《Promise I can change your mind GxG》14
"Damn, her wack ass is home." Mean muttered.
I was hella nervous. I don't know how Jaylen's going to react knowing Me and Mean left the house together.
I walked in behind her. As soon as we came in Jaylen came out from her room.
"Well what the fuck?.. I thought Bri dropped you off..."
Mean walked straight passed her and went into her room.
"She did. As soon as I got here Mean asked if I was hungry and I-"
"Lemme guess her bum ass made you walk to that bbq joint?"
I bit my lip. "Yea"
"Cool. Did you like it?" I could tell she was trying to remind herself that I'm not her girl . She didn't like that shit at all.
"I did, it was good."
"Yea, that shit just sucks cause I was gonna take you out for food... at a real spot. That won't take EBT."
The conversation felt awkward.
"It's fine, Jaylen it's fine. I had a sandwich and a few fries maybe if we smoke I'll have the munchies and we can go eat."
"Yea." She said annoyed. "She corny as fuck for that shit"
I bit my lip. At least she doesn't know we fucked before we left. I really don't feel right sneaking around but, I don't know. Something about Jaylen finding out scares me. She's a really cool friend but she seems very explosive. The last thing I want is to get her pissed off.
"I'm gonna chill in your room" I said going in and getting comfortable on her bed.
I texted Bri.
Kya: girl I almost got caught 😳
Bri: ah shit... what happened?
Kya: Mean took me on a date 😍
Bri: lol Jaylen said she's a bum... where did she get money from?
Jaylen came in the room heated .
"Oh my fucking god. I'm ready to kick this bitch out again already" she said while bringing in two bags of weed.
"Damn." I said eyeing the bags.
"Yea, she done fucking pissed me off. I know she selling my damn weed. That's how her ass took you on that date."
"But you don't-"
"Kya, I know how much weed I had. Even if my sister smoked all day I wouldn't have been missing that much shit."
I huffed, damn it Mean. It's already hard enough to tell her I choose you.
She rolled up.
"I know she's hard to deal with but she's your sister, she needs you."
"No shit. Dumb bitch would be homeless some fucking where."
I realized that me talking about mean was making shit worst.
She looked me dead in the eyes.
"Kya don't fuck my sister."
I knew she was mad when I saw her face after we walked in but the reality of the situation hit me in that moment.
I can't tell her. She'd probably fight Mean or worst. Let her go homeless. It's crazy to think she'd do that over me. I didn't want to think it. It makes me feel shallow like I think I'm the shit. But looking at her face I could see that she would flip her shit.
"I-I'm no-"
"I know you not. I'm just telling you shit will end up bad if you do. You don't want to anyway, she ain't shit."
"Okay Jaylen I get it" I cut her off getting annoyed.
"It's okay tho, I'm bout to show you tonight. We going to the club."
"Who? I can't go. I'm 20"
She chuckled, "don't worried bout that babygirl. I got you."
We smoked and Jaylen went to go shower. I finally went back to my messages from Bri.
Kya: apparently she stole weed from her sister and sold it.
Bri:😒 and that's the sister you chose.
Kya: I WILL stop talking to you
Bri: lmao ummm bitch you need me and imma keep talking shit so 😌🤷🏾♀️
I rolled my eyes. Damn she's right. Jaylen is never gonna pick me up for a dick appointment with her sister.
Speak of the devil.
My phone dinged.
Mean: you still entertaining her ugly ass?
Kya: lol shut up. She's in the shower.
Mean: then come here, I'm tryna get it in real quick.
Kya: hell no, if Jaylen finds out we fuck she gonna spazz
Mean: lmfao so... fuck that shit
Kya: no I don't want y'all fighting again
Mean: I'll beat her ass, idgaf
Kya: I'm serious Mean. She can't know we fuck.
Mean: 🙄 why, you fucking her too?
Kya: no 😳 omg I swear. We're just friends... Im feeling you.
Mean: word, Im feeling yo fine ass too 😜 shit I'm tryna feel you but you won't let me.
I blushed looking at my phone. She's feeling me too?
Jaylen came in the room like she always does. I swear she's such tease with that towel wrapped around her body. She claims she does it because 'it's her house' but I know she wants me to see her. I can't lie, she looks good as fuck. But I'm feeling her sister.
She rung out the towel that was wrapped around her head then let her wet hair fall down her shoulders.
Then went to her dresser and pulled out some boxers and a bra.
She looked back at me "damn, you like what you see or something?"
I giggled "shut up Jaylen"
She dropped her towel. "I'm just saying..you complain about me being naked but you always looking though."
Fuucckkk, I never said she wasn't fine as fuck. I said I like her sister. I scanned her body.
She started coming closer. "Wassup? You already know I'm ready so..."
I giggled pushing her away.
"Stop it, come on Jaylen get ready, I'm ready to go"
She shook her head. "Aight." She said starting to put her clothes on.
She stopped "what? wassup? Is there something on me?!" She asked freezing.
I hopped up and smacked her ass.
She laughed "ooo you get on my fucking nerves." She said pulling her pants up.
I giggled and she turned around stopping me.
