《Promise I can change your mind GxG》4
I woke up with a big ass headache, wrapped under Jaylens arm.
Oh my god.. I slept in her bed last night?! With her? Did she try anything?
I slid from under her.
Oh my god! Why don't I have panties on?!
Oh yea, I messed them up drooling over her when I was drunk last night.
I can't believe I did that.
She woke up and smiled looking over at me.
"Wassup buddy?"
"Hey...." I said kinda embarrassed "sorry about last night... shit! My parents probably think I've been kidnapped" I started frantically searching for my phone but she grabbed my arm.
"Relax I made you text them that your spending the night with Bri before you passed out.... I see what you mean about them being judgmental they did not like that shit ... I wonder how they would react if they knew you was with a 23 year old stud.
I blushed and covered my face with my hands. "I don't even wanna know" I groaned "please tell me I didn't embarrass myself"
She laughed "apparently you turn into a whole lesbian when you drink"
I blushed hard "oh my god... what did I do? Did we?-"
"Nah" she cut me off "I wasn't gonna let that happen. I'm grown, I'm not gonna take advantage of nobody. But if you want some sober you can get it" she said rest with both arms behind her head.
I rolled my eyes. "I told you I'm not gay"
"And that's cool.. just know..."
"Stoppp" I giggled then I sighed sitting on the foot of the bed.
"Wassup with you ma?" She asked sitting up.
"Nothing... I just don't want to go home but that's nothing new."
"Then don't. I don't got a problem with you chilling here"
"No.. you were already nice enough to let my drunk ass spend the night."
"Aye, that's what friends are for... I promise you it's cool, I was just like damn. She really testing me"
"How bad was I?" I asked face palming.
"You wanted to see my tattoos so I took my shirt off, you ended up on my lap feeling on me."
"Oh my god" I blushed.
"I went to order food and asked what you wanted to eat and you said 'you'"
"Wow, this is so embarrassing"
She laughed "like I said, it's cool."
"Damn it" I groaned.
"I don't have any clothes."
"I mean I was just planning on staying in the house chilling... you can go through my shit and find something to put on if you want."
"Could I borrow some undies?" I asked with a sweet smile.
She laughed "take what you need." She said before getting out of bed. She was wearing a tank top and her boxers.
I blushed at the thought of sleeping next to her in her underwear.
I watched her walk away. She has a cute butt.
I eventually strolled out of the room in the tightest boxer briefs she owned and another one of her shirts. It had a big graphic donut on the front.
"You look cute in my clothes" she smiled
I rolled my eyes but smiled. "Don't flatter yourself"
She licked her lips "oh I will"
I froze. When she licked her lips a flash back of me feeling on myself and fantasizing about her played in my head.
"Want some pancakes?" She asked sitting down the blunt she had just rolled.
"Oooo yes please"
"Aight hold on" she walked past me, slightly holding my waist as she slid between me and the wall.
I looked back and there she was, banging on Mean's door.
"Amina! Get yo ass up!"
I heard Mean mumble and Jaylen suck her teeth.
"Is she getting up?" I asked following Jaylen to the kitchen.
"Man no. She wanna sit her ass in that room all day and cry over the bitch that cheated on her. Like I said. Weak ass"
"How long were they together?"
"Man 3 fucking months. They moved in together and shit. I told her ass not to, now look at her.. looking stupid" she said getting out a pan for the pancakes.
"Aren't you being a little hard on her though? I mean if she liked the girl..."
""Man no, cause she steady tryna look like me and be me but she act like a whole femme but then wanna call herself fighting me and cussing me out".
I felt like it was probably best if I didn't comment. It sounds like Mean is just hurt.. maybe because of their parents dying, I don't know, but either way it wasn't my place.
"I love pancakes, especially with chocolate chips!" She said pulling out a bag of nestle's chocolate chips.
I laughed "how often do you eat pancakes?"
"Every morning" she said popping some chocolate into her mouth.
"How do you look so good?" I blushed as soon as I realized what I said .
She looked over at me and smiled "oh I do?"
"I should've known I can't complement you" I said throwing chocolate chips at her.
"Aye!" She said shielding herself. "I ain't do nothing! And Don't be wasting my chocolate!"
"Or what?" I tested throwing a piece of Chocolate down the front of her tank top. She gave me a look and snatched me up by my waist.
"Do that shit again if you want to" she said scanning my body then making eye contact.
I swear almost had a heart attack. I must've blushed pretty hard because she chuckled and let me go.
"Your so freakin gay" I giggled hitting her chest
She licked her lips and smiled. "Always"
Oh my god. I started getting that feeling I got last night. Am I still a little buzzed? I have to be.
She made us pancakes and surprisingly made enough for Mean. She poured the last of the batter into the pan.
"Are you gonna tell her there ready?" I asked hopping off of the counter where I was sitting.
"Hell No. she better bring her ass out here if she want it... I'm bout to go take a quick shower" she left the room and I stared at the extra pancakes and sausage that I just took off the stove. I turned off the stove and sighed. I should really just mind my business.
I picked it up and walked back to Mean's room. I tried not to make too much noise when I knocked on her door.
"Bruh, leave me alone" she mumbled on the other side.
"Ummm it's me ... Kya.."
I heard the shower start.
"Kya... Jaylen's friend" I said louder.
I heard some shuffling and she opened the door shirtless wearing the same pajama bottoms I saw her in last night. I expected her to stand at the door but she just opened it and sat back on the bed.
I came in not sure what to do.
"We made you some" I said sticking the plate out for her to see with both hands.
She didn't look at the plate instead she looked at me.
"Preciate it." She said taking the plate.
"Hey... I know your having a hard break up but it's going to be okay" I said with my hand on her shoulder. I don't know what made me do that.
She glared at me.
"Wow, okay.. I was just trying to be nice"
She sighed shaking her head. "My bad.... I'm just stressed and Jaylen's not helping with all her bullshit."
"I think she's just tryna help.."
"Yea. That's cause Jay ain't your sister.... what no Syrup?"
I cracked a little smile. "I'll get you some syrup if you ask me nicely."
"Excuse me miss, can yo fine ass go get me some syrup please?"
I blushed hard. Well Damn, I can tell they are sisters. Did she forget about her cheating ex already?
She chuckled at my reaction and bit into her sausage.
I left the room and went to get the syrup. I couldn't help but smile. Did she really just say that to me? She's the fine one. Like hella fine. She's lightskin, Her face is a little more feminine then Jaylen's, she has an eyebrow pericing,a dermal piercing on her cheek and a tongue piercing. Ughhhh and tattoos. I never knew I was so attracted to tattoos until I met both of them. She has a huge dragon tattoo it must me really long because it starts on her left shoulder, then goes down her back to the right, and disappeared into the front right side of her boxers.
I got distracted thinking about her then I looked down at the syrup in my hand. Oh shit. I laughed at myself as I came back into her room.
"We're about to smoke when Jaylen gets out the shower if you want."
"You want me to?" She asked looking up at me.
"Oh.. um, sure.."
She smiled. "You came in my room all bold and now you acting shy.. wassup with that? Do I make you shy? You think I'm cute?" She teased smirking.
I rolled my eyes. "Little girl please"
She laughed "wooowww okay... how old are you?"
"I'm 20" I said proudly poking out my chest a little.
"Well so am I" she smirked sitting up.
She looked at me like I was a challenge. Oh hell. I seen this movie before. I heard the water stop and started walking to the door.
"Come and smoke or don't.. I don't care" I said looking back at her before leaving.
I went and sat on the couch. Shortly after Mean came out of her room with her plate and put it in the microwave. Then she came back and sat on the chair across from me.
"What are we waiting for? You not gonna light that shit"
"I was waiting on Jaylen, I heard the shower turn off she should be coming out soon."
"Fuck her, light it.. she can get in on the rotation whenever."
I just looked at it. I don't know Jaylen, I don't know how she is about stuff. I guess Mean saw me contemplating because she's reached over and swooped up the blunt and lighter.
She hit it a few times then past it to me. As soon as I hit the blunt Jaylen came out in some black joggers with rainbows stripes going up the side like adidas. She was wearing a black nike shirt and her hair was wet.
"Damn, you sparked up with out me?" She smiled pretending to be hurt. She sat beside me.
"What are you two fucking or something?" Mean cut in.
I was surprised. I didn't expect her to just ask that... and so randomly.
Jaylen laughed. "Nah, that's my buddy.. we just friends"
Mean laughed "yea sure bruh... cause you can have 'just friends' with a fine ass girl."
I blushed hard. I never considered myself a 'fine ass girl' I've always thought my eyes are too far apart and my nose is too big, my teeth are so close they look fake.
Jaylen smirked. "I CAN just be friends Nigga" she said setting her arm on the back of the couch behind me.
I handed her the blunt without making eye contact but Mean didn't hesitate to make eye contact with me.
"Bruh you a hoe." Jaylen said before hitting the blunt. "Stop looking at her like that."
Mean laughed "Nigga who are you? I can look at whoever I want to look at"
"I'm the one who's paying all the bills here while you sit around eating my food and smoking my weed."
Mean glared at her.
Damn does any conversation they have ever go good.
"Yea that's what I thought" Jaylen said passing the blunt to Mean.
"you swear you my damn daddy or something." Mean muttered blowing out smoke.
"Well, you don't have one so somebody's gotta do it"
That definitely rubbed Mean the wrong way. I saw it in her eyes. She hit the blunt again before handing it to me. She looked Jaylen in the eyes "fuck you nigga" she said before going off into the kitchen.
"See." Jaylen said watching me smoke. "She's too damn soft. Like okay I get it. Your upset he died. I'm not. He made that choice. He chose drugs over us and he died from it. If he was a good father he would still be here, so why you tripping over me tryna do right?"
I bit my lip passing her the blunt as Mean passed by and went back into her room. I wasn't sure what to say.
"Then she think she got a chance with you, that shit dead as fuck" she laughed. "You know, since your 'straight'"
I glared at her.
We finished smoking and ate our pancakes and sausage.
"Mmmm, damn that shit was good" she said rubbing her stomach.
"So what are you doing today?"I asked sitting up.
She laid back on the couch. "You thought I was joking earlier? I'm just chilling today. My ass gonna be back to work tomorrow."
"That sounds great to me. You see who my best friend is. I never get to just chill on the weekends."
Just as Jaylen got up to turn on her game, Bri texted me. Speak of the devil.
Bri: ... 👀 you went to her house last night?
Me: I spent the night... im still here
Bri: 😱😱😱😱 bitch you wild! I know y'all fucked! Tell me about it.
I glared at my phone screen.
Me: no, we didn't fuck fool. She knows I'm straight and she respects it unlike some people 😒 stop trying to get me to fuck a girl
Bri: I'm just saying girl! Live a little
Me: then you fuck a girl.
No message back. That's why I thought.
I watched Jaylen play her game for a good 10 minutes. I swear she forgot I was there. I got bored scrolling on my phone and got up going to Mean's room.
I knocked. "Bruh... for real?" She asked with an attitude.
"It's Kya" I said against the door.
She opened the door and smiled a little. "I didn't know you was still here." She sat back on the bed.
I stood awkwardly near the door.
"What are you doing?" She laughed. "Are you scared or something? Sit down"
I tried to look normal and sat on the bed beside her.
"Oh.. uh, nothing. I got bored. Your sisters playing the game"
She smirked "I told her she's the boring one."
I smiled a little "and your the fun one?"
"I'm the chill one. I'm not an asshole like her. I know you said y'all not fucking but... I mean, your fucking her, if she's not an asshole to you then I guess it's whatever"
"I'm not fucking her, we're just friends."
"Yea, okay. So y'all haven't fucked YET then"
"We aren't fucking at all. I'm focusing on friends, family, and school right now"
"So just friends that sleep in the same bed"
I blushed a little. How did she know that? "Yes!"
"Well shit, Let me be your friend" she said giving me a flirty smile.
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