《Promise I can change your mind GxG》6
I got in the house and luckily my parents weren't lurking for once. My mom was in the kitchen cooking and my dad was watching the sports channel in the living room.
I set my school stuff down and walked into the kitchen.
"Hey Hun, food should be ready in 10 minutes. I made your favorite, meatloaf, macaroni, peas, mash potatoes and some rolls."
"Ughhh that sounds great!.... but I'm not hungry"
My mom set down the spoon she was stirring with and pouted.
"I noticed you were late."
"Yea I went for burgers with Ja- Bri"
She raised an eyebrow.
"Kya you know we want you to focus on school, not boys"
I blushed a little "I wasn't with a boy. I told you I was with Bri and I'm 20 not 15. I wouldn't lie if I was with a boy."
"So you lied about being with a boy when you were 15?"
My mind was still spinning from kissing Jaylen, the last thing I needed was a passive aggressive conversation with my mom.
"That's not what I said. Don't expect me at dinner tonight I have a cosmetology test to study for. I promise I'll eat some though" I said before quickly disappearing up the stairs.
I thought I would finally have time to think about me and Jaylen's little moment but as soon as I kicked off my shoes my phone started ringing.
Call from: Big meanie 😝
I groaned should I answer her? I just kissed her sister. I reluctantly picked up.
"Wassup? I guess you not coming over cause Jaylen ugly ass just pulled up without you"
I groaned. "Yea, I'm so sorry. I ran out of time, I told you how my parents are. It's a week night. I promise I can come over tomorrow though"
"It's all good... what she do? Take you on a corny ass date? Her lame ass"
"It was not a date! She just took me out for burgers. We're just friends."
"Damn a corny ass date and the friend zone."
I giggled. "Whatever Amina, like I said it wasn't a date."
"Aye, don't call me that unless you moaning it"
I blushed hard. Did she really just say that to me? "Stop it! Anyways how was your day?"
"Boring as fuck. Jay got me filling out all these damn job applications knowing don't nobody wanna hire my black ass. My day would've been better if you could've came over and chilled but Jay ugly ass stay cock blocking."
"She's not blocking anything! We are just friends too Mean" I giggled
"Damn, ouch ... I'm in the friend zone too? That hurts."
"You know we are just friends Mean,that's what WE agreed on remember"
"I also know yo big ass head be showing me off to co workers and watching me smoke, and checking out my tattoos but aye, it's whatever. When you wanna be more than just friends let me know something."
I blushed hard. Damn, I don't know what to say. That's all true. I sat on my bed looking stupid.
"Aye... you know how to retwist dreads?"
She asked distracting me from my thoughts.
"I-... no"
"Well there's good money in that shit. You should do my dreads for me when you come over tomorrow.. I'll show you how"
I couldn't help but smile "is there really good money in it, or do you just not want to do them yourself?"
"Both" I could hear the smirk in her voice "and maybe I want a reason to be closer to you too."
I jumped as my mom cleared her throat standing in my door way.
"Hold on" I said setting my phone down.
"How were you gonna study without your school stuff ?" My mom asked holding my bag up.
I grabbed it from her and chuckled "thanks ma."
"Who are you on the phone with?"
"Ma- a- really?! It's Bri!"
"That doesn't sound like Bri."
"She has a cold! Go! We're studying on the phone together!" I gently pushed her out of the room and Locked the door.
Damn I'm tripping. I usually remember to lock it.
"I'm back"
"God damn, yo ass twenty and they still treat you like you twelve or some shit. Couldn't be me."
"It's barely me. Trust me they're gonna make me crazy."
"Come stay with me."
I bit my lip.
"You're wild"
"I'm serious."
"Mean, that's not your house. You can't just offer me to stay."
"You really think Jaylen would say no?"
And that's the problem. I know she wouldn't.. but I'm still freaking out about our kiss. I already know, I can tell them both we're just friends a million times but if I move in, they'll end up fighting over me just like they fight over everything else.
"No, I just- I need to focus on school."
"You don't have to explain yourself to me... just know there's room in my bed."
I blushed "mean!"
"Okay, okay. I get it.. friendzone.... so who's Bri? I got more competition?"
I giggled "one. There isn't any competition, two. Thats my bestfriend.. she's talking to Jamal."
"Ooooo, okay, okay... he showed me her pics I think. She cute"
I'm not gonna lie I felt a little jealous.
"You cuter though."
