《Promise I can change your mind GxG》12
I woke up cuddle up to Mean. She was watching YouTube videos on her phone. Damn she's so fucking sexy. My eyes trailed her sharp jaw line. She caught me looking and smiled.
"Good morning beautiful... well it's not morning anymore " she said before going back to her YouTube video.
Flashbacks of her holding my legs in the air as she fucked the shit out of me played through my head. I bit my lip.
"what time is it?"
"2" she laughed.
My eyes went big.
Fuck! I checked my phone.
3 missed calls from Bri
I went to our messages .
Bri: it's 10 am and your not at school. Don't try to lie and tell me y'all didn't fuck.
I blushed hard.
Welp. I guess I'm skipping school today.
"I'm bout to try to find something to eat and roll up."
Mean said wiggling from under me.
I wanted her to stay. Her cuddles felt so good.
She left the room and I stayed checking my phone for other messages.
Jaylen: Kya, I understand if you don't want me but I miss you. As a friend. I miss having somebody to talk to.
I bit my lip and scrolled leaving her on read.
Eventually I rolled out of bed. Damn I'm sore as fuck.
My mind flashed to Mean hitting it from behind.
I didn't expect her to fuck me like that. Like shit. I came from her room into the living room.
She looked up at me from rolling the blunt and chuckled.
"You a little sore?"
"Shut up!"
She laughed "I'm just asking... you walking a little funny."
I glared at her. "Yea you did that."
She bit her lip. "Oh yea? I did that?" She smirked.
I hit her arm playfully.
Ugh I needed her to stop looking at me. Her eyes on me made my heart race.
She chuckled shaking her head and lighting the blunt.
What is wrong with me? It was so hard for me not to stare at her while she was minding her business.
She caught me looking and smiled.
"Wassup?" Oh yea- I put some pizza rolls in the oven."
My heart fluttered
Awww she's making me pizza rolls. I said in my head.
What the fuck Kya? It's just pizza rolls.
She tapped me and handed me the blunt.
"You good?" She asked looking up from her phone.
"Y-duh! I'm fine silly... what are we doing today? Are we just chilling or..."
"Oh I'm bout to get on the sticks."
She laughed "I'm bout to play the game."
The oven beeped.
"After I take out these pizza rolls."
I was a little disappointed. I don't know what I expected from Mean. I guess I felt like we shared a moment last night. To her it seemed like it was just another night. Soon she had her game on and it was like I wasn't there.
Jaylen: I'm gonna get off early and pick you up from school. I really want to see you.
Kya: Jaylen no.
Jaylen: I'm Omw
Kya: turn around. Bri dropped me off at your house to talk.
I wasn't gonna tell her the real reason I was over. I'm sure if I did she would spazz.
Jaylen: word I'm omw 🥺
My phone started going off 5 seconds later and I blushed
I answered.
"H-hey... you hungry? I'm passing Chick fila... your favorite"
I couldn't help but chuckle. I hadn't heard her voice since Saturday when her and Mean almost fought in front of me. It was so angry then. Now it was soft and sweet.
I got up and walked over to the front door.
"Jaylen... no, I'm fine"
"I'm gonna get you a deluxe chicken sandwich"
I rolled my eyes and smiled. This girl doesn't listen. I looked over at Mean. She didn't even realize I was on the phone.
"I'll see you soon." She said before hanging up.
I stood there cheesing. Aw she really does miss me.. and she's so sweet, going to get my favorite food.
I swear I almost forgot why I was mad at her. Hell no. I can't let her just erase the problem.
I was sitting across from Mean scrolling on my phone when Jaylen came in.
She locked eyes with me and the cutest smile set on her face.
Mean finally looked up from the game. "Oh shit! You got chickfila nigga?"
"Not for you nigga." Jaylen frowned up.
Mean rolled her eyes.
"Can we go to my room?" Jaylen asked me.
Mean sat up. I couldn't tell whether she was more interested in our conversation or the game. I was hoping it caught her attention.
I bit my lip and nodded.
Honestly I wasn't ready to have this conversation. I was still mad at her. She's the one who put me in this gay ass situation anyway. I didn't think I liked girls before she put it in my head. Then to find out she was playing with my emotions.
I followed her to her room. It was kinda messy for her. Before all this happened it was always pretty organized.
"Sorry about the mess" she sighed.
She sat on the bed.
"Well." I said standing at the door. I didn't want to get close to her. I felt like she'd charm her way back in, with all of her flirting and smelling good.
