《Promise I can change your mind GxG》20
We came waddling into Jaylen's about 2 hours later.
Jaylen answered the door and immediately started flirting with Tiana in my face.
I really wasn't about to sit there for that, so I went back to Mean's room.
I walked in and she was playing the game.
"Hey Cutie." I smiled. I plopped in her lap.
"Wassup ma" she said pecking my lips quickly before going back to her game.
"Wow, I can tell you missed me so much"
She laughed not taking her eyes off the screen.
"Give me like 19 minutes and I'll show you how much I missed you." She said smacking my ass as I got off her lap.
I rolled my eyes. It wasn't like she was going to look up to see it anyway.
I sat on the bed and texted Tiana
Kya: 💀
Tiana: lol what?
Kya: she really hasn't taken her eyes off this damn game since I came in here.
Tiana: lucky. She hasn't taken her eyes off of me.
Kya: 🤦🏾♀️
Tiana: welp. You already know. Just say the words ✨
Mean finally put her game controller down.
"Wassup sexy?" She asked pulling me closer by my waist.
There's a lot of things I could say about this girl but she is fine as hell.
I licked my lips. "Nothing wassup with you."
"I mean... me personally I'm tryna clap some cheeks."
I rolled my eyes "I'm still sore from the last time."
She smacked my ass. "Don't be acting that" she laughed "you ain't had to make that face.... we don't gotta fuck. Wassup? You wanna go get some food?"
"With what money?" I asked. I was still full as fuck but I wanted to see what she would say.
"Shiittt I just sold a 8th today."
I huffed "Mean.. you have to stop selling your sisters weed."
She laughed "the fuck... why? She don't know."
"She does. She was complaining to me about how she thinks your selling her weed because it keeps going missing. She's gonna cut you off."
"Man fuck her. How she know I'm not smoking it? Cause I am."
"Maybe you should get a job."
"Maybe you should mind your business." She said letting go of my waist.
That surprised the fuck out of me.
"It IS my business.. we dealing with each other."
"We fuck. You not my bitch. So don't be coming in here tryna tell me no shit that's gonna kill my high. Like that shits dead."
"Wow. Are you fucking serious?"
"Don't be dramatic Kya. I'm just saying. Chill on that shit."
"Fuck you." I said getting up. "You are completely right. I'm NOT your bitch. Which is great because I don't have to watch you be a bum and ruin your own damn life."
She poked her tongue in her cheek like that pissed her off.
I didn't even care. I stormed out of the room. Expecting to sit on the couch alone until Tiana was ready to go.
I got into the living room and groaned. Of course they were sitting out there.
Jaylen smirked. "What? You tired of that wack ass sex?"
I glared at her. She clearly had been drinking.
"Leave me alone Jaylen."
She chuckled. "All I'm saying is, all Amina's exes complained to me about that shit."
Tiana sat up ready to listen. She made eye contact with me.
"So many of her exes have tried to cheat on her with me. Telling me she don't eat pussy and she a touch me not and all she ever wants to do is strap."
Tiana's eyes went big.
"Shut up Jaylen.... you know what. I'm ready to go."
Jaylen hopped up. "I got you."
Tiana gently pushed her back down. "Noooo, no you don't. You've been drinking I can take her."
" yeah you've been trying to take her a lot lately what's up with that?" Jaylen slurred sitting back.
Tiana smiled "don't be like that"
Jaylen rolled her eyes "nah cause she wanna fuck everybody but me. I bet y'all do fuck"
"I've known her for two days your tripping." Tiana said picking up her keys.
She huffed on the way to the car. I know she's not really interested in Jaylen but I'm sure she was hella salty that Jaylen just whined about wanting to fuck me right in front of her.
When we got in the car she slammed the door.
"Ugh!! Like I said. Studs. I swear they're just as bad as men. Like Mean... are you serious? You don't eat pussy? Fuck you. I'm sorry but I don't want shit to do with a bitch that won't please me... and a touch me not? Oh hell no. I like titties and ass and pussy. I see why you came out of that room pissed."
"That wasn't even why I was pissed. I tried to tell her to get a job and she said 'your not my bitch'"
Tiana completely stopped looking at the road. She looked at me in shock.
"Bitch the road!"
She was swerving like hell. She got us back right and we laughed for a minute.
"That's crazy... because your not her bitch you shouldn't want her to have a job? shit more for me." She smirked
I rolled my eyes. "I can't believe this shit. She knows she's not gonna find a fucking girlfriend to deal with that shit"
"Yea honestly I would've told her how fucking stupid she is. Like bitch are you dumb... or are you dumb? Imma be real though. I'm kinda glad we left. I rather just chill with you"
She said putting her hand on my bare thigh.
I tried so hard not to react... I don't want her to think I'm some little girl that can't handle herself but I clearly have no idea what to do when someone's flirting.
