《The Long and Winding Road { Dreamwastaken x reader ff }》Chapter 23


It's already March and it's still so cold. It was 8 in the morning on a Saturday. It was so foggy.

"Aren't you being dramatic?" Clay looked over to me who was rubbing my hands with my arms to try to create warmth.

We were both sat down on the sidewalk in front of Clay's house doing our journalism project.

"It's fine, we can just stay out here." I hugged my knees while rubbing my hands on my arms.

Clay gave me an unsure look, but went back to talking about the project, "Ok, so you can do the visual stuff and I'll do the main writing-" Clay stopped mid-sentence, looking at me, "You know I can't focus while you're sitting like that."

"Whatever, just keep on going," I covered my ears because they were getting cold while listening to him.

"We can go in my house, it's literally right there." He kept on glancing at his notes for the project then back at me. "Why are we out here anyways?" He slapped my forehead.

I slapped his forehead back, "Because it's weird, your mom's in there."

"It's fine." He put his notes down on the concrete.

"Nahh, she hated me back then."

"Oh come on," He facepalmed himself at my stubbornness.

Another gust of wind blew and the notes started flying across the streets.

"DUMBASS!" I shouted as I ran to catch the notes which were now blowing everywhere in the middle of the street.

Clay suddenly noticed a car was speeding on the road. His smile dropped. "Y/N!" He sprinted over to me.

Me being oblivious, I turned to him, confused why he was so worried and running to me. I turned to where I could sense a blinding light, "Huh-"


Clay tackled me over to the side of the road, just barely out of the way of the car right before the car dashed by.

Everything went by so fast I didn't even process what happened yet.

I laid there awkwardly on the ground under Clay who was tightly hugging me. I slowly shifted my eyes to him, seeing him on me with his eyes shut tight, gripping his arms around me.

"Uh-uh..." I awkwardly stuttered.

Clay realized that we were still alive, he slowly opened his eyes still gripping onto me.

I noticed he finally opened his eyes, "C-Clay...."

Our eyes met contact, he quickly jumped off of me.

"Y-YOU COULD'VE DIED!" He shouted as I slowly got up.

I quietly stared at him.

He whacked my forehead, "Dumbass!"

I rubbed my forehead in pain, "You didn't have to save me, I could've just died, that would've been better."

"You're so fucking stupid." He shook his head as he walked back to the other side of the road, the side where his house was. "You shouldn't be joking, you could've died!"

I rolled my eyes as I finished picking up the rest of the scattered notes then following him.

He snatched the notes out of my hands, flipping through them, "Where was I before you were about to be brutally ran over."

A small laugh that I tried to keep in involuntarily came out.

Clay turned to me frowning, "Seriously."

I started laughing harder, "You look so funny when you're angry." I coughed up because of how hard I was laughing. "You do this stupid fucking thing where your face gets so red and make this stupid ass thing with your eyebrows." I imitated his angry face.


"STOPPPP!" Clay smacked me on my back.

I was writing down and drawing some outlines for each page of the article while Clay was doing some rough drafts.

I sniffed my nose because it was getting runny.

Clay glanced at me then back at his laptop, "You're gonna get sick."

I ignored him and kept on working on my outline.

A couple minutes go by and I realize it's quieter than it should be. I turned next to me, Clay was gone. I looked around to try to find him.

Out of no where something dropped on my head, I couldn't see anything. I took it off of me to see what it was.

"Put it on," Clay sat down next to me.

"You gotta stop pulling this shit on me." I held his jacket in my hands, "I'm not wearing this again, it's stupid."

"Just wear it." Clay rolled his eyes, going back to his writing.

I stared at him for a couple more seconds, still refusing to put it on.

"Don't act like I care for you.." He glanced at me again, "It'll just be an....inconvenience for me if you get sick. Your germs will probably infect me."

"I'm still not wearing it." I stubbornly put his jacket down in between us on the sidewalk.

"You're so fucking stubborn, you know that?" He threw the jacket back in my lap.

I dropped the jacket back on the ground between us, "I'm not wearing it."

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