I have to see what she's doing.. she might be busy and just drive me home."
She pouted "damn I forgot you had to go home today."
"Yea I'm sorry" I closed the door.
"Hey.. if you get lonely or decide you don't want to be there hit me up." She said through the rolled down window.
I smiled she so fucking sweet... and fine as fuck.
She noticed the way I was looking at her and smiled.
"Come here"
"Tiana I'm gonna be late" I smiled really wanting to go.
"Come hereee" she whined
I came over to her window.
"Were you really gonna leave without a proper goodbye?"
I blushed a little bit smiled before leaning in and kissing her.
I had to keep it simple because it would be so easy to get lost in those big soft lips.
"Alright, I have to go for real."
"Okay okay" she smiled. As soon as I walked past her window she smacked my butt then Rolled it up and back out.
"So that's Tiana?" I jumped hard as fuck I didn't even know Bri was out there.
"Yeah" I blushed as she followed behind me into the building.
"Fuck I was hoping she was just ugly with a nice body"
I couldn't help but laugh. "I really don't get your obsession with me and Jaylen. I'm starting to think you're trying to live through me."
She blushed hard. "Wha- really Kya.. no! I'm straight. I don't know I just think you two would make such a good couple" her words scrambled.
I smirked raising an eyebrow.
She glared at me "stop it!"
"I'm just saying you've NEVER pushed me the hard to be with a guy.. or anybody else matter of fact."
"Whatever Kya, don't you think if I wanted her I'd try to get her? Instead of trying to push her on you?"
"I'm just saying" I sung under my breath.
She rolled her eyes. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me Tiana is a whole damn model?"
I giggled "she isn't. She does music.. but she's fine as fuck isn't she?"
"I have to admit, you pulled a bad bitch."
Honestly school was boring as fuck. I was so ready to go. I finished my assigned 3 hours early and there was barely any client.
I was scrolling on Instagram when my phone started ringing.
Hmmm unknown caller... that's weird.
I picked up.
"Jaylen?" I asked confused as fuck.
"Oh.. yea sorry, it's a new phone. I got in an fight with Mean last night and my old phone broke"
I sighed. There they go again.
"That's not what I called for though. I called because I want to apologize.."
"Okay..." I said after a few seconds of waiting.
"In person.. I mean, you don't have to let me, but I really want a chance to sit down and talk. I don't feel like it would be right to do this over the phone.
"Jaylen -"
"I know, I fucked up Kya.. you probably don't want shit to do with me but just let me apologize and if you still not feeling it then.. I guess I'll leave you alone. It'll hurt me, I don't want to lose you as a friend but I'll respect that."
"Okay okay okay fine Jaylen! You can pick me up"
"Thank you" I could hear her smile through the phone. Honestly it made me smile a little but I shook it off. No Kya, your mad at her.
For the rest of my day at school I could not stop thinking about her, trust me I was trying. I know, I probably had the dumbest look on my face.
As it got closer to time to leave Tiana messaged me.
Tiana:Am I finally meeting the infamous Bri today?"
Kya: No not today sorry she's not feeling good so she's just going to take me home
Tiana: 🥺 aww man. I was excited
Kya: I know, I'm sorry.
I don't Know why I didn't tell her the truth there's nothing wrong with meeting up with Jaylen to hear her apology but something told me not to tell her.
I packed my stuff to head out, Bri gave me a dirty look I'm sure she expected me to go talk to Tiana if anything, I really can't tell her what I'm doing. Why so she can breathe down my neck about it?
I walked up to Jaylen's car, before I could reach for the handle she pushed the door open for me.
"Hey beautiful" she smiled. Fuck I almost melted.
I will never understand how her voice can be so strong but soft at the same time and her smile could be so sexy but innocent. Damn I forgot how good she looks.
Her smile got bigger.
" so you gonna get in or what?"
I blushed, Duh Kya you gotta get in the car for us to drive away.
"Where are going?" I asked buckling my seatbelt.
"Imma take you to one of my favorite places.. honestly I should've been took you there"
"And why is that?"
" because I like seeing beautiful people surrounded by beautiful things"
I glared at her. " remember I'm still mad at you I'm giving you a chance to make it up don't ruin it."
She Laughed "I won't I promise damn, relax a little.. please. If it makes you feel better I won't even drink that way I won't say no stupid shit. Not like I can say anything stupider then my sister did"
I closed my eyes.
"Can we ... please not talk about mean." I said partially cutting her off.
" OK, you don't wanna talk about her, fuck her, I won't bring her up at all no more tonight"
I glanced out the window I didn't realize it was gonna be so awkward.
"so what you been up to other than ignoring the fuck out of me" she chuckled.
I gasped "Wha- I have not! I had a lot going on.."
"Mhmmm, and what's that? Everything been going good with you?"
"Yes... what about you?"
"I've been fine. Same old shit."
She pulled up to this really fancy restaurant, there were vines growing on the walls, beautiful flowers placed around the parking area.
"Damn" I mumbled under my breath.
She chuckled "this shit nice ain't it? Thank you for coming with me. Eating here alone is some bullshit"
"You do not come here and eat alone" I rolled my eyes.
She looked down and smiled shyly "actually... I do" she said before getting out.
I straightened my hair in the mirror and she opened my door.
I busted out laughing.
"Jaylen.. this is not a date"
"This is not a date" she said at the same time as me. "I know, I brought you here to apologize to you.. nothing more" a smile slowly crept onto her face. I swear her teeth shimmered.
She put her hand out for me.
"I can get out of a car by myself." I said refusing her offer.
She looked undefeated stuffing her hands in her pockets.
She requested a seat in the corner.