I smiled hard blushing
"Your such a flirt!" My phone started vibrating.
"Hold on, somebody's calling me."
I looked at my screen. Jaylen.
I bit my lip. I still haven't processed what happened between us.
"Are you gonna answer it?" Mean asked scaring the shit out of me. I forgot I was on the phone with her for a second.
"Uhh, no. It's a scammer" I lied.
Jaylen had hung up anyway.
"Damn, I hate them shits!"
My phone dinged and I bit my lip. A text from Jaylen of course.
Jaylen:Hey. I know your probably sleep, or busy studying for school but I just wanted to let you know it was cool chilling with you
My phone dinged again.
Jaylen: our kiss won't stop playing through my head.
I read that message and all of a sudden my room got hot as fuck. My pussy tingled thinking about her strong arm around my waist and her lips on mine.
Jaylen: I swear I'm not tryna blow you up.. I just realized how that sounds lol. I completely respect you wanting us to just be friends. I was just telling you... just in case you was thinking about it too.
"hello?" Mean asked snapping me out of my thoughts.
"My bad. Hey, sorry. I'm study while we're on the phone" I lied
"Oh, it's cool, I'm playing my game. I thought you had fell asleep on me" I heard the smile in her voice.
"I wouldn't just fall asleep on the phone silly"
"You could, if you want to.. it's kinda late to be studying."
I looked at the time. Damn, it was 1am Friday morning and I haven't gotten any studying done AT ALL. I really do have an exam tomorrow.
I yawned "damn, I didn't know what time it is."
"Yea you should probably go. Get you some sleep beautiful. I'll see you tomorrow"
"Bye" I smiled.
She hung up and I set my phone on the charger before showering.
Who am I right now? I kissed Jaylen then ignored her, I stayed on the phone with Mean, her sister all night, I didn't study at all for my exam. I really don't know this Kya and I don't know whether I like her.
I got out and changed into some bed clothes before creeping downstairs to the kitchen.
When I opened the microwave there was a plate sitting in there made for me as I expected. The woman might be crazy but sometimes I love my mom.
I took a clean fork out of the dish washer and shoved some room temperature macaroni and meatloaf into my mouth.
I spun around to flee my crime scene but my mom was standing right there in her furry baby blue robe.
"Kya.. I'm worried about you."
"Mom why? There's nothing wrong."
"You're just becoming more and more distant."
She sighed.
"Your here less and less and your telling me it's Bri but something's tell me it's not."
"Oh my god. Well it is. And I'm 20! It really shouldn't matter"
"It really matters to me what my daughter is doing and WHO she's doing it with and I have the right to know when your under my roof. 20 or not. Do you not understand im doing this to help you?"
I opened the microwave and stuffed another mouthful of meatloaf and macaroni in my mouth then grabbed the roll off the plate and threw the fork back in the dishwasher.
"Don- ugh, Kya those are all clean!" My mom groaned taking the fork out and closing the microwave.
"Don't worry about making anything for me tomorrow. I'll be at Bri's spending the night.... under her roof." I said before going upstairs.
I looked at the time. Damn 1:45 am I can't be tired AND didn't study. I plugged my phone up the the charger and got in bed.
Okay Kya, you don't have time to stay up thinking. Sleep.
As soon as I got comfortable, Jaylen slipped her way into my mind. Fuucckkk her skin, her smile, her lips... I can't believe I felt them against mine. I don't know how to feel. I'm NOT gay.... but I liked it. I wanted to keep kissing her. Maybe it's because she's a stud.. she dresses like a guy, carries herself like a guy... and I haven't been close to anybody in that way in so long. It's like she opened up the horniness inside of me. My brain kept going back to the feeling of her lips, her arms, her big strong hands. My hands ended up in my panties.
"Mmmmm fuck" I moaned quietly My clit was begging to be touched. I can't believe I'm doing this again... over her, a girl. I felt ashamed but honestly the thought that I shouldn't be doing it turned me on even more.
"Mmmm,, ahhh uhhh"
My pussy was so wet. I could tell I was just messing up my panties I stopped and took off my pants and panties throwing them on the floor.
"Oh fuuuccckk y-yess Jaylen" I blushed when her name left my mouth. I can't believe I moaned for her touching myself, alone in my room.
I started to think about what happened if her hands had went further. If her warm hands were the ones on my pussy.
"Ahhh! Oh my-!" I exploded on my bed.