"Ugh my lips are dry!" She said taking her hand off and digging in her purse.
I didn't even notice I was holding my breath until she moved her hand, if was like a weight off my chest. It's just so awkward because I don't know what's going on between us. I don't want to read the situation wrong.
She put on some lip gloss then stuck it out for me. "Want some?"
I took it "thanks"
Her hand gently but visibly set back on my thigh.
I bit my lip. I know it's just a touch but it was low key turning me on.
"Sooo what do you want to do now? I can take you back to my place but... I have a feeling I'm not gonna keep my hands off of you"
I laughed. "You're so corny" I blushed.
"It's not corny it's horny. I like what I see and we have nothing else to do"
"Tiannaaa!" I groaned blushing into my hands.
She laughed taking my left hand off of my face.
"Keep your hands on the steering wheel!"
I said dropping my other hand and laughing nervously.
She smiled and rubbed on my thigh. "How about this.... next time I flirt... flirt back. Shut me up."
"I-" I laughed nervously and threw up my hands. "I don't know what to say... I don't know, I don't usually flirt a lot."
"Wow, well the theater kid in me is going crazy... so I have a challenge for you."
"I'm gonna hide my face again."
She giggled "sttooooppp... okay! So the challenge is to have a 'yes, and' attitude"
She stopped.
I leaned forward confused. "what the fuck does that mean."
"It means you cant say no... I mean unless I'm doing something that would put you in danger.. AND you have to say something back to carry on the conversation.... see what i did there? And. It's so easy"
I shuffle shoes on the car floor. "...I don't know"
She laughed "Kya don't kill the vibe"
I huffed "okay fine... I'll try! But we need a safe word."
She laughed "damn I wasn't on some bdsm shit but fine....... Pineapples."
"Pineapples" I repeated giggling and shaking my head.
"Yep. Pineapples." She said pulling into a grocery store parking lot.
We got out of her car and went inside. She grabbed a buggy setting her purse in it.
"What are we here for again?"
"I'm cooking for you" she smiled posing with the cart with one leg back all girly.
I chuckled. "Tiana we already ate"
"Do you want me to cook for you?"
"Yea bu-"
She cut me off. "Aht!- yessss aaaa"
I rolled my eyes. "Yes and...... you should make me macaroni"
She smirked. "Your in luck. I make a good ass macaroni. Anything else?" She rested her foot on the cart.
"N- yes and ... some.... brownies?"
She laughed "oooo you gonna be shitttiin but okay"
She started pushing the cart. I never knew she was gonna pick so many ingredients up for a macaroni.
We finally got to the baking isle. I chilled resting on the cart while she was indecisive over which brownies she wanted to buy.
At first I was watching her in general but my eyes slowly migrated to her ass. Damn why do biker shorts make her ass look so good? All of a sudden it started to shake.
I didn't even notice she had turned half way around and saw me looking.
I looked around. Thank god nobody was here to see her shaking her ass. That shit was moving.
She giggled at my reaction.
"You wanna come touch it?" she flirted
I wanted to hide behind the cart but of course our little game we were playing prevented that. My heart was beating out off my chest.
I rubbed on her ass. "Yes and..." I grabbed it softly. "Grab it."
I could tell by the look she gave me that turned her on.
She took a deep breath and went back to looking for brownies.
I smiled when she looked away. What was I scared of? Flirting with her is fun.
When we left the store I helped her put the bags in the car.
"Okay wait... pineapples. I see how your mom is, do I have to take you home later."
I shook my head. "After our argument yesterday I told her don't plan on seeing me tonight."
She smiled. "Yasss I thought I was gonna have to chill with the drinks cause I'd need to drive you back... okay okay. Back on the game." She said putting her hand on my thigh.
When we got to her house of course Mr.Nubs was waiting at the door. He sprinted after us when Tiana didn't pick him up.
"I'm sorry nubsy! I got groceries!" She cooed.
She set the groceries down and pick him up kissing his face a thousand times.
I couldn't tell whether he liked it, he just let her do whatever and when she put him down he scurried away.
"Should I.... cook in my bra and panties for you" I blushed.
I've only seen her body twice. It's still so intimidating to see her naked... or even half naked.
"Yes... and... I'll take off my clothes too"
A smile slowly formed on her face.
"Then let's take our clothes off in my room and put them up."
She led me to her room holding my hand. I was so self conscious I know my hand was sweaty as fuck. Whose hand wouldn't be? A fine ass girl that's been teasing me is leading me to her room so we can take our clothes off.
When we got to her room she was wasted no time taking off her biker shorts.
"Ughhh freedom!" She groaned folding them and setting them on a chair in the corner of her room.
"I really dont see how people wear clothes all day" she chuckled taking off her shirt too. "I dead ass only wear clothes in public."