"Ughh I'm hungry." She groaned.
"I'm surprised you didn't want to smoke." I said starting to check out the menu.
"Nah, I wanted to seriously apologize. I wasn't tryna be high and goofy."
"Huh, that's new"
She laughed a little "I mean don't get me wrong, I'm bout to blow down after this.. do you want something to drink? Order what you want."
"Nah, i'd feel weird drinking if you aren't going to."
She smiled. "I mean if you want to drink then drink.. I'll be fine"
"Maybe a little wine.."
"They got pink moscato, I know you like it sweet."
I looked in her eyes. She was being genuine but I couldn't help but scan her. Damn she's fine.
Her hair Looked freshly washed so flowy and fluffy. Her skin looked so perfect it made me a little insecure thinking about the pimple on my cheek. Her lips are so plump and pink.
They started to move.
"What drinks do you want?" I finally came back to reality. The waitress was standing beside us waiting for me to say something.
"Can I get some pink moscato and water?"
"Okay, tea for you, and pink moscato and water for you? I'll have that right out"
I watched her walk away. When I turned back to Jaylen she was looking at me, smiling. I couldn't read her face.
"Nothing." She chuckled "what were you thinking about?"
"Nothing.. what do you usually get to eat?" I asked changing the subject.
"Their pasta is hands down the best pasta I've ever had"
"Mmm, looks like pasta it is then"
The waitress dropped off our drinks and some bread sticks then took our order.
Honestly it got kind of awkward. We sat there waiting for our food, I sipped on my wine so much there was none left by the time we got our food.
"She wants another moscato" Jaylen told the waitress
"Wha- no..."
She laughed "it's fine I know you do."
"Only if you get one too"
She shook her head.
"Okay, can we get 2 then?"
"Yes ma'am. I'll have that right out"
When we finally had our wine and the food cooled down Jaylen cleared her throat.
"Okay, I need to stop avoiding.. I came here to apologize and that's what I'm gonna do... it wasn't my place to call that shit out like that. I was wrong as fuck. What you and Mean were doing was none of my business. I was being a bitch"
"You were drunk" I mumbled.
"It was still some bullshit. I should've shut the fuck up."
"Well..." I said before eating some pasta.
She chuckled "I deserve that."
We ate in silence for a while.
I took a long sip of my drink before finally breaking the silence.
"I forgive you."
She smiled. "Thank you."
After another glass of wine we were just like old times laughing and talking and vibing.
"Okay I'm not gonna lie... sex with Mean was wack"
She busted out laughing.
"Nooo! No like she's great with the strap... but that's all she'll do"
"Damn" she chuckled.
"I asked her to eat me out once and she said she doesn't do that"
"Shiiiittttt, that's my favorite thing to do" I watched her stuff pasta into her mouth.
I started imagining shoving my pussy in her face.
Kya no. Hell no.
She licked the Alfredo sauce that looked oddly similar to cum from around her mouth.
"The pastas good isn't it"
I swear she knew what she was doing. Her smile made my heart race. Fuck. I focused my attention on her chain instead of her face.
"Hell yea, it would be even better high"
The corners of her lips curved up. "Well let's get this shit to go and go back to my house.."
Fuck Kya say no. Say no, just go home. It's toxic, you've been drinking, I think she's flirting.
I bit my lip "okay"
She paid for the food and we headed to her car.
"I'm glad we can be friends... for real, I missed you. I swear you're one of the only people who understand me."
"I can't let something so stupid ruin a good friendship" I said before checking my phone.
3 texts from Tiana.
Tiana: hey cutie 😘
Tiana: wyd I'm bored
Tiana: well damn, hmu when you wake up.
"You good?" Jaylen asked taking my attention.
I smiled "yea" I said putting my phone away.
My stomach turned. I couldn't help but feel like I was doing something wrong. Tiana really thinks I'm at home taking a nap. Ughhh then Mean is gonna be there... I hope I don't have to see her.
Even though I felt kind of fucked up pulling up to Jaylen's house, it felt so familiar and safe.
When she opened the door for me my heart was racing. Mean was chilling on the couch playing the game.
She looked over and turned back for a second then did a double take. She looked like she didn't know what to say.
Her eyes went to Jaylen walking in behind me and she glared at her.
"Don't be rude bruh. I don't feel like doing this shit with you." Jaylen said her hand grazed my waist as she slid past me.
"Imma go put our food in the oven so it'll warm when we ready."
She left me awkwardly standing in the living room.
Mean looked like she wanted to say something.
"Bruh can you go in your room and do that? Damn."
Jaylen called out from the kitchen.
Mean grabbed a bud of weed mumbling something under her breath.
She walked into the kitchen.
I could barely hear their conversation.
"Man why the fuck you bring her here?"
"Because we're cool and it's my house."
"You get on fucking nerves bruh I swear!" She said walking out of the kitchen. She past me without looking and slammed her room door
I heard Jaylen laugh a little from the kitchen as I walked in.
"Maybe I should go.."
"Nah fuck her. Don't nobody care that she's mad.... do you want something to drink? we been sipping wine but you know I got that real shit."
Well... you so need to relax Kya, your tripping. Seeing Mean again fucked you up a little
"Yea sure... promise you won't get drunk though?"
She chuckled. "I swear! I don't even gotta drink shit you can just drink"
I observed her face.
"Mmmm, no. You can have one cup with me... but JUST one"
I watched her pour our drinks
"Do you want me to roll up?" I asked watching her.
She looked up at me surprised.
"You don't know how to roll... do you?"
Fuck! Tiana taught me. She can't know that.
"No but it was worth a try" I smiled innocently.
She smiled. Damn, her fucking smile.
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