I laid there on my wet up sheets panting. I checked the time on my phone, fuuuuccckkk 2:30. I can't believe I stayed up doing that. I got up and got a towel wiping myself off and laying it over the wet spot in my bed.
I laid back down and picked up my phone going straight to Jaylen's messages.
Our kiss won't stop playing through my head.
I sat there cheesing reading the message over and over. My fingers hovered over the keyboard.
I can't stop thinking about it either.
I panicked and erased everything I typed out quickly.
I have to stay away from her. Or at least I can't be alone with her. She turns me into a person I don't know, and it's scary. It didn't take long for me to drift off after that and I'm glad. I definitely didn't want to be left alone with my thoughts.
"Girl," Bri rolled her eyes. "Look at you! So busy being grown you ain't even study... but I can't complain... I told you to"
I blushed. "I didn't DO anything. I just stayed up talking to Mean... do you think you could drop me off at Jaylen's after school? I promised Mean I'd do her hair."
"Mhmmm and why can't Jaylen pick you up?" She asked pulling up a YouTube video to help me pass the exam we were waiting to take.
I bit my lip. "It's a long story... I rather you drop me off"
"Hmm, okay. Well since I'm dropping you off you should have plenty of time to tell me"
I groaned trying to focus on the video.
I did feel a little better after seeing the test. The video Bri showed me really helped. Maybe I didn't ace it but I at least b'ced it.... I think.
Bri looked over at me. I was trying to avoid eye contact. Scroll on my phone, looking at all the trees we were passing by, anything to avoid telling her what I did.
She cleared her throat. "Bitch I know you see me waiting"
"Okay! Okay.... I just don't want to ride with Jaylen because shit will be awkward! That's it!"
She narrowed her eyes. "What did you do?"
I blushed hard "stop it!"
"Kya, tell me or I will stop this car right now"
I groaned. I know my dramatic ass best friend, she isn't lying.
"Okay!!" I yelled. "I might've ... kissed her" I mumbled.
"SHUT UP! Oh my god you kissed Jaylen!? Bitch you ain't shit! When were you gonna tell me!?"
"I- it happened last night."
"Biiitttttccchhh! You running cause you liked it ain't it?! Cause you blushing like hellll"
I felt a smile form on my face.
"Stop! I'm avoiding her because... I don't know how to feel. You know I'm not gay.. it was stupid."
"It can't be too stupid you over here cheesing"
"It was really stupid. I got jealous. She took me out-"
Bri gasped.
"As friends!" I cut her off before she could get started.
"And this dumb waitress bitch kept flirting with her."
"Kya you wouldn't just get jealous over nothing.. you like this girl."
"No you weren't there, that bitch was really flirting with her... and she was giving her looks and.."
"Ooo baby she played you. She knew you wouldn't like that shit."
"That's not true! I'm the one who told her it wasn't a date."
"Yea, and she knows you like her and that you would get jealous if she was flirting with some bitch."
"No, theres no way she would just know that."
"Girl she did.. and what are you doing hanging out with Mean after you kissed her?"
"I told you, I'm doing her hair"
"Bitch... Mean likes you doesn't she?"
"I..- I don't know! And it doesn't matter she knows we are strictly friends."
"So does Jaylen but that ain't stop y'all from tonguing it down."
I blushed hard and hit her arm. "We did NOT tongue it down! It was just a simple kiss."
"Ooo and I know she took her chance too. I bet she was tryna hold you and shit."
I was so relieved that she was pulling up on the house. Even more relieved that Jaylen's car wasn't in the yard. Mean came to the door wearing a Calvin Klein sports bra, I could see the matching boxers peaking under her ripped jean shorts. Her dreads were set wildly on top of her head.
"Damn" Bri muttered. "Girl you don got yourself in some shit.. they both fine as hell. I'm so glad I'm not you right now."
"Thanks for the pep talk" I glared at her before getting up.
I got to the door and Mean wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me in for a hug. She must've just got out of the shower, her skin was so warm and smooth and she smelled heavenly.
I started to breath her in then pulled back quickly. She chuckled.
"What? Friends hug.." she licked her lips.
I cut my eyes at her. "Mhmmm.. where's your shirt?"
She laughed "ion know, I live here, I ain't think I needed a shirt... but if that'll make you more comfortable.." she trailed on closing the door behind us.
I came into the living room and set my stuff down. Mean already had all of the hair products.
"Aight, lets get this shit started" she said with a smile.
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