I bit my lip taking off my dress thinking about her walking around naked all the time. She was wearing this sexy ass emerald green panty set. Her titties bursting out of the bra. Saying she looked fine as fuck is an understatement.
She was so close to me I almost fell when I turned around from putting it on the chair.
She closed in the space between us making us stand bra to bra. "Can I kiss you?" She asked in a flirty tone.
That was an easy answer "yes.. and then we cook right?"
She kissed me without an answer.
Ughh her lips feel so good against mine. I swear when her lips landed on mine I caught chills. They're so soft and big.
Her hands slowly wrapped around my waist as she deepened the kiss.
My hands slid to her ass. I could tell she was getting really into. We were gonna end up doing some shit if she didn't stop.
She pulled away and smiled. "Lemme start this macaroni" she was blushing a little and it surprised the fuck out of me. "It's going in a crockpot so it's gonna take a minute" she said as she walked away.
I watched her ass following her.
She put the noodles on the grabbed some glasses. "Do you want something to drink?"
"Yes.. and I want you to make it fruity for me"
She smiled "okay... since I don't have to drive you, imma make something that will have us fucked."
Shit... I don't know if I'm ready for this.
"You should go roll up."
"I would.. but I don't know how to. Jaylen laughed at me The last time I tried
She smiled. "I got you. Go in my little elephant thingy and get the stuff I'll teach you"
Mr.nubs watched me as i went through the elephant then followed me back to the kitchen.
"Damn your drinking without me?" I flirted
She smiled. Putting her cup down and handing me mine after I set the weed on the counter.
"So first.. you have to break down the cigar.,"
She grabbed a little scalpel and sliced it open right down the middle.
"Then dump out the guts."
I picked it up and turned around to dump it and she smacked my ass.
My pussy tingled but I laughed it off.
"Really?" I giggled handing her the cigar.
She smiled
"Your ass looks good in those cheekys."
"You're so gay!" I laughed.
"Yep." She flirted. She picked up a piece of weed and put it in her grinder.
"Does your mom know your gay?"
She huffed setting down the grinder. I've never seen her get this quiet.
I bit my lip. "I'm sorry.. you don't have to answer if-"
"She does." She said cutting me off.
She emptied out the grinder beside the cigar then turned resting her back in the counter and picking up her drink.
"She hates it.... likes reeeaaalllyyy hates it."
I shifted uncomfortable. Damn. That sounds familiar.
She scrunched up her nose. "She's told me multiple times that being gay is the worst thing I've ever done to her and hopefully I'll repent and find the right man for me."
"Damn.." I said sipping my drink. I didn't know how to react. "That's awful."
"Yepppp, she's especially angry because I came out 3 years after my dad left her for a man.. which was the best decision he ever made by the way. The man was in the closet for so long even I knew he was gay before he even came out, my mom chose to stay delusional."
"Oh god I hope my mom won't be that bad... sorry that was so insensitive."
"No! On some real shit I hope your mom doesn't either. My dads hella supportive but I mean he's gay, he doesn't have a choice."
She picked up the blunt.
"Okay I want you to lick it and close it.. "
"What if I fuck it up?"
She laughed "you won't. Just don't drool on it. All you gotta do is lick.. I got something you can drooling on though"
She's such a fucking flirt. As I licked the blunt my eyes focused on her pussy I could see the outline of it in her tight green panties.
My eyes slowly migrated up to catch her watching me. I blushed hard.
"Okay now all you have to do is fold it over.. don't fold it super tight though it'll be hard to smoke."
I sealed it and handed it to her nervous, not sure whether I fucked it up.
She smiled "perfect." She said before setting it down.
Then she grabbed my waist.
"I'm sorry, I just watched you lick it .. and.."
She leaned in and we started to tongue kiss. Her tongue tasted like mango and alcohol in my mouth.
She kissed me up against the counter putting my hands on her ass. We were kissing so freaky we knocked over the grinder making both of us jump.
We laughed it off. Honestly we were both getting a little fucked up.
"Ooooo we should make the brownies!"
She smiled. "Okay let's do it."
It started off fine. We were talking and laughing putting the ingredients in.
"No! You can not tell me The Fairly Odd Parents we're better then spongebob!" She yelled.
"Timmy was a KID! He had an excuse to bethat stupid! spongebob and Patrick were grown as fuck!"
"Hell nah, cause Timmy's parents were stupid af"
I flung brownie batter at her.
"Hey!" She laughed.
The brown batter made her look like she was melting. It slid down her plump titties and dropped onto her stomach.
I looked at her knowing she caught me staring.
"Do you want to lick it off?" She flirted.
I dragged the spoon down her chest.
"Yes... and add a little more"
She bit her lip neither one of us expected me to be that bold.
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