She grabbed my ass and gave it a squeeze making my pussy throb.
"But if I do it back it's a problem tho" she said giving me a flirty look.
"Jaylleeenn!" I whined playfully.
"Yea that's what I thought." She laughed grabbing a shirt.
"You're such a fuck boy ." I rolled my eyes
She licked her lips. "I can't help it. I'm attracted to you."
I bit my lip
Damn I'm attracted to you too... so stop flirting 😳 I'm talking to your sister!
I said in my head.
When we got to the club shit was lit. There was literally a line waiting to get in. Jaylen was right. I got in with no problem and they didn't even give me a 'no drinking wrist band'.
I was taking in the big crowd of people, dancing and bobbing and smoking to Megan the Stallion.
She cheesed over at me. "See, I told you... this is a better date isn't it?"
I rolled my eyes and hit her chest. "I told YOU it wasn't a date."
Damn she was right. It was a better date.
"What type of drink you want?" She asked licking her lips at me.
I couldn't believe were in a room full of bitches half naked twerking and all she was looking at was me.
I bit my lip. "I don't know... bring me something fruity"
She smiled "Aight I got you" she said before tapping my ass. I opened my mouth to talk shit but she was almost to the bar.
She looked back at me smiling. Damn, she looks even cuter under these color changing club lights.
I watched her as she bobbed her head waiting for the waitress. It was kinda busy over there.
My eyes shifted to a crowd of people cheering on some white girl who was twerking. I can't lie, her ass was moving. I can't believe I was looking at some girls ass. Before Jaylen I never thought in a million years I'd be attracted to girls.
This must be a gay club. There's men here but mostly women. All the men I saw were twerking or hyping up their best friends that's twerking.
I leaned back on the wall turning my attention to Jaylen. Oh good, she's finally ordering. It's so awkward being over here alone.
Well damn. Not alone anymore.
Some average looking stud with clothes way too big was standing beside me.
"You too pretty to be standing over here against the wall alone.. I'm Ray. What's yo name pretty lady."
I blushed hard. Does every stud do this?
"She's good bruh, don't worry about it" Jaylen said coming up handing me my drink.
"oh my bad I ain't know" the stud said before leaving.
Thank god that didn't turn into a whole thing. Who knows with Jaylen.
"Thank you" I said before drinking a little of my drink. Damn, this shit is kinda strong.
My face must've said it all. She chuckled "drink that slow. I think she mixed a good few alcohols" after saying that she took hers to the head.
"Oh this my shit!" She said before taking the last sip of her drink and starting to dance.
I couldn't help but giggle. Why didn't she tell me she could dance. She was moving so smoothly. She smiled dancing closer to me.
I can't lie it was a little intimidating. Only person I've ever went out and danced with was Bri. And we'd be on some girls night out shit. This was different.
I turned my head sipping my drink. "Jaylen oh my god" I giggled.
"What? You tryna dance battle? You don't want this smoke!" She said before starting to pop and lock.
I shook my head and laughed. Her old ass.
The alcohol was already going to my head by the time I finished my first cup but of course Jaylen went and got me another drink.
After an hour straight of Jaylen amusing me and dancing at me the DJ switched it up. He put on some slow sexy Summer walker shit.
Ugh I looovvee this song. Jaylen came closer, she leaned in to say something in my ear. I thought she would finally chill and ask if I wanted to sit down. Her cologne filled my nose making me lean closer. She always smells so good. She moved the hair out of her face before talking in my ear.
"So you not gonna dance with me at all Ma? Not once?" My heart fluttered. I bit my lip.
Why she got me in here drunk feeling like this?
"Jaylen!" I giggled not sure what to say. "H-how am I suppose to dance to this."
"Come on" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me out on the dance floor more.
She wrapped my arms around her neck. Her her hands softly held my hips.
"Like this." She said
I felt silly as fuck. Everybody was bumping and grinding and we looked like we were at a chaperoned dance.
She closed the space between us. Smiling and looking in my eyes.
She was sending shivers through my body. "Jaylen!"
"What?" She asked calmly
"This isn't a date."
She looked at me slighting offended mostly amused.
"Who said two friends can't dance together?" She spent me around and I gasped assuming she was gonna do something freaky. Instead, she kept rocking with her hands on my hips.
"That's all this is right? A dance?" She said in my ear. Her breath down my neck was driving me crazy. I felt like I was on a sitcom when the crowd goes 'oooooaaaaooo'
I looked back at her sternly. "Just remember this is ONLY a dance"
"Yes ma'am, you the boss" she smiled.
I pressed my ass back on her starting to grind. I don't know what I was expecting. I know she's a grown women but I don't know. I guess I thought she would be surprised. Instead her hands on my hips started to lightly move with me.
I looked back at her and she was biting her lip.
My pussy started getting wet when I felt her grinding back.
"Aight Aight Aight! That's enough of that slow shit." The DJ said immediately changing it to a twerk song.
I twerk with Bri all the time but I've never actually twerked on somebody attracted to me.
I didn't even think about it. I went to move away and go back to the wall but Jaylen's hands were gripped on my waist.
I giggled and gasped "really Jaylen."