She sighed. "Okay, Amina wasn't lying. I had a problem. I would go after straight girls and play with their feelings but I swear I was at a bad place then. Right after my momma died my ex...."
She paused. I could tell this was hard for her to talk about. She stopped looking at me.
"She cheated on me... with some nigga. I was so fucking desperate that I wasn't even gonna break up with her. I told her I couldn't handle another person leaving me."
She swallowed hard.
"I was really fucking depressed... I had separation issues like hell... I still do and apparently I was no fun. Cause she left me for the Nigga she cheated on me with. That shit hurt me so bad"
"Damn" I said looking down. Yea that sounds like it would hurt.
"It hurt" she said as if she read my mind. "But I handled that shit the wrong way. I did start going for straight bitches then fucking them and ghosting them. But I DID change. I swear. When I saw you looking at me in the mall I had no idea you were straight. Maybe I should've left you alone when I found out but I couldn't.. cause I was- am really feeling you."
"I know. It's stupid to be sitting here feeling you when you keep telling me we just friends. I guess I just be hoping I can change your mind."
I finally sat on the bed with her. "I'm sorry you went through that. Mean didn't tell me all that."
"Of course she didn't. Fucking bitch"
"Hey!" I got a little offended. I know Mean isn't an angel. Bri tried to convince me that she's no good for me. But I don't know I love how raw and real she is.
She rolled her eyes taking out the food.
"Fuck her. She gets on my fucking nerves she had some bitch in here moaning and screaming and shit at 4 in the morning. She knew I had to go to work."
I bit my lip and I felt my cheeks burn hard.
I'm the bitch she was fucking, thank god Jaylen didn't know.
"I told you to leave her alone. Yea I'm selfish because I like you... but she's also a hoe"
I wasn't sure what to say but I damn sure couldn't tell her we fucked.
"What Mean does and who she fucks is none of my business. We're friends."
"Yeah. Okay." She said biting into her sandwich.
I got quiet. This is just so awkward.
"So... are we good? I really do miss you Kya."
I bit my lip. "Of course we're good. I miss you too. You're a pretty cool friend."
She chuckled like that wasn't what she wanted to hear but didn't say anything.
Instead we just sat on her bed eating.
"How was school today?"
She asked looking up from her phone.
"Oh- I.. it was great"
She squinted her eyes "Kya what did you do?"
"Nothing! I'm just nervous about an exam coming up" I lied
She smiled a little. "Nervous for what Kya? Your amazing... at Cosmetology, you'll be fine."
I smiled back. "Thank you."
"Okay im just gonna let you know now, me even thinking about this should show you how much I like you... if your really nervous you can use my hair to practice."
"Oh?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
Jaylen is obsessed with her hair it's probably the healthiest virgin hair I've ever seen.
"Are you okay?" I asked putting my hand up to her forehead pretending to check her temperature.
She laughed "chill! I'm just tryna help my friend out"
"Mmmm I see. Or do you just want a reason for me to touch you?"
"You don't need no reason to touch me. You can touch me all you want." She flirted. She got up and I smack her ass.
"Nope. You just said I could touch you all I wanted."
"Don't touch my ass" she laughed. "Imma go get us something to sip on"
I chuckled to myself as she left. That girl is character. Seconds after she left, my mind was flashing back to fucking Mean.
Oh my god. Why did she fuck me so good? I started daydreaming about me looking back as she hit it from behind.
"You okay?"
Jaylen made me jump.
I was so caught up I didn't realize she came back.
"I'm fine" I said tapping her ass again while she pours us some drinks
She laughed "you gonna stop doing that. You better be glad I'm doing something right now and can't fuck you up"
I laughed "wooooowww abuse!"
She smirked. "Matter of fact" she said putting the top on the bottle and coming towards me.
"Jaylen!" I giggled trying to keep her away.
I was no match to her strong ass. She had me pint up looking crazy, my ass was flipped in the air.
"Noooo! Stoppp!" I giggled trying to catch my breath.
She cocked her hand back and smacked the fire out of my ass.
I screeched. "Owww!"
She laughed letting me up. "Aight then, stop tryna touch my ass." She went and got the drinks handing me mine.
I poked my lip out and took it from her.
"Awwww" she teased.
"It's not funny. You got my ass sore for real."
She bit her lip.
I saw her eyes flash. I could tell she wanted to says something nasty so bad but surprisingly she kept her mouth shut.
"I just want to make sure, you are cool with me talking to other girls right?" She asked me random as fuck.
"Umm... Yea, it's not like we're dating or anything."
"I just wanted to make sure.. you know I like you so..."
I groaned "Jaylen.."
"Yea I know. I don't have a dick attached I'm not your type."
I rolled my eyes, of course she laughed.
"Chill. It was a joke"
"Well I don't like that joke."
Ughhh things were never this awkward between us. Not even the first time we hung out.
She looked at her phone then sighed. "You know what? I should take you home.. if your worried about an exam last thing you need is to be up drinking with me tonight"
I smiled. That's the sweet Jaylen I know.
When we got in the car at first things were a little awkward, but Jaylen started playing music and before you knew it we were being silly and stupid like old times.
As we pulled up closer to my house I kept catching her looking at me.
The first two times I pretended to be distracted by my phone and I just let her. When I finally looked over at her she blushed hard as fuck.
I think she likes me more then she's telling me. What happened to I'm grown?
I never expected to see her blushing just because I caught her looking.
She bit her lip. "Tomorrow's Friday, maybe I could pick you up from school and you can come chill... if that's okay"
I smiled "yea cool"
She smiled a little "go ahead and go I really want you to have some time to study"
Ughh she's so sweet, my heart fluttered. She really cares about me.
As soon as I got up from the seat she smacked my ass.
"Jaylen!" I giggled.
She smiled "that was for earlier... have a good night babygirl" she said before rolling up the window. When I got to the door. I looked back and after she knew I was safe she pulled off.
"How was school?" My mom interrogated as soon as I closed the door behind me.
"It was fine ma" I muttered
"Just fine? How's your grades? I wouldn't know because you're barely here and you don't talk to me"
I sighed and turned around putting on a fake smile.
"They're great!" I said sharply. Luckily my phone started ringing.
"I gotta take this." I said jogging up the stares.
I looked at my phone.
Call from Big Meanie😝
I was smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. I plopped on the bed and answered.
"Hi Mean" I said smiling
"Wassup Ma, I was like damn. I ain't get no goodbye or nothing"
I bit my lip. Oh she wanted a good bye? "Sorry I didn't know you cared you were on your game for so long." I said in a flirty voice.
She chuckled. "My bad.. I promise I'll do better next time."
"Oh you did great" I flirted.
She chuckled sexier. "You liked that shit? I mean... I could tell, you was moaning loud as fuck. Almost got me cussed out."
I blushed "shut up." I giggled "you shouldn't have fucked me so good."
Just this conversation was waking up my clit.
"Imma need some more of that."
"Trust me, I'm tryna give you some more of that... when you gonna let me?
I could hear her lighter flicking the background. She so chill and sexy.
"Mmmm maybe tomorrow." I said kind of shyly. "I don't know how I'd sneak away from Jaylen though. We are suppose to be trying our friendship again"
She scoffed
"Fuck Jaylen. I bet you she won't wear that pussy out like I do."
"I'm not giving her any pussy."
"Good. Save all that shit for me."
The way she was talking had me wanting to sneak my way back over there tonight. Too bad Bri is being a fucking cock block.
"I mean, if you keep fucking me like that..."
She chuckled.
I was gonna flirt more but my phone dinged.
Message from :Jaylen.
I clicked her message and it a lot more then a thought it would be. A whole paragraph.
I started to read but I could hear Mean's game playing in the background.
"I gotta go, i need to shower and study." I lied.
"Aight cool... see you tomorrow?"
"Yep. I'll see you tomorrow... bye"
Ughhh I think I like her more then I'm suppose to. Every time I hear her voice I start cheesing. Every time she flirts with me my heart starts racing.
I went back to the message from Jaylen.
Jaylen: hey ma... don't worry about answering me back. I know you tryna study. I just couldn't stop thinking about you, and our talk tonight... I really want you to know your not a game to me. I got feelings for you... maybe too many too soon. Ion know. I promise imma respect that you wanna be friends tho. I just wanna let you know. Just in case you end up wanting more then that. If you want me to chill, just let me know. I guess I keep bringing it up just in case you end up sitting up at night feeling the same, not sure if you should let me know... if that ever happens yes, let me know. I'm waiting on you
Fuuuccckkk. She's so sweet. And to think I was just flirting on the phone with her sister. I don't deserve her. I sat there annoyed with myself for a second. How did I get tangled up in this? I'm feeling Mean and Jaylen has feelings for me.
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