She gave me puppy eyes. "Come on... this one dance and then we'll go."
I rolled my eyes but smiled "I don't know... you might catch feelings." I teased.
She chuckled "shittt, too late"
I slowly started to shake my ass on her. But when I got into the song, it was over. I was throwing it back and she was catching it.. and then some.
I'm not gonna lie. The way she danced back felt sexual as fuck.
The song ended and we just looked at each other and laughed.
"Are you sure you can drive?" I giggled on our walk back to the car. The night felt unreal. It was just such a vibe.
"Am I sure I can drive back, of course I can drive back" she mocked. "But first... Imma need a burger."
I giggled "it's late!"
My phone dinged.
Big Meanie😝: Kya it's 2 am. Why you not home yet? I don't like that.
I bit my lip.
"I don't give a fuck about it being late, what you got somebody better to be with?" She joked swerving into Sonic's drive thru.
"Of course not but.."
"You had fun tonight?" She asked with a smile.
I blushed and smiled "yea... is was really cool. For real. I enjoyed myself."
"Good." She said before turning to place our order.
Kya: I know, I've been trying to come back Jaylen wants to get food first.
Big Meanie😝: she ain't have enough to eat yet? I'm not stupid. Y'all probably fucked in her back seat.
Kya: wtf Amina?! No! I didn't fuck her. We are just friends!
Big Meanie😝: Yea and I'm sure you say the same thing to her.
"Damn, who the fuck blowing you up at 2 in the morning?" Jaylen's voice made me jump.
"My mom" I lied. "She's having another one of her 'oh my gosh my daughter isn't a saint' melt downs."
"Damn." She said sitting there quietly.
I sighed and let my phone lock looking up at the roof of her car.
"Oh what? You wanna see the stars?" She asked before opening her sun roof.
The night was beautiful. This really was a great night with her. My mind kept playing back to her dancing. Her hair getting in her face then her looking up at me smiling. Her bringing my drinks. Us grinding on each other. Me twerking on her.
We finally got back to the house and of course she wanted to smoke. I sighed when I saw her grab the crown royal bottle from the kitchen. She really has had enough to drink. Even I was still feeling the liquor from the club.
We smoked and chilled talking about our night. I was trying to just talk about how fun it was. But she kept turning it to something else.
"Mmm I was like damn... okay, she moving on me right now. But let's see if she move like that with something in her."
I bit my lip. "You're nasty."
"You're sexy" she said pulling me into a kiss.
I kissed her back for a second. Her hands found their way on my titties giving them a squeeze.
I stopped her pulling away.
"Whaaatttt?" She groaned.
"Jaylen, stop it.. we can't."
"Yea we can.. see, just like this." She said kissing on my neck and sliding her hand up my dress.
"Stop" I slightly giggled pushing her away
"Come on, you done got me horny." She said getting on top of me.
"Remember this?" She asked grinding on me.
I was really uncomfortable Jaylen is so much stronger then me. I was squirming but that didn't matter much. My eyes went big when I felt her move my panties to the side.
"No! Jaylen... seriously you can't! Me and Mean are talking!"
I blurted out. I was scared. I wasn't sure what to do or say all I knew is that if I didn't say anything she probably would've raped me.
I saw a change in her eyes. Maybe I would've been better off just getting raped.
P.S. thank you so much for reading my story. I just wanted to say if you ever find yourself in a situation with someone rapey. They are wrong. Completely wrong. You are worth so much more. Please report them and seek help. Being raped is never okay.
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Otherworldly Adventures
A destined ruler forcefully removed from her own world. Transferred in a new world, would she have the power to change the norms of this new world? This is my *FIRST* Novel, so please make a review that I could use for improvements Photo: http://lolitive.tumblr.com/post/92718581294/tofuvi-for-a-friend-a-dress-spun-from-sunset Reverse Harem themes. For the wordpress site (with up to date chapters and wiki), check https://omnichromium.wordpress.com/ ------------------------------ Present Book Picture As of July 15, 2017, This novel is under editing. I will only continue writing afterwards. Things to be edited: 1. Point of View 2. Removing Gender Bender themes 3. Removing errors (I won't assure that it's error-free, but I will do whatever I can) 4. Etc.
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Heavenly Flame
Every prince born in the Tian Dynasty goes through a ritual to recover memories from their previous lives. With these memories, they receive amazing cultivation techniques and martial skills that make them stand above all other men and able to rule the world from the Heavenly Court. When Tian Yan wakes up from the ritual, he realizes something is wrong and he does not seem to possess any of the advantages he was expecting. Will he be able to compete in the backstabbing, scheming, and politicking that is required to succeed his father and inherit the Imperial throne? Or even survive? After all, they stand above all other men and that means the biggest threat to a prince is the other princes. Heavenly Flame is a Xianxia story with a heavy focus on drama, relationships, and romance. It will have a lot of recognizable things from the genre but I will also try to subvert elements that I do not like about it. Scheduled chapters will be released Tuesdays at 11:00 CET and Thursdays at 19:00 CET. I might still release additional chapters depending on my other workload but these will be marked as